

单词 垃圾工


工业垃圾 n

industrial waste n
industries pl

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,垃圾收集車於每天收垃圾工作完 畢及回到車場後,司機亦須安排清洗車輛。
Furthermore, drivers have to arrange for the RCVs to be washed when they return to depots at the end of each working day.
如果全港所有垃圾的工人不 工作 3 天,我相信最少 不會有人前來立法會開會,因為這裏會臭氣熏天,對嗎?
If all garbage collectors in Hong Kong stop [...]
working for three days, I believe nobody would come back to the Legislative
Council for meetings because this place would be filled with stench.
由于食物中含盐量很高,农民 对厨垃圾加工的肥料兴趣不大, 因此几乎所有的厨余垃圾最终都焚 烧处理。
Since the food contains a high level of salt, farmers are not interested in using compost made from food waste, which is why practically all food waste is incinerated.
近几十年来,影响物质遗产的环境因素,如污染、车辆交通和拥塞 垃圾 和 工 业 废弃 物、酸雨,其影响均大幅提高。
The impact of environmental factors affecting physical
heritage, such as pollution, vehicle traffic
[...] and congestion, garbage and industrial waste, [...]
acid rain, have all dramatically increased in recent decades.
例如,私人屋苑普遍 採用公用垃圾房/桶或垃圾槽,而某些公共屋邨及舊式樓宇沒有以樓
[...] 層為本位的垃圾收集設施,居民要把都市固體廢物棄置在公共地方( 每 樓層的走廊或樓梯) ,垃圾工人收取。
Yet, some public housing estates and old tenement buildings do not have any floor-based refuse collection facilities and residents have to discard
their MSW in public area (along the corridor on each floor or at the staircase) for
[...] subsequent collection by garbage men.
此外,如 2009 年施政讲 演所示,2009 年《减少垃圾法》(修正案)扩大 垃圾工 的 定 义范围,以包括固体 废物管理员和辅警成员的服务。
In addition, as reflected in the 2009 Speech from the Throne, the Litter Abatement (Amendment) Act 2009 gave a broader definition for litter wardens to include the services of solid waste officers and members of the Police Auxiliary Force.
因此 ,本署優 先 處 理 的個案 ,包括妨礙清垃圾工作( 可根據《公眾 生及市政條例》 第 22(1)(a)條 提出檢控) 、違例販賣活動( 可根據《公眾 生及市政條例》 第 83(B)(1)條 提出檢控)、以及持 牌處所在劃 定範圍以外㆞方經營食物業 (可根據《食物業規例》第 34C 條 提出檢控)。
As such, enforcement priority is given to cases involving obstruction to scavenging operations (actionable under section 22(1)(a) of Cap. 132), illegal hawking activities (actionable under section 83B(1) of Cap. 132) and food businesses operating beyond the confines of licensed premises (actionable under Section 34C of FBR).
過去數 年,當局只以單一方式處理垃圾,廚餘、家 垃圾 、 工 商 業 廢料等均 被送到堆填區,令堆填區不勝負荷,導致現時要研究擴建。
Food waste, household refuse, as well as industrial and commercial waste are all sent to landfills, not only overloading landfills, but also leading to the present need to examine the extension of the landfill.
代 理主席,本人過 往 多次在本會發言 時 , 已 經
[...] 不 斷 重 申,不論在 減少垃 圾 , 以至如 何 處垃圾的 工作上 , 特 區 政府的做 法 均與其他先 進 國家和 [...]
城 市 大有分 別,更與“大市場、小政府”的原則背 道 而 馳 。
Madam Deputy, as reiterated by me in my speeches delivered in this Council in the past, insofar as
the efforts on work ranging from
[...] reducing garbage to finding ways to deal with waste disposal [...]
are concerned, the methods used
by the SAR Government are very much different from those of developed countries or cities, even running totally counter to the "big market and small government" principle.
空气污染显著减少,垃圾填埋场工 人 和 附近村庄的居民创造了更安 全的环境。
Air pollution was drastically reduced, creating a safer environment for landfill workers and residents from nearby villages.
每房間都垃圾桶及有工作員 定時清倒。
Rubbish bins are supplied in each room and emptied [...]
when your room is cleaned.
(a) 中国:关于海洋灾害、风暴潮、海平面和海洋环境质量(水质、海洋生 态系统健康垃圾场监测、工业点 源及河流和大气污染等)
(a) China: there were annual reports on marine disasters, storm surge, sea level and marine
environmental quality (water quality,
