单词 | 垃圾桶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 垃圾桶noun—trashnless common: garbage binn 垃圾桶—rubbish binSee also:垃圾n—rubbishn garbagen wasten littern spamn junkn debrisn 桶—barrel (of oil etc) (trash) can 桶n—barrelspl barreln pailn bucketn
米洛然后取出垃圾桶之前 ,他的母亲问他,暗地里却瓦解它与火星人的武器,类似于一个人的手枪大小和形状。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Milo then takesout the trash beforehis mother [...] asks him to, but secretly disintegrates it with a Martian weapon, similar [...]to a human pistol in size and shape. seekcartoon.com |
婚姻狀况和被访者的态度对注意衞生习惯可预防传染病与被访者会否把垃圾放进有 盖的垃圾桶内有关系。 cheu.gov.hk | Marital status and attitude towards the [...] effect of observing hygiene on communicable disease prevention are associated [...] with putting rubbish inacovered litter bin. cheu.gov.hk |
由於集尘盒有着独特的形状与光滑表面,因此灰尘会集中在集尘盒的一侧,并且可以均匀地倒入垃圾桶中。 philips.com.tw | Thanks to its unique shape and smooth surface, dust is collected at one side of the container and evenly glides into the dust bin. philips.com.my |
2月4日:警方在南加州National City一个社区内的垃圾桶中,找到了Dorner的随身物品。 ktsf.com | Monday, Feb. 4: Some of Dorner’s belongings [...] are foundin a trashbinin the San [...]Diego-area community of National City, Calif. ktsf.com |
带叉垃圾桶符号指在欧盟国家内,标有这一 符号的产品和增强附件任何都不得作为未分 类垃圾进行处理,必须在使用寿命到期时独 [...] 立收集。 sonimtech.com | The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin [...] indicates that within the countries in the European Union, this product, and any [...]enhancements marked with this symbol, can not be disposed as unsorted waste but must be taken to separate collection at their end- of-life. sonimtech.com |
若您要删除首页上的应用程式,请长按该应用程式不放,并将该应用程式拖拽 至右边的垃圾桶,即会删除首页上此应用程式。 camangi.com | If you wish to dleete the application on the home screen, you can long press on theapplication and [...] then drag to the trash can areato delete [...]the shortcut. camangi.com |
同时,这样的框架可将竖向的元素,如长椅、垃圾桶等精准无缝地整合到路径的水平表面上。 chinese-architects.com | This structure also allows vertical elements [...] like benchesand trashbins to be integrated [...]seamlessly with the path’s horizontal surface. chinese-architects.com |
作为一项临时措施, 您可以将一个塑胶垃圾桶衬袋放在马桶内,在有需要 时将衬袋弃掉。 essa.ca | As a temporary measure, you can line the toilet [...] with a plastic trashcanliner and dispose [...]of the bag as necessary. essa.ca |
很多被访者普遍采取的环境衞生习惯包括打开家中窗户以保持室内空气流通 [...] (97.6%)、清洁家居(93.7%)、把罐、樽及饭盒等垃圾放进有盖的垃圾桶内 (85.5%),以 及保持渠道和水管畅通和没有渗漏(84.0%)。 cheu.gov.hk | Many respondents had commonly carried out environmental hygiene practices such as keeping windows at home open to maintain good indoor ventilation [...] (97.6%), cleaning home [...] (93.7%), putting rubbish like cans, bottles [...]and lunch boxes in a covered litter bin (85.5%) and keeping [...]drains and pipes free from blockage and leakage (84.0%). cheu.gov.hk |
就像在 iPhoto [...] 一样,你可以把不小心删除了的档案,从垃圾桶中找回,并把它们拖曳到任何计划案中。 mammals.org | As in iPhoto, you can retrieve unintentionally deleted [...] items from theTrash by dragging them [...]back into the desired project. mammals.org |
他出来,并成功地远离他的绑匪,与Eddie脱落的建设和一个垃圾桶,而追逐他的屋顶。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He follows it out and successfully gets away from [...] his kidnappers, with Eddie falling off the [...] building and into a garbage binwhilechasing [...]after him through the rooftop. seekcartoon.com |
每房间都有垃圾桶及有工作员定时清倒。 indochinesehostel.org.au | Rubbishbins aresupplied in each room [...] and emptied when your room is cleaned. indochinesehostel.org.au |
将载满的垃圾桶从洗手间,以及调制、贮存或供应食物的地方移走。 bccdc.ca | Removefull garbage cans from washrooms [...] and any room where food is prepared, stored or served. bccdc.ca |
在小公园里的垃圾桶上,运用旧杂货篮和塑胶绳,做成赶乌鸦的笼子。 thisbigcity.net | A ‘pocketpark’rubbish bin iscovered with [...] a crow-repelling cage constructed from an old grocery crate and some plastic twist ties thisbigcity.net |
