

单词 基调

基调 noun, plural ()

fundamentals pl

基调 ()

keynote (speech)
main key (of a musical composition)

External sources (not reviewed)

他的全面报告(S/2011/805)为今天 的辩论会恰当地定基调,为 改进联合国与非洲联盟 之间伙伴关系提出了具体建议,因此很切合现实。
His comprehensive report (S/2011/805), which
[...] appropriately sets the tone for today’s debate, [...]
is pertinent for its concrete proposals
for improving the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union.
东耶路撒冷,2010年11月22日 – 在西岸和加沙地带,军事占领确定了日常生活 基调。
EAST JERUSALEM, 22 November 2010 – In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, military
[...] occupation sets the tone of daily life.
所有发言的人都赞扬南南合作和三角合作的价值,委员会一般性辩论 基调 总的来说很积极。
With all speakers lauding the value of South-South and triangular
[...] cooperation, the tone of the general [...]
debate of the Committee was very positive overall.
基于其对色彩的知识,他们可以建立每个镜头之间的流畅衔接,及决定能整个故事 的色基调。
Using their knowledge of color, they establish continuity between shots and make color decisions that support the story.
在时基调的广 告中,Alexa抓拍Coco Prive的广告,这是为迎合精英的最新的Coco度假胜地。
For the more fashion-based campaign, Alexa snapped [...]
photos of Coco Prive, the newest Coco resort catered to the elite.
主旨发言为在会议期间进行的讨论定下 基调 , 强 调 了 导航卫星系统国际 委员会作为导航卫星系统领域所有各主要行动方论坛而可发挥的重要作用,目 的是确保为大家提供可兼容并具有互操作性的导航卫星系统服务。
The keynote
[...] addresses set the tone for the discussions carried out during the Meeting, emphasizing the important [...]
role of ICG as a
forum for all the major players in the field of GNSS to ensure compatible, interoperable GNSS services for the benefit of all.
在生基调的广告中,拍摄了 另一个度假村Bodhu Hithi,将在今年晚些时候上线。
The more lifestyle-centric campaign was shot at another Coco resort, Bodhu Hithi, and will be released later this year.
与各国议会联盟(IPU)的合作增 加了,其中包括总干事在各国议会联盟大会第一 0 七届会议(摩洛哥马拉喀什)上发 基调 讲话 ,编写《议会实践指南》,以及建立由教科文组织全国委员会和各国议会联盟国家委员 会组成的一个协调中心网。
Cooperation with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has accelerated and included the keynote speech delivered by the Director-General at the 107th IPU Assembly (Marrakesh, Morocco), the preparation of a guide to parliamentary practice, and the establishment of a network of focal points consisting of National Commissions for UNESCO and IPU National Committees.
等候区与院子连为一体是竹木材料,环绕其的其他空间如秘书室,会议室与办公室均为白 基调。
The waiting room is connected to the courtyard with the same bamboo material, and is surrounded by the secretary room, meeting room, and working rooms which are all in white.
基调是, 热情奉献给弟兄们在信仰,揭示了深度和传授是由使徒作家热情广度。
The dominant tone is that of fervent [...]
devotion to the brethren in the Faith, revealing the depth and breadth of the zeal
which was imparted to the writers by the Apostles.
斯洛文尼亚感到骄傲的是,2007 年 2 月在我国主 持下召开的安全理事会公开辩论(见 21H S/PV.5632),为 推动安全部门改革的议程,包括 2008 年秘书长的划 时代报告( 22H S/2008/39),以及建立安全部门改革的机 构框架定下基调。
Slovakia is proud that the Security Council’s open debate organized under our presidency in February 2007 (see S/PV.5632) set the tone for advancing the security sector reform agenda, including for the milestone report of the Secretary-General in 2008 (S/2008/39), and for the creation of the institutional framework for security sector reform.
高级管理人员需要通过 “言行一致”在高层设定正确基调。
The senior managers need to
[...] set the right tone at the top, by [...]
“walking the talk”.
分会会长制基 调;以 身作则,成为保持秩序、尊重其他委员意见的楷模。
As club president, set the tone; serve as a role [...]
model for keeping order and showing respect for other committee members’ opinions.
比较 明确的优先领域是需要对高级别工作人员进行以下方面的培训:(a)
[...] 如何处理敏 感的道德操守问题;(b) 如何确保办公室内人人都重视道德行为 基调 和 倾 向; 以及特别是 (c) 良好管理和更好的道德行为之间的联系。
