单词 | 坚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 坚verb—insistv坚—firmunyielding坚adjective—resoluteadjExamples:坚持v—adherev upholdv 坚实adj—solidadj firmadj 坚固adj—ruggedadj robust stoutadj
本人谨此感谢公司管理层和全体员工,在现时艰难的市场环境下仍坚持卓越的服务表现。 asiasat.com | I want to thank each member of management and staff for his and her dedication to excellence in the current tough market. asiasat.com |
因为研究化学 [...] 需要高阶的解决问题技能,诸如设计实验以及解决數学应用题的能力,所以需要坚实的代數技能。 sfusd.edu | Because the study of chemistry requires high-level [...] problemsolving skills, such as designing experiments and solving word problems, [...] it requires a firmfoundation in [...]algebra. sfusd.edu |
(i) 就起重机及所有其他起重机械(吊车及升降机除外)而言,任何工厂内(aa) 其中每一部分(包括固定或不固定的工作装备、绳索及链条及锚及固定装 置)须为(i)结构良好、材质坚实及具足够强度;(ii)妥善保养;(iii)由主管人 员至少每十二个月彻底检验一次,且须保存载有每次检验规定详情的登记 册;(bb)该等机器的负荷不得超出其上清楚标示的安全工作负荷;及(cc)倘 任何人士受雇在起重机轮道或接近轮道的地方工作,因而可能受到起重机 碰伤,须采取有效措施以确保起重机无法到达该地方的二十英尺之内。 cre8ir.com | (i) In respect of cranes and all other lifting machinery, other than hoists and lifts, in any factory (aa) every part thereof, including the working gear, whether fixedor movable, ropes and chains and anchoring and fixing appliances shall be (i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength; (ii) properly maintained; (iii) thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of twelve months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particularsofevery such examination; (bb) no such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon; and (cc) while any person is employed or working on or near the wheel-tract of a travelling crane in any place wherehe would be liable to be struck by the crane, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty feet of that place. cre8ir.com |
有一定的国王命名命名Vishtaspa成为转换为他的信仰,慷慨赞助,这一强大的後卫的信仰新的宗教很快获得了坚实的 基础。 mb-soft.com | There a certain king named named Vishtaspa became converted [...] to his creed, the generous patronage of this powerful defender of the faith the new [...] religion soongaineda firmfooting. mb-soft.com |
展 望 未 来,集 团 成 员 将 对 工 作 全 情 投 入 及 努力 不懈,本人坚信未来集 团 仍 将 缔造 理 想 的 经济 效益,为股 东争 取可观 回报。 evoc.com.cn | I believe, in the future, the Group will still create desirable economic benefits and bring better returns to our shareholders. evoc.cn |
凭 藉 集 团的坚实基础、品 牌 实 力 及 业 内 的 核 心 竞 争 力,集 团 有 信 心 保 持 其 在 生 活 卫 生 用 品 行 业 的 领 先 地 位,确 保 业 务 稳 健 增 长,带领 市 场持 续发 展,为 股东 创 造更 高 的价 值。 vindapaper.com | Building on its solid foundation, brand strength and core industry competitiveness, the management is confident about maintaining Vinda’s leading position in the household hygiene product industry, ensuring consistent business growth and steering continuous market development, thereby creating higher value for the shareholders. vindapaper.com |
凭 藉 集团坚实的品 牌 基础 和 实力,我 们相 信,本集 团 仍将 继 续保 持 行业 的 领先 地位。 vindapaper.com | With our solid brand presence and foundation, we believe that the Group will be able to maintain its leading position in the industry. vindapaper.com |
我们在高档物业市场及服 务式住宅市场的知名品牌、稳健的资产负债表、强劲的经常性收入、物业发展项目的扩充以及多元化投资组合及卓越的 管理执行能力,为本集团造就一个坚实的 平台,支持本集团的业务达致长期增长。 wingtaiproperties.com | The combination of our reputable brands in the premium property market and hospitality industry, a healthy balance sheet and strong recurrent income base, an expanded project development pipeline, a diversified investment portfolio and strong management execution capabilities have provided the Group a solid platform from which we will sustain the long-term growth of our business. wingtaiproperties.com |
