

单词 城市热岛

See also:

城市 n

city n
cities pl
town n

城市 adj

urban adj
municipal adj


heat island (i.e. large city centers are hotter)

城市 pl

municipalities pl

External sources (not reviewed)

引进该系统,可以降低空调设备的能耗、削减CO2排放量、抑 城市 的 热岛 效 应 等,实现出色的环保性能,众多实际数据也体现了这一效果。
By introducing this system, excellent environmental performance can be realized, such as implementation of energy conservation for
air-conditioning equipment, reductions in CO2
[...] emissions, and heat island phenomenon suppression [...]
effects in urban areas.
绿 色 屋 顶 有 利 于 水 资 源 管 理, 提 高 建 筑 物 的 隔 热 效 果, 降 低 城 市 化 所
产 生 的 负 面 影 响, 降 低 由 吸 热 材 料 如 混 凝 土 等
[...] 的 广 泛 使 用 而 产 生城 市 热 岛 效 应, 提 高 生 物 多 样 性, [...]
有 效 减 弱 城 市 扩 张 造 成 的 影 响 以 及 减 少 建 筑 维 修 成 本。
Green roofs assist with water management, improve a building’s insulating
envelope, reduce the impact of urbanization,
[...] decrease the Urban Heat Island Effect (caused by [...]
the widespread use of heat-absorbing
materials like concrete), improve biodiversity, counter urban sprawl and reduce building maintenance costs.
具 有 高 度 太 阳 光 反 射 能 力 的 凉 爽 屋 顶 能 应 对 由 于 沥 青 和 混 凝 土
[...] 的 大 量 使 用 而 引 起城 市 热 岛 效 应, 热 岛 效 应 可 使 城 [...]
市 温 度 比 农 村 高 出 10 度。
Cool roofs – those that can deliver
high solar reflectance –
[...] combat the Urban Heat Island Effect, caused [...]
by widespread use of asphalt and concrete, which can make cities up to 10 degrees warmer than rural areas.
3.3 热岛强度:指城市中某 地温度与郊区气象测点温度的差值。
3.3 Heat island magnitude: the temperature difference between somewhere in the city and the meteorological [...]
monitoring spot in the suburbs.
水肺潜水斗:在一热带岛屿, 勇气和穆里尔发现一个水 城市 的 珊 瑚。
Scuba Scuba
[...] Doo: While on a tropical island, Courage and Muriel discover a underwater city made of coral.
阿尔戈斯托利位于该国的西部,是爱奥尼亚 岛 中 最大 的 城市。
Located in the west of the
[...] country, the city of Argostoli has become the largest city in the Ionian Islands.
重新恢复生机的贝尔法斯特是一个有着独特气氛 热 闹 城市 , 绝 对值得一游。
Rejuvenated and revived,
[...] Belfast is a buzzing city with a unique atmosphere [...]
that’s well worth a visit
巴斯蒂亚,最纯粹的科西岛地区的 城 镇 坐 落在北部 热 那 亚 政府在15世纪的座位。
Bastia, the most purely Corsican of the region’s towns lies in the north and was the seat of the Genoese government in the 15th century.
正如1956年宝莱坞电影《C.I.D.》中一首流行印度歌曲唱的一样:“噢天啊,在这里生活真艰难,抬起头,小心点,亲爱的,这就是孟买”1,贫穷和富有紧密地生活在一起,都试图在这 热 带 城市 发 挥作用,这座建立在英国帝国废墟之上的城市,一直扩展延伸到阿拉伯海环绕的 岛 边 缘
1  Rich and poor live in dense
proximity, all
[...] struggling to function in a tropical city that rises up on the vestiges of the British era, and squeezes out to the edges of a peninsula surrounded by the Arabian Sea.
该联盟是一个具 有国际和城市性质的非营利组织,其成员包括以下来自拉丁美洲和伊比利亚岛 的 27 个城市:安道尔城、亚松森、巴塞罗那(西班牙)、波哥大、巴西利亚、布 宜诺斯艾利斯、加拉加斯、危地马拉城、哈瓦那、拉巴斯、利马、里斯本、马德 里、马那瓜、墨西哥城市、蒙得维的亚、巴拿马城,里 热 内 卢(巴西)、圣何 塞、圣胡安、基多、圣萨尔瓦多、圣地亚哥、圣多明各、圣保罗(巴西)、苏克 雷(玻利维亚)和特古西加尔巴(洪都拉斯)。
It is an international, municipal,
[...] organization, which represents the following 27 cities of Latin America and the Iberian peninsula: Andorra la Vella; Asunción; Barcelona (Spain); Bogotá; Brasilia; Buenos Aires; Caracas; Guatemala City; Havana; La Paz; Lima; Lisbon; Madrid; Managua; Mexico City; Montevideo; Panama City; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); San José; San Juan; Quito; [...]
San Salvador; Santiago;
Santo Domingo; São Paulo (Brazil); Sucre (Bolivia) and Tegucigalpa (Honduras).
中国所有的沿城市中,只有岛将 青山、碧海和优美 城市 和 谐 统一。
As a Chinese coastal city, Qingdao combines green mountains, blue sea and a beautiful city harmoniously.
亚太经 社会太平洋办事处参加了制定城市特征系统的工作,以此作为在所罗 门岛倡导包容城市政策 的筹备工作。
