

单词 坚贞不渝

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他强调说,该国政府始不渝地坚持 所有国家工作人 员都必须根据适当的法律程序开展逮捕、拘留和调查行动,其中包括审讯。
He stressed that
[...] the Government steadfastly insisted that [...]
all agents of the State should necessarily carry out arrests,
detentions and investigations, including interrogations, in accordance with the due process of the law.
如果不向面对占领、非正义和压 坚贞不 屈 的我 们的兄弟姐妹巴勒斯坦人民表示敬意,并为他们感到 [...]
We would be remiss not to salute and [...]
express our pride in our brothers and sisters, the Palestinians, who remain steadfast
in the face of occupation, injustice and oppression.
行政长官 再次表示,不论 2007
[...] 年全民投票的结果如何,新西兰保证始 不渝 地 坚 定 支持 托克劳(A/AC.109/2008/SR.11)。
The Administrator once again noted that, regardless [...]
of the outcome of the 2007 referendum, New Zealand’s support for Tokelau
remained substantial and assured (see A/AC.109/2008/SR.11).
虽然允许,像古代,一夫多妻制和离婚的其他宗教, 坚 决 禁 止通奸 不贞 洁 的 所有形式。
Though allowing, like other religions of antiquity, polygamy and
[...] divorce, it strongly forbade adultery and all forms of unchastity.
但是,美国人民一再表明,我们能够共同解决这些问题,并始 不渝 地 坚 持 我 们的核心价值观,并因此而更加强大。
But time and again, the American people have demonstrated that we can work through these issues, and stay true to our core values, and emerge stronger for it.
它 们想把和平的机会埋葬在针坚贞不 屈 的 加沙的战 争瓦砾之下。
They wish to bury the chances for peace under the
[...] rubble of the war against steadfast Gaza.
因此,古巴始不 渝地坚持培育和推进与古巴之间不断发展的经济关系。
Accordingly, Brazil has also continued to foster and pursue a growing economic relationship with Cuba.
这些具有各种不同信仰的美国人共同奉献和牺牲,使美国的承诺代代相传,并保证美国的特色得到保护--即矢 不渝 地 坚 持 我 们的核心价值观,一步一个脚印地建设完美的祖国。
They are part of an unbroken line of Americans that stretches back to our founding; Americans of all faiths who have served and sacrificed to extend the promise of America to new generations, and to ensure that what is exceptional about America is protected — our commitment to stay true to our core values, and our ability slowly but surely to perfect our union.
针对伊斯兰教等某些宗教的不宽容现象在世界 各地都所有增加,但他不认为 宗教作为信仰的载 体应得到保护,免于面对关于教义 坚贞 纯 洁 、或 其内在协调一致的挑战。
Despite the signs of a growing intolerance in the world to certain
religions, including
[...] Islam, he did not subscribe to the view that religion, as a body of belief, should be protected from challenges as to the robustness or purity of doctrine, [...]
or its internal consistency and coherence.
最后,秘鲁政府认为,取消这种单方面域外措施,符合它对民主行使人权和 经济自由共同目标坚定不渝承诺
Finally, the Government of Peru considers that the elimination of such unilateral and extraterritorial measures is consistent with its firm and unchanging commitment to the common objectives in the areas of representative democracy, the exercise of human rights and economic freedom.
作为具有近50年历史的聚丙烯供应商,我们始 不渝 地 坚 守 承 诺,不断地创新产品和扩大产能,推动您的业务发展。
Our commitment is proven by almost 50 years experience as a polypropylene supplier, by product innovations and capacity expansions to support your business.
[...] 西哥和古巴之间关系同样的团结和连续性,两国在新 的信任气氛中和始不渝地坚持《 联合国宪章》的宗 旨和原则的情况下,保持了坚定的历史性联系。
Those principles have preserved the same solidarity and continuity over time in the
relations between Mexico and Cuba, two States that
[...] have maintained steadfast historical ties [...]
in an atmosphere of renewed trust and
unfailingly following the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
主席女士,我 與 廉 政 專 員 希望藉 今 次 向本會提交報 告的機 會,感 謝 本 會及市民大 眾 對廉署的 支持, 以 及 貪污問題諮詢委員會各 成員於 年 內所作的 寶 貴貢獻, 並 且 向 精不 渝、盡忠 職守的 全體廉署人員致意。
Madam President, the Commissioner of the ICAC and I would like to take this opportunity to thank this Council and members of the public for their support, and the members of the Advisory Committee on Corruption for their valuable contribution.
几位代表认为,传播与信息部门应始 不渝 地 作为本组织内跨部门方法的倡导者。
Several delegates considered that the Communication and Information Sector should continue to be an in-house advocate for intersectorality.
许多发言者强调需要提高一系列以康复为导向 的护理服务的质量、扩大其范围并增加其品种,他们介绍了本国所作的努力, 并重申他们在这方面将始不渝奋发 努力。
Many speakers underlined the need to improve the quality, coverage and variety of services in a recovery-oriented continuum of care, describing the efforts in their countries and reiterating their commitment in that regard.
强加一个复杂的办法,要求至少将 50%的预防资金用于鼓励禁欲和贞 的方案,不允许有经验的机构确定如何以最佳方式根据当地的情况使 用这些资金。
