单词 | 坐井观天 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 坐井观天 —lit. view the sky from the bottom of a well (idiom); |
所 以,特區政府仍然是冥頑不靈、仍然 是 坐井 觀 天 , 仍然拿着以前的天 書當作聖旨,漠視巿民的苦困。 legco.gov.hk | The SAR Government is therefore stubborn and narrow-sighted in upholding the already outdated idea, in total neglect of the plight of the community. legco.gov.hk |
曾蔭權回應制訂具體減排指標的時候,他強調,香港會在2030年前 便將能源的強度減少30%,這便表示他 坐井 觀 天 , 無 知到極。 legco.gov.hk | When replying to the request for a concrete emissions reduction target, he emphasized that Hong Kong would achieve a 30% reduction of energy intensity by 2030. legco.gov.hk |
事後,綠色和平批評他,指他有四宗罪,就是 : 坐井 觀天、自 吹自擂、自暴其短和癡人說夢。 legco.gov.hk | The Greenpeace subsequently criticized him for four wrongs: ignorance, bragging, exposing his shortcomings and talking like a fool. legco.gov.hk |
你們這些人真是眼光短淺,坐井觀天 , 又 不唸書,最先出現在議 會打架的亞洲國家是日本,韓國到了今時今日還在打架。 legco.gov.hk | You people are short-sighted and narrow-minded, and you do not read books. The first country in Asia where there are fights in the parliament is Japan. legco.gov.hk |
坐在前排的观众, 仿佛怕被打湿 衣裳,回过头来看往哪里可以躲避,尤其是海浪扑面而来的时候。 motion.kodak.com | Some people in the front row seemed to be afraid they were going to get wet, and looked to see where they could run, in case the waves came too close. motion.kodak.com |
据说,妇女不在牢 房关押,而是允许她们白天坐在建筑物外,晚上睡在加锁的办公室内。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women were reportedly not kept in cells but [...] allowed to sit outside the building during the day, and sleep [...]in the locked offices at night. daccess-ods.un.org |
吉利重新审视“和平一天”的核心价值 观,并对该组织每天的运 营进行了改变(使 用 Skype 视频呼叫代替乘坐飞机 去开会、使用 循环和可持续利用的办公室产品、办公室再 循环利用)。 peaceoneday.org | Their discussion prompted Jeremy to re-examine Peace One Day’s core values and make changes to the day-to-day running of the organisation (Skype Video [...] calls instead of flights to [...]meetings, recycled and sustainable office products, office recycling). peaceoneday.org |
合同另一方(捷克斯洛伐克/捷克共和国)酌情打了一口 观测井以监测技术参数。 daccess-ods.un.org | The other contracting party (Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic) had at its [...] disposal an observation well to monitor the observation of technical [...]parameters. daccess-ods.un.org |
在水对于碳酸盐岩床的溶解作用下形成的喀斯特地貌,具有独特的形态,在持续上千年的生成过程中,造就了该地貌的奇特地表和地下 景 观 : 如 天 坑 、 竖 井 、 消 失的溪流和喷泉、构造复杂的地下排水体系和洞穴。 china.cat.com | This geological process, occurring over thousands of years, results in unusual [...] surface and subsurface features [...] ranging from sinkholes, vertical shafts, disappearing [...]streams and springs, to complex underground drainage systems and caves. china.cat.com |
十个内部天井可以 将自然光线和通风引入室内,同时巨大的门廊也可为 参 观 者 提供交流的场所。 nikken.jp | A series of ten inner light courts bring in natural light and ventilation and together with the voluminous entrance hall provide a variety of communication opportunities. nikken.jp |
能在现场超过1000位新锐设计师的观众 席中 , 坐 于 极 接近颁奖台的座位区,让我真正理解到BC4 [...] Flight Timer世界时区表的独特性的确使奖项实至名归。 oris.ch | To sit in the front row of an auditorium packed [...] with more than 1000 star designers really made me realise how special the [...]BC4 Flight Timer must be to win such an award. oris.ch |
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追 踪 观 察 ; 定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地 每 天 提 供 八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; [...] doctors in the regional headquarters [...] perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day. daccess-ods.un.org |
欣赏自然美景:乘船前往塔斯曼冰川(Tasman glacier),也可以乘坐观景飞 机穿越南阿尔卑斯山和西海岸,然后降落在冰川之上。 cn.yha.co.nz | Get scenic: take a boat ride to visit the Tasman glacier or a scenic flight over the Southern Alps and the West Coast with a glacier landing. yha.co.nz |
目前,中国正在建造新一代地球观测系统,侧重点是以高分辨率卫星、同 流层飞艇和航空遥感系统为基础建立一个地 球 观 测 平台,目的是发展 24 小时全 天候收集地球观测数 据的功能和发展其应用的能力,并通过发展地面支持和运 行系统建立起空间数据产业链。 daccess-ods.un.org | Currently, China is building a new-generation Earth observation system, with the focus on developing an Earth observing platform based on high-resolution satellites, stratosphere airships and aerial remote sensing systems, the aim [...] being to develop the [...] capability for 24-hour and all-weather collection of Earth observation data and their application, [...]and to build up a [...]space data industry chain by developing the system of surface support and operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会不能袖手旁观,坐视这 场灾难的发生而 无所作为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community cannot afford to sit back and watch this calamity unfold before our eyes without doing anything. daccess-ods.un.org |
