单词 | 坐牢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 坐牢 —be imprisoned牢牢 —safelySee also:坐—take a seat • surname Zuo • take (a bus, airplane etc) • bear fruit 牢—prison • firm • sturdy • fold (for animals)
正如我剛才所說,我們不提出起訴或終止起訴程序的原因,是受害人 很多時候也不願意作供,或是兩夫婦已和好,妻子不希望丈 夫 坐牢 或 受罰 等。 legco.gov.hk | As I said just now, the reasons that we did not take prosecution action or terminated the prosecution process were that the victim was often [...] unwilling to give evidence; a couple was on good [...] terms again or the wife did not want the husband to go to jail or be punished. legco.gov.hk |
可是,有時候會出現一些情況,便是某人想以身處的 [...] 地方為家,但他其實是非法身處該地,例如他正在該 處 坐牢 或 是 偷渡到該 處。 legco.gov.hk | However, there are also cases where a person wants to make the place of his [...] presence his home, but his presence there is not lawful, such as he [...] is in a prison there or he is an illegal [...]immigrant. legco.gov.hk |
一個不同政見的異見者,不但要學會怎麼反抗,而且 要學會怎樣面對打壓,怎樣坐牢。 legco.gov.hk | A political dissident has to learn to not only resist but also how to face suppression and spend his life in a prison. legco.gov.hk |
此外,對所有囚犯而言,坐牢的恥 辱、獄㆗的艱苦以及不便 的生活當然亦對他們產生阻嚇作用。 legco.gov.hk | The remaining aspects of deterrents are of course those which apply to all prisoners, the stigma of having been in prison, the hardship of being there and the inconvenience posed thereby. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,有人甚至問我為何要替曾特首說好話,我在19 98 年坐 牢時,他仍在出任財政司司長。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, some people even asked me why I have to put in good words for Chief Executive Donald TSANG who was the Financial Secretary when I was jailed in 1998. legco.gov.hk |
主席,在這種情況下,我們當然可以迫他前來立法會,在作出宣 誓後作供,但如果真是這麼有承擔的一位傳媒人士,無論在香港或美 國等其他國家,亦曾有類似的情況:有些新聞工作者為了保護消息來 [...] 源,寧願違反迫使其作供的條例,寧 願 坐牢 也 不 肯供出有關人士的資 料,這是新聞自由應有的其中一項保障。 legco.gov.hk | President, under such circumstances, we can certainly force him to attend a hearing of this Council and give evidence after oath. However, there are similar cases in Hong Kong or other countries such as the United States concerning members of the media with commitment: for the sake of protecting the sources, some journalists would rather [...] violate the ordinances forcing them to give [...] evidence and go to jail than disclose [...]the information on the relevant persons. legco.gov.hk |
財經事務及庫務局局長:主席,坐牢 的 意 思是我們所罰的,可以較議員提出 的回復稅率更嚴重,因為我們可以加稅;我們不單可以回復稅率,更可以加 [...] 稅,我的意思不是要拘捕他們入牢。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES AND THE TREASURY (in [...] Cantonese): Chairman, what I mean by putting them in jail is that [...]our penalty can be even more severe [...]than reverting to the previous rate of duty as proposed by Members because we can increase the duty. legco.gov.hk |
大家想想,如果因工作而導致坐牢, 而 那並不是他們存心詐 騙,這無論對個人還是公司,都是很大的打擊。 legco.gov.hk | Just think the great blow the person concerned or his company will suffer if he lands in jail because of what he has done in the office and that is not because of any intention to cheat. legco.gov.hk |
劉曉波在互聯網上撰寫數篇文章,也要拘捕他,使 他 坐牢 1 1 年, 這是個怎麼樣的國家? legco.gov.hk | LIU Xiaobo has only written a few articles on the Internet, but he is arrested and imprisoned for 11 years. legco.gov.hk |
