

单词 執着

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我不是說香港沒有貧窮問題,只不過從數字上看,我們不能 執着 , 說 這代 表了急劇上升。
I am not saying that poverty does not exist in Hong Kong, just that when interpreting the figure, we must not be too rigid in saying that it represents a drastic increase.
我們尊重有部分同事對2012年執着, 也 明白他們可能對2017年特 首選舉可以實行普選存有不信任因素。
We respect some Honourable colleagues' insistence regarding 2012 and understand that they may have distrust over the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017.
另一方面,在這個問題上,香港市民的那 執着 , 令 我作為生活在 香港的中國人感到很驕傲。
On the other hand, Hong Kong people's perseverance in this issue has made me proud to be a Chinese living in Hong Kong.
也許政府官員會問,局名只是小事,何必這 執着 呢?
Government officials may ask why we should be so uncompromising over the name of a bureau which is just a trivial matter.
我是執着的, 我每次都會問他這個問題,因為一個人、一 個政府是不可以信口開河,不可以隨便說話的,說出來的每件事情,是市民 也會聽得到的。
I am very persistent, and every time when I meet him, I will ask him this question because I think that everyone, every government, must be careful with its words, must not make any light remarks.
有些同事似乎不單對行政長官及立法會雙普選相當堅持,對2012年實行 也特執着,生怕香港如果未能趕及在該年實行雙普選,便永遠也沒有 這樣的機會。
Some Honourable colleagues seem not only considerably insistent on selecting the Chief Executive and forming the Legislative Council by universal suffrage but also particularly insistent on the implementation of dual universal suffrage in 2012, lest that such an opportunity would never arise again if it is not implemented in that year.
特首在演辭中說:“我相信有志於政治工作的人,都應該是有信念,有 改變社會的理想,對公義、平等、自由、民主、法治一定要有 執着的 人,......,但矛盾的是:如追求信念,往往會陷入意識形態縛束之中。
In his speech the Chief Executive said, "I believe aspiring politicians must be people who hold onto virtues and values like justice, equality, freedom and democracy…… But this also presents the risk of being shackled by ideology.
因此,在這個問題上,我覺得 我們無須過執着,來 談論律師的對錯。
Therefore, as far as this issue is concerned, I feel that we need not be so rigid as to talk about lawyers being right or wrong.
儘管有其他證 據顯示李教授及羅太沒有直接參與計算學額的工作,以及在提出反對 後有關失誤已即時糾正,但莫禮時教授 執着 這 點,並繼續以此證明 李教授及羅太試圖對教院不利。
Yet it was fixated upon and continuously relied on to substantiate Professor Li’s and Mrs Law’s supposed attempts to disadvantage HKIEd, despite the additional considerations that neither Professor Li nor Mrs Law was directly involved in the calculation of student numbers and that the mistake was rectified after objection was raised.
主席,我們並非要在每件事情上也如 執着 , 但對於涉及危害警隊 執法能力的事情,或是涉及影響他們打擊罪行的能力時,我們是要很小 心和審慎來處理的。
Chairman, we do not mean to be so adamant on every issue, but regarding issues which would jeopardize the law-enforcement capability of the police or undermine their capability in combating crimes, we have to handle them with great care and caution.
在過去12年,我們香港人對良知、民主、自由法治 執着 堅 持 是不 斷受到挑戰的。
Over the past 12 years, the tenacity of the Hong Kong people in their pursuit of conscience, democracy, freedom and the rule of law has been subject to constant challenges.
如果我們執 着捍衞法治、司法獨立的話,我們便應該容許法院根據法律原則,解 [...]
釋《基本法》第二十四條第二款第(四 )項以白紙黑字寫成的條文,判 定外傭能否用在港工作年數來申請香港居留權。
If we are resolved to defend the rule [...]
of law and judicial independence, we should allow the Court to interpret, in accordance
with legal principles, the provision in Article 24(2)(4) of the Basic Law written in black and white and make a judgment on whether or not the number of years that FDHs work in Hong Kong can qualify them to make applications for ROA in Hong Kong.
如果特首覺得香港真的缺乏理性討論空間而 引以為憾,他首要的任務其實便是盡快責成局長,早日落實一個獨立於 政府以外的公共廣播服務機構,由香港電台一羣有本土公共廣播服務經 驗的人才和對新聞言論自由仍然 執着 的 傳 媒工作者,過渡到這個獨立 於政府以外的公共廣播服務機構,負起公正、準確報道的責任,那便有 一個傳媒機構報道其公正言論,亦提供了一個多元、包容的討論平台, 令很多議題的道理可越辯越明。
If the Chief Executive really found it regrettable that there was a lack of room for rational discussions in Hong Kong, in fact, his prime task should be to task the Secretaries to establish a public service broadcasting organization independent of the Government at an early date and as soon as possible.
不過,我相信市民對雙普選執着和 鬥志 是不會消失的。
However, I believe that the steadfastness and will power of the public in campaigning for dual universal suffrage will not wane.
不過,主席,遺憾的是,對於這項在取(資)料方面設了限制,在訴諸 公論時又常令監警會存有陰霾,擔憂會否觸犯法律,處處都似乎令警方的那 種堅持執着凌駕 於監警會的法例之上,因此恕我難以支持。
However, President, it is regrettable that as this legislation imposes restrictions on the request for information and creates constant uncertainties about the IPCC's appeals to public judgment, which will give rise to concerns about possible breaches of the law, and puts the persistence and perseverance of the police above the IPCC law, I beg your forgiveness for my not being able to support it.
其實, 我 很 尊 重 泛 民主派 的議員對 政制發展的堅持執着, 但與此同 時,亦 希 望 他 們 明 白 一 套 非常重 要 的 道 理,那 便 是香港已經 回 歸 ,政制要 發 展 、要向 前 走 , 我們便有需要與 中 央 建 立 溝 通和互 信 。
