单词 | 垮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 垮verb—collapsev垮—break or wear downExamples:累垮v—collapsev 累垮—be worn out break down 炸垮—blow up (demolish with an explosion)
如果建筑物开始垮塌,用床垫、地毯或毛毯来保护自己,或躲在坚固的桌子或台面下。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | If the building startsto break up, protect yourself with mattresses, rugs or blankets or by sheltering under a strong table or bench. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
年来的最高值。这在三十多个国家引起了骚乱, 还导致了政府垮台及出口禁令和限制,各国政府也力求将本国人民的粮食安全需 求放在第一位。 daccess-ods.un.org | This led to riots across three dozen countries, political fallouts, and export bans and restrictions as countries’ governments sought to prioritize the food security needs of their own populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们都知道,索马里自其中央政府在 1990-1991 年间垮台后,一直深陷困难之中,而且,安全理事会 [...] 自那以后就一直在处理索马里问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | trouble sincethe collapseof thecentral [...] Government in 1990-1991, and the Security Council has been seized with the Somalia question ever since. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样,他们侵 入了已经被极其落后的医疗系统拖垮的世界,那里没 有足够的资源和适当的基础设施应对如此灾难性的 危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | By doing so, they have invaded a world already crippled by the most rudimentary medical landscape, with no adequate resources and no proper infrastructure to deal with such a disastrous crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们大力支持德米斯图拉特别代表呼吁加大对 平民的保护力度,特别是因为 2010 年是自塔利班政 权于 2001 年垮台以来平民伤亡最为惨重的一年。 daccess-ods.un.org | We strongly support Special Representative De Mistura’s call for a surge for the protection of civilians, particularly as 2010 was the deadliest year for civilians since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. daccess-ods.un.org |
在印度尼西亚,我们坚定地相信民主改革,因为 正是民主改革使我们没有被 1997 年的亚洲金融危机 完全击垮。 daccess-ods.un.org | We in Indonesia are great believers in democratic reform, because that is what saved us from being totally crushed by the Asian financial crisis of 1997. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项修正给予任何新政府 18 个月的 [...] 宽限期,在此期间,任何政党成员从内阁 11 个部长职位辞职,均不会自动导致 政府垮台。daccess-ods.un.org | The amendment gives any new Government an 18-month grace period during which the withdrawal of [...] single party members from the 11-seat ministerial cabinet does not [...] automatically triggerthe collapse of the Government. daccess-ods.un.org |
1989年3月,中国长期幕后支持 的缅甸共产党(CPB)垮台,几乎与此同时,两 国国内爆发民主运动,政府予以镇压,招致西方 [...] 各国的强烈谴责。 crisisgroup.org | The Communist Party of Burma (CPB), which China had [...] supported, collapsed inMarch 1989, [...]around the same time that democracy [...]movements in both countries were followed by harsh crackdowns and Western condemnation. crisisgroup.org |
自2001 年塔利班政权垮台以来,武装冲突的升级和蔓延使记录在案的平民 [...] 伤亡人数达到最高,并使人道主义行动空间受到进一步侵蚀。 daccess-ods.un.org | The escalation and spread of armed conflict [...] resulted in the highest number of civilian [...] casualties recorded since thefall of [...]the Taliban regime in 2001 and in the further [...]erosion of humanitarian space. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,应当强调的是,2003 年前政权垮台后呈现出新的现实,其中最主要的 是伊拉克不同于以前,它决心同国际社会一道努力,展现出最大的责任,尊重国 [...] 际合法性,执行安全理事会关于伊拉克和科威特间局势的各项决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Firstly, it should be [...] stressedthat the collapsein2003of the [...]previous regime presented new realities, foremost among [...]which was Iraq’s new determination to work with and show the greatest responsibility and respect for international legitimacy, and to implement Security Council resolutions relating to the situation between Iraq and Kuwait. daccess-ods.un.org |
48 下一次的联合边境委员会会议于 2009 年 [...] 2 月举行, 此时,人民力量党领导的政府刚垮台近两个月,泰 国成立了由亲建制民主党领导的新联盟。 crisisgroup.org | These talks concluded with a declaration that joint survey teams would begin to demarcate the border around the temple in mid-December.47 Other bilateral meetings were also taking place.48 The next JBC meeting was held in [...] February 2009, nearly two months after the [...] PPP-ledgovernment collapsed, andthe new coalition [...]led by the pro-establishment Democrat Party was formed. crisisgroup.org |
