

单词 坚实的

See also:


firm and substantial


的实 n

economic activity n

External sources (not reviewed)

计划与预算》中 的预期成果由绩效指标和基准加以补充,为今后的监督和评估奠 坚实的 基 础
The expected results contained in the Programme and Budget are complemented by performance indicators and benchmarks, thus providing a solid basis for future monitoring and evaluation.
西亚经社会长期以 来一直在本区域开展工作,并与联合国实体 和非联合国实体发展坚实的伙伴 关系。
ESCWA has long been engaged in regional work and has developed strong partnerships with UN and non-UN entities.
总体上,委员会认为《2008-2013 年中期战略草案》比以往的战略有了 明显改进,为教科文组织今后六年的工作提供了一 坚实的 基 础和令人满意的框架,因为 34 C/4 草案中所制定 的活动有可能促进和平、减贫、可持续发展和不同文化间对话。
Overall, the Commission considered that the Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 represents a distinct improvement from past strategies and provides a solid basis and a satisfactory framework for UNESCO’s work over the next six years, as actions contemplated in draft document 34 C/4 have the potential to contribute to peace, poverty alleviation, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue.
为减轻危机造 成的消极影响,该国政府把重点放在以下三个领域:(a) 提高竞争力和促进 多样化;(b) 寻求建立在优惠基础上的双边自由贸易协定为扩大市场提坚 实的基础;(c) 允许货币贬值以支持出口部门。
To mitigate the adverse impacts of the crises, the Government had focused on three areas: (a) improving competitiveness and promoting diversification; (b) pursuing bilateral free trade agreements on a preferential basis to provide a solid basis for market expansion; and (c) permitting currency depreciation to support the export sector.
立柱的设计结实耐 用,连坚实的导向系统,确保 高精度锻造生产。
The sturdy design of the uprights, together [...]
with a solid guide system, ensures high precision during forging.
委员会一致认为,由工作组编拟并经法律小组委员会赞同的关于与和平探 索和利用外层空间有关的国家立法的建议(A/AC.105/1003,附件三,附录)为 编拟单独一项大会决议草案或供提交大会的关于和平利用外层空间国际合作的 决议草案的附件奠定坚实的基础
The Committee agreed that the recommendations developed by the Working Group and endorsed by the Legal Subcommittee on national legislation relevant to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space (A/AC.105/1003, annex III, appendix) constituted a sound basis for a separate draft General Assembly resolution or an annex to the draft resolution on international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space to be submitted to the Assembly.
上合组织成员国恪守《上海合作组织宪章》和《上海合作组织成员国长期睦 邻友好合作条约》的原则和规定,在共同维护和平、安全和稳定,以及在上合组 织区域内开展政治、经济、人文和其他领域多边合作方面为本组织有效运作奠定坚实的基础
The States members of the Organization, complying strictly with the principles and provisions of the SCO Charter and the Treaty for Long-term Good-Neighbourly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation of the States members of SCO, have laid a solid foundation for the effective functioning of SCO in order to collectively ensure peace, security and stability, as well as the development of multilateral cooperation across the SCO region in political, economic, humanitarian and other spheres.
[...] 措将在中期内有助于为工发组织技术合作项目中的按成果管理建立 坚实的 证 据 基础。
It was expected that this initiative would contribute, in the medium
[...] term, to a more robust evidence base for [...]
RBM in UNIDO’s technical cooperation projects.
不丹在经济、社会和文化 权利领域按照它的“总体国民幸福”理念作出了巨大的努力,同时建 坚实的民 主 制度,增进和保护公民权利和政治权利。
Bhutan had made significant efforts in the area of economic, social and cultural rights, consistent with its philosophy of gross national happiness, while at the same time building a strong democracy that promoted and protected civil and political rights.
他欢迎对该国的同级审评,这将使保护竞争委员会 坚实的 基础 上开展其活动。
He welcomed the opportunity of the peer review of his country, which would allow CPC to
[...] develop its activities on firm basis.
(f) 协助确保制定一套性别平等和妇女赋权方面的综合性全球规范、政策和
[...] 标准,以动态应对新出现的问题、挑战和机会为政府和其他各级利益攸关方采取 行动奠坚实的基础
(f) To help ensure that a comprehensive set of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment is in place that is dynamic, responds to new and