[...] marine ecosystem health, dump site monitoring, industrial [...]
point sources, river and atmospheric inputs, etc.)
在少数情况下,Skype可能会截取并手动检查 垃圾 邮 件拦 截 工 作 相 关的即时消息或短信。
In limited instances, Skype may capture and manually review instant messages
[...] or SMS in connection with Spam prevention efforts.
(f) 增訂一項新條文,廢除附表 2 現有的第 1、2、3 及 4 段,以 免除有關廁所設施、妨擾、妨 清糞垃圾清掃工作的豁 免,但有關宣傳品的豁免則維持不變。
(f) add a new clause to repeal the existing paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Schedule 2 to MTRO to remove the exemption relating to the public toilets, nuisance and obstruction to scavenging; however, the exemption relating to advertising remains unchanged.
首 先,特 區 政府寧 願 死 抱 僵 化 的政策教條, 也要堅 決 反對採 納 業 界 、 環 保團體和我 們 議員的一致訴 求
, 始 終 不肯利用“ 四 兩 撥 千 斤 ”的方 式 , 為 環 保 工 業提供 有 利 的 營商環境, 從而引入私營企業的力 量 來 解 開 垃圾長 期 堆 積
[...] 的 死 結 , 反而堅 持 獨 力包攬 幾 乎 所 有垃圾處 理 工作。
In the first place, the SAR Government has blindly adhered to rigid policies and dogmas, firmly refusing to accept the request unanimously made by members of the industry, environmental protection groups and Members, and all along saying no to a way of "using a small gadget to jack up a heavy load" by providing the environmental protection industries with a business-friendly
environment so as to bring in the strength of private enterprises to undo
[...] the fast knot of refuse incessantly piling up.
童工的发生率已经减少垃圾区的童 工 已 经 根除。
The incidence of child labour had also decreased
[...] and child labour in garbage areas had been eradicated.
這對維持業主立案法團作 為一個健康且可持續的管理機制有很大的幫助;即使是相對鬆散的管
[...] 理機制亦應該設立,最低限度也能幫助處理樓宇的日常管 工 作 ,垃圾收集、緊急維修工程等,有助降低建築物出現嚴重破損的機會。
By  doing  so,  there  would  be  a  healthy  and  sustainable  mechanism  under  this  best  case  scenario.  As  regards  the  worst  case,  a  loosely  organized  management  body  should  also  be  maintained  to 
handle  daily  management  matters  of 
[...] buildings  such  as  garbage  cleansing,  immediate  [...]
maintenance  works,  etc.  in  the  long  term.
沭阳绿意得生活垃圾综合处理中心采用的 WIT 技术平台的技术路线集成多项国际领先 垃圾 处 理 工 艺 技 术,如 W S T 垃圾 分 选 技术、ITAD液态高温好氧发酵技术、RDF衍生燃料技术及塑料热裂解技术等多项高科技资源再生工艺,有效地将生 垃 圾 、 商业及农业有机废弃物转化成高肥效的有机肥料、种植营养土、RDF衍生燃料、塑料衍生燃油等一系列高附加值的再生资源产品,这些产品可广泛应用于农业、林业和园艺业等领域。
The WIT platform adopted by the Shuyang ITAD Centre is an integrated
process for treating
[...] MSW and it employs a number of world-leading waste management technologies, such as Waste Separation Technology (WST), Innovative Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ITAD), Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) process and plastic pyrolysis [...]
process, to covert
municipal, agricultural and industrial wastes into various high value-added products: highly-effective organic fertilizers, nutrient-rich soil, recycled plastics, RDF, and plastic-derived fuel oil, etc. These products are used widely in agriculture, forestry and horticulture.
[...] 门,而且儿童从事危险和/ 或有辱人格的工作,特别是矿场 垃圾 场 的 工 作 和电 池回收工作。
The Committee is concerned that child labour in the State party remains extensive, in particular in the informal sector, and
that children are exposed to dangerous and/or degrading work, in
[...] particular in mines, garbage dumps and battery [...]
Zack和Cody他们的能力倾向测验成绩感到惊讶:扎克被告知他将是一个CEO,而科迪会变成为卫 工 程 师 ( 垃圾 人 )
Zack and Cody are surprised by their
aptitude test scores: Zack is told he will be a CEO, while Cody is going to turn
[...] out as a sanitation engineer (garbage man).
[...] 注意到 注意到 注意到国际海事组织为防止船垃圾 污 染 所做 工 作 , 欣见通过了对 经 1978 年议定书修订的 [...]