各国还确认,边界漏洞百出是使非法武器贩运在所有层面上恶化的因素之 一,导致冲突延长、暴力加剧、国内安全受损害、跨国有组织犯罪活动增加、腐 败和毒品贩运,在某些情况下甚至导致恐怖主义,同时破坏社会经济发展,并使 得犯罪分子和武器贩运者得以穿越松垮的边境管制随意获得军火。 daccess-ods.un.org | States also acknowledged that the porosity of borders was an aggravating element of illicit arms trafficking at all levels and that it led to the prolongation of conflicts, exacerbated violence, undermined the internal security of States, increased the activities of transnational organized crime, corruption, drug trafficking and in some cases even terrorism at the same time that it undermined development and allowed criminals and weapons traffickers to have free access to armaments through poor border control. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司监控其经营及投资账户的现金结余及调整现金结余 (如适用),倘相关金融机构或法团垮台或受金融市场其他不利状况影响,则该等现金结 余可能会受影响。 sunshineoilsands.com | While the Corporation monitors the cash balances in its operating and investment accounts and adjusts the cash balances as appropriate, these cash balances could be impacted if the underlying financial institutions or corporations fail or are subject to other adverse conditions in the financial markets. sunshineoilsands.com |
过度训练或过度紧张地参加运动,可能会累垮孩子们,并导致受伤,从而使孩子在接下来的几年中产生厌恶运动的情绪。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Overtraining or overly intense participation can burn children out, lead to injuries and foster an aversion to the sport for years to come. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
ο 精神创伤,例如被抢劫,因车祸而严重受伤,或因失火而无家可归,都可压垮一个人 的体力、意志和精神。 hongfook.ca | o Trauma, such as robbery, serious injury caused by a car accident, or a fire that leads to homelessness, can overwhelm the body, mind and spirit. hongfook.ca |
柬埔寨政府否认在红色高棉统治垮台后出现过秘密拘留现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Cambodia denies the occurrence of secret detention after the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
AWEYS 在担任每一个这些职位时的言行都明确和持续表现出搞垮过渡联邦 政府和用武力把非索特派团赶出索马里的意图。 un.org | In each of these positions, AWEYS's statements and actions have demonstrated an unequivocal and sustained intention to dismantle the TFG and expel AMISOM by force from Somalia. un.org |
1789年,没有面包吃的恐慌席卷法国,政府没有能力确保供应,导致了“旧制度”的垮台。 project-syndicate.org | The panic about bread that swept France in 1789, and the inability of the government to guarantee supplies, destroyed the ancien regime. project-syndicate.org |
纽约时报”:金融危机压垮中国的经济增长 - Invertia - 三十年来, 中国 推动其显着的经济崛起,并成为世界的工厂,以低廉的价格出口的浪潮,导致。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | NYT': financial crisis overwhelms Chinese growth - Invertia-For three decades, China has fueled its remarkable economic rise and becoming the factory of the world, which resulted in a tidal wave of exports at low prices. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
这些错误的观念源于谣言,有些通过神职人员传播开来,他们认为,疫苗会导致阳痿和艾滋病,会‘从内部打垮我们’。 unicef.org | These misconceptions arose from rumours, some spread by clerics, that the vaccine would cause impotence and AIDS, which would “eat us away from within,” he said. unicef.org |
由於圣荷西巿府面临庞大预算赤字,市长Chuck Reed认为,现行的退休金制度,将拖垮巿府财政,提案B内容包括增加职员自付金额,限制新雇员的退休福利等,一名消防队长说,许多他的夥伴,已经往其他城市寻找工作机会。 ktsf.com | Among the changes contained in Measure B, new employees would pay 50 percent of pension costs, while current employees would be given the option to choose a lower-cost plan or pay more for their current one. ktsf.com |
它的垮台发生在1256年,由於扩大了蒙古帝国到伊朗和叙利亚。 mb-soft.com | Its downfall occurred in 1256 as a result of the expansion of the Mongol empire into Iran and Syria. mb-soft.com |
先知的信徒”组织是在巴雷政权垮台后,在 Mohamed Farah Aydiid 将军 [...] 的支持下,于 1991 年建立的,目的是对抗伊斯兰团结组织之类的激进改革运动 越来越大的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a was established in 1991, in the [...] aftermathof the collapseof the Barre regime, [...]with the support of General Mohamed [...]Farah Aydiid, in order to counter the growing influence of militant reformist movements like Al-Ittihad Al-Islami. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家当局对境内流离失所者负有主要责任;难 [...] 民署只能与国家当局合作,或者在国家当局垮台的情况下,按照大会核准的条件,协助满足流离失所 [...]者的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Primary responsibility for internally displaced persons lay with national authorities; UNHCR should be involved in meeting their needs only with the [...] concurrence of national authorities or, in [...] the caseof a collapse of national authority, [...]in conformity with the conditions [...]approved by the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,教科文组织还对“石油换粮食计划”秘书处的要求作出了积极回应,即在伊拉 克南部和中部实施约 4000 万美元的中等和高等教育合同,在前政府垮台后,这些合同现在 悬而未决。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, UNESCO has responded positively to the request of the Oil-for-Food Secretariat to implement in South and Central Iraq some $40 million of contracts in secondary and higher education, which were left pending following the demise of the previous government. unesdoc.unesco.org |