

单词 堂堂

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提交人的 断趾得到了一些治疗,但他却没有得到任何医治。
The author received treatment for his severed toe but his cousins did not receive any medical attention whatsoever.
在关于南部非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的高层会议上,来自赞比亚、津 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们与联合国系统 的九名行政长官共聚议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 面面临的主要挑战并明确联合国系统在支持各国工作方面的作用。
The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho met together with nine United Nations system Executive Heads, had the objectives of identifying key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts.
[...] (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 [...]
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social
Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian
[...] City Government, JintangCountryGovernment [...]
(2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous
Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
提交人甚至还可以向警方申诉,即使 他断言自己和是被警方绑架的。
The author himself could have filed a complaint with the police, since he alleges that he was taken away together with hiscousins.
艾滋病署的代表回顾说,2012 年 2 月 6 日至 8 日在曼谷举行的评估《关 于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》的承诺和千年发展目标执行进展情况亚
[...] 表团中包括主要受影响人口的代表)和包括宗教组织在内的民间社会代表共 聚查在普及艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支持服务方面取得的进展、 [...]
The representative of UNAIDS recalled the successful convening of the AsiaPacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Assessment of Progress against Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals in Bangkok from 6 to 8 February 2012, which had brought together member States, some of which had included representatives of key affected populations in their national delegations, and
representatives of civil society, including faith-based
[...] organizations, to review progress, [...]
exchange good practices and address barriers
to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
为了有效吸纳有特殊教育需要的学生,实施了必要的支助制度和服务(例 如,电子学习,使用助教,社会和宣传支助服务,学习支持,心理咨询, 言语治疗专家的服务,在使用手势语等等)。
For effective inclusion of pupils with special educational needs, the necessary support systems and services are implemented (e.g.
e-learning, use of
[...] assistant teachersin classroom, socialand pedagogical support service, learning support, psychological counselling, service of a speech therapist, opportunity to use sign languageinclassroom,etc).
这是家具和设备所需资源减少(833 900 美元)的净结果, 这项资源减少的原因是
[...] 2010-2011 年预算为翻修司法大的一次性费用减 少。
This is the net result of a decrease in the requirements for furniture and equipment ($833,900) due to
the reduction of the one-time costs provided for in the 2010-2011 budget for the
[...] renovation of the Great Hallof Justice.
Leave the ship and explore Visby’s key sights, which include
[...] the medievalcathedral,the ruins of [...]
the St. Nicolai Monastery and the Fornsalen
Museum, which houses a sturdy display of Viking silver.
董事(包括独立非执行董事)认为, 敬高寿(本公司的两间非全资附属公司)根据出资额转让建议转让彼等各自於医药公司 的股权、连同增资及成立合营公司,均符合本集团及股东的整体利益,而出资额转让合同的条款 乃属公平合理。
The Directors, including the independent non-executive Directors, consider that the proposed transfers by Jingxiutang and Pangaoshou, two non-wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company, of their respective equity interests in GP Corp. under the Capital Transfers, together with the Capital Increase and the JV Establishment, are in the interest of the Group and the Shareholders as a whole, and the terms of the Capital Transfer Contract are fair and reasonable.
(6) 兴建及维修或有助於或促使兴建或维修道路、电車轨道、堤岸、桥梁、污水渠、 公园、游樂场地、学校、场、工厂、工场、阅览室、浴室及其他本公 [...]
司可能认为直接或间接有助於本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)拥有权益之任何物业发展之樓宇、工程及便利设施。
(6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or procure the construction or maintenance of roads, tramways,
embankments, bridges sewers, parks,
[...] pleasure-grounds, schools,churches,markets, factories [...]
workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and
other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
I heard on the radio that there are Family Health Days which offer services in the mosque
[...] and churches,” says Ms.Tusima.
华卓拿刚上任为纽约华尔街圣三一首位音乐及艺术总监,於任内同时作为圣三一合唱团、圣三一巴罗克乐团及以当代音乐为主的NOVUS NY 乐团首席指挥,并统筹圣三一克顿和布鲁克林下区举办一连串丰富而多元化的音乐会节目、博物馆展览、舞蹈及戏剧表演、诗歌及文学朗诵,教育及外展项目等等。
In his new position as the inaugural Director of Music and the Arts at New York’shistoric Trinity Wall Street, Wachner serves as Principal Conductor of the Trinity Choir, the Trinity Baroque Orchestra and NOVUS NY, [...]
in addition to overseeing Trinity’s numerous
and varied concert offerings, museum expositions, dance and theatre performances, poetry and literary readings, and educational and outreach initiatives in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn.
今天,我国再一次通过 我明确强调:各国必须在房屋、庙宇、真寺、 寺院和修道院,总之,在所有顶礼膜拜的场所散播和 平的种子,使我们的世界摆脱宗教战争,让人民不再 成为基于宗教的恐怖主义行为的受害者。
Again today, my country, through me, states loud and clear that all nations must sow the seeds of peace in houses, temples, churches, mosques, pagodas and convents, in short in all places of worship, in order to free our world of religious wars and so that people are no longer victims of acts of terrorism based on religion.
段, 教师给与学生一些有关在该课节内教授的课题的简单笔记及一些简单練 习,作巩固学习之用。
At the end of the lesson, a brief note on what has been taught and some simple exercises on the topic are distributed to the students for consolidation.
[...] 课前分享时间,学生以短剧演出方式,宣导同学间要互助互爱,和谐共处,并教导同学如何在场 上作出良好选择。
Students put on anti-bullying and inclusion skits in our
weekly morning circle and during lunch to teach one another about making good
[...] choicesin the classroomand on the yard.
