

单词 基床

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External sources (not reviewed)

床基多一個位置進床 基耐用程度測試。
To require that
[...] one more position of the bed base be tested for durability.
远程专家的组件(NIC, 具有协助功能的控制系统)是每一台 床 的 基 本 组 成部分,机床都配备了西门子840D控制系统,PCU 50 V2,512MB RAM。
The components
[...] required for EMAG REMOTE EXPERTS (NIC, control system with Assistance function) are part of the basic equipment for [...]
every machine with Siemens
840D control system with PCU 50 V2 and 512 MB RAM.
借助 "V" 型安基座,在铣床夹持 到位之后,键槽铣刀能将自己与现有轴的中心对齐。
With the
[...] "V" type mounting base, the Keyway Cutter will self-center onto an existing shaft, once the machine is clamped into place.
基台在临床中使 用的局限性为其形态是直型,而不是带有角度的斜型。
Use of a
[...] ceramic abutment may be limited in clinical situations that [...]
require an angled abutment.
主要資產包括 Izok Lake 銅、鋅、 鉛及銀資源,High Lake
[...] 銅、鋅、鉛及銀資源,Lupin 及 Ulu 金礦資源量及 Gondor 和 Hood 基本金屬礦床。
Principal assets include the Izok Lake copper, zinc, lead and silver resource, the High
Lake copper, zinc, lead and silver resource, gold resources at
[...] Lupin and Ulu, and base metal deposits at [...]
Gondor and Hood.
基金会成立的目的是要支持日内瓦大学医院(University Hospitals)风湿科及日内瓦医学会(Faculty of
[...] Medicine in Geneva)风湿研究所展开的床和基础 研 究。
The goal of this foundation is to support the clinical and fundamental research conducted in the
rheumatology department of University
[...] Hospitals Geneva, as well as the Rheumatology [...]
laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine in Geneva.
缺 少了中醫 院 作為中醫 畢 業生的床基 地 , 肯 定會對中醫人才 的 專 [...]
業發展 造 成 非常大 限 制 。
Besides, as pointed out by the Secretary accurately, such public
[...] Chinese medicine clinics can actually [...]
provide a very good opportunity
for graduates in Chinese medicine to undertake clinical work.
支持和鼓励通过提供国内和国际资金和技术援助,大力发展人力资本,发展 国内和国际研究基础设施、实验室能力,改进监测系统及数据的收集、处理和传 播工作,培基础和临床研究 人员、社会科学家和技术人员,特别注重受艾滋病 毒影响最严重的国家和(或)艾滋病毒正在蔓延或可能迅速蔓延的国家
Support and encourage, through domestic and international funding and the provision of technical assistance, the substantial development of human capital, development of
national and
[...] international research infrastructures, laboratory capacity and improved surveillance systems, and data collection, processing and dissemination, and training of basic and clinical researchers, social [...]
scientists and technicians,
with a focus on those countries most affected by HIV and/or experiencing or at risk of a rapid expansion of the epidemic
2006 年,项目组执行了旨在淘汰 56.5 ODP 吨烟草和田地蔬菜床用途甲基溴的项 目第六期。
In 2006, the project team implemented the sixth tranche of the project aiming to phase out 56.5 ODP tonnes of
[...] MB in tobacco and field vegetable seedbeds.
在厚生劳动省的网页中"第63届厚生科学审议会科学技术部会 资料"
[...] 的"资料6"部分,公开了有关由九州大学医院主持实施的使用本公司开发的搭载血管增生因子的仙台病毒载体的"使用搭载血管增生因子(成纤挝胞生长因子:FGF-2)基因的非传播型重组仙台病毒载体对慢性下肢缺血重症(闭塞性动脉硬化症,伯格氏病)患者进行血管增 基 因 治疗 临 床 研 究"的 " 基 因 治疗 临 床 研 究结束报告书"。
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare released in its home page the “Report of the completion of gene therapy clinical research” regarding the “Clinical research for angiogenic gene therapy for the treatment of critical limb ischemia (arteriosclerosis obliterans and Buerger's disease) using a non-transmissible type recombinant Sendai virus vector carrying the angiogenesis factor gene, fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2)” as part of the “Appendix 6” to the “63rd Committee on Scientific Technology of Health Sciences Council,
Ministry of Health, Labor,
[...] and Welfare” The clinical research had been conducted by Kyushu University Hospital using the FGF-2 gene-carrying [...]
