单词 | 堂而皇之 | ||||||||||||
释义 | 堂而皇之—make no secret (of one's presence)less common: with great scope grandiose See also:堂皇—grand imposing
尽管曾被视为单纯的背景装饰,珍珠圆点打磨纹已堂而皇之升格成为Millenary 千禧系列4101机芯的表面装饰。 audemarspiguet.com | Once considered mere background decoration, this technique has been promoted to the face of the Millenary caliber 4101. audemarspiguet.com |
在国际社会当前面对的平民生命受到威胁,而附 带损害理念被堂而皇之地加 以运用的具体情况中,作 为一种改善受影响者的生活条件和追究作恶者责任 的手段,“人的安全”概念实际上究竟有多大用处? daccess-ods.un.org | In particular cases currently faced by the international community, where the lives of civilians have been put at risk and the notion of collateral damage has been applied in justification, how useful in practice would the concept of human security be as a means of improving the living conditions of those affected and holding perpetrators to account? daccess-ods.un.org |
历来的情况都是,任何时候,每当某个用于阻 碍解除对古巴封锁的冠冕堂皇的借口站不住脚,总会 有新的借口取而代之,从而为延续一项从任何方面来 看都不可持续的政策作辩解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Traditionally, whenever the pretexts brandishedas alleged obstacles to lifting the blockade against Cuba collapse, new excuses replace them in order to justify the continuation of a policy that is unsustainable from every viewpoint. daccess-ods.un.org |
森纳赫里布(Sennacherib,公元前 704-681 年在位)将尼尼微变成了一座宏伟的城市,其统治下的尼尼微有着崭新的街道、广场和一个有围墙的运河系统,他还建造了一座庞大而富丽 堂皇的宫殿。 wdl.org | Sennacherib (ruled 704–681 BC) transformed Nineveh into a magnificent city with new streets, squares, and a canal system within a walled area and built a vast and splendid palace. wdl.org |
在阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·阿勒沙特国 王陛下发言之前,教皇本笃十六世宗座 2008 年 4 月 18 日在大会堂这里 发言时也谈到了宗教间对话问题, 他将这一对话称作思想和人生的对话(A/62/PV.95) 他指出,必须将这一对话看作是一种手段,使社会各 阶层能够通过这种手段将观点进行比较,并就价值观 和具体目标方面的真情达成共识。 daccess-ods.un.org | That dialogue, he pointed out, must be acknowledged as the means by which the various components of society can compare their points of view and reach a consensus on the truth with regard to values and specific goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
城市观光之旅将引领游客探索阿布扎比最引人入胜的旅游景点。这趟旅程将带领游客穿梭在最繁忙的港口、热闹的当地集市,富丽 堂皇的城堡以及高耸入云的摩天大楼之间。 shangri-la.com | The city tour affords visitors an opportunity to explore some of the best tourist hotspots in Abu Dhabi by including busy ports, local markets, palatial forts and soaring skyscrapers as part ofits itinerary. shangri-la.com |