

单词 坐享其成

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因此,全球 任何一个先进国家,也不会光靠市场的尝试或商家的错失,来寻找发 展方向,而政府坐享其成得长远的成功。
Therefore, no advanced country in the world would rely solely on the endeavours of the market or the mistakes of businesses to probe the directions of
development, while the
[...] Government just sits on the sideline to reap the fruits of success, thereby achieving long-term [...]
人们现在认识到,仅把 知识从院校里传播出去而坐享其成法已不足以鼓励应用有关知识获得经济和社会利 益。
Throwing knowledge over university walls and hoping for the best is not now perceived as sufficient to encourage the application of that knowledge for economic and social benefit.
然而,有些大财团却埋没企业良心,为求赚取更丰厚的经 济利润,不惜压榨工人的福利坐享其成
What they give is more than what they get in return. However, some big consortia are
ungrateful and in order to reap
[...] greater profits, they wouldresort toexploiting the workers and depriving them [...]
oftheir welfare.
但是,大家可 曾 知 道,这 些 大 自然的宝贵遗 产 得 以传承保育 , 靠
[...] 的是原 居民历 代努力的心 血 成 果 ,政府 只坐享其 成
Besides, these "fung shui" woods are also home to more than 30 species of dragonflies and over 50 species of butterflies. But has it ever occurred to us that the sustainable development and conservation of
all this valuable heritage of nature has only been possible due to the hard work of
[...] generations of indigenous inhabitants?
[...] 他们有这样的胸襟,但很可惜,他们根本上是在煽动市民,要他们做炮灰, 自己则在立法会坐享其成
I very much appreciate the vision they had, but very unfortunately, they were
actually inciting the citizens, making them martyrs while
[...] they themselvesenjoy theharvests in [...]
the comfort of this Council.
主席先生,我们不能让政府这样 随便卸㆘重建的责任;政府绝不能继续将责任推给别㆟,而自己坐享其成
Mr President, the Government cannot be let off the responsibility of redevelopment so lightly.
其实,有时候 ,我们 在 社 会 上常说某 些 事情由於 意 见
有 重 大 分 歧 , 以致 达 不 到 目标, 加上人 们很冷漠, 不 肯自己 付 出,不 肯自己 承担,
[...] 只等政府出 力 和别人 进 行 , 自 己坐享 其成或 他 们很自 私 , 这些因素 [...]
均 令我们看见 不能达 致目标。
Moreover, people are sometimes very indifferent and unwilling to make any contribution or commitment, waiting only for the Government or other people to do something and they will just wait and reap the benefits, or
they are being very selfish, so all these factors prevent us from
[...] attaining our goals even though they arewithin sight.
披 露 有 关 资 料 可 能 会 使 合 法 卖 空 者 的 持 仓 曝 光 , 让 第 三 者 有 机 会坐 享 其 成不 但 对 该 等 市 场 参 与 者 的 利 益 造 成 不 利 影 响 , 还 可 能 会 扭 曲 市 场 情 况 。
Disclosure could expose the positions of legitimate users of short selling,thereby providing ‘free-ride’ opportunities to third parties which would adversely affect the interests of these market participants and may potentially distort the market.
在其他 场 合 里 , 凡 提 及 付 货人或 货 柜 码 头 时 ,丁午寿议员便 会 叨叨不 绝 , 他 经 常 批 评香港的货柜 码 头 是全世 界 最 昂 贵 的,但 追 溯 其原因, 便 会发 现香港政府对 货 柜 码 头 事业向来都 是采取价 高者得 的政策 ,或 只 提 供 海边地 皮 , 让营运者 自 行 填 海 , 亦 让 业 界 各 出 奇 谋 来 赚 钱 ,库房坐享其 成帐 不 少 。
But the reason for this is that the Hong Kong Government has always adopted a policy of awarding contracts to the highest bidder in the container terminal business, or merely provides waterfront land for the operators to carry out reclamation themselves.
第一、政党不能执政,不能执政,便没有权力,没有权力, 便没有势力,便不能统领他人,没有势力,便没有力量,没有力量,便没有 利 ─ 我再次强调,这不是“谋利”的“利”,但大家要了解,一个政党 须有那麽多的经费,不论商界或市民,对政党的期望不知有多高,甚至会提 供资源,令政党一小撮人经坐享其成以,容许这情形发展下去,政党 最後可能变成没有票,没有票便没有资格从事政治了。
Meanwhile, both the business sector and the citizens have great expectations of political parties, and they may offer to provide resources, thus benefiting a small number of people within the political party.
Clearly, the pursuit of wealth for it’s own sake is unlikely to make you much happier, but if you can manage to get it and spend it on experiences – you might be happier than if you had not spent the time chasing wealth and had different experienceswith the time you spent chasing wealth.
如果医管局所收取的 费用是成本的水平,一半要交予库房,那麽,医管局每接收一名内地产妇便 会亏蚀 1 万元,但财政司司长坐享其成了一半费用,似乎反而赚了钱, 归入库房。
If the fees collected by the HA are pitched at the cost level, and when half of them goes to the Treasury, it means that the HA will suffer a loss of $10,000 in admitting each mainland pregnant woman.
过去, 港 英 政
[...] 府正是为了阻 止中国资本 加入香港的 航 空 市场, 不 惜 苦 心 经 营 , 设 下 种种关 卡 , 结果导 致 一 些 新 航 空 公 司 被 拒 诸 天 空 外 , 而 国泰坐 享 其 成期 垄 断 市场, 垄 断 范围上至 天 空 ,下至 地 勤 。
In the past, it was exactly out of the intention to prevent mainland capital from entering Hong Kong's aviation market that the British Hong Kong Government tried every means to impose all sorts of market restrictions. As a result, a number of new airlines were denied
access to Hong Kong
[...] skies, thus enabling Cathay Pacific to continuously monopolize the market, and the airline's monopoly covers not only the sky but also [...]
the ground support services.
选举 产生的,为理会会议厅、经常召开 闭门会议的特权的 187 个会员国服务。
Andthe remainingmembers are elected to serve the 187 Member States that do not enjoy the privilege of permanently sitting in the Council [...]
Chamber, often behind closed doors.
Staff members and also candidates may
therefore opt for a lump sum payment in
