

单词 垫款

垫款 ()

advance (of funds)

See also:

pad out
advance (money)
pay for sb
fill a gap

External sources (not reviewed)

列入文件 33 C/31 的关于 2006--2007
[...] 年周转基金的金额与管理的决议建议涉及分摊和缴纳周转基 垫款 的币 种问题。
The proposed resolution on the level and administration of the Working Capital Fund for 2006-2007, which may be found
in document 33 C/31 covers the question of currencies of
[...] assessment and payment of advances to [...]
the Working Capital Fund.
周转基金的钱是你们的钱,它不是通常意义上对本组织的会费缴纳,这垫款将在 相关会员国缴纳分摊会费时以从中做相应扣除的方式返还给它。
The Working Capital Fund is yours, and it is not the
usual contribution to the Organization, so
[...] these advances will be refunded to the Member [...]
States concerned by deduction from
their assessed contributions at the time of repayment.
环境规划署通知说,国 家臭氧机构还没有提交发放资金所需的开支报告和现 垫款 申 请
UNEP advised that the NOU had not submitted the expenditure report and cash advance requests as required for the release of funding.
The continuation of voluntary advances to the Working Capital Fund can only be advantageous and should not be discouraged.
项目厅在其报告(A/63/5/Add.10)第 205 段中,同意审计委员会的建议, 即应:(a) 执行政策,以确保所有业务中心按照规定的格式和细节每月提交可在 当地收回垫款分类账;(b) 在月底程序中包括对可在当地收回 垫款 进 行审 查。
In paragraph 205 of its report A/63/5/Add.10, UNOPS agreed with the Board’s recommendation (a) to implement policies to ensure that all operations centres submit, on a monthly basis, advances recoverable locally ledgers in the required format and detail; and (b) to include as part of month-end procedures the review of advances recoverable locally.
周转基金的资金来自会员国垫款, 这 些 垫款 按 照 大会规定的分摊比例缴纳,并将进入缴垫款的会员国的帐户。
The source of moneys of the Working Capital
[...] Fund shall be advances from Member States, and these advances made in accordance with the scale of assessments as determined [...]
by the
General Conference for the apportionment of the expenses of UNESCO shall be carried to the credit of the Member States which have made such advances.
此外,授权发放自行清偿垫款,在本双年度期间不时为各种信托基金和特别帐户提 供垫款,以 避免在捐赠者的现金没到位时,以高昂代价中断有关的业务活动。
Furthermore, the authority to make self-liquidating advances has been used from time to time during the current biennium to various trust funds and special accounts, in order to avoid costly disruption of related operational activities when donors have been late in meeting cash payment commitments.
当一个会员国退出本组织时,该国在周转基金 中垫款将被用来结清其对本组织所负之财政义务,剩 余差额将退还该国。
Any residual balance shall be refunded to the Member State withdrawing.
决定几内亚比绍在各双年度的第二年所交纳的会费首先用于结清应交的年度分期付 款,其次用于周转基垫款,然后作为该会员国按会费分摊顺序应依次交纳的会费; 4.
Decides that payments of contributions received from Guinea-Bissau during the second year of the next biennium shall be credited first against annual instalments
due, secondly to the Working
[...] Capital Fund, and then to the contributions due in the [...]
order in which the Member was assessed; 4.
这种控制通常应包括监测长期 未结清的可在当地收回垫款、查 明异 垫款 并 监 测 垫款 限 额
Such controls would normally include monitoring long outstanding
[...] advances, identifying unusual advances and monitoring advance limits.
5.5 会费垫款应在收到以上第5.3和5.4条所述总干事通知 后三十天内视为到期并须全部付清;或者以有关年度第 一天为期限,两者中以较迟日期为准。
in full within thirty days of the receipt of the communications of the Director-General referred to in Regulations 5.3 and 5.4 above or as of the first day of the year to which they relate, whichever is the later.
在开发署,委员会注意到,为未清时间超过 6 个月的项目垫付了 1 380 万 美元,说明清垫款进度缓慢。
At UNDP, the Board noted that there were advances for projects amounting to $13.8 million that had been outstanding for longer than six months, indicating the slow liquidation of advances.
此外,为补充自愿捐款,海洋科学研究捐赠基金也为自愿信托基 垫款 195 000 美元(见下文 D 节),尽管设立捐赠基金的目的明确不同,是为了支持发展中国家 [...]
的科学家参加海洋科学研究,而不是支持法律和技术委员会成员及财务委员会成 员出席这些机构的会议。
In addition, to supplement the voluntary contributions, the sum of US$ 195,000 has been
advanced to the voluntary
[...] trust fund from the Endowment Fund for Marine Scientific Research (see sect. [...]
D below), even though
the Endowment Fund is expressly established for the separate purpose of supporting the participation of developing country scientists in marine scientific research and not for the purpose of supporting the participation of members of the Legal and Technical Commission and Finance Committee in the meetings of those bodies.
第 I 部分涉及会费收缴情况和周转基 垫款 , 以及付款计划和现金 流量。
Part I covers the
[...] collection of contributions and advances to the Working Capital Fund as well as payment [...]
plans and cash flow.
在第 420 段中,联合国资本发展基金同意审计委员会的下述建议:(a) 实 行控制措施,确保现垫款得到 及时应用;(b) 调整其现金结存,将款项相应地 加以重新分类。
In paragraph 420, the United Nations Capital Development Fund agreed with the Board’s recommendation that it (a) implement controls to ensure that cash advances are applied in a timely manner; and (b) adjust its cash balance and reclassify the amounts accordingly.
审计委员会对此表示关切,因为这是一种迹象,表明在区域办事处一级对 可在当地收回垫款的监 测控制很少或极为有限。