The ESCAP Pacific Office participated in the development of urban profiling systems as preparatory work for
[...] advocating for inclusive urban policy in Solomon Islands.
这些领域包括反腐败运动;就业赋权;将教育作为实现人的发展的中心战 略;提高和保护公共卫生;平等诉诸司法;法治;促进农村发展;减贫能力建
[...] 设;私营部门参与;国内就业以抗衡海外移民就业;健全公共服务;机构专业 化;性别平等;公正和平与纠正对棉兰 岛 人 民 的忽视 城市 发 展 ;可持续使用 自然资源。
These areas include the campaign against corruption; employment for empowerment; education as the central strategy for human development; advancement and protection of public health; equal access to justice; rule of law; promotion of rural development; capacity building for poverty alleviation; private sector involvement; domestic employment as counter-balance to overseas migration for employment; integrity in public service; professionalized bureaucracies; gender
equality; just peace and redress of
[...] neglect for Mindanao peoples; urban development; and sustainable [...]
use of natural resources.
这一地区(也等于是整个波兰)绝大部分的 航空航天公司都是位于位于城市或 城市 附 近, 而 热 舒 夫的 大学面向航空业就业市场培养人才。
A significant majority of the region’s (and therefore
Poland’s) aerospace companies
[...] are located in or near the city, whose universities are geared [...]
towards training workers for employment in the industry.
各地方政府更 是对云计算表现出了巨热情,至少2 0个 城市宣布 推出各自的云计算规划,如北京的 “祥云工程”、上海的“云海计划”等。
Just ten years ago, the personal computer was a multi-purpose, multi-tasking device that served a range of functions, from e-mail to playing games and from browsing to radio listening.
2008 年 1 月 10
[...] 日,总理温家宝主持了国务院常务会 议,会上,政府发布了以下声明:“石油、天然气和电 力价格近期不做调整城市煤气、水 热 能 和 公共交通 价格不可上调”。
During a 10 January 2008 State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, the government issued the following statement: “Prices of gasoline, natural gas and electricity shall not
be adjusted in the near future, and
[...] charges for gas, water, heating and public transport in cities shall not be raised”.
以下是热门的目的城市最保 留的酒店。
Here are the most
[...] reserved hotels in the most popular destination cities.
目光转向国内,2012年,《世界肝脏病学》杂志刊登了一项在 岛市城 阳 区 进行的研究,这项研究结果也表明了强化干预生活方式超过6~12个月,能够改善非酒精性脂肪肝的病情。
Closer to home, a study
[...] conducted in the Chengyang District of Qingdao, [...]
China and published in 2012 in the World Journal
of Hepatology, also showed that intensive lifestyle interventions over a 6-12 month period can result in improvements in NAFLD.
全新的城市版全力掌握香港市民关注的本地新闻故事、相关信息及有趣观点 ,包热点话题及各种有趣新发现 城市 版 会 以简易的列表编排,提供每日全面的城中活动信息,亦会采用全新易用的电视节目表;而CitySeen专栏则会采访和报导城中最精 热 闹 之 名人盛事,让读者紧贴社会潮流信息。
From hot topics to cool new discoveries, City section will feature new, easy navigation, daily listings for those planning their social calendars, a new easy-to-use TV listings page, and CitySeen, which will get readers right into Hong Kong's social [...]
scene with more daily coverage of the best events in town.
[...] 城市建立联系和关系;审议与其附属市政当局有关的所有事项;促进睦邻权利; 促进拉丁美洲和伊比利亚岛首府 城市 的 均 衡和协调发展;组织会议及其他有关 促进交流最佳做法的活动。
The main aims and purposes of the organization are to encourage links and relationships among the capitals and cities that are members of UCCI; to consider all matters relating to its affiliated municipalities; to
promote the rights of neighbourhoods; to promote the balanced and harmonic development
[...] of the capital cities of Latin America and the Iberian peninsula; to organize [...]
meetings and other
activities promoting exchange of best practices.
除上述电厂外,几乎所有的城市都 有热 电厂 ,这些热电厂利用同样的技术和燃料 (煤),但是更多用来供暖而不是发电。
Besides the above examples,
[...] almost every large city contains additional [...]