Sendai virus vector developed by DNAVEC.
自此,该计划不断壮大,已纳入了美国、欧洲和亚洲30多家合作伙伴,既有较小规模的临床咨询商,也有全球性的大型CRO。目前, Medidata在基于云的临床平台上提供 八种Medidata应用 [...]
Since then, the program has grown to include more than 30 partners in the U.S., Europe and Asia, ranging from smaller clinical consultancies
to large, global CROs and now offers accreditations for eight Medidata
[...] applications in its cloud-based clinical platform.
a) 阿根廷:淘汰烟草和未受保护的蔬菜 床 用 途 甲 基溴 (开发计划署)
(a) Argentina: Methyl bromide (MB) phase-out in tobacco and non-protected vegetable seedbeds (UNDP)
该奖学金以Max Schaldach教授的名字命名,支持个人 基 础 或 临 床 电 生 理学领域的研究培训,Max Schaldach教授是德国第一台起搏器的发明人,也是BIOTRONIK的创始人。
The award is presented in the name of Professor Max Schaldach, the inventor of the first German pacemaker and founder of BIOTRONIK, to support the research training of individuals in either basic or clinical electrophysiology.
為促進和加強中美兩國腫瘤研究人員和醫生之間的協作,美中抗癌協會(USCACA)和全美癌症研究基金會建立了AFCR-USCACA優秀學者獎,用於表彰 基 礎 、 轉化和 床 研 究等方面做出特殊貢獻的青年學者。
To facilitate and strengthen collaboration among cancer researchers and physicians in the United States and China,  the US National Foundation for Cancer Research (US NFCR, 全美癌症研究基金会) and the US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA, 美中抗癌协会) established the Scholar
Excellence Award of the AFCR-USCACA Scholar Exchange and
[...] Fellowship Program in Basic, Translational, and Clinical Studies.
起草小组还提到了对研究所收集的人 基 因 数 据与 床 诊 断 所收集的 人基因数 据加以区别,例如在征得同意和提供基因指导意见方面加以区别的重要意义。
Attention was also drawn to the importance of the distinction between human genetic data
collected for
[...] research purposes and those collected for clinical diagnosis, for instance as regards [...]
consent and genetic counselling.
自从公司决定在床试验中摒基于 纸 质的数据采集,从而简化其临床流程、更快更好地访问高质量的数据,就开始了对若干种 [...]
EDC 系统的评估。
After the company
[...] decided to streamline its clinical processes and provide [...]
better and faster access to quality data by moving
away from paper-based data collection in clinical trials, it started an evaluation of several EDC systems.
临床医生花了太多的时间去辨识和整理 床基 因 测 试,但却难以了解有关最新生物标记的浩如烟海的临床信息的最新情况。
Clinicians spend too much of their time identifying and ordering clinically relevant genetic tests, while struggling to keep abreast of the flood of clinical information around new biomarkers," said Bradley Patay, M.D., Genection's Chief Medical Officer.
对于小型的 NV1500 DCG,我们也同样认为,台面的方便性与良好的操作性是 床 的 基 本。
Even with the compactness of the NV1500 DCG, fundamental machine tool requirements such as table accessibility and user-friendliness were an important part of the design process.
尽管自 20 世纪末以来,床基因治 疗技术等新课题成为了医疗健康研究领域的焦点,无可否认的是,医疗安 [...]
While by the end of the 20th century, new topics
[...] such as clinic gene technology had [...]
been added to medicine’s paramount concern
with health, it should not be forgotten that health and safety remain integral to human well being.
妇产科及生殖健康教育和研 究区域中心在综合床研究的基础上制作了一个称为 REDUCE 的综合模型。
Based on comprehensive clinical research, the Gynaecological [...]
and Obstetric Clinic and the Regional Centre for Education
and Research on Reproductive Health have developed an integrated model called REDUCE.
They are based on a completely [...]
new machine concept.
其中,设计院工程师组的山东省中医院中医 床 研 究 基 地 项 目被评选委员会的专家们授予杰出设计大奖,邯郸市民兵训练基地和济南市艺术大厦两个项目分别赢得了最佳高效强热涡旋技术应用设计奖和最佳节能技术应用设计奖。
In the Design Institutes & Engineers category, the
[...] Chinese Medicine Clinical Research Center [...]
