

单词 埋设

See also:


bury v

External sources (not reviewed)

一个武装恐怖团伙向 Muh
[...] 边境地区的边境守卫人员开火,执法人员而后拆除 了恐怖分子在叙利亚-黎巴嫩边界附 埋设的 12 枚爆炸装置。
An armed terrorist group opened fire on border guard personnel in the border district of Muh,
after which law enforcement personnel
[...] defused 12 explosive devices planted by terrorists [...]
close to the Syrian-Lebanese border.
该报告载有一个表格,列出了每个区 域所在的省份埋设地雷 的类型和数量以及 已埋设地雷的日期。
The report contained a table listing each area linked to a province, the types and quantity of mines it contained as well as the date of emplacement when known.
杀伤人员地雷埋设产生 了无数受害者,致使大量非洲裔哥伦比亚人社区和 土著社区被隔离。
The planting of anti-personnel mines has generated numerous victims and has led to the isolation of a large number of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities.
公司充分利用凭借丰富经验开拓的专业技能和高技术提供广泛的服务,除了用电缆船提供服务外,还提供在日本近海安装地震探测系统、用AE2000自主水下机器人调查海 埋设 情 况和鲸鱼习性、选择最佳海底电缆铺设路线等服务。
By making the best use of the expertise and high technologies cultivated through the rich experience, KCS offers a wide range of services such as installation of earthquake detection systems in
nearby seas in Japan, a
[...] survey on cable burial conditions and whale behavior using the autonomous [...]
underwater robot, AE2000, and the best route selection for submarine cable laying, in addition to the services using the cable ships.
(d) 黎巴嫩再次提醒国际社会注意,以色列敌军在黎巴嫩境内的 Hula 镇和
[...] Mays al-Jabal 镇之间的地埋设地下 传感系统,这侵犯了黎巴嫩主权。
(d) Lebanon again reminds the international community
that the Israeli enemy army violated
[...] Lebanese sovereignty when it planted an [...]
underground sensor system in the area between
the towns of Hula and Mays al-Jabal inside Lebanese territory.
土耳 其还指出,目前正在该国南部边境进行清除
[...] 地雷活动,尤其是与叙利亚交界处的清除活 动为该国的优先事项,有三分之二的地埋 设在与该国交界处。
Turkey further indicated that at present mine clearing activities along the southern border, in
particular the borderline with Syria, constituted a priority and that around two thirds of
[...] the mines were laid along this border.
这些埋设在农 业用地和城市居住区等利比亚大片土地上的地雷和 其他未爆弹药是其同类中最复杂和造成伤害最大 的,并且无论在数量上还是在破坏力上都造成甚至 比第二次世界大战的遗留爆炸物更为严重的问题, 使排雷成为新政府的优先事项之一,并且需要获得 联合国和友善邻国的援助。
Those mines and other unexploded ordnance, which had been deployed across vast swathes of Libyan territory, including agricultural land and urban residential areas, were among the most sophisticated and harmful of their kind and posed an even more serious problem, in terms of both numbers and destructive power, than the explosive remnants of the Second World War, rendering demining one of the priorities of the new Government and necessitating assistance from the United Nations and friendly neighbouring countries.
以色列还拒绝提供在我埋设的地 雷和集 束炸弹的地图。
It also refuses to provide maps of the mines and cluster bombs that it has laid in my country.
他们呼吁第二次世界大战期间在其境 埋设 这 些 地雷和活性爆炸物的主 要责任国与受影响国家合作,并支持他们进行扫雷活动,包括开展信息交流、 绘制地图标明地雷和爆炸物的位置、为扫雷提供技术援助、支付扫雷费用,以 及赔偿埋设地雷造成的任何损失。
the States primarily responsible for laying these mines and leaving explosives outside their territories during Second World War to cooperate with the affected countries and provide mine action support to affected countries, including information exchange, maps indicating the locations of mines and explosives, technical assistance for mine clearance, defrayal of the costs of clearance and compensation for any losses caused by mines-laid.