emerging issues, challenges and opportunities
[...] and provides a firm basis for action [...]
by Governments and other stakeholders at all levels.
秘书处编制的文件为讨论打下 坚实的 基 础
The documents produced by the Secretariat provided a solid base for the discussions.
同时,公司也在积极加强与相关行业企业的交流和合作,比如同戴尔、惠普、IBM、SUN 等分别缔结坚实的伙伴 关系,共同推出绿色节能方案,为用户带来了更具绿色价值的技术和产品,推动了行业节能环保理念的普及和发展。
Meanwhile, the company also takes initiative to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with related industries and enterprises. For example, the company has established solid partnership with Dell, HP, IBM and SUN, and jointly launched green energy conservation plans, bringing users with technologies and products with higher green value and promoting energy conservation and environmental protection in the industry.
[...] 展开有针对性的宣传,有可能在土著问题常设论坛内为国家政策对话架 坚实的 桥梁
Through targeted advocacy, IPAF has the potential to build solid bridges for national policy
[...] dialogue within the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
[...] 评估拘留的合法性或是否遵守法律时限提 坚实的 依 据 ;但是对进入牢房并与被 拘留者谈话的任何视察员而言拘留条件是显而易见的。
The state of the records in law enforcement facilities
would, in the event of such monitoring
[...] visits, provide no firm basis on which to [...]
assess the legality of custody or observance
of legal time limits; the conditions of custody would however by clear to any inspector going into cells and talking with persons held.
为了能够对被拘留者进行判决,有 义务合作的所有国家必须首先确保 坚实的 立 法机构,必要时作出这些实质性和 程序性的修改。
In order to be able to sentence the detainees, all of the States — which have an obligation to cooperate — must first ensure that they have a solid body of legislation, making such substantive and procedural changes as may be necessary.
(b) 会计促进发展高级别会议重申会计在促进可持续经济发展方面发挥的 重要作用,同时强调许多发展中国家严重缺乏建 坚实的 会 计基础设施的能力
(b) The High-Level Meeting on Accounting for Development reiterated the important role accounting plays in promoting sustainable economic development,
while highlighting the significant lack of capacity in many developing
[...] countries to build a strong accounting [...]
在这个过程中,大部分起重机都 坚实的 地 面上,位置不变。
While doing so, most of them are on firm ground with their position unchangeable.
在亚洲, 2010 年与亚洲开发银行商定的谅解备忘录为更密切的国家合作提供 坚实的框 架 ,特别是在饮水,环卫和讲卫生运动(讲卫生运动)及教育方面的合作。
In Asia, a Memorandum of Understanding agreed in 2010 with the Asian Development Bank has provided a solid framework for closer country collaboration, notably on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and education.
我们坚定支持条约进程,期待 7 月的会议,以达成协定制订一项全 坚实的 管制 常规武器国际转让的条约,包括所有常规武器以及具有充分人权和国际人道 主义法内容的严格出口许可标准。
We strongly support the treaty process and look forward to the Conference in July with a view to reaching agreement on a comprehensive and robust treaty regulating international transfers of conventional arms that will include all conventional arms and strong criteria for export licensing with a solid human rights and international humanitarian law dimension.
重申良好治理对于可持续发展至关重要,稳健的经济政策、顺应民众需的坚实的民主 机构和改良的基础设施是实现持续经济增长、消除贫穷和创造就 业的基础,自由、和平与安全、国内稳定、尊重包括发展权在内的人权及法治、 两性平等、以市场为导向的政策以及全面致力于建设公正和民主的社会,所有这 些也同样至关重要,而且相辅相成
Reaffirms that good governance is essential for sustainable development, that sound economic policies, solid democratic institutions responsive to the needs of the people and improved infrastructure are the basis for sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and employment creation, and that freedom, peace and security, domestic stability, respect for human rights, including the right to development, and the rule of law, gender equality, market-oriented policies and an overall commitment to just and democratic societies are also essential and mutually reinforcing
第二,我们需要改进安全理事会所授权行动的缩 编和撤出过程,并为具体任务顺利移交给联合国国家 工作队和其他发展行为者奠定 坚实的 基 础