凭着我们稳健的财务狀况和充裕的资金,我们将继续努力寻 找并充分把握各种发展和策略性合作的机遇,为新一輪的业务发展打下更加坚实的基础。 gdguangnan.com | By leveraging on our sound financial position and abundant capital resources, we will continue to explore and capture various opportunities for development and strategic cooperation so as to lay a more solid foundation for a new round of business development in the future. gdguangnan.com |
她说课程教导 她﹐当她需要医疗服务时﹐她 必须表现出勇敢和坚强。 napca.org | She says this class taught her to be brave and strong in addressing her own medical needs. napca.org |
集团界定若干衍生工具为:(1) [...] 对以公平值计算的已确认资产或负债或坚定承诺所作的 对冲(公平值对冲)或 [...](2) 对可能性甚高的预测交易所作的对冲(现金流量对冲)。 swirepacific.com | The group designates certain derivatives as either: (1) hedges [...] of the fair value of recognised assets or [...] liabilities ora firm commitment (fair [...]value hedge) or (2) hedges of highly probable [...]forecast transactions (cash flow hedges). swirepacific.com |
我 们矢志以固有坚毅不屈的精神克服目前的航空业危机,并且作好充分准备,以能 在经济情况改善时,使业务重拾升轨。 swirepacific.com | We are steady in our resolve and intend to come through the current industry crisis in better shape than ever, poised to resume the successful growth of the airline once economic conditions show signs of improvement. swirepacific.com |
(e) 每间工厂应对运作或使用中的机器须加防护栅栏的部分加设坚固的保护 栏,例如(aa)原动机的各移动部件及与原动机相连的每个飞轮;(bb)每个水 车及水轮机的上水道及尾水道;(cc)车床头架突出的工料杆的任何部分;及 (dd)除非防护栅栏已安装就位或其防护栅栏之坚固程度可确保对工厂所雇 佣的每个工人的安全,否则下列机器须加装防护栅栏:(i)发电机、电动机 或旋转转换器的各部件;(ii)传动机器的各部件;及(iii)任何机器的危险部 件。 cre8ir.com | (e) In every factory the following shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the part of machinery required to be fenced are in motion or in use, namely (aa) every moving part of a prime mover, and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover; (bb) the head-race and tail-race of every water wheel and water turbine; (cc) any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the head stock of a lathe; and (dd) unless they are in such position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed in the factory as they would be if they were securely fenced (i) every part of an electricity generator, a motor or rotary converter; (ii) every part of transmission machinery; and (iii) every dangerous part of any machinery. cre8ir.com |
然而,有另一个部门持不同看法,坚持不应把资历过高的应徵者摒诸门外,不让其获 考虑聘任为助理专业人员。 psc.gov.hk | Yet another department held a different view and insisted that a candidate who was overqualified should not be precluded from being considered for appointment as an assistant professional. psc.gov.hk |
我亦要衷心感谢各位客户及股东一直以来对本公司的支持,以及现有董事局成员及全体员工努 力不懈,为亚洲卫星的卓越成就作出坚定承担。 asiasat.com | I would also like to thank our customers and equity holders for their ongoing support of our Company, as well as our existing Board members and staff for their untiring commitment to AsiaSat’s success. asiasat.com |
以坚固的组件打造而成的 变频器,可承受极端温度。 literature.rock...lautomation.com | These drives are built with robust components that resist extreme temperatures. emea.rockwellautomation.com |
於期内, 本集团透过对各线业务进行人才战略部署,积极引进相关 业务人才,重点引进具有大型金融机构工作经验和国际视 野的高端人才,进一步加强了人才配置,优化了业务团队 建设,特别是在研究、机构销售、资产管理、投行等多个 专业领域有了可喜的突破,为将来本集团快速扩展业务规 模及覆盖范围奠定了坚实的人才基础。 htisec.com | During the period, the Group, through strategic deployment of talents to our business lines, actively recruited relevant professionals with experience in large financial organizations and international vision, which further enhanced our talents deployment and business teams. In particular, we made remarkable breakthrough in various aspects such as research, institutional sales, asset management and investment banking, and built a solid talent base for the rapid expansion of business and market coverage in the future. htisec.com |
