单词 | 垃圾食品 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 垃圾食品—junk foodSee also:垃圾n—junkn wasten garbagen spamn rubbishn debrisn littern 食品n—foodn foodspl provisionspl foodstuffspl
然而,委员会对儿童肥胖症日益增加表示关注,这一问 题是由于垃圾食品,糖果和肥胖食品等多种加工食物的广告宣传和消费造成的。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it remains concerned at increasing obesity among [...] children, which is linked to advertising and consumption of processed [...] foods, includingjunk food, sugary and fatty foods. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界确实需要养活近 70 亿的人口,但 并不需要为他们提供垃圾食品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world certainly needs to feed its population of nearly seven billion people, but it does not [...] need tofeedthem junk food. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们必须限制大做广告向各阶层人口宣传经过加工的垃圾食品这一做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must limit the increasingly widespread [...] advertising ofprocessedjunkfood directedat all segments [...]of the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
无营养卡路里”意指高热量低营养价值的食品,它是垃圾食品的别名。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Empty calories" describes foodshigh incalories but low in nutritional value, meaning it’s a fancyname for junk food. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
提前计划!-在家里准备健康的零食,打包到学校、单 位或者运动场,这样可以避免食用垃圾食品。 media.specialolympics.org | Plan Ahead! – Have healthy snacks around the house and pack them when you go to school, work, or sports. media.specialolympics.org |
同其他国家一样,城市地区的垃圾食品消费量日 渐增大,越来越多的人缺乏体育锻炼。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in other countries, [...] consumptionof junk food and lack ofphysical [...]exercise is increasing in the urban areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
Junk food垃圾食品吃着好吃但不健康的食物或饮料,它的营养成 [...] 分非常少,但却含有非常高的脂肪、盐、糖分、油 或化学物质。 hesperian.org | Junk food food ordrink that may taste [...] good but is not healthy because it contains few if any nutrients, but a lot of fat, [...]salt, sugar, oil, or chemicals. hesperian.org |
目前,我们正在最后确 定 2011 年食品法案的内容,帮助控制廉价、无营养垃圾食品的流入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Currently, we are finalizing the content of a 2011 food bill that will help control the incoming flow [...] of cheap and non-nutritiousjunkfood. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告所述期间,每年举行辩论和绘画/写信/标语竞赛,竞赛主题包括:消除贫穷; [...] 拯救女童;为把世界建设成更有利于青年的场所而做贡献;快乐祖父母和幸福家 庭;治愈癌症;摒弃垃圾食品,促进健康生活;青年有力量让世界摆脱烟草。 daccess-ods.un.org | Debates and painting/letter-writing/slogan contests were held every year during the reporting period on subjects such as ending poverty; saving the girl child; contributions to make the world a better place for youth; happy [...] grandparents and happy families; curing [...] cancer; eliminating junk food forhealthyliving; [...]and the power of youth to rid the world of tobacco. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们 还认为要像对待烟草那样征收垃圾食品税。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also think junkfood shouldbe taxed, as [...] tobacco is. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们需要远离超重、垃圾食品、吸烟、酗酒、 久坐不动的生活方式和贫穷等危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need to move away from the dangers [...] of excessweight,junkfood,tobacco, alcohol [...]abuse, sedentary lifestyles and poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
一般新鲜的食品和产品经常摆放在商店的外缘,因此 尽量少去中间的货架,这样可以避免购买垃圾食品。 media.specialolympics.org | – All the fresh food and produce is usually on the outer edges of the store, so try and avoid the middle aisles. media.specialolympics.org |
Roper Reports的研究显示,较之于发达国家,发展中国家 的消费者更倾向于远离快餐等垃圾食品,也愿意为家人的健康 膳食投入更多。 tetrapak.com | Roper Reports research shows that [...] consumers in developing countries are more [...] likely toavoid fast food thanthose in developed [...]countries, focusing more energy on [...]providing healthy meals for their families. tetrapak.com |
马塞尔解释说:“我知道应该吃健康食品,但问题是只有垃圾垃食品。 unicef.org | It’s harder to eathealthythan to eat junk, because junk is always going [...] to be there. unicef.org |
此外,消费增加、“垃圾”食物的进入、攻势强劲的广告、得不到充 分的医疗服务及劣质婴儿喂养,一起严重加剧了人口的营养挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, increased consumerism, along [...] with the introduction and [...] aggressive advertising of “junk”foods, inadequateaccess to [...]healthcare and poor infant feeding, [...]have severely compounded the nutritional challenges of the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
本产品没有防止垃圾,杂物进入油压回路或配管内的功能。 kosmek.co.jp | – There is no function [...] provided withthis productto prevent foreign [...]materials and contaminants from getting into the hydraulic system and pipes. kosmek.co.jp |
本手册是作者和众多红十字国际委员会环境工程问题 (包括供水、污 水和垃圾处理、食品加工、病媒防治、一般的卫生和健康问题) 工程师实 践经验的结晶,此类问题是他们在许多监狱中遇到并经常解决的问题。 icrc.org | This handbook is the fruit of the experience of the author and of the ICRC’s engineers in managing the environmental [...] engineering problems (water supply, [...] sewage and wastedisposal,food preparation,vectorcontrol, [...]general hygiene and health) [...]which they have encountered and often resolved in a large number of prisons. icrc.org |
无论是简单的绿色垃圾、咖啡渣、猪粪,还是液体垃圾,如泥浆、食品业的废油和奶制品的糖水等都可以这里处理。 swissworld.org | The plant is able to process a huge variety of wasteranging from plants and coffee grounds to pig manure and even liquids such [...] as slurry,oil from thefood industry and sugared water [...]left over from milk production. swissworld.org |
从施工及管道工具到独创的储存系统,再到耐用的食物垃圾处理器,艾默生商住解决方案通过领先的产品品牌提供高质量的产品及解决方案,包括 RIDGID® 、METRO®、及爱适易®(InSinkErator®)。 emerson.com | From construction and plumbing tools [...] to ingenious storage systems todurablefood waste disposers,Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions delivers quality through its leadingproduct brands, including RIDGID®, METRO® and InSinkErator®. [...] emerson.com |
在美国密尔沃基及 世界其他社区,食物垃圾处理器的使用提高了废水处理系统中的生物质含量,而废水处理系统 [...] 采用沼气捕捉技术,能够实现生物能发电。 emerson.com | In Milwaukee, USA and other communities around the [...] world,the use of foodwastedisposers helps [...]raise the biomass content in wastewater [...]systems that are equipped with methane gas capture technology that can be used for power generation. emerson.com |
在寻求有效处理食物残渣方法的道路上,人们往往忽视了污水处理系统的一个最基本的作用——把液态的废料转化成诸如可再生能源之类的宝贵资源,”Ferry 说,“了解各种食品垃圾处理方法对环境影响的区别,有助于消费者做出对环境更加负责的选择。 emerson.com | In thinking about effective tools for managing food scraps, wastewater treatment systems are often overlooked despite their daily role in turning liquid waste into valuable resources like renewable energy,” Ferry said. [...] “Understanding the environmental impacts of the [...] variousmethodsoffood waste disposal enables [...]consumers to make responsible choices for the environment. emerson.com |