

单词 坚定地

See also:



insist v


resolute adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在战争四周年之际,格鲁吉亚满怀信心期待着未来,同时在争 坚定地 自立 于世界自由民族之林。
On the fourth anniversary of the war, Georgia
is confidently looking towards the future, while striving to
[...] establish itself firmly among the free [...]
nations of the world.
联合王国明地、坚定地指出 ,这句话既不代表大英博物馆的政策,也不代表其馆长的观 点。
The United Kingdom wishes to state clearly and strongly that this sentence does not reflect either the policy of the British Museum, or the views of its Director.
在预算、选举和政府换届的双年度期间,教科文组织立 坚定地 支 持旨在促进教育改 革、预防青年暴力、保护物质和非物质文化遗产、增强更好地管理和开发水资源的国家能 [...]
力、促进文化间对话和文化多元性、构建民主、和平与宽容的各项国家倡议,尤其是有关国 家总体发展目标和实现千年发展目标的倡议。
In the context of a biennium marked by pre-electoral, electoral
and governmental transition phase,
[...] UNESCO managed firmly to position itself supporting national [...]
initiatives designed to achieve
considerable national progress in the education reform, prevent youth violence, safeguard the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, strengthen national capacities to better manage and develop water resources, promote intercultural dialogue and cultural pluralism, build democracy, peace and tolerance, especially in relation to overall national development objectives and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下坚定地致力 于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
发言 人最后说,尽管受到不公正的抨击,但伊朗 坚定 地致力于促进人权。
Iran remained firmly committed to the [...]
promotion of human rights, despite the unjust criticism in the report.
战略规划编制局助理总干事在辩论后的答复中表示,他感谢对该文件提出的许多肯定意见,并向代表们 保证本组坚定地致力 于两项全球优先事项,即非洲和性别平等。
In his response to the debate, ADG/BSP expressed his appreciation for the many supportive comments given to the document and assured delegates of the firm commitment of the Organization towards the two global priorities, Africa and gender equality.
I have a firm hope and belief [...]
that a greater collaboration between Western Countries and China must start with education
and bringing students to China.
工作组注意到,一些国家、许多人权捍卫者、非政府组织、律师和其他各 方都做出了努力,他们在世界各地在非常不利的条件下为了解失踪者的命运或下 落不知疲倦地工作;工作组重申,它与强迫失踪受害者及其家 坚定地 站 在一 起。
The Working Group acknowledges the efforts of States, many human rights defenders, non-governmental organizations, lawyers and others who untiringly work to know the fate or whereabouts of disappeared persons in very adverse circumstances in all parts of the world and reiterates its solidarity with the victims of enforced disappearance and their families.
作为大会主席,我坚定地致力 于联合国及其专门机构系统的民主化和改革 的目标,当然也包括作为国际经济秩序结构组成部分的国际金融和贸易机构。
As President of the General
[...] Assembly, I am deeply committed to the [...]
objective of the democratization and reform of the United
Nations and its system of agencies, which includes of course the international financial and trade institutions as part of the architecture of the international economic order.
他希望所有缔约国都坚定地 重申 其对《条约》的支持,重申其维护《条约》完 整性的决心,他们将会找到旨在加强不扩散制度的 [...]
He hoped that all States parties would
strongly reaffirm their support for the
[...] Treaty and their determination to preserve its [...]
integrity, and that they would find common
ground for concrete and realistic solutions designed to strengthen the non-proliferation regime.
最后,我坚定地同巴 基斯坦人民和政府站在一 起,并愿表示,在这困难时刻,我们全力支持并再次 [...]
决心帮助巴基斯坦从这次可怕的灾难中恢复、复原和 迈向它理应拥有的光明未来。
Finally, we stand firm with the people [...]
and the Government of Pakistan and wish to offer our full support and renewed determination