占领国仍然拒绝确定它在被占领的阿拉伯叙利 亚戈埋设的地雷,迄今地雷已造成 600 多名受害 者,其中有 214 名是儿童,它仍旧是对戈兰的叙利 亚农民和其他居民生命的主要威胁。
The occupying Power still refused to specify the location of the mines it had laid in the occupied Syrian Arab Golan which had so far caused over 600 victims, 214 of them children, and remained the major threat to the lives of Syrian farmers and other inhabitants of the Golan.
12 时 15
[...] 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在一个执法巡逻队经过时,引爆 埋设在 Tall Baqlo 岔道附近、Suqaylibiyah [...]
至 Qal'at al-Madiq 高速公路上的一枚爆炸装置, 造成两人受伤。
At 1215 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated
[...] an explosive device on the Suqaylibiyah-Qal’at [...]
al-Madiq highway, near the Tall
Baqlo turn-off, as a law enforcement patrol was passing; two personnel were wounded.
根据关于禁止杀伤人员 地雷全面行动的总统方案,1 月至 10 月间,非法武装团埋设的杀 伤人员地雷导 致 9 名儿童死亡和 24 名儿童受伤,祸首主要是哥伦比亚革命武装力量和民族解 放军。
According to the Presidential Programme for Comprehensive Action against Anti-Personnel Mines (PAICMA), from January to October, anti-personnel mines laid by illegal armed groups, mainly by FARC-EP and ELN, resulted in the deaths of 9 children and injury of 24 children.
尽管人口 在不断 增 长,但农业发展的主要障碍是田埋 设的地雷 。
Even though there is population growth, the main obstacle factor to agricultural development is the mines lay on the land field.
[...] 废物而产生的成本节约,能够避免投资专门建造的焚烧炉或垃圾 埋设 施 的 必 要性(德国技术合作公司/豪西蒙公司,2006 [...]
年;Murray 和 Price,2008 年)。
Cost savings that are derived from the use of pre-existing kiln infrastructure to co-process waste that cannot be minimized or otherwise recycled
avoid the need to invest in purpose-built
[...] incinerators or landfill facilities (GTZ/Holcim, [...]
2006; Murray and Price, 2008).
据报告,已知有雷的 区域埋 设了 921,080 枚地雷。
The total number of emplaced mines in the known areas was reported to be 921,080.
不结盟运动强烈敦 促以色列提供在黎巴嫩领土上埋设 的 爆 炸物的精 确地点以及以色列在占领黎巴嫩南部期间 埋设的 地雷位置图。
The Non-Aligned Movement strongly urges Israel to provide the exact location of explosives planted on Lebanese territory, as well as maps of the location of the landmines planted during its occupation of southern Lebanon.
在哥伦比亚,一些边远农村地区的受影响社区的基本食品、保健、教育和其他基 本服务会中断,有时候中断几个星期,其原因是设置路障、有敌对行动、武装团 体入侵和武装团埋设地雷
In Colombia, conflict-affected communities in remote rural areas have intermittently lacked access to essential food items, health care, education and other basic services, sometimes for periods of several weeks, owing to roadblocks, active hostilities, incursions by armed groups and the laying of mines by such groups.
哥伦比亚革命武装力量的敌对行动埋 设杀伤 人员地雷和爆炸物,毁坏了学校。
Schools were damaged as a result of hostilities and anti-personnel mines
[...] and explosive devices planted by FARC.
10 时,若干武装恐怖团伙在大学校园附近的大学公园 埋设 了 两个爆炸装 置;其中一个埋在 Basil 环形转盘处;另一个埋在退休工人住宅楼对面的 Hannanu 地区;最后一枚装置则埋在 [...]
Sakhur 地区的 Hannanu 立交桥。
At 1000 hours, armed terrorist groups planted
[...] two explosive devices inside the university park, near the university campus; one device at [...]
the Basil roundabout; another
in the Hannanu area, opposite the retirement home; and a last device at the Hannanu interchange in the Sakhur area.
地雷依然是一个严重问题,令人担忧的事态发展是,在团结州和上青 尼罗州以及琼格莱州部分地区的运输线沿线 埋设 了 杀 伤人员地雷。
Landmines remain a significant problem, and, in a particularly worrisome development, anti-personnel landmines have been newly laid along transport routes in Unity and Upper Nile States and parts of Jonglei State.
12 时 30 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在 Muhradah-Suqaylibiyah 路 Jalmah 村岔埋设一个爆炸装置。