植树体验结束 后,在返回的路上,大家乘坐小船观 察 各种珍稀的野生动 物。 itochu.co.jp | After trying their hand at planting trees, the tour group went on a trip in small boats to observe the region’s precious wildlife. itochu.co.jp |
到今天為止,曾蔭權仍然拒絕制訂具體的減排指標,只是 以 坐井 觀天的態 度來看全球暖化的問題,實在令人擔憂。 legco.gov.hk | But up to now, Donald TSANG still refuses to set a specific emissions reduction target. legco.gov.hk |
1992-1993 年 – 天然气营销供应主管,路易斯安那州拉斐特市 – 管理专业团队,负责 洽谈天然气采购和在 ARCO 和第三方工厂的加工协议和新油井向 市场的连接,以及 管理专有气体容量通过天然气营销集团的有效销售。 millerandlents.com | 1992-1993 - Gas Marketing Supply Director, Lafayette, Louisiana - Managed a professional [...] staff responsible for [...] negotiating gas purchase and processing agreements at ARCO and thirdparty gas plants, new well connections to markets, and managing proprietary gas volumes for effective sale by the Gas Marketing Group. millerandlents.com |
在能源领域执行的各项政策重点关注以下问题:(a) 向所有人,特别是农村 [...] 和偏远地区的人民提供现代能源服务和物资;(b) [...] 对能源设施进行经济管理,包 括审查当前的收费情况;(c) 鼓励对钻井和生产石油和天然气以及使用较清洁技 术领域进行投资;(d) 推动区域和区域间层面的电力和天然气网络项目;(e) [...] 鼓 励私营部门参与建立和管理能源设施;(f) [...]提高能源利用效率,同时更多使用较 清洁燃料和可再生能源技术;(g) 倡导使用公共交通和铁路,同时支持修建区域 和次区域公路网络,为贸易和运输提供便利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the area of energy, the policies that are pursued focus on the following: (a) providing modern energy services and supplies to the whole population and, in particular, in rural and remote regions; (b) economic management of energy facilities, including the review of current tariffs; (c) [...] encouraging investment in the [...] fields of drilling for and producing oil and gas and the use [...]of cleaner technology; (d) promoting [...]projects for electricity and natural gas networks at the regional and interregional levels; (e) encouraging the participation of the private sector in the establishment and management of energy facilities; (f) improving energy efficiency while expanding the use of cleaner fuel and renewable energy technology; (g) promoting the use of public transport and railways while supporting the construction of regional and subregional road networks in order to facilitate trade and transport. daccess-ods.un.org |
坐落在壮观的赞 比西河流域,电影借鉴了这种独特的自然环境为灵感 - 灵感可以看出,在美丽的,典型的非洲元素的电影。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Set in the spectacular Zambezi River Valley, the film draws on this unique natural environment as its inspiration – an inspiration which can be seen in the beautiful, quintessentially African elements of the film. seekcartoon.com |
在夏天晚上乘坐观光船 ,一边喝美酒一边欣赏无尽的湖光树影,那绝对是芬兰体验的精髓。 visitfinland.com | Enjoying an evening cruise on a passenger steamer departing [...] from Kuopio’s harbour is a quintessential Finnish summer experience. visitfinland.com |
免费Wi - Fi ,艺术画廊,两个室内天井,食 堂,河阳台,有线电视, [...] DVD播放器与独立的作者电影供客人,尼斯表地区面临的河流,宽敞的客厅与交通信息的小册子。 instantworldbooking.com | Free wi-fi, Art Gallery, [...] two interior patios, cafeteria, river [...]balcony, Cable TV, DVD player with independent authors films [...]available for guests, nice table area facing the river, spacious living room with travel information brochures. instantworldbooking.com |
在新政策下,「須優先取締」的僭建物涵蓋範圍已擴大 至包括所有在樓宇天台、平台、天井 及 後巷的僭建物(「新執法 項目」),而不論這些僭建物對公眾安全的風險程度,或是否屬於 [...] 新建的僭建物。 legco.gov.hk | The UBWs enforcement policy has been revised with effect from 1 April 2011 whereby the scope of “actionable” UBWs will be extended to [...] include all unauthorised structures [...] on rooftops, flat roofs as well as those in yards [...]and lanes of buildings (the New Commitments), [...]irrespective of their level of risk to public safety or whether they are newly constructed. legco.gov.hk |
由 2011 年 4 月 1 [...] 日起,屋宇署會展開多項大規模行動:(a)每年拆除在 500 幢目標 樓宇的天台和平台,以及天井/庭 院和巷里的僭建物;(b)每年巡查 500 幢目標樓 宇,並在有需要時發出修葺令或勘測令,着令修葺或糾正有關樓宇的欠妥或失修 [...] [...]之處;及(c)每年巡查 150 幢目標樓宇,處理有關分間單位建築工程的可能違規之 處。 devb.gov.hk | From 1 April 2011 onwards, the Buildings Department (BD) will initiate a number of large-scale operations to : (a) [...] remove unauthorised building [...] works on rooftops and flat roofs, as well as those in yards and lanes [...]in respect of 500 target [...]buildings each year; (b) inspect and issue repair or investigation orders as necessary to 500 target buildings each year to require repair or remedy of defects or dilapidation in the buildings; and (c) inspect 150 target buildings each year to tackle potential irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats. devb.gov.hk |