imposed a complex formula that calls for at least 50 per cent of prevention funding to be spent on abstinence and faithfulness programs, rather than allowing experienced agencies to decide how best to spend the funds depending on local circumstances.
本组织力求为未出生的婴儿、残疾人、体弱者和老人代言,促进尊重从受精 到自然死亡的所有人类生命,加强和推动公众对生命问题的理解和知识,包括不限于 胎儿发育、人工流产、新的生殖技术、领养、安宁看护、安乐死、医生协 助自杀、人体实验、人工流产后综合征 贞 节 /禁 欲教育。
The organization seeks to advocate for the preborn, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly by promoting respect for all human life from fertilization to natural death by fostering and promoting public understanding in and
knowledge of life
[...] issues, including, but not limited to, foetal development, abortion, new reproductive technologies, adoption, palliative care, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human experimentation, post-abortion syndrome and chastity/abstinence education.
She has become a living symbol of grace, constancy and dignity.
尊重人权是柬埔寨王国的重要职责 之一,政府一直 关注 人权问题, 旨坚持自由民主的政治立场 、 进 行有效 的 统 治,政府对 此一直 矢不 渝 。
In the Kingdom of Cambodia, respect for human rights is one of the main duties, to which the Government has been paying attention in order to show an effective rule in response to the E/C.12/KHM/1 page 13
接下来2011 LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅将陆续抵达华东、华南其他城市,与消费者共同分享LEXUS雷克萨斯“矢 不渝 , 追求完美”的品牌理念及旗下多款豪华车型所带来的绿色环保趋势与激情驾驭乐趣。
Next, the 2011 Taste of Lexus brand event will roll into other cities in eastern and southern China to share the Lexus "Passionate Pursuit of Perfection", the green philosophy and passionate driving pleasure brought by various Lexus luxury vehicles.
教科文组织对促进文化多样性的承诺是由它在联合国系统内所担负的特殊职责所决定 的,也是它在近六十年的历程中为“保护和促进丰富多彩的文化多样性”和“建议订立必要 之国际协定,以便于运用文字与图象促进思想之自由交流”(教科文组织组织法)的目标而 始不渝地采取行动的继续。
UNESCO’s commitment to promoting cultural diversity is in keeping with its specific mandate within the United Nations system, and with the work it has been carrying on for nearly 60 years “with a view to preserving … the fruitful diversity of the cultures” and in order to “recommend such international agreements as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word and image” (UNESCO Constitution).
从 2001 年开始,秘书处根 据大会有关决议(最近一项为第 61/279 号决议和第 64/269 号决议),始不渝地对维持和平的 规划、部署和支助领域进行改革。
Since 2001, the Secretariat has consistently implemented reforms in planning, deploying and supporting peacekeeping operations in line with relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, the most recent being resolutions 61/279 and 64/269.
国家改革议程的各项工作必 须如期进行,以加强政府能力,并建立民众对政府的信心,改革、进步和发展是 民众始不渝的真诚期盼。
It is vital that activities in the national reform agenda be carried out as scheduled, both to strengthen the Government and to serve as a confidence-building measure among the national population, who have continued to demonstrate a genuine desire for reform, progress and development.
13,“疾病和痛苦,霜冻和发烧,饥荒和死亡,剑和圈养”,但比恐怖和元素引起的将是道德corruptionand颠倒,邪恶 不贞 洁 预计在先知异象破坏,权力更大对(叙利亚文载脂蛋白C巴鲁克,立法会和RSD 2-8。
13, "illness and pain, frost and fever, famine and death, sword and captivity"; but greater than the terror and havoc caused by the elements will be
the moral corruptionand perversion, the
[...] wickedness and unchastity anticipated [...]
in prophetic visions, and the power of evil spirits (Syriac Apoc.
以下发言者作了发言:佩特科·德拉加诺夫先生,贸发会议副秘书长;古 巴代表,代表 77 国集团和中国发言;尼泊尔代表,代表 不 发 达 国家发言;孟 加拉国代表,代表亚洲集团发言;埃及代表,代表非洲集团发言;比利时代表, 代表欧洲联盟发言;多米尼加共和国代表,代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发 言;美坚合众国代表;中国代表;土耳其代表;莱索托代表;法国代表;埃 塞俄比亚代表;泰国代表;委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表;也门代表;以及安 哥拉代表。
The following speakers made statements: Mr. Petko Draganov, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD; the
representative of Cuba, speaking
[...] on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; the representative of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative [...]
of Belgium,
speaking on behalf of the European Union; the representative of the Dominican Republic, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of the United States of America; the representative of China; the representative of Turkey; the representative of Lesotho; the representative of France; the representative of Ethiopia; the representative of Thailand; the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the representative of Yemen; and the representative of Angola.




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