At 1230 hours, an armed terrorist group planted
[...] an explosive device on the Muhradah-Suqaylibiyah road, at the turn-off for Jalmah village.
但是,利比亚支持该决议草案并不意味着我们完 全接受《公约》的所有规定,因为它并未处理令我们 真正关切的一些问题,特别是战争遗留爆炸物的问
[...] 题,其中包括冲突各方在第二次世界大战期间在诸如 我国等其它国埋设的地雷的问题。
However, Libya’s support for the draft resolution does not mean that we totally accept all the provisions of the Convention, as it does not address certain issues that are of genuine concern to us, in particular that of explosive
remnants of war, including landmines laid by parties to conflict in
[...] other countries, such as mine, during [...]
the Second World War.
土 耳其在缔约国第十届会议上报告说, 埋设 的所有杀伤人员地雷当中,已清 除 814,951,450 枚地雷,还有 814,501 枚地雷有 待清除。
At the 10th Meeting of the States Parties, Turkey reported that out of the total number of emplaced anti-personnel mines, 814,951,450 had been cleared, leaving 814,501 still to clear.
这些项目所提供的电力都输送到缅甸中部,当地村民则几 无受益,这些居民只是成为强迫劳动的受害者,包括站岗守卫建筑结构,并且还 可能受害于为保护这些资产埋设的 地 雷。
While most of the power produced by these projects goes to central Myanmar, with few benefits for local villagers, these residents have been victim to forced labour, including providing sentry duty to guard the structures, and made vulnerable to landmines used to protect the properties.
例如,光是以色列在戈埋设的地雷就造成 300 名叙利亚儿童死亡,此外还有几百人因地雷致残。
For instance, 300 Syrian children have been killed by Israeli mines planted in the Golan alone, in addition to the hundreds more who have been mutilated by landmines.
联合王 国在排雷行动技术常设委员会 2010 年 6 月的 会议上报告说,已有 4 个区域核证无雷,1 个 区域怀疑埋有杀伤人员地雷,还有 3 个区域 已埋设了杀伤人员地雷。
At the June 2010 meeting of the Standing Committee on Mine Clearance, the United Kingdom reported the release of 4 areas, 1 classified as suspected to contain anti-personnel mines and 3 where the presence of anti-personnel mines was known.
以色列监禁了戈兰公民、 夺取了土地并建造了更多定居点;以色列掠夺了戈兰 的资源、歪曲了历史并在该埋设了 地 雷。
It has imprisoned citizens of the Golan, seized land and built more settlements; it has pillaged the Golan’s resources, distorted its history and planted mines there.
联合国的各项决议以及 2005 年 由埃及国家人权理事会和联合国开发计划署(开发 署)共同组织、并由前联合国秘书长布特罗斯·布 特罗斯·加利主持的关于西北海岸发展和扫雷的会 议重申,二战参与国担负有清除第二次世界大战期 间在埃及西埋设的地雷的责任。
Various United Nations resolutions, as well as the 2005 conference on development and mineclearance from the northwest coast, jointly organized by the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and chaired by former United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali had affirmed that the responsibility for clearing mines laid in western Egypt during the Second World War rested with the States parties to that war.
延期请求还载有资料,说明以 原来埋雷的数量、2006 至 2008 年清除活动的 经验以及 2008 年的技术调查为依据确定的地 雷的种类以及该区埋设地雷的数量。
The request also contains information on the types of mines and an estimated number of mines contained in the area based on the number of mines originally laid, the experience from the clearance carried out in 2006-2008 and the technical survey of 2008.
特别报告员虽然注意到,2009 年和 2010
[...] 年,随着冲突减弱,军方在缅甸 东部对地雷的使用可能明显下降,但是对以 埋设 的 地 雷基本上还在原地感到关 切。
While the Special Rapporteur notes that the military’s use of landmines may have decreased significantly in eastern Myanmar
in 2009 and 2010 as the level of conflict has waned, he is concerned that
[...] previously laid mines remain largely in place.




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