to help Pakistan at this difficult moment to recover, be rehabilitated and rise from this terrible disaster to the bright future it deserves.
密克罗尼西亚联坚定地认为 ,不采取充分的缓解行动来减 少温室气体排放,又不提供充分的适应行动经费来应对气候变化的不利影响,就 是侵犯生命权和自由权以及免于恐惧和匮乏之害的权利的行为。
The Federated States of Micronesia was strongly of the view that the [...]
inadequacy of mitigation actions to reduce greenhouse
gases, together with insufficient funding for adaptation to address the adverse impact of climate change, constituted violations of its right to life and liberty, and its right to be free from fear and want.
期间,这一源 自西欧的机构缓慢坚定地将自 己塑造成摩尔多瓦的民主元素。
A decade during which this institution with a West-European
[...] source, slowly but firmly, is imposing itself [...]
as an element of democracy in Moldova.
最后,主席女士,请允许我再次向您保证,波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那与委员会所有成员以及联合国全 体会员一样,决心在国家和国际层面打击一切形式的 恐怖主义坚定地致力于履行我们根据安全理事会有 关决议所承担的义务。
Finally, let me assure you once again, Madam, that Bosnia and Herzegovina shares the determination of all members of the Committee, as well as all Members of the United Nations in
general, to combat
[...] terrorism in all its forms at the national and international levels, and is firmly committed [...]
to fulfilling its obligations
under the relevant Security Council resolutions.
阿尔及利坚定 地与巴 勒斯坦人民团结在一起,并将继续全力支持 他们,直到他们的合法民族权利得到彻底恢复为止。
Algeria stood firmly united with the Palestinians [...]
and would continue to support them fully in their heroic struggle until
their legitimate national rights were restored once and for all.
国际社会如能充分执行这些决议就会表明,国际社 坚定地 团 结 一致,决心 制止伊朗的核计划和导弹计划。
The full implementation by the international community of these
resolutions will demonstrate that
[...] it stands firmly united in its determination to stop the [...]
nuclear and missile programmes of Iran.
有关修正案涉及土著人民的一个“古老习俗”,即咀嚼古柯叶,是玻利维亚 根据《联合国土著人民权利宣言》专门述及的土著人民权利提出的,而法 坚定 地奉行该宣言。
The proposed amendment concerns the “ancestral custom” of coca leaf chewing, a practice that Bolivia asserts is among the rights of indigenous peoples established, in particular, by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to which France is deeply committed.
墨西坚定地支持 有关武器贸易条约的谈判,并决定将控制武器流动作为其 外交政策的一个主要重点。
Mexico has firmly supported the negotiations on an arms trade treaty and has decided to make the [...]
control of arms flows a
major focus of its foreign policy.
在这方面,集坚定地认为所有尚未这样做的国家应尽早在可行的时间内, 以透明、不可逆转和可以核查的方式,关闭和拆除任何其余的核爆炸试验场及其 [...]
有关基础设施,并禁止核武器的全面研究和发展,也不要进行核武器爆炸试验或 任何其他核爆炸,其它方式的核武器爆炸试验,以及采用新技术将现有核武器系
In this regard, the
[...] Group is of the firm view that all States parties [...]
that have not yet done so shall close and dismantle,
as soon as feasible and in a transparent, irreversible and verifiable manner, any remaining sites for nuclear-test explosions and their associated infrastructure, and prohibit completely nuclear weapons research and development, and also refrain from conducting nuclear-weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions, nuclear-weapon test explosions in alternative ways, as well as the use of new technologies for upgrading the existing nuclear weapons system, which would defeat the object and purpose of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
厄瓜多尔将继坚定地致力 于寻找解决所有影 响中东的问题的和平解决办法,并将特别注重关于 巴勒斯坦人民合法权利的谈判,以建立他们自己的 国家,其权利和义务与国际社会其他成员相同。
Ecuador would
[...] continue to be firmly committed to finding a peaceful solution to all the problems [...]
affecting the Middle East,