1973 年《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》关于防止船舶垃 圾污染的附件五的修正案;68 144.
Notes the work of the International Maritime Organization
[...] to prevent pollution by garbage from ships, and welcomes [...]
the adoption of amendments to annex
V to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, on the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships;68 144.
尽管目垃圾收运工成本还比较低,但为广大市民营 造一个更好的生活与工作环境是我 们一直以来的工作目标”,徐建韵 说,“传垃圾收运过程造成的恶劣 卫生条件,容易使垃圾在高密度的 社区内造成疾病的传播与蔓延,这 是我们必须面对的严峻问题。
We want to try to promote a better working environment, even if we have access to very cheap labour,” Xu Jian-Yun says. “Poor hygiene can facilitate the spread of illnesses and diseases in this crowded community with its hot, humid climate.
注意到国际海事组织为防止船垃圾 污 染 所做 工 作 , 包括海洋环境 保护委员会目前针对经 1978 年议定书修订的 1973 年《国际防止船舶造成污染公 约》附件五关于防止船舶垃圾污染的各项规定进行的审查,并鼓励各国和相关国 [...]
Notes the work of the International Maritime Organization to prevent pollution by garbage from ships, including [...]
the current review
by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the provisions of annex V to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, on the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships, and encourages States and relevant international organizations to contribute to this work through participation in the relevant processes of the Committee
本手册是作者和众多红十字国际委员会环境工程问题 (包括供水、污 水垃圾处理、食品工、病 媒防治、一般的卫生和健康问题) 工程师实 [...]
This handbook is the fruit of the experience of the author and of the ICRC’s engineers in managing the
environmental engineering problems
[...] (water supply, sewage and waste disposal, food preparation, [...]
vector control, general hygiene
and health) which they have encountered and often resolved in a large number of prisons.
工程計劃的擬議 範圍包括(a)興建 1 所社區健康中心,以提供跨專業基層醫療服務;
[...] 地賽馬會分科診所的長者健康中心;(d)公用設施,包括伺服器房、清工人室、垃圾房、保安控制室、屋宇裝備和機電房及其他機房;以及 [...]
(e)為垃圾車、貨車、輕型貨車、救護車和私家車而設的泊車或上落客 貨車位。
The proposed scope of the project comprises (a) a CHC for providing multidisciplinary primary healthcare services; (b) a Maternal and Child Health Centre to be reprovisioned from the Yaumatei Specialist Clinic Extension; (c) an Elderly Health Centre to be reprovisioned from the Yaumatei Jockey Club Polyclinic; (d)
communal facilities including server
[...] rooms, cleaner’s room, refuse collection room, security [...]
control room, building services
and electrical and mechanical plant rooms and other services rooms; and (e) parking and loading/unloading facilities for refuse collection vehicle, goods vehicle, light van, ambulance and private car.
柬埔寨王国政府竭 尽 全 力加强环境监 测 , 控 制 固 体 液 体 废 物工业 垃 圾,防 止和减少 环境污染(水污染、土壤污染和空气污染)及对公众的影响,并且采 取 严 厉 措 施 防 止 柬埔寨成为 其他国家的垃圾倾弃场 。
The Royal Government of Cambodia
[...] has tried on its best to strengthen the environment monitoring from solid and liquid wastes and industry factory wastes in order to prevent [...]
and reduce environmental
pollution (water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution) and impacts on the public as well as taken strict measures to prevent Cambodia from becoming the waste dumping side of foreign countries.
非正式的利益攸关者包括(女性)街道清扫工、在废物收 集车上工作的(男性)工人、垃圾场的 “拾荒”者(其中有些人可能就住在垃圾场 或周围)、靠回收废物谋生的家庭企业。
The “unofficial” stakeholders include (female) street sweepers, (male) workers on collection trucks, dump site waste pickers, some of whom may actually live on or at the edge of the dump site, and family-based businesses that live off recycling.




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