在通過了這一關後,如果整件事真正要有阻嚇性,便須有一名董事 “上身”,因為法庭是不可以判那間有限公司的“豆腐印 ” 坐牢 的。 legco.gov.hk | After this hurdle, if the entire matter is to really achieve deterrence, a director will have to be held liable for the offence because the Court cannot sentence the limited company's seal to imprisonment. legco.gov.hk |
有多少㆟正在坐牢、做效益較少 的工作或甚至從事反社會活動? legco.gov.hk | How many of them are in prison, or doing less productive work or even doing anti-social work? legco.gov.hk |
判販毒這項刑事罪行的難民可能現正 坐牢 判販毒這項刑事罪行的難民可能現正 坐牢 判販毒這項刑事罪行的難民可能現正 坐牢 , 他們其實還有否移居海外的機會呢? legco.gov.hk | Do these refugees, who have been charged with the criminal offence of drug trafficking and who may be serving their sentence now in jail, still have the chance of overseas resettlement? legco.gov.hk |
這個例子只是冰山一角,以往亦曾經有年近80歲的老伯因社署斷 絕給予綜援,在飢寒交迫下被迫打劫 、 坐牢 吃 “ 皇家飯”。 legco.gov.hk | This example is only a tip of the iceberg and there was a case in the past in which a nearly 80 year-old elderly man, suffering [...] from cold and hunger, was forced to commit an [...] act of robbery, in the hope of enjoying [...]a "government-paid meal" in prison because [...]the SWD stopped his CSSA payments. legco.gov.hk |
多位同事剛才也說出了一些荒謬的情況,例如一位老婆婆拖着紙皮 去賣,可能由於濕了導致重量增加,她會被檢控;街市賣菜的商販會被 控 “呃秤”,剛才亦有例子是售賣抽油煙機的人亦會被檢控, 要 坐牢 ,這 些都只涉及少數金額,但也會被告“呃秤”,售賣數百萬元、千多萬元或 數千萬元的單位,卻不會被控告“呃秤”,這是因為沒有任何法例管制。 legco.gov.hk | For example, an old lady hauling a stack of cardboards to the recycler for sale may be prosecuted for the increased weight of the cardboards probably because the cardboards are wet; a vegetable vendor in a market may be prosecuted for deceiving customers by fiddling with the scale; and another example was cited earlier about a salesperson selling range hoods being prosecuted and imprisoned. legco.gov.hk |
刑事罪 可以導致監禁,但“豆腐印”是無法 坐牢 的 , 只能罰款;在有董事“上身” 後,還要再過一關,便是要證明董事或所謂的法團負責人(我們澄清過 一次,即使是“ 影子” 的也可以,但當然要提出證明) 是同意、疏忽或 縱容。 legco.gov.hk | The company can only be fined. After a director is held liable for the offence, another hurdle will have to be overcome, that is, to prove that consent, connivance or neglect on the part of the director or the so-called responsible officer of a body corporate (we have clarified once that even the "shadow" is acceptable, though evidence must be adduced) is involved. legco.gov.hk |
你可以失去一切,我用这些例子来说明夸张,甚至 要 坐牢。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | You can lose everything, and I used these examples to illustrate [...] exaggerated, even go to jail. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
医生因为并不构成犯罪的行为而被定罪 和 坐牢 daccess-ods.un.org | Dr. Polo Rivera has been convicted and is currently imprisoned for acts that do not constitute a crime daccess-ods.un.org |
在中國,做一個有良心的知識份子非常不容易,要有隨 時 坐牢的 勇 氣,因為,正如以往歷代一樣,當權者會憑片言(包括言語和文章)入 他們的罪,收他們入監。 legco.gov.hk | In China, it is not easy to be an intellectual of conscience, he has to have the courage to face imprisonment any time, because in past dynasties, those who were in power would pronounce such intellectuals guilty for a single word they expressed (including speeches and articles) and send them to prison. legco.gov.hk |
很多同事剛才不斷引述了四川的“豆腐渣”工程、三聚氰胺事 件的受害家長、馮正虎,以及最早期的魏京生等異見份子,以至現時的 劉曉波等很多人士,他們對中國政府有很多批評,他們可能很認同外國 的民主人權概念,但卻因為表達意見 而 坐牢 、 失蹤、失去自由。 legco.gov.hk | Just now, many Honourable colleagues have cited examples of tofu-dreg projects in Sichuan, parents being affected in the incident of milk powder with melamine, as well as dissidents like FENG Zhenghu, WEI Jingsheng at the earliest stage and even LIU Xiaobo now. legco.gov.hk |
