

单词 坚持不渝

See also:

坚持 (...) v

adhere v
uphold v
keep v
assert sth. v
hug sth. v


insist on
persist in
persevere with

坚持 n

perseverance n

External sources (not reviewed)

However, we must stay the course and remain committed.
行政长官 再次表示,不论 2007 年全民投票的结果如何,新西兰保证始 不渝 地 坚 定 支持 托克劳(A/AC.109/2008/SR.11)。
The Administrator
[...] once again noted that, regardless of the outcome of the 2007 referendum, New Zealand’s support for Tokelau remained [...]
substantial and
assured (see A/AC.109/2008/SR.11).
他强调说,该国政府始不渝地坚持 所 有国家工作人 员都必须根据适当的法律程序开展逮捕、拘留和调查行动,其中包括审讯。
He stressed that
[...] the Government steadfastly insisted that all agents [...]
of the State should necessarily carry out arrests,
detentions and investigations, including interrogations, in accordance with the due process of the law.
因此,古巴始不 渝地坚持培育和推进与古巴之间不断发展的经济关系。
Accordingly, Brazil has also continued to foster and pursue a growing economic relationship with Cuba.
但是,美国人民一再表明,我们能够共同解决这些问题,并始 不渝 地 坚持 我 们 的核心价值观,并因此而更加强大。
But time and again, the American people have demonstrated that we can work through these issues, and stay true to our core values, and emerge stronger for it.
[...] 的其他人在做什么,是学习和创新的一个巨大源泉,而且往往也是长 坚持不 懈 的 一种激励 和推动力量。
Knowing what others are doing around the world is a significant
source of learning and innovation, and frequently an encouragement and
[...] motivational force to persevere in the long-term.
这些具有各种不同信仰的美国人共同奉献和牺牲,使美国的承诺代代相传,并保证美国的特色得到保护--即矢 不渝 地 坚持 我 们的核心价值观,一步一个脚印地建设完美的祖国。
They are part of an unbroken line of Americans that stretches back to our founding; Americans of all faiths who have served and sacrificed to extend the promise of America to new generations, and to ensure that what is
exceptional about America is protected
[...] — our commitment to stay true to our core values, [...]
and our ability slowly but surely to perfect our union.
[...] 西哥和古巴之间关系同样的团结和连续性,两国在新 的信任气氛中和始不渝地坚持《联 合国宪章》的宗 旨和原则的情况下,保持了坚定的历史性联系。
Those principles have preserved the same solidarity and continuity over time in the
relations between Mexico and Cuba, two
[...] States that have maintained steadfast historical ties [...]
in an atmosphere of renewed trust and
unfailingly following the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
从 2001 年开始,秘书处根 据大会有关决议(最近一项为第
[...] 61/279 号决议和第 64/269 号决议),始不渝地对维持和平的 规划、部署和支助领域进行改革。
Since 2001, the Secretariat has
consistently implemented reforms in
[...] planning, deploying and supporting peacekeeping operations [...]
in line with relevant resolutions
of the General Assembly, the most recent being resolutions 61/279 and 64/269.
我们特别赞扬秘 书长对特别委员会工作和非殖民化事业始 不渝 的 支 持。
The continued support for the Special Committee and the cause of decolonization shown by the SecretaryGeneral merits special recognition.
主席女士,我 與 廉 政 專 員 希望藉 今 次 向本會提交報 告的機 會,感 謝 本 會及市民大 眾 對廉署的持, 以 及 貪污問題諮詢委員會各 成員於 年 內所作的 寶 貴貢獻, 並 且 向 精不 渝、盡忠 職守的 全體廉署人員致意。
Madam President, the Commissioner of the ICAC and I would
like to take this
[...] opportunity to thank this Council and members of the public for their support, and the members of the Advisory Committee on Corruption for their [...]
valuable contribution.
尊重人权是柬埔寨王国的重要职责 之一,政府一直 关注 人权问题, 旨坚持自由民主的政治立场 、 进 行有效 的 统 治,政府对 此一直 矢不 渝 。
In the Kingdom of Cambodia, respect for human rights is one of the main duties, to which the Government has been paying attention in order to show an effective rule in response to the E/C.12/KHM/1 page 13
主席还表示,他感谢秘书长长期关心和关注西非的命 运,感谢秘书长始不渝地支持西非为稳定区域和平 与安全环境而作的努力。
The Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States also expressed his gratitude to the Secretary-General for his
abiding interest in, and
[...] concern over, the fate of West Africa and for the support that he has [...]
unfailingly given to the region’s