Secondly, we need to better manage the process of drawdown and withdrawal of Security Councilmandated operations, and provide a stronger basis for seamless transitions of specific tasks to the United Nations country team and other development actors.
捐助国国内对于官方发展援助似乎的确 坚实的 政 治意愿和公众支 持,部分原因是认识到发展中国家是此次起源于发达国家的危机的受害者。
There does seem to be solid political will and public support for ODA within donor countries, partly because of the recognition that developing countries are victims of a crisis that originated in the developed world.
因此,有代表团建议研究组对工作方法给予特别重视, 坚实 和 连 贯 的研 究结果为基础形成结论,包括在方法上采取按部就班的做法,(a) 研究最惠国条 款在当代形势中的实际经济意义;(b) 更多地阐明最惠国条款的范围、解释和适 用;并(c) 研究如何解释和适用最惠国条款。
That would include, methodologically, taking a step-by-step approach that would entail the Study Group (a) studying the real economic relevance [...]
of the Most-Favoured-Nation
clause in contemporary times; (b) shedding additional light on the scope of Most-Favoured-Nation clauses and their interpretation and application; and then (c) studying how the Most-Favoured-Nation clauses were to be interpreted and applied.
一个发达国家缔 约方认为,应将重点放在报告工作的透明度和严谨性上,因为衡量、报告和核实 方的坚实框架 ,包括排放量和清除量的国际评估进程,足以确保排放量和清除 量以可靠、严谨和透明的方式加以核算。
One developed country Party argued that the focus should be on transparency
and rigour of
[...] reporting, because a solid framework for measurement, reporting and verification, including a process for the international assessment of emissions and removals, would be sufficient [...]
to ensure that
emissions and removals are accounted for in a robust, rigorous and transparent manner.
根据这一审查,在以下优先领域将作出重要改善:财务和预算管理;报告和 审计,包括具有最高透明度标准和反映这些领域全球最佳做法的资源利 的坚实 内部 控制框架;使协同作用最大化的得到强化的内部治理结构;为内部目的进行 的并作为在妇女署之外沟通和分享知识基础的沟通和知识分享;执行妇女署任务 所需工作人员能力,包括作为一个优先事项加强联合国系统内协调能力,以及提 [...]
On the basis of the review, key improvements will be made, covering such priority areas as financial and budgetary management;
reporting and auditing,
[...] including a solid internal control framework with the highest standards of transparency and resource utilization reflecting global best practices in those areas; [...]
strengthened internal
governance structures that maximize synergies; communication and knowledge-sharing, both for internal purposes and as a basis for communicating and sharing knowledge outside of UN-Women; and staff capacity for the UN-Women mandate, including enhanced capacity for coordination within the United Nations system as a priority and measures to improve both functional and geographical staff mobility.
在萨孚凯,我们确定这些因素是建立全球服务价值主 的坚实 基 础 ,但这也仅仅只是一个起点,如果没有高度成熟的方法和一流的解决方案,这些好处仍无法得到充分发挥。
At Softtek we are certain that these
[...] elements serve as a great foundation to build [...]
a powerful value proposition for users
of global services, but are just the starting point, since without a highly mature approach and world class practices these benefits can not be fully leveraged.
我们将有效利用IAMGOLD在圭亚那已 的坚实 基 础,制定勘探作业计划,以拓展和推动当前的资源评估并证实伊格尔山黄金矿产是否能支持独立有益的采矿经营。
We will effectively build upon the strong foundation established [...]
by IAMGOLD in Guyana and intensify the exploration work
program to expand and advance the current resource estimate and to establish whether the Eagle Mountain Gold Property can sustain a profitable independent mining operation.
一 个较安全的世界的结构设计应当有法治作为框架,有发展作为社 的坚实基 础 ,有保安维持其安全,同时有和平来维持良好的睦邻关系。
An architectural design for a safer world would include the rule of law as the framework, development as a strong social foundation and security to keep it safe, while peace would maintain good neighbourly relations.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困的情况下也坚定地致力实现一 个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States
Parties to recommit, even in
[...] difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel [...]
mines, where the rights
of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.




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