

单词 垂悬分词

See also:

垂垂 v

drop v

悬垂 n

drapability n

悬垂 v

drape v
overhange v

垂垂 adv

gradually adv

External sources (not reviewed)

用于纸卷包装的包装纸符合要包装纸卷的宽度外加卷边的 悬垂 部 分 ”。
The packaging paper web with which the rolls are wrapped fit the width of the roll to be
[...] wrapped plus a crimp "overhang.
With its slender silhouette and large, hanging leaves the banana resembles a tree.
我们的聚丙烯能增强卫生吸附产品的强度、柔软性 悬垂 性 和 阻隔性能。
Our polypropylene imparts strength, softness, drapability and barrier performance in hygiene absorbent products.
改善柔软性悬垂性、 强度和阻隔性能。
Improve softness, drapability, strength and barrier performance.
但是也有与会者指出,“优质教育” 词 有 过 于宽泛之嫌,使得对结果进行评估或对 成果进行评价分困难 ,需要有一个公认的界定。
A few participants, however pointed to a danger that the term “quality education” tended to become too broad complicating any assessment of outcomes or measurement of results, and that an agreed-to definition was warranted.
以其独特的弹性、挠性、粘附力 悬垂 性 和韧性的结合,威达美丙烯基弹性体可以定制您希望的薄膜应用所具有的特殊属性。
Unique for its combination of elasticity, flexibility, adhesion, ability to drape and toughness, Vistamaxx can be tailored to specific attributes of a desired film application.
[...] Style干洗店和北京健康用品的地区购物街;正驶向路缘的沃尔斯利汽车,上方挂着电缆和布满乌云的天空;一座西班牙布道院风格的房屋,屋 垂悬 着 一 株鸡蛋花树;一个商店主正检查一个堆满了塑料容器的柜台, 画面中他鼻子以下的分全被 裁掉;天空泛白时鸟瞰树丛;阳光透过铁路天桥;花边似的影子落在画满涂鸦的行人道;空荡的铁路月台期盼着到达或离开。
There are nine photographs all up: two lacquered Chinese chairs in a leaf-littered front garden; the local shopping strip with its Nu Style dry cleaners and Peking Health Supplies; a sky swollen with clouds and
power lines above an
[...] old Wolseley car that is hugging the curb; a Spanish mission-style house overhung with a frangipani tree; a shopkeeper cropped from the nose down surveying [...]
a counter stacked
with plastic containers; a bird’s-eye view over trees as the sky brightens; the sun breaking through a railway overpass; the lacy shadows along a graffiti-strewn walkway; a railway platform empty but for the pregnant promise of arrival or departure.
决议草案应做以下编辑性修改:“高速公路” 应该写成两词语;序言分第五 段的“秘书处”词应改 为“联合国”;在同一段落,“巴库”后 应加一逗号,之后加“阿塞拜疆”一词,同阿塞拜 [...]
The following editorial changes would be made to
the draft resolution:
[...] “Super Highway” would be written as two words; in preambular paragraph 5, the word “Secretariat” [...]
be changed to read “United Nations”; and in the same paragraph, “Baku” would be followed by a comma and the word “Azerbaijan,” as in the version previously submitted by his delegation.
将一个压力垂悬在涂 料软管中,启动发动机。
With a pressure gauge plumbed into the paint hose, start the engine.
因此, 为了更好地描述这些关系中的记录,以及对记录详 分 析 形 成 词 汇 表,发挥为某一组实体提 供信息的作用,借鉴其它与书目关系相关的观点也许会有帮助。
Thus for better mapping of records on
these relations and
[...] also detailed analysis of records for identifying vocabularies act as clues in [...]
attributing an entity
to a group, other views on bibliographic relationships might be of help.
因 此,设法在《实践指南》关于保留效果一节的导言 分 解 释这 一 词 的 意 义,是有 用的。
It would therefore be useful, at least, to endeavour to clarify the meaning of the term in the introductory section of the Guide to Practice covering the effects of reservations.
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加 行动,又联系 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第
2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行动,
[...] 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 1 款所分遣队和符合第 5 款、5 之二、5 之三规定限度的情况下,悬挂意大利 旗帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域的商船上,部署 1931 年 6 月 18 日第 [...]
773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第
133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the participation of military personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para. 13 of this decree, and also in conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC of the Council, of 10 November 2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the
International Maritime
[...] Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and [...]
in any case within
the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
根据尼斯专家委员会的批准(文件 CLIM/CE/21/3 第 20
[...] 至 26 段),到 2012 年新的出版平台将投入生产,这样可以整合新的特征, 如同词、与分类交 叉的类似商品或服务的链接、与一些商品定义的链接、分类报告和与 WIPO 品 牌数据库的链接(配合计划 [...]
13 全球数据库)。
The new publication platform will be in production by 2012, as approved by the Nice Committee of Experts (paragraphs 20 to 26 of document CLIM/CE/21/3), allowing
the integration of new
[...] features such as synonyms, links to similar goods or services across Classes, links to [...]
definitions of some goods,
classification reports, and links to WIPO Brand Database (in coordination with Program 13 (Global Databases).
