

单词 堂兄

堂兄 ()

older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)

堂堂 ()

majestic appearance



father's brother's sons
paternal male cousin

See also:

(main) hall
of the same clan
relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family
large room for a specific purpose

elder brother

External sources (not reviewed)

提交人的 断趾得到了一些治疗,但他堂兄弟 却 没有得到任何医治。
The author received treatment for his
[...] severed toe but his cousins did not receive [...]
any medical attention whatsoever.
提交人甚至还可以向警方申诉,即使 他断言自己和堂兄弟是 被警方绑架的。
The author himself could have filed a complaint with the police, since he alleges that he was
[...] taken away together with his cousins.
[...] 议定书》第五条第 2 款(b)项并不妨碍提交人及堂兄弟来文的可受理性。
Hence, the Committee considers that article 5, paragraph 2 (b), of the Optional
Protocol does not constitute an impediment to the admissibility of the communication
[...] regarding the author and his cousins.
缔约国认为,提交人不能证明堂兄 曾 为 捷克公 民,正因为他本来就不是捷克公民。
In its view, the fact that the author could not prove that his cousin was a Czech citizen is simply because he was not.
他们还没有找到她的妈妈、婶婶、她19岁 堂兄 杰 罗 姆(Jerome)和堂妹贝蒂娜。
They still have not found her mother, aunt, her 19-year-old cousin Jerome or Bettina.
2007 年 5 月 14 日,为了找到堂兄弟, 提交人通过红十字国际委员会采 取了一些行动,还由于资料不足,后者不得不停止了寻找。
ICRC had to end the investigation, however, because there was insufficient information on which to proceed.
随后,提交人被拘禁了七个月,主要是在阿比让拘禁教养所,再也没有见过他的 两堂兄弟, 也没有听到关于他们的任何消息。
The author was then held for seven months, mainly in the Abidjan Detention and Correction Centre.
Al Hassane A. Kaba 先生的宣誓证词是可信的:他介绍自己是提交人的兄弟,其实 是她堂兄弟,即她伯父的儿子。
The affidavit by Mr. Al Hassane A. Kaba is credible:
he describes himself as
[...] the author’s brother but is in fact her cousin, that is, the son of her father’s older brother.
事實㆖, 這些㆟包括無意支持這些婦女的叔伯 堂兄 弟 , 她們因此盡失所有。
This included cousins and uncles who [...]
had no interest in fact in supporting these ladies and they had therefore lost everything they had.
5.8 关于案情,提交人称,自己只要求执行《公约》第二条第 3 款、第七条以及
[...] 与其有关的第十条第 1 款和第九条,并代表他堂兄弟要 求执行《公约》相同条 款和第六条第 [...]
1 款。
5.8 As to the merits of the case, the author recalls his claims regarding articles 2, paragraph 3; 7, read in conjunction with article 10, paragraph 1;
and 9 of the Covenant; as well as his claims
[...] regarding his cousins, in accordance [...]
with the same provisions and article 6, paragraph 1, of the Covenant.
7.9 根据《公约》第二条第 3
[...] 款(甲)项的规定,缔约国应确保提交人获得有效的 补救措施,特别是:(一) 就提交人及堂兄弟遭 受的酷刑行为和提交 堂兄弟 的强迫失踪案开展彻底、严格的调查,追究和惩罚相关肇事者;(二) 向提交人 提供关于其调查结果的详细资料;(三) [...]
如果 Chalio Traore 和 Bakary Traore 尚被 拘禁,应予以立即释放;(四) 如果 Chalio Traore 和 Bakary Traore 已经死亡,应
将其遗体归还其家属;(五) 向提交人、Chalio Traore 和 Bakary Traore 以及三人 的家属提供恰当的补偿,尤其是适当的赔偿。
7.9 In accordance with article 2, paragraph 3 (a), of the Covenant, the State party is under an obligation to provide the author with an effective remedy
by: (i) ensuring a thorough and diligent investigation into the torture and ill-treatment suffered by the
[...] author and his cousins and into the enforced disappearance of the author’s cousins, as well as the [...]
prosecution and punishment