根据法德里的说法,托尼和陶菲克是这件抢劫案 的主谋,而这两个人正好一个在坐牢 一 个 已死, 无法对证。 crisisgroup.org | In Fadly Sadama’s account, responsibility rests with Toni Togar, who is conveniently in prison, and Taufik Hidayat, who is conveniently dead. crisisgroup.org |
关于监禁刑罚,她 指出除了 坐 牢以 外法律规定了一些替 代处罚 , 如 公 益 劳动。 daccess-ods.un.org | As for prison sentences, she noted the legal provision for alternatives to prison such as community service. daccess-ods.un.org |
這些維權律師、維權人士非常勇 敢,他們不會一如我們在香港般,發言後走出去也不會立刻被人拘捕;這些 人會被捕並會被囚入牢中,他們的家人也 要 坐牢 , 有 些人在獄中更被嚴重毆 打。 legco.gov.hk | Unlike all of us in Hong Kong who would not be arrested after speaking here, these courageous human rights lawyers and activists, and even their family members would be arrested and imprisoned, and some of them would even be badly assaulted in prison. legco.gov.hk |
1995 年,亚西尔·阿拉法特、 希蒙·佩雷斯和伊扎克·拉宾获得诺贝尔和平奖时, 我在坐牢。 daccess-ods.un.org | I was in prison in 1995 when Yasser Arafat, Shimon Perez and Yitzak Rabin received the Nobel Peace Prize. daccess-ods.un.org |
談到政制,想當年,我們最初很擔心回歸後會喪失很多自由,例如言論 自由;有些民主派同事甚至擔心會 坐牢 , 然而,事實上這些事全部也沒有發 生。 legco.gov.hk | When it comes to political development, we were at first, years back, gravely worried that we might lose many of our freedoms, such as freedom of speech; some Honourable colleagues belonging to the democratic camp even feared they might be thrown into prison. legco.gov.hk |
順便在這裡提一下,在紐西蘭非法捕殺鯨魚會被罰款NZD250,000或 者 坐牢 半 年。 4tern.com | While we are talking about whales, here is a piece of information. Killing a whale in New Zealand without permit is punishable by up to six months imprisonment, or a fine of up to $250,000. 4tern.com |
此外,幕後的老板被罰多點錢固然會 有點心痛,但是,㆒個被㆟利用的㆟卻要因為別㆟曾在同㆒㆞址犯過同㆒罪行而 要坐 牢久㆒點,這在制度㆖是不公平的,因為幕後的大老板不會代這小卒 去 坐牢。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the boss behind the scenes will surely be disgruntled at the heavier fine, but the one who is exploited will have to serve a longer sentence of imprisonment just because someone else committed the same offence before in the same premises. legco.gov.hk |
强调必须更加重视家长坐牢对子女的影响,同时感兴趣地注意到儿童 权利委员会将于2011 年举办主题为“ 囚犯子女的状况” 的一般性讨论日 daccess-ods.un.org | Stresses the importance of paying greater attention to the impact of the imprisonment of parents on their children, while noting with interest the day of general discussion on the theme “The situation of children of incarcerated parents ”, to be organized in 2011 by the Committee on the Rights of the Child daccess-ods.un.org |
El-Shakshuki 先生(阿拉伯利比亚民众国)提 请注意,特别报告员在其报告中有关在押儿童的部 分(第四节)完全没有提及正处于武装冲突或被外 国占领国家儿童的坐牢问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) noted that the part of the Special Rapporteur’s report dealing with children in detention (chap. IV) said nothing about the imprisonment of children in countries involved in armed conflict or under foreign domination. daccess-ods.un.org |
据说,妇女不在牢 房关押,而是允许她们白天坐在建筑物外,晚上睡在加锁的办公室内。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women were reportedly not kept in cells but allowed to sit outside the building during the day, and sleep in the locked offices at night. daccess-ods.un.org |