同样值得注意的是,在头两章的Berakot对某些段落塔木德文本的部分版本中指定的 词 “ pi sḳa”( 分 ) ,这 个 词 有 时 也发现在其他部分的文本耶路莎米。
It is likewise noteworthy that in the first two chapters of Berakot the sections of the Talmudic text on some of the paragraphs are designated in the editions by the word "pisḳa" (section), a term found occasionally also in other portions of the text of Yerushalmi.
食典委同意食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会关于在食典商品标准关于污染物的 部分中明确提及 GSCTF 的建议,并决定要求总原则法典委员会根据食品添加剂和污染物 法典委员会建议的条文,最终确定关于污染物 分 的 标准 措 词 , 以 便纳入《程序手册》。
The Commission agreed to the recommendation of the CCFAC to include a specific reference to the GSCTF in the sections on contaminants of Codex commodity standards and decided to request the CCGP to finalize the standard wording for the contaminants section, based on the text proposed by the CCFAC, for inclusion in the Procedural Manual.
外牆亦會有一分以垂直種植模式進行綠化,以作遮 蓋。
The external wall
[...] will also be partially screened by vertical greening.
位置和因此而形成的气流角度将影响到如倾 斜装置悬垂装置的性能。
Positioning and resultant air-flow angles will impact performance, for instance with sloping and over-hanging installations.
[...] 序中都不引作证据,并吁请各国考虑将此项禁令扩大适用于通过残忍、不人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚而取得的词 , 确认 充 分 查 证 任何诉讼程序中引作证据的 供词,包括口供,是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的保 障
Strongly urges States to ensure that no statement that is established to have been made as a result of torture is invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made, and calls upon States to consider extending that prohibition to statements made as a result of other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment, and
[...] recognizes that adequate corroboration of statements, including confessions, used as evidence [...]
in any proceedings constitutes
one safeguard for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
项目简介: Paoding中分词是一个使用Java开发的,可结合到Lucene应用中的,为互联网、企业内部网使用的中文搜索引 分词 组 件
Project Information: Paoding a Chinese word is used in Java , can be combined into Lucene applications for Internet, intranet search engine using the Chinese word components.
(6) 稍微改动了国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第 16 条的标题,在“援助或协 助”之前加上了“国家”词,以区 分 本 条 的标题与本条款草案第 14 条的标 题。
(6) The heading of article 16 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts has been slightly
adapted, by adding “by a
[...] State” to the words “aid or assistance”, in order to distinguish the heading [...]
of the present article
from that of article 14 of the present draft articles.
Paoding填补了国内中分词方面 开源组件的空白,致力于此并希翼成为互联网网站首选的中 分词 开 源 组件。
Paoding filled a Chinese word in the blank
[...] open source components , dedicated to this site and message of hope to become the first choice of Chinese Internet word open source components .
在 GSK 开发的数种氢氟烷烃-计量吸入器中,活性 分悬 浮 ( 而 不是溶解)在氢氟烷烃中,这就需要有更复杂的设备(也即可单段灌装的设备)并使用特 [...]
殊的容器(从纯铝罐向镀聚四氟乙烯铝罐过渡,费用为 0.37 美元)、定量阀(0.15 美元) 和
定量触动器(0.05 美元)。
The active ingredient in several of [...]
the HFA-MDIs that have been developed by GSK is in suspension (and not in solution)
in HFA, which requires more complex equipment (i.e., to allow for a single stage filling) and the use of specific cans (from plain aluminium to PTFE coated at a cost US $0.37), metering valve (US $0.15) and a metering actuator (US $0.05).
其中一些部长(18 至 24
[...] 名,结合地域平衡需要进 行挑选)将应邀作简短的开幕词(3 分钟) ,随后所有参会的部长将展开公开的讨论。
Some of them (18 to 24, selected taking into account the need
for geographical balance) will be invited
[...] to make short (3 minutes) opening statements, [...]
and all of them will then engage in an open debate.
今天,ExxonMobil™聚丙烯产品和茂金属催化的Achieve™树脂已成为他们在纺粘和熔喷非织造布应用中提高柔软性 悬垂 性 和 阻隔性能的信赖之选,而威达美™丙烯基弹性体又为各项性能的进一步改进提供了新的可能,并已在高级非织造布的应用中得到了验证。
Today, they can rely on ExxonMobil™ polypropylene products and Achieve™ resins to improve softness, drapability and barrier performance in spunbond and meltblown applications.
世界范围内的非织造布生产商都依赖经济而质量稳定的 ExxonMobil™聚丙烯 和 Achieve™树脂 来增强卫生吸附产品的强度、柔软性 悬垂 性 和 阻隔性。
Converters worldwide rely on the cost-effective, consistent quality of ExxonMobil™ polypropylene and Achieve™ resins for imparting strength, softness, drapability and barrier to hygiene absorbent products.
这部 1790
[...] 年的手稿包含萨利巴语言的语法和 分词 汇 , 由一位不知名的作者在桑米格玛库(San [...]
Miguel del Macuco,今哥伦比亚的奥罗库埃)编译,并由耶稣会传教士使用。
This 1790 manuscript contains a
[...] grammar and partial glossary of the Saliba [...]
language, compiled by an unknown writer in San
Miguel del Macuco (present-day Orocué, Colombia), and used by Jesuit missionaries.




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