The priority areas that have emerged are a need for senior staff training on (a) how to handle sensitive
ethical issues; (b) how to
[...] ensure that a tone and bias toward ethical behaviour permeates the [...]
office; and in particular (c)
the linkages between good management and better ethical behaviour.
企业高管和代 表团只是讨论项目并为计划书定 基调 , 进 行介 绍,热情欢迎部委领导,并开展可行性研究。
Executives and delegations are instead discussing projects and pitching proposals, making introductions, glad-handing ministry officials and launching feasibility studies.
5 月 4 日在南非桑德顿 (Sandton) 会展中心拉开 SWIFT 非洲地区会议 帷幕时,SWIFT 西欧、中东和非洲区总监
[...] Javier Pérez-Tasso 为会议奠定基调并强调了 SWIFT 在非洲的四大行动领域:市场基础设施、地区整合、汇款、咨询服务。
Opening the SWIFT African Regional Conference at the Sandton Convention Centre on 4 May, Javier Pérez-Tasso, head of Western Europe, Middle East
and Africa, SWIFT, set the scene for the
[...] conference and highlighted four key areas [...]
of action for SWIFT in Africa: market infrastructures;
regional integration; remittances; and consulting services.
卡萨布兰卡 SWIFT 汇款业务日,2012 年 2 月 摩洛哥大众银行董事总经理 Laidi El Wardi 从摩洛哥的视角介绍了汇款业务背景,为当天的会议奠定 基调。
Introducing the SWIFTRemit Business Day in Casablanca in February, Laidi El Wardi, Managing Director at Banque Populaire du Maroc, set the scene for the day with this context on the remittances business from the Moroccan perspective.
酒店内的高级商务房环境优雅舒适,风格简约;豪华房套房以沉稳的深色作为整个空间的色彩搭 基调 , 溶 入淡淡的欧式低调与奢华,房内备有豪华的双人沙发及现代化办公桌,提供给您一个集日常生活和商谈及办公为一体的舒适空间;小套房色系明亮,客厅和卧室的隔间采用日式优美的玻璃帷幕为造型,并配以简约风格的沙发,带给您一个清爽简洁的生活环境;复式房采用木制家具为主,让您以最自然的姿势享受视觉带来的快乐,巧妙的空间利用,使得整个设计风格别具一格,让您体验光力新时空公寓酒店带您温馨典雅的上海住宿生活。
The surrounding of the advanced business room is delicate and comfortable, with a concise style; With the deep color as the
color matching mood of the entire space,
[...] and a light European low tone and luxury, luxurious [...]
suites are equipped with double
sofas and modern desks, it can offer you a comfortable space which combined daily life, negotiation and handling official business; Small suite with a bright color, its compartment between sitting room and bed room is used Japanese-style elegant glass curtain, and matched with concise style sofas, which can bring you a refreshing laconic living environment; Duplex room is mainly equipped with wooden furniture, which can make you have visual pleasure with the most natural posture, and its clever use of space, making the whole design a unique style, which can make you experience the warm and elegant life that the Shanghai Luminous New Space-time Hotel Mansion bring you.
独立专家在2009年3月20 日为纪念“消除种族歧视国际日”举行的专家 圆桌会议――“欧洲安全与合作组织( 欧安组织) 区域内的种族主义:老问题,新 挑战”上作基调发言
The independent expert was a keynote speaker at an expert round table on “Racism in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Region: Old Issues, New Challenges”, held in Vienna on 20 March 2009 to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
[...] Nerlich)认为,对于科学报道中经常使用的关于“突破”的修辞应该更具批判意识,因为正是这种批判意识的缺乏,才形成了媒体持久稳固的傲 基调。
In a talk at the Euroscience meeting, linguist and metaphor analyst Brigitte Nerlich of Nottingham University argued for more critical awareness of the
'breakthrough' metaphors so often used by those reporting on science, which contribute to the
[...] persistent hubristic tone.
德国还表 示,已拟订了战略行动构想,目的是为开展具针对性的进一 调 查 建 立必要基 础结构。
Germany further indicated that a strategic action concept was developed in order to create
[...] the necessary infrastructure for further targeted survey.
他还调,基础 科 学方面的能力培养、利用科学数据的必要性、 教科文组织针对自然灾害和小岛屿国家面临的危 险开展的活动,都是极其重要的。