so-called powerheat plants, which use the same technology
and fuel (coal), but are intended to produce heat more than electrical power.
从 Magenta 国内机场与外岛和岛主要 城市之间均设有定期服务。
There are regular services from the domestic airport, Magenta, to the outer
[...] islands and major towns on the main island.
此外,为了更好地得到各种服务,大量移民涌入马朱罗珊 瑚岛和伊岛的城市中心 5 ,造成了过分拥挤并且进一步恶化了获得充分医疗照 顾、教育、生计机遇,而这是首先引发其移民的一些权利。
Moreover, to gain better access to
services, there is a large
[...] migration to the urban centers of Majuro Atoll and Ebeye Island5 , which causes [...]
over-crowding and further
exacerbates conditions with respect to access to adequate health care, education, and livelihood options, rights that created the impetus for their migration in the first place.
或欠发达的城市,包括格陵 兰和法罗岛的城市产生 的可能负面影响,从而加大不同城市儿童充分享有权 利的差距。
Furthermore, the Committee is deeply concerned at the possible negative effects the new distribution of
responsibilities may have on the less endowed
[...] and/or less advanced municipalities, including those [...]
in Greenland and the Faroe Islands,
thus deepening disparities in the full enjoyment of rights by the children of different municipalities.
青岛机场未来规划将面向岛城市群 , 为蓝色经济区服务。
During the 12th five-year period, Qingdao airport future planning
[...] will target Shandong peninsula group and [...]
develop the ‘blue economic zone’.
2010 年和 2011 年,政治行为者的主要侧重点是新政
[...] 府的组成,但基金拨出两笔应急资金,共 290 万美元,用于促城市热点的对话 (开发署)和支持巴勒斯坦青年就业(近东救济工程处)。
While political actors in 2010 and 2011 were focused largely on the formation of a new Government, the Fund pursued two Immediate Response Facility
allocations totalling $2.9 million to
[...] promote dialogue in urban hot spots (UNDP) and [...]
to support employment for Palestinian youth (UNRWA).
座落于PSA大厦26楼,世服宏图提供了世界上最繁忙的港口以及圣淘 岛 和 新 加坡 城市 天 际 线的360度全方位美景。
Offers magnificent views over one of the world's busiest harbours as well
[...] as views of Sentosa Island and Singapore city skyline
目前,欧洲联盟将废物变能源视为更好的处置 废物方法。34 下列欧洲国家城市废物进行热处理 以产生能源的比例最高:卢森 堡、瑞典、丹麦、法国、比利时、荷兰和德国。
Today, the European Union considers waste-to-energy as the preferred method of waste disposal.34
European countries with the highest
[...] proportions of municipal waste thermally treated for energy [...]
generation are: Luxembourg, Sweden,
Denmark, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
[...] 和评估,包括观察当地的气候、了解当地社区所设计的应对环境变化的战略、确定需要、确 保为生活在岛屿、高海拔、湿热和 环 北极等偏远地区的脆弱人群所制定的适应措施具有针 对性。
UNESCO’s Local and Indigenous Knowledge System (LINKS) programme carries out research and assessments based on local and indigenous knowledge systems, including locallevel climate observations, understanding strategies devised by local communities to cope with changing environments, and identifying needs and ensuring the relevance of adaptation measures
for vulnerable populations in remote
[...] areas such as small islands, high altitudes, humid tropics and the circumpolar North.
我想再次正式申明,尽管希族塞人领导层对折中办法显然缺 热 情 , 而且否岛上土 族塞人的平等伙伴权利,土族塞人方面仍随时准备而且正在竭尽全力实 现如下解决方案:缔结符合联合国既定原则和整体工作的新伙伴关系。
I would like to put on record once again that, despite the Greek
Cypriot leadership’s
[...] apparent lack of enthusiasm for compromise and its denial of the equal partnership rights of the Turkish Cypriots on the island, the Turkish Cypriot [...]
side is ready and doing
its best for achieving a settlement in the form of a new partnership which will be in line with the established United Nations parameters and body of work.




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