At the same time, we also hope that they can understand a very important truth, and that is, Hong Kong has already been achieved reunification, and if our constitution has to be developed and to move forward, we need to build up communication and mutual trust with the Central Government.
主席,我提出的兩項修正案,既不違背條例草案的立法精神,也 不影響法例的執行,只是為了守法商人,尤其是中小型企業(“中小 企 ”),提供多一重免責保障,使他們一旦遇到 執着 的 顧客,都能證 明自己並非不良營商者,無須動輒聘請法律顧問回應投訴。
It will merely provide an additional defence for law-abiding traders, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), to enable them to prove that they are not engaging in unfair trade practices without the need to engage legal advisors to respond to the complaints lodged by relatively stubborn consumers.
我們服務衆多長年客戶和一直有更多新客戶惠顧是因爲我們一 執着 提 供 市面最好的禮品,品質、款式和價值同樣重視,不論全年的花籃/果籃/其他禮品, [...]
We are able to serve many long term clients, and
joined by many new ones as we
[...] are passionate about providing top-rank gifts to the market, in quality, [...]
styles and value, be it
regular range flower basket/fruit basket/others, or holiday hampers.
同樣受到金融海嘯沖擊的香港,如果 執着 於 小 政府的角色,便很 可能失去經濟發展的大機遇;如果再死守着積極不干預的教條,也只能 在公眾面前顯露出被動和無能,在區域發展和競爭中被邊緣化。
Should it obstinately adhere to the dogma of "active non-intervention", it will only expose its passivity and incompetence before the public and be marginalized in the course of regional development and competition.
當小組法官處理他面前的申請,當他缺乏我剛才說的所有一般正常司法 程序的保障時,我們唯一可以依賴的,便是法官本身對於法治 執着。
When a panel Judge handles an application before him and when there is a lack of protection accorded under the normal judicial procedures, the only thing we can rely upon is his own persistence in the rule of law.
一個穩定和諧的社 會,既要發展經濟,亦要改善人民生活,同時更要追求民主制度和法治 制度,以及對公平正義執着、對弱勢社羣的照顧、對異議人士的寬容、 對環境生態的保護,這樣,我才看到中國會有一個強大的發展起步。
A stable and harmonious society requires not only economic development but also improvement of the people's lot, and it also requires the pursuit of a democratic system and a system of rule of law, insistence on equality and justice, care for the disadvantaged, tolerance of dissidents and protection of the ecology.
假如分析結果顯示有關的新鮮水果含有防腐 劑,當局便會採執法行動。
Enforcement action would be taken out if analysis revealed that the fresh fruit contained preservative.
英 國 政 府 在 2 00 4 年 1 1 月 建 議 , 申 索 標 準 委 員 會 應 該 積 極 工 作 , 使 其 執 業 孚 則 獲 得 公 帄 貿 易 處 ( Office of the Fair Trading) 承 認 , 期 望着 該 委 員 會執 業 孚 則 , 可 以 提 高 申 索 中 介 人 的 水 帄 。
In November 2004, the UK Government proposed that the Claims Standards Council should work vigorously towards approval of its code of practice by the Office of Fair Trading, with the hope that the code of practice would raise the standards of claims intermediaries.
(k) (i) 第㆒太平銀行的權利或法律責任,如憑藉本條例而成為或當作 為東亞銀行的權利或法律責任,即東亞銀行及所有其他㆟自指 定日期起,即具有同樣的權利、權力及補救(尤其是提出法律 程序,或在法律程序㆗抗辯,或向任何主管當局提出或反對申 請的權利及權力),以便確定、完成或強 執 行 該 權利或法律 責任,猶如該權利及法律責任在任何時候均屬東亞銀行㆒樣; 而由第㆒太平銀行提出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局提出、並 在緊接指定日期之前存在或待決的法律程序,或由第㆒太平銀 行提出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局提出、並在緊接指定日期 之前存在或待決的申請,均可由東亞銀行繼續進行,或可繼續 針對東亞銀行進行。
(h) (i) Where by virtue of this Ordinance any right or liability of First Pacific Bank becomes or is deemed to become a right or liability of Bank of East Asia, Bank of East Asia and all other persons shall, on and from the appointed day, have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing that right or liability as if it had at all times been a right or liability of Bank of East Asia; and any legal proceedings or application to any authority existing or pending immediately before the appointed day by or against First Pacific Bank may be continued by or against Bank of East Asia.
為使新法例能與廣播業及電訊業現有規管競爭的架構並 行,條例草案規定,廣播事務管理局(下稱"廣管局")及電訊管理局局 長 (下稱"電訊局局長")在調查廣播業及電訊業競爭事宜的個案及強執行法 律程序時,與競委會共享管轄權,但他們現有裁判職能會 移交審裁處。
To reconcile the new law with the existing competition regulatory framework in the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors, the Bill provides that the Broadcasting Authority (BA) and the Telecommunications Authority (TA) will have concurrent jurisdiction with the Commission in respect of the investigation and bringing of enforcement proceedings of competition cases in the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors, while their existing adjudicative function will be transferred to the Tribunal.
獨立執行董事確定上述關連交易乃基於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立;(乙)按正常商業條款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
着临时 宪法的出台,已形成了一个临时议会,它代表了与政府,尤其是地方一 级的政府更加密切地合作的新的机会。
With the introduction of the interim constitution, an interim parliament has been constituted which presents new opportunities for working more closely with the government, particularly at the local levels.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面着一 些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地着 幸 福 生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.




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