警 务 人 员 在 尌 陈 述 是 在 甚 麽 情 况 下 作 出 或 用 笔 记 录 下 来 作 供 时 , 必 顸 絶 对 坦 诚 地 向 法 庭 如 实 描 述 所 曾 发 生 的 事 情 , 然 後 由 法 官 决 定 已述 究 竟 应 否 获 接 纳 为 证 据 。
In giving evidence as to the circumstances in which any statement was made or taken down in writing, officers must be absolutely frank in describing to the court exactly what occurred, and it will then be for the Judge to decide whether or not the statement tendered should be admitted in evidence.
After prayersin church or the mosques, [...]
families receive routine services like immunization, which they could have missed.
委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国常驻联合国代表团向经济及社会理事会主席致意, 谨随函提交题为“委内瑞拉:世界上最大的关于教育领域国际商定目标 和承诺的执行情况的国家自愿情况介绍(见附件),供将在经济及社会理事会 2011 年实质性会议高级别部分举行的年度部长级审查会议进行审查。
The Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations presents its compliments to the President of the Economic and Social Council and has the honour to submit herewith its voluntary national presentation on the implementation of the internationally agreed goals and commitments on education, entitled “Venezuela: the world’s largest classroom”, for the annual ministerial review to be held during the high-level segment of the 2011 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council (see annex).
Of this beautiful earth to which I belong myself I give most warm of the welcomes the national and foreign visitors who please of the pure
air, the great mountains with their eternal
[...] snows, the churches and centennial [...]
parks, the streets paved with stones, the
colorful one of our indigenous markets, a steam train and the trip seated in the ceiling of wagons, the smell of their meals and mainly the contact with my people in the streets GLAMOUR HOTEL, gathers that special nature of our small mother country, and it gives to its guests and friends them the comfort, security and preferred attention so that their stay is of their complete affability.
各区域委员会使用以下方式执行其 工作方案:(a)提供基于证据的分析为各种 讨论和对话提供支持;(b)利用召集会议的 权力使专家和政策制订者聚集区 域问题;(c) 倡导为重大举措提供实质性的 政治支持;(d) 通过区域协调机制使联合国 和其他区域发展伙伴聚集在一起协调各专 题领域的努力,以确保区域的协调;和(e) 在统计、经济和社会分析和趋势领域通过能 力建设和分享区域各地的经验,实现知识分 享和结成网络联系。
Regional Commissions use the following modalities in implementing their programme of work: (a) providing evidencebased analysis to support discussions and dialogue; (b) using their convening authority to bring together experts and policymakers to address regional issues; (c). advocating substantive and political support for key initiatives; (d) ensuring regional coordination, through the Regional Coordination Mechanisms (RCMs), bringing together UN and other regional development partners to coordinate efforts in thematic areas; and (e) knowledge-sharing and networking by building capacity and sharing experiences across region, in areas such as statistics, economic and social analysis and trends.
年内,我们推出多 个产品及服务质素提升项目,如新商务客舱及多项创新电子商贸服务,包括全球 首项机上电邮服务,我们更进一步提升了世界各地国泰乘客贵宾室的质素,并於 香港国际机场增设候机贵宾室「玉
During the year we pressed ahead with various product and service enhancements including the introduction of a new Business Class product and various e-Business initiatives including the world’s first inflight email service; we upgraded passenger lounges around the world and opened a new lounge, The Pier, at Hong Kong International Airport.
2.2 於2007年12月至2008年5月初,在香港赛马博物馆举行展览,并於香 港大港文化中心和沙田大行巡回展览,共有超过 19,000人次iii 參观。
2.2 An exhibition was held from December 2007 to early May 2008 at The Hong Kong Racing Museum while roving
exhibitions were held
[...] in the City Hall, theHong Kong Cultural Centre and the Sha Tin TownHall attracting more [...]
than 19,000 visitorsiiiin total.
Located on the most desirable foredecks, the MSC Yacht Club is a haven of peace and refinement, with an exclusive butler service and complete spectrum of luxury private facilities to bring you an unforgettable holiday experience.
为此,教育部在私人企业以及众多志愿者的支持下开展了一项名为“让我们 走回活动,通过这项活动,认清了教育系统的实际状况,并且获得了大 量的数据和信息,由此了解了当前国家的教育形势、所处的阶段以及今后的发展 方向等问题。
With the support of the private sector and volunteers, the Ministry of Education launched a project called “Back to theClassroom”in order to analyse how the system is working and to compile the data and information needed in order for Panamanians to determine just who we are, where we stand and where we are going.
宗教间国际说,大量外国工人的涌入和经济权利方面的某些目标的达到 造 成了人与人之 间 更 大 程度的容忍,开设了庙宇、他宗 教 礼 拜 场 所。
Interfaith International said the large influx of foreign workers and the achievement of certain goals related to economic rights, favoured a degree of tolerance among the population, the opening of temples, churches and other places of religious veneration.
The prices include government tax IVA (12%), internet
[...] access atthe lobby bar,WIFI on [...]
the covered top terrace, housekeeping everyday,
towels, body soap, lines, blankets, 24 hours hot water, mailbox service, free maps of Quito, an amazing view point of Quito from our top terrace especially of the Old Town and besides a wonderful staff that they are ready to help you in everything you need.
2004 年,加拿大、智利和
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国常驻联合国代表团与非政府组织妇女与和平与安 全工作组协调,举行了两次圆桌会议,让安理会成员、会员国、联合国各实体以
[...] 及非政府组织和民间社会代表聚会论各种专题报告和决议之间的联系, [...]
In 2004, the permanent missions to the United Nations of Canada, Chile, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in coordination with the NGO Working Group on Women and Peace and Security, held two round tables that brought together Security Council members, Member States, United
Nations entities, and representatives of NGOs and
[...] civil society to discuss the linkages [...]
between the various thematic reports
and resolutions, and the importance of participation of women in peace processes.




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