of those responsible; (ii) providing the author with detailed information on the results of its investigation; (iii) immediately releasing Chalio and Bakary Traoré if they are still being detained; (iv) if Chalio and Bakary Traoré have died, returning their remains to their relatives; and (v) providing the author and either Chalio and Bakary Traoré or their immediate families with reparation, including in the form of adequate compensation.
4.5 2010 年 9 月 7
[...] 日,缔约国在一封补充信函中进一步说明,先前转交的意见 针对的是提交人以其本人及其两 堂兄 弟 名 义发表的声明,同时涉及本事件的可 [...]
4.5 On 7 September 2010, the State party added in a separate letter that the preceding observations regarding the allegations
made by the author, on his own behalf and on
[...] behalf of his cousins, referred to [...]
both the admissibility and the merits of the case.
她的母亲、婶婶及两堂兄妹也 下落不明。
Her mother,
[...] aunt and two cousins are missing.
6 岁的 Abdullah
[...] 也受了重伤,被困在同一座房屋内,被他已死 堂兄 弟 和叔 叔们围绕着。
Six-year-old Abdullah, also badly injured, was trapped inside the same house,
[...] surrounded by his dead cousins and uncles.
(a) 把《條例》的適用範圍擴大至涵蓋前配偶/同居者及 其子女;父母和子女、配偶父母和媳婿、及祖父母╱ 外祖父母和孫╱外孫關係;以及其他延伸的家庭關 係,包括兄弟姊妹、兄弟姊妹的配偶、配偶的兄弟姊 妹、叔伯舅姑姨、甥侄堂兄弟姊 妹或表兄弟姊妹
(a) extending its coverage to include persons formerly in spousal/cohabitation relationships and their children; to parent-son/daughter, parent-son/daughter-in-law, and grandparent-grandson/granddaughter relationships; and to other extended familial relationships including between a person and his/her brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece and cousin
在被洪水完全淹没之前,玛丽两次逃到高处,最终没能抓住 堂兄 的 手
Mary escaped to higher ground twice, before being completely overwhelmed by floodwaters
[...] and losing hold of her cousin.
2.1 提交人是目前位于捷克共和国境内某一固定(农业) 资产最后合法拥有人堂 兄,他自称为资产的合法继承人。
2.1 The author is the cousin and claims to be the lawful heir of the last rightful owner of certain real (agricultural) properties situated in what is now the Czech Republic.
委员会还注意到,提交人每次聆讯都向该法官检举所遭受 的酷刑和两堂兄弟强 迫失踪一事,但却没有开展任何调查,而且法官也没有告 知提交人申诉自己所受待遇所需的程序。
The Committee also notes that these allegations of torture and enforced disappearance were made each time the author appeared before the same judge, that no inquiry was ever opened, and that the judge failed to inform the author of the procedures open to him for filing a complaint about the treatment received.
7.7 最后,关于提交人堂兄弟被 强迫失踪和可能被法外处决事宜,委员会注意 到,2002 年 9 月 29 日,在提交人在场的情况下,Chalio Traoré 被身着军装的总 统卫队士兵带走了,理由是执行其指挥官 Dogbo 上校的命令;这些士兵第二 天,即 2002 年 9 月 30 日又回来了,带走了 Bakary Traoré;自此之后,两兄弟都 失踪了,提交人认为两人均已被执行了法外处决;提交人早在 2002 年 10 月 15 日,即他第一次被法官聆讯之日,就将自 堂兄 弟 失 踪一事告知司法机关;但没 有对他的指控开展任何调查。
7.7 With regard to the enforced
disappearance and
[...] probable extrajudicial execution of the author’s cousins, the Committee notes that on 29 September 2002, Chalio Traoré was, in the author’s presence, taken away by men wearing the uniform of the presidential security guard acting on the order of their commander, Colonel Dogbo; that the men returned the next day, 30 September 2002, to take away Bakary Traoré; that since that date the two men have disappeared and the author thinks they have been extrajudicially executed; that the author first reported his cousins’ disappearance to the judicial authorities on 15 [...]
October 2002, the
date of his first appearance before a judge; and that his allegations were never investigated.
6.6 委员会认为,提交人为了来文能予以受理,已经充分证实以其本人及 堂兄 弟名 义根据《公约》第六条第 1 款、第七条、第九条、第十条和第二条第 [...]