focusing in particular on negotiations relating to the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to establish their own nation State, with the same rights and obligations as any other member of the international community.
坚定地认为 ,只有对冲突采用全面方式,我 们才能够建立在索马里实现和平的条件,才能够结束 [...]
普遍的暴力并使几十万境内流离失所者和难民返回 他们的家园。
We firmly believe that only through [...]
a comprehensive approach to the conflict will we be able to establish the conditions
for peace in Somalia, end the widespread violence and return hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes.
除了这一接待传统之外,该 国坚定地投身 于旨在建立地区和平的外交活动,持续为索马里国家重建提供支 持。
Beyond this tradition of hospitality, the country is strongly involved in diplomatic efforts to establish peace in the region, providing sustained support to the efforts to rebuild the State of Somalia.
拥有庞大而活跃的内部市场,印尼尝试以国家的天然财富作长线投资, 坚定地 迈 向 以结合经济发展和保护自然资源为目标的经济增长模式。
With a large and dynamic interior market, the country tries to take the most
out its natural wealth in a long-term
[...] perspective, and is firmly committed to a [...]
growth model combining economical development
and natural resources protection.
2010年8月3日和2011年1月31 日的核合作联合声明体现了两国关系的 广度和深度,证明阿根廷和巴西 坚定地 要 走 共同的道路。
* The joint statements on nuclear cooperation made on 3 August 2010 and 31 January 2011 illustrate
the breadth and depth of this relationship and confirm that Argentina
[...] and Brazil are committed to treading a common path.
不结盟运动继坚定地致力 于执行委员会的基 本宗旨和原则,并重申委员会作为联合国多边裁军机 [...]
制中唯一专门审议机构,深入探讨具体的裁军问题并 向大会提供具体建议的中心作用。
The NAM remains firmly committed to the [...]
Commission’s basic purposes and principles, and reaffirms the centrality of the
Commission as the sole specialized and deliberative body within the United Nations multilateral disarmament machinery, providing in-depth deliberation on specific disarmament issues and submitting concrete recommendations to the General Assembly.
求主将13节充满在你的心中和现代中国信徒的心 中 - - 坚定地 相 信 我们将在活人之地得见耶和华的恩惠。
Ask the Lord to fulfil verse 13 in your heart and in the
hearts of modern Chinese believers
[...] - to give a strong sense of conviction that we shall see the goodness [...]
of the Lord in the land of the living.
本组织感谢非政府组织委员会的成员所给予的支持和信任,并向他 坚定地 承诺 将为实现联合国的目标和宗旨而努力。
The organization thanks the members of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations for their support and their confidence and assures them of its strong commitment to strive to attain the aims and purposes of the United Nations.
国际社会不 应当被以色列的傲慢和恶意的不妥协所阻滞,相反国际社会应当比以往任何时候 都坚定地认为 ,国际法应当适用于任何情况,不应再容忍以色列的非法政策和 做法,这些政策和做法正在迅速破坏两国解决方案和实现中东地区和平与安全的 [...]
The international community should not be deterred by Israel’s arrogant and spiteful intransigence;
on the contrary, it
[...] should be more insistent than ever that international law prevail in all circumstances [...]
and should no longer
tolerate Israel’s illegal policies and practices that are rapidly destroying the two-State solution and the chances to achieve peace and security in the Middle East.
阿拉伯方面不止一次地证明了它真心 坚定地渴 望和平,致力于公正和全面解决的原则。这种解决包 [...]
括以色列从所有被占领土撤出,使巴勒斯坦人民能够 实现其正当权利,建立一个独立的、可生存的、以东 耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国。
The Arab side has proven more than once
[...] its serious and resolute desire for peace [...]
and its commitment to the principle of
a just and comprehensive solution that includes Israel’s withdrawal from all occupied territories and enabling the Palestinian people to realize their legitimate rights and establish an independent and viable Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital.




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