He also stressed the utmost importance of capacity-building in basic sciences, the [...]
need for access to scientific data, UNESCO’s
activities regarding natural hazards and the risks to which small islands were exposed.
调基于性 别的选举暴力发生在选举之前、之中和之后,包括人身暴力和语 言暴力,媒体对妇女候选人往往使用不尊重和蔑视的字眼
Underscoring that gender-based electoral violence [...]
occurs prior to, during and after elections and includes physical violence
and verbal abuse, and that the media’s portrayal of women candidates can often be disrespectful and disparaging
[...] 作伙伴发起拟订一个共同的维和课程,其中将包括为 P-3 级及以上工作人员的基 础培训,调基本任务、职能和特派团各组成部分及伙伴间的相互依存关系,并 为负责实务的科长提供战略规划、方案管理和行政技能培训。
The Secretary-General also states that the two Departments are working with partners to initiate the development of a common peacekeeping curriculum which would include, for
staff members at the P-3 level
[...] and above, foundational training emphasizing the basic roles, functions [...]
and interdependencies
of mission components and partners, and for substantive section heads, training on strategic planning, programme management and administrative skills.
委员会决定建议大会采用标准合并程序,即在 调基 薪 的 同时相应降低工作 地点差价调整数,将目前专业及以上职类基薪/底薪上调 [...]
3.04%,自 2010 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
The Commission decided to recommend to the General Assembly
[...] that the current base/floor salary scale [...]
for the Professional and higher categories
be adjusted by 3.04 per cent through the standard consolidation procedure, i.e., by increasing base salary while commensurately reducing post adjustment levels, with effect from 1 January 2010.
专家们调基于国家森林方案或其他类似框架的国家筹资战略的重要性,它 可作为一个确定筹资需求和差距的手段,以从现有的和潜在的国内外公私来源调 动资金。
Experts stressed the importance of national financing strategies, based on national forest [...]
programmes or other similar frameworks,
as a tool for identifying funding requirements and gaps in order to mobilize financing from existing and potential sources, both domestic and external, public and private.
大会在其 2010 年 12 月 24 日第 65/248 号决议中核可按照国际公务员制度委 员会 2010 年度报告(A/65/30)第 120 段的建议,采用标准合并程序,即在 调基 薪的 同时相应降低工作地点差价调整数,将专业以上职类薪金调高 1.37%,自2011 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
The General Assembly, by its resolution 65/248 of 24 December 2010, approved a salary increase of 1.37 per cent for staff in the Professional and higher categories, as recommended by the International Civil Service Commission in paragraph 120 of its report for 2010 (A/65/30), to be implemented through the standard consolidation procedure, that is, by increasing base salary while commensurately reducing post adjustment levels, with effect from 1 January 2011.
调基于国际反恐法律文书、尊重法治和人权采取刑事司法 对策的重要性,以及开展刑事事项国际和区域合作和在国家和区域级别采取行 动打击恐怖主义的重要性。
The importance of a criminal justice response based on the international [...]
legal instruments against terrorism and respect
for the rule of law and for human rights was emphasized, as well as the importance of international and regional cooperation in criminal matters and action at the national and regional levels to counter terrorism.
人权的纳 入通过调基于基本原 则的合作和鼓励长期观点,加强不同等级和不同部门之间 的一致性,并且通过有助于降低权利减损的可能性的数据分列,使得脆弱性显而 易见。
Incorporating human rights
[...] strengthened coherence between different levels and sectors by emphasizing cooperation based on fundamental principles [...]
and encouraging long-term
perspectives, and made vulnerabilities visible by disaggregating data which helped to reduce the likelihood of rights derogations.




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