3 款提 出的指控,因此委员会开始审议来文所述的案情。
6.6 The Committee finds that the author has sufficiently substantiated, for purposes of admissibility, the
allegations made on his own behalf and on
[...] behalf of his cousins insofar as they [...]
raise issues under articles 6, paragraph
1; 7; 9; 10; and 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant, and therefore proceeds to consider the communication on the merits.
19 时 15 分,一武装恐怖团体在 Kafr 'Aya 闯入准将 Muhammad al-Misri 的 家,绑架了准将、他儿子 Ahmad al-Misri 和堂兄弟 Muhammad al-Misri。
At 1915 hours, an armed terrorist group broke into the house of Brigadier Muhammad al-Misri, abducting him, his son, Ahmad al-Misri, and his cousin, Muhammad al-Misri, in Kafr 'Aya.
彼為本公司主席丁午壽先生及本公司執行董事丁王云心女士的侄兒,以及本公司董事總經理丁天立先 生堂兄。
He is the nephew of Mr. Kenneth Ting Woo-shou, the Chairman of the Company and Mrs. Nancy Ting Wang
Wan-sun, the Executive Director of the
[...] Company, and the cousin of Mr. Ivan [...]
Ting Tien-li, the Managing Director of the Company.
2007 年 11 月 29 日来文的提交人,Zoumana Sorifing Traoré先生,科特迪瓦 国民,生于 1977 年 11 月 12 日,以其本人及其分别生于
[...] 1971 年和 1974 年堂 兄弟Chalio Traoré和Bakary [...]
The author of the communication, dated 29 November 2007, is Mr. Zoumana Sorifing Traoré, a Côte d’Ivoire national born on 12
November 1977, acting on his own behalf and on
[...] behalf of his cousins, Mr. Chalio Traoré [...]
and Mr. Bakary Traoré, born, respectively, in 1971 and 1974.
這裏包括(a)至 (o)款 ─ 大家聽一聽 ─ 包括父親、母 親、繼父、繼母、配偶、配偶的母親、配偶的父親、領養父母、繼父母、孫、 孫女、外孫女、繼孫、繼孫女、孫媳婦、外孫女婿,還要說明不論全血親、 半血親或憑藉領養關係,還有其他甚麼繼父母、繼子女、甥女、表兄弟、表 姐妹堂兄弟或堂姐妹 ,這裏寫滿一整頁紙。
There is a long list set out from subclauses (a) to (o). Members can just listen to this: It includes father, mother, step-father, step-mother, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, adoptive parent, step-parent, grandson, granddaughter, step-grandson, step-granddaughter, granddaughter-in-law, grandson-in-law, and there is even the specification of "full blood or half blood or by virtue of adoption", and there are step-parent, step children, niece, nephew or cousin; all these are written on one full page.
4.3 缔约国补充说,法官聆讯一个人,本案涉及的是提交人打听 堂兄 弟 消 息的 法官,结果是该事件不在该法官的管辖权范围,这在司法机构的案例中是常有之 事。
4.3 The State party further notes that according to settled jurisprudence, appearing before a
judge (in this case the judge he had asked
[...] for news of his cousins) does not constitute [...]
seizure of the matter by the competent legal authority.
( 奥斯特拉发州法院和布拉格市法院) 由于任意解释堂兄的遗 嘱,对他未尊重第十四条关于享有公平审理权的规定。
He claims that the State party’s courts (Ostrava Regional Court and Prague Municipal Court) failed to respect his right to a fair trial under article 14 on account of the arbitrary interpretation of his cousin’s will.
11 7.3 委员会注意到了提交人关于他及 堂兄 弟 所 遭受的酷刑,包括被烟头灼伤、 殴打、提交人眼部严重受伤和右脚脚趾被截断、电击;缺乏适当的医治;提交人堂兄弟失踪。
In the absence of any explanations from the State party in this respect, due weight must be given to the author’s allegations.11 7.3 The Committee notes the author’s allegations that he and his cousins were subjected to
torture, including
[...] cigarette burns, beatings, severe injury to the author’s eye, the amputation of his right toe and electric shocks; the lack of adequate medical attention; and the disappearance of the author’s cousins.




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