The Board was concerned as this was an indication that there were limited or no monitoring controls of advances recoverable locally at the regional office level.
申请的援助应视为预款项,垫款的 支 付必须以收到包括项目各具体组成部 分的费用在内的详细工作计划为准。
Requests will be treated as advance payments which must be based on the receipt of a detailed work plan including the costs of the specific elements that make up the contribution.
总干事还征得总部委员会的同意,从总部房舍外租基金拿出 100,000 欧元用作该 项目技术筹备工作垫款。
The Director-General has also obtained the agreement of the Headquarters Committee for a sum of up to €100,000 to be taken from the reserves of the Headquarters Utilization Fund as an advance for technical preparation for the project.
因此,审计委员会无法分析未结 清的可在当地收回垫款及在多长时间内未予结清。
As a result, the Board was unable to analyse the advances recoverable locally that had been outstanding or the period during which they had been outstanding.
未提供给审计委员会非洲区域办事处的可在当地收 垫款 分 类 账,因此无法 分析这垫款的账龄。
The Board was not provided with the advances recoverable locally ledger at the Africa Regional Office, and thus could not analyse the ageing of the advances recoverable locally.
(b) 新会员国须按照其在批准的基金总额中所占的一定比例向周转基金提垫 款,该 比例根据它加入本组织时使用的会费分摊比额表规定的比例确定; [...]
(c) 本基金的资金以美元分摊和支付;通常以美元留存,但总干事经执行局同 意,可按其认为必要的方式,改变构成该基金的一种或多种货币,以保证基
金的稳定和会费货币份额摊派法的顺利执行;如同意这种改变,将在该基金 项下设立一适当的等价兑换账户,以记录转换收益和损失
(c) that the resources of the Fund shall
[...] be assessed and paid in United States [...]
dollars; these resources shall normally be
held in United States dollars, but the Director-General shall have the right, with the agreement of the Executive Board, to alter the currency or currencies in which the Fund is held in such a manner as he deems necessary to ensure the stability of the Fund and the smooth functioning of the split-level assessment system; if such an alteration should be agreed, an appropriate exchange equalization account should be established within the Fund to record translation gains and losses on exchange
周转基金垫款应以 大会所决定之一种或几种货币计算和支 付”。
Advances to the Working Capital Fund shall be assessed and paid in a currency or currencies to be determined by the General Conference”.
在非洲区域办,审计委员会要求该区域有定额备用金账户的所有业务中心 都提供可在当地收回垫款分类账和账龄分析报告。
At the Africa Regional Office, the Board requested the
advances recoverable locally ledger and the ageing report for all the operations centres in
[...] the region with imprest accounts.
其他创新机制,如使联合国一些机构、基金和 方案署可进行内部款的垫款制度 ,大大加快了机构面对紧急情况的应对速度。
Additional innovative mechanisms, such as the advance financing systems that allow for internal borrowing used by some United Nations agencies, funds and programmes greatly enhance agency response times in an emergency situation.
[...] 要紧急施工时,租户可先行垫付,然后通知房主在以后的租金中扣除这部 垫款。
When the works should be realized urgently to avoid serious and immediate damages,
the tenant will be able to carry them out, providing that he communicates it to the owner, and
[...] will have right of refund.
委员会引用了基金于 2001 年 9 月划拨环境规划署现垫款的实例,在 2002 年 1 月划 拨另一次现垫付款之前,该现垫 付 款 未 被 偿付。
The Board cited the example of cash advances given to UNDP in September 2001 by the Fund which had not been liquidated before another was advanced in January 2002.
(b) 新会员国须按照其在批准的基金总额中所占的一定比例向周转基金提 垫款 ,该 比例根据它加入本组织时使用的会费分摊比额表规定的比例确定
(b) that a new Member State shall be required to make an advance to the Working Capital Fund, calculated as a percentage of the authorized level of the Fund, in accordance with the percentage assigned to it under the scale of assessments applicable at the time it becomes a Member
(b) 大会各项决议,特别是 2009 年 12 月 24 日关于意外及非常费用的第 64/246 号决议的规定正式授权承付的款项,但秘书长应将其列入概算,以偿还周 转基金; (c) 使循环基金得以继续支付自行清偿的杂项购置和活动的必要款项,但此 额加上以前同垫款未清净额不得超过 200 000 美元。
(b) Such sums as may be necessary to finance commitments that may be duly authorized under the provisions of the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, in particular resolution 64/246 of 24 December 2009 relating to unforeseen and extraordinary expenses; the Secretary-General shall make provision in the budget estimates for reimbursing the Working Capital Fund
在第 200 段中,开发署同意审计委员会的建议,即继续努力,就因为阿特 拉斯系统在 2004 年以前接过来的余额而出现的负结余以及因为支出被错误地分 配给没垫款的项目而产生垫款采 取 后续行动。
In paragraph 200, UNDP agreed with the Board’s recommendation that it continue its efforts to follow up on negative balances that represent pre-2004 take-on balances in Atlas, as well as those advances that have arisen owing to expenditure being incorrectly allocated to projects with no advances.
(e) 必要款项,使衡平征税基金在收足贷项之前能够支付当期承付款;衡平 征税基金收到贷项后,此垫款应立 即偿还
(e ) Such sums as may be necessary to enable the Tax Equalization Fund to meet current commitments pending the accumulation of credits; such advances shall be repaid as soon as credits are available in the Tax Equalization Fund




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