若要接受宗教性非医疗性质的保健护理机构所提供的护理,您必须签署一份法律文件,表明您坚决反对 接受「非特例」医疗。 lacare.org | To get care from a religious non-medical health care institution, you must sign a legal document that says you are conscientiously opposed to getting medical treatment that is “non-excepted. lacare.org |
备注:在这一环里,若你的薪金少於NZD9880,加上你曾工作20个小时或以上,或者曾经申请了ACC而依然坚持工作的话,请输入你的工作的星期数量。 4tern.com | Remark: If your wages are less than NZD9880, you had worked more than 20hours and above, or you worked during ACC period, please key in the number of weeks you worked under above conditions. 4tern.com |
管理层能够维持稳健的现金净额状况,实有赖於审慎及坚定的营运资金管 理方针,同时亦得力於该业务的主要往来银行滙丰银行及其他银行提供的信贷融资。 hsinchong.com | Management has been able to maintain a strong net cash position, as a direct result of our vigilant and robust working capital management, which are further supported by the available credit facilities from HSBC, our principal banker for this business, and other banks. hsinchong.com |
经过大游行的洗礼,他们的政治取向大概会变得更坚定,候选人的民主取向又会成为他们评价的重要标准。 hkupop.hku.hk | After the demonstration, their political attitudes would probably become even more crystallized. hkupop.hku.hk |
Glencore的营运开支(占其收益基础的一小部分)以一篮子 货 币 组 合 计 付,其 中 包 括 美 元、瑞 士 法 郎、英 镑、加 元、澳 元、欧 元、哈 萨克坚戈、哥 伦 比 亚 比 索 及 南 非 兰 特 等主要 货 币。 glencore.com | Glencore’s operating expenses, being a small portion of its revenue base, are incurred in a mix of currencies of which the U.S. Dollar, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Euro, Kazakhstan Tenge, Colombian Peso and South African Rand are the predominant currencies. glencore.com |
我同时感激董事们的 [...] 宝贵意见和协助,并要多谢所有客户和阁下 — 我们 的股东,感激你们坚定不移的支持。 southgobi.com | I am also very grateful to the Directors for [...] the invaluable advice and assistance and to all our customers and you – our [...] shareholders – for your unwavering support. southgobi.com |
这项波幅较低的特点十分难能可贵,有助投资者在坚持投资策略的同时, 又可减少跌市中沽货套现而可能面临的损失。 jpmorganam.com.hk | This lower volatility is very valuable both in helping investors stick with a disciplined strategy and in reducing the risk of disappointment if investors need to cash in their investments in a down year. jpmorganam.com.hk |
交叉分析结果显示,反对如期立法者跨越各阶层,而在近两成的坚定支持立法者中,较多是五、六十岁以上的男性,及教育程度为小学或以下的被访者。 hkupop.hku.hk | Results of cross-tabulation analysis also indicated that the anti-legislation camp was a broad and cross-class coalition, while among the less than 20% firm supporters of the legislation, many were older males, aged above 50, and with primary or below education. hkupop.hku.hk |
本款硬碟机,基於坚固、耐用及具备恶劣环境保护功能等考量因素,而采用业界最严格的设计标准,因此,对於需要利用超大容量建置免 [...] DVD 航导系统及提供高品质娱乐服务的汽车制造商、系统制造商及售後市场公司而言,这款硬碟机将是首选产品。 seagate.com | With the industry's most [...] stringent design for ruggedness, durability [...]and protection from hostile environments, the drive [...]will be an ideal choice to deliver the massive capacity needed for auto makers, system manufacturers and aftermarket companies to create DVD-free navigation systems and high-quality car entertainment services. seagate.com |
坚固耐用的 Cheetah X15,是全球速度最快的硬碟机,不仅每秒产生的交易数更多,还能为网际网网路使用者提供更快速的搜寻、下载,以及更愉快的线上体验。 seagate.com | As the fastest drive in the world, the robust Cheetah X15 can deliver more transactions per second, bringing Internet users faster searches, quicker downloads and a more enjoyable on-line experience. seagate.com |
有效的模型享有一个美丽的家园,伟大的旅行者,因为它是一个成功地合成了优良的机械制表大多数球迷的期望是什麽:设计简单,但其中一千,坚固的机械结构和原始的识别功能简单而有效的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Effective model enjoys a beautiful home with great travelers, as it is a successful synthesis of what is expected by most fans of fine mechanical [...] watchmaking: design simple but recognizable among [...] a thousand, robust mechanics and [...]original functions simple and effective. en.horloger-paris.com |