efforts to stabilize the peace and security environment there.
最后,秘鲁政府认为,取消这种单方面域外措施,符合它对民主行使人权和 经济自由共同目标坚定不渝承诺
Finally, the Government of Peru considers that the elimination of such unilateral and extraterritorial measures is consistent with its firm and unchanging commitment to the common objectives in the areas of representative democracy, the exercise of human rights and economic freedom.
赞扬民间社会、尤其是非政府组织、国家人权机构和国家预防机制以及大量 酷刑受害者康复中坚持不懈的 努力,以防止和打击酷刑,减轻酷刑受害者的痛 [...]
Commending the persistent efforts of civil society, in particular non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions and national
preventive mechanisms, and the considerable
[...] network of centres for the rehabilitation [...]
of torture victims to prevent and combat
torture and to alleviate the suffering of victims of torture
[...] 8/8(2008)号决议第 6(a)段,理事会在其中敦 促各国“采坚持不懈、 果断和切实有效措施,将有关酷刑或其他残忍、不人道 [...]
或有辱人格待遇或处罚的所有指控交付国家主管当局作出迅速、公正调查,追究 纵容、下令、容忍或实行酷刑者的责任,包括那些业已发生这种被禁止行为的拘
留中心的管理官员的责任,并将其绳之以法、严加惩处,并在此方面指出,《有 效调查和记录酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的原则》(《伊斯 坦布尔原则》)是制止酷刑的有效手段”。
The Special Rapporteur would like to highlight paragraph 6 (a) of Human Rights Council resolution
8/8 (2008), in which the Council urges
[...] States to “take persistent, determined and effective [...]
measures to have all allegations
of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment promptly and impartially examined by the competent national authority, to hold those who encourage, order, tolerate or perpetrate acts of torture responsible, to have them brought to justice and severely punished, including the officials in charge of the place of detention where the prohibited act is found to have been committed, and to take note, in this respect, of the Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Istanbul Principles) as a useful tool in efforts to combat torture”.
最后,我要感谢联合国在科索沃的长期伙伴——欧洲联盟、北约组织和欧安 组织——以及联合国机构、基金和方案始 不渝 地 支 持 科 索沃特派团并与之合 作。
I conclude by extending my gratitude to the long-standing partners of the United Nations in Kosovo — the European
Union, NATO and OSCE — as well as to the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes,
[...] for their essential support and close cooperation [...]
with UNMIK.
这一变化给增加教育发展援助带来了机会,但也给教育与国家优先任务的协调统 一构成了挑战,坚持不懈地处理好协调统一的问题。
This poses opportunities for increased development assistance to education, but also
challenges in terms of coordination and alignment with national priorities, which need
[...] to be addressed on a continuing basis.
我不必强调孟加拉国在国际和平与安全方 面始不渝的努 力,我们对联合国在全世界 持 与 建 设和平行动的积极参与就反 映了这一点。
I need not emphasize Bangladesh’s abiding commitment to international peace and security, which is reflected also through our strong participation in United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding endeavours across the world.
首先,中国的 外交政策由严坚持不干涉别国内政逐渐转变为全面投 身于解决恐怖主义、走私武器、毒品和人口、流行疾病 和气候变化等跨国事务。
First, China is moving slowly from a foreign policy based on strict adherence to noninterference in others’ internal affairs to one fully engaged in addressing such transnational concerns as terrorism, trafficking in arms, drugs and humans, health pandemics and climate change.
关于非第 5 条国家进口问题,第 19/36
号决定使执行委员会“核准采集进口的各类氟氯化 碳数量”,执行委员会第十九次会议报告附件六第 2 页项目 3.3 呼吁对愿意提供此类数据的国家
[...] 进行采集,但是如果国家认为报告数据应该保密 不坚持 执 行此种采集工作(第 19/36 号决定, [...]
With respect to exports to non-Article 5 countries, decision 19/36 enables the Executive Committee “to approve the collection of quantities of exported CFCs” called for in item 3.3 on page 2 of Annex VI to the Report of the 19th Meeting of the Executive Committee,
where countries were willing to provide such
[...] data, but not to insist on such collection [...]
if countries regarded the export data