工序指令词汇现在还支援将照片放进或移出垃圾桶。 mammals.org | The scripting dictionary includes support for moving [...] photos to and from the Trash. mammals.org |
废旧蓄电池是需要特别监控回收的废物。蓄电池上如有回收标志及垃圾桶上打 叉标志,则不能丢 弃在生活垃圾中。 sipos.de | The batteries with the recycling sign and the crossed out refuse bin on it are not to be put into domestic waste. sipos.de |
垃圾及食物残渣要包好,并放在有盖的垃圾桶内。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Wrap up and store rubbish and food remnants in a dustbin with a well fitted cover and empty the dustbin at least once everyday housingauthority.gov.hk |
游戏结构通过把争议的区域而不是男女游戏者本人,使他们能够无拘无束;毕竟,目标 不是伤害或克服敌人的身体,而是占有桌子、垃圾桶等或夺回被偷走的物品。 ipaworld.org | The structure of the game, by situating the disputed territory in space or objects and not in or at the persons of the female and male players, allows them to be much more uninhibited; after all, the aim is not to hurt and conquer [...] the bodies of the enemies but only to [...] appropriatetables, garbage cans, and so forth [...]or to reappropriate objects that have been stolen. ipaworld.org |
其他方法虽然可能在技术上合法,但显然是不道德的(例如窃听、寻找 丢弃在垃圾桶里的 文件、偷偷记录谈话)。 lubrizol.com | Other methods, while perhaps not technically illegal, are clearly [...] unethical (for example, eavesdropping, looking for [...] discarded documents in trash bins and secretly [...]recording a conversation). lubrizol.com |
她现在很懂事了,喜欢帮我做些家务,比如我抹桌子的时候,她会把垃圾桶拉倒桌子旁别,方便我把用过的餐巾纸和残渣剩饭倒进去。 halfthesky.org | She likes to help me do housework; for example, [...] when I am cleaning and tidying the table, [...] she willdrag the rubbishbin next to the [...]table so it’s easy for me to throw the [...]used napkins and leftover food leftover into the bin. halfthesky.org |
而且,我们亦非常重视尘袋的丢弃处理,确保卫生无虞,可轻松取出并丢弃在垃圾桶内。 philips.com.hk | Furthermore, we pay attention to the disposal process of the dust bag, and make sure it is hygienic, and easy to place in the bin. philips.com.hk |
使用非吸收性物料(例如耐用塑胶或金属)制造的不渗漏垃圾桶。 bccdc.ca | Use water-tightgarbage cans made of [...] non-absorbing material such as heavy plastic or metal. bccdc.ca |
虽然妈妈最终会把鲜花扔到垃圾桶里,但是爸爸还是喜欢送花给妈妈,因为爸爸喜欢看见妈妈灿烂的笑容。 4tern.com | Although mum ended up threw the flowers away, but it never stopped the dad to repeat the routine. 4tern.com |
爸爸含泪的说:“这是我补送给你的情人节鲜花,你要永远留着,别再扔垃圾桶了。 4tern.com | Keep it and don’t throw it away again, my dear. 4tern.com |
没有电,只有太阳能灯,你会发现,从生活的树木,天然桥梁,围栏,楼梯,垃圾桶及其他意外,使20人天然淋浴,天然圆形剧场 instantworldbooking.com | There is no electricity, only solar lights, you will find natural showers, [...] natural amphitheatre for 20 people made from living trees, natural bridges, [...] fences, stairs,dustbins and other surprises. instantworldbooking.com |
虽然我们把无用的应用程序拖到垃圾桶中删 除,但是上述此类的相关文件还是会有所保留,留存在电脑中侵占电脑空间,减缓电脑运行速度。 appzapper.cn.uptodown.com | Uninstalling a program is as easy as drag and drop the icon of the program into the recycled bin, however, those associated files remain in your computer, just occupying space. appzapper.en.uptodown.com |
当中包括范逸臣《在这里分手》、张惠妹《知己》、罗志祥《淘汰郎》《黑眼圈》《垃圾桶》、王心凌《想和你》《睁开眼》、郭采洁《你在不在》《不过问》、张栋梁《陌路》、2moro《两个我》、蔡依林《小伤口》、梁静茹《情歌没有告诉你》、孙燕姿《当冬夜渐暖》《是时候》、炎亚纶《下一个我》等。 serenemusic.net | Van Fan《Break Here》, Ah- Mei 《Bosom [...] Friend》, Show Luo 《Lang eliminated》, [...] 《Dark Circle》, 《Rubbish Trash》,Cyndy Wang《To Be with [...]You》,《Open Your Eyes》, Guo Cai [...]Jie 《Are You Here》,《Never Ask》, Nicholas Teo 《Stranger》, 2moro 《Two sides》, Jolin Tsai 《Small injuries》, Fish Leong 《Love Does Not Tell You》,Stephanie Sun 《When Getting Warm Winter》,《It’s Time》,Aaron Yan 《The Next Me》 and many more. serenemusic.net |
若怀疑这种策略是否奏效,可参考英国的FixMyStreet,这个平台已收集逾1600件内容,包括垃圾桶满溢、人行道破裂、违法涂鸦等,都附上照片或影片为证。 thisbigcity.net | How effective such a system can be is demonstrated by the British analog FixMyStreet, which accumulates more than 1,600 reports [...] per week, including photographic and video evidence, [...] of overflowing trash-bins, broken footpaths, [...]and illegal graffiti. thisbigcity.net |