[...] lieu of all entitlements related to this type of travel, be it by airor by othermeans.
我希望政府推坐享企业之余,也可透过 推行社会企业来协助受影响的业界重投社会。
I hope that while trying to boost
the development of enterprises
[...] (which are able to enjoy the fruitof development without making [...]
any sacrifices), the Government
can also assist those in the affected industries in re-integrating into society through the development of social enterprises.
这些包括:给的食物质量差,数量不足;保健不 够;动用各种酷刑手段(包括剥夺睡眠、将被拘押者的手脚铐住并使以及威胁或实际拘押家)。
These included: poor quality and quantity of food; inadequate health care; and the use of torture methods (including sleep deprivation,shabehand threats of or actual detention of familymembers).
现时有关注认为有关安排或会平的营商环 境,让与政府有连系的企业在经济中占重大部分,使其享大的优势。
There are concerns that such arrangement may create an unfair playing field for businesses,enabling the government-linked corporations to take up a substantial part of the economy to have an undue advantage.
And where animals
[...] and plants find an optimal habitat, garden owners can confi dently leanback and enjoy.
本细则条文应适用於任何类别股份所附权利更改或废除的情况,犹如 该类股份中处理方式不同的各组股份成其将被更改或废除的独 (C) 除非有关股份所附带的权利或发行条款另有明文规定,否则赋予任何 股份或类别股份持有人的特别权利,不得因进一步设立或发行其享等权益或较之享有优先权的股份而被视为予以更改。
(B) The provisions of
[...] this Article shall apply to the variation or abrogation of the rights attached to thesharesofany class asif each group of shares of the class differently treated formed a separate class the rights whereof are to be varied or (C) The special rights conferred [...]
upon the holders
of any shares or class of shares shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided in the rights attaching to or the terms of issue of such shares, be deemed to be altered by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith or in priority thereto.
在昂博贝寺的集会中,僧侣们为30 位HIV 病毒携带者或来自HIV病毒携带者家庭做了祈祷、持活动。
At a gathering at Ang Popel Temple, monks led a session of prayer, meditation and support services for about30 adults living with HIV or from HIV-affected families.
考虑到无证件移徙者或身份不正常的移徙者受雇的工作条件往往人 差,并考虑到一些雇主认为这正是雇用这种劳动力的一个诱因,以便坐享平 竞争之利
Considering that migrants who are non-documented or in an irregular
situation are
[...] frequently employed under less favourable conditions of workthan other workers, and that certain employers find this an inducement to seek [...]
such labour
in order to reap the benefits of unfair competition
空运一直有利一些跨国的大公司垄断经营,小本经营的运输商难 有立锥之地,这将会进一步恶化现时物流运输业两极化的情况,大集团可坐享利润,小本经营者以至前线员工则完全失去了议价能力。
So, this would further aggravate the problem of polarization in the logistics industry, in which case the consortiums can reap huge profits while small operators and front-line workers would stand to lose all their bargaining power.
此外,蒙古将继续努力 与国际社会其享其成并在如何克服障碍和问题方面向它们学习。
Furthermore, Mongolia will continue striving to share its achievements withother members of the international community, while learning from them about how to overcome the obstacles and problems.
联合国机构和亚太经社会的 其他发展伙伴、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)进机构,可构 成各种区域信息和知识网络以及粮食安全数据库,享成技术、健全的 区域方案以及从各种粮食安全倡议中吸取的经验。
United Nations agencies and other development partners, with ESCAP, the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations
[...] (FAO)and other agencies in the lead, could form regional information and knowledge networks and a database on food security, and share proven technologies, robust regional programmes and experiences gained [...]
in food security initiatives.
(2) 凡根据章程细则第53条有权登何股份持有人的人士均可在任何股东 大会上就有关股份投票,犹如其为有关股份的登记持有人,惟其必须於其拟参与投票的大会 或续会(视情况而定)指定举行时间最少四十八(48)小时前,令董事会信其享关股份的 权利,或董事会先前已承认其有权於有关大会上就有关股份作出投票。
(2) Any person entitled under Article 53 to be registered as the holder of any shares may vote at any general meeting in respect thereof in the same manner as if he were the registered holder of such shares, provided that forty-eight (48) hours at least before the time of the holding of the meeting or adjourned meeting, as the case may be, at which he proposes to vote, he shall satisfy the Boardof his entitlement to such shares, [...]
or the Board shall
have previously admitted his right to vote at such meeting in respect thereof.
(k) 所有按照上文(c)款核准乘坐火车或商营地面交通工具进行的公务旅 行,工作人员格家应可头等舱位或标准相当的舱位。
(k) For all official travel by train or commercial ground transportation approved under paragraph (c) above, staff members and their eligible family members shall be granted regular first-class travel or an equivalent standard.
结束针对逃避国家服务或设法逃离厄立特里亚的人的家取 “策; 与联合国人权事务高级专员办事处充分合作,,按高级专员 的要求允许该办事处、人权条约机构、人权理事会所有机制访问,并与所有国际 和区域人权机制充分合作
(j) To cooperate fully with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights by, inter alia, allowing access to a mission by the Office as requested by the High Commissioner, the human rights treaty bodies, all mechanisms of the Human Rights Council and with all international and regional human rights mechanisms




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