as confidential (decision 19/36, paragraph (c)).
考虑到所有负责人权问题的民间社会参与 者都应以公平、独立不为政治目的 不 为 个 人利 益的方式开展工作,委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和 坚持 严格 要求非政府组织,使其履行其对国际社会的责 任和义务,因为在很多国家,这些组织都被外国政 府用来为其政治利益服务、颠覆现有政府。
Since the work of all civil society actors in the area of human rights
must be impartial,
[...] independent and without political motivations or special interests, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela stressed that non-governmental organizations should also be required [...]
to fulfil their
rights and responsibilities towards the international community, because, in many countries, those organizations were used by foreign Governments to promote their own political interests and to destabilize the incumbent Government.
然 而,我们必须确保本着我确信今天激励我们的辩论的 精神,作出这一调整,也就是说,首先要对变革持开 放态度,同不放弃某些已证明有用的基本原则;其 次,我们坚持有效 的多边主义做法,按照《宪章》 的文字和精神,使所有人均衡地参与实现和平的工 作;以及最后,我们要致力于加强和保护这个维持和 平的宝贵工具。
However, we must see that that adaptation is done in the spirit that, I am sure, is inspiring our debate today, that is to say, first, by
being open to change
[...] but without renouncing certain fundamental principles that have demonstrated their usefulness; secondly, by committing ourselves to the practice of effective multilateralism, which, in keeping with the letter [...]
and spirit of the
Charter, involves the balanced participation of all in working for peace; and finally, by committing ourselves to strengthening and protecting this valuable instrument of peacekeeping.
教科文组坚持不懈地 开展安全领域的活动,聘用的专业队伍几乎是在“全封闭”的 状态下工作,以便在翻修楼区最有效地履行职责。
UNESCO is relentlessly pursuing its efforts in the area of security, using specialized teams working in nearly permanent “tight flow” conditions to fulfil their duties most effectively in buildings that are constantly under renovation.
鉴于国家发展中的差异,发展中国家迄今尚未能实现自己的愿望,即 坚持 不歧视核心原则的多边贸易体制中获得发展政策空间。
Given the differences in national development,
developing countries have
[...] thus far not been able to achieve their aspirations to secure development policy space within a multilateral trading system that upholds non-discrimination [...]
as a core principle.
教科文组织对促进文化多样性的承诺是由它在联合国系统内所担负的特殊职责所决定 的,也是它在近六十年的历程中为“保护和促进丰富多彩的文化多样性”和“建议订立必要 之国际协定,以便于运用文字与图象促进思想之自由交流”(教科文组织组织法)的目标而 始不渝地采取行动的继续。
UNESCO’s commitment to promoting cultural diversity is in keeping with its specific mandate within the United Nations system, and with the work it has been carrying on for nearly 60 years “with a view to preserving … the fruitful diversity of the cultures” and in order to “recommend such international agreements as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word and image” (UNESCO Constitution).
国家改革议程的各项工作必 须如期进行,以加强政府能力,并建立民众对政府的信心,改革、进步和发展是 民众始不渝的真诚期盼。
It is vital that activities in the national reform agenda be carried out as scheduled, both to strengthen the Government and to serve as a confidence-building measure among the national population, who have continued to demonstrate a genuine desire for reform, progress and development.
许多发言者强调需要提高一系列以康复为导向 的护理服务的质量、扩大其范围并增加其品种,他们介绍了本国所作的努力, 并重申他们在这方面将始不渝奋发 努力。
Many speakers underlined the need to improve the quality, coverage and variety of services in a recovery-oriented continuum of care, describing the efforts in their countries and reiterating their commitment in that regard.
我不希冀 能 親 眼 看 見民主 中 國 的 出現, 只自勉 始不 渝 為民主 中 國的出現而奮鬥, 並 堅 信民主的中 國 不 論 經 過多少歲 月 也必定會出現。
Though I do not expect to witness the emergence of a democratic China with my own eyes, I can only spur myself to struggle unswervingly for this arrival of democracy in China, and I am convinced that a democratic China will emerge some day, no matter how long it may have to take.




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