Project of Shandong Traditional Chinese
Medicine Hospital was granted Outstanding Prize by experts from the selection committee.
雷尼绍球杆仪按照公认的国际标准(如ISO、ASME等)对数控机床的定位性能进行简单、快捷的检测,允许用户对 床 性 能进 行 基 准 测 试与追踪,并快速诊断出机床存在的问题和产生这些问题的误差源。
This telescoping ballbar provides a simple, rapid check of a CNC machine tool's positioning performance to recognised
international standards (e.g. ISO, ASME etc)
[...] allowing users to benchmark and track the performance [...]
of their machines and to quickly
diagnose problems that may require maintenance and the error sources that produce them.
国际生物伦理委员会还特别对政府间生物伦理委员会(CIGB)提出的建议作出回 应,把床前的基因诊 断以及对生殖系列进行干预等专题列入了其 [...]
2002-2003 年的工作计 划,并为此目的而设立了一个工作组。
In particular, in response also to the recommendations made by the Intergovernmental
Bioethics Committee (IGBC), IBC included the
[...] topics of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis [...]
and germ-line intervention in its work
programme for 2002-2003 and set up a Working Group to that effect.
并联结构机床在上个世纪九十年代初期,美国英格索尔公司以商品形式于美国国际机床展览会上露面,另有瑞典、法国、日本、俄罗斯、波兰、韩国的几家机床企业或高校、科研单位提出大同小异的不同类型试验品投石问路,此后进入小批量商品投放市场者以瑞典尼阿斯公司较突出,美国辛辛纳弟公司、德国DMG、沈阳机床集团以这一原理在传统的卧式镗 床基 础 结 构上,实现主轴部件多坐标联动动作,具有另外的新意。
Parallel Machine Tool in the early nineties of last century, the United States Ingersoll commodity form of the appearance of American International Machine Tool Exhibition, while Sweden and France, Japan, Russia, Poland, South Korea, several machine tool companies or universities , presented similar research units of different types of test items speculative, then enter the small quantities of goods on the market are more prominent companies in Sweden Nie Si, the United States Xinxin Na Di, Germany's DMG, Shenyang Machine Tool Group to
the principles of the traditional
[...] horizontal boring milling infrastructure, the realization [...]
of multi-axis motion spindle
components, with other new ideas.
对于成年人、风险群体及慢性疾病患者的医疗服务,总体上包括评估健康 状况及风险因素,提供健康生活方式建议,检测健康问题及评估期 床 分 期 ,根 据病患情况对其进行医疗跟踪,对患有多种病症及服用多种药物的病患进行关注 [...]
In general terms, care for adults, risk groups and chronically sick persons consists of assessment of the state of health and risk factors, advice on healthy lifestyles, the detection of
health problems and
[...] assessment of their clinical status, referral of patients for clinical follow-up appropriate [...]
to their condition,
care and follow-up for persons receiving more than one course of medicine or suffering from more than one illness and the provision of health information and health advice on the illness, and the precise nature of the care required, to the patient or the carer as appropriate.
法律规定向人口贩运受害者提供以下几类无偿 国家援助:提供包床位和 食物的临时住所;包括无偿法律协助在内的法律援 助;医疗和心理援助;为未成年的人口贩运受害者寻找家庭或安排他们在其他家 庭或儿童寄宿机构接受教育;协助受害者获得固定工作。
Legislation makes provision for the following aspects of free government assistance for the victims of trafficking in persons: supply of temporary accommodation, including board and lodging; legal assistance including legal aid; medical and psychological assistance, tracing the family of underage victims of trafficking or their placement in a foster family or children’s home and helping victims to find a permanent job.
這種施工形 式在現有的或填取的土地內進行,以便提供從地面至施工 地點的必要通道,如果隧道走線越過 床 , 則 需要進行填 海首先填取土地,方可在填取的土地建造地下連續牆。
This form of construction is carried out in existing or formed land to provide the necessary construction access from the surface – should the tunnel alignment cross over seabed, reclamation will be required to first form the land through which the diaphragm walls need to be constructed.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区
的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联
[...] 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后 基 地 每 天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support
is proposed to be provided eight hours a day
[...] at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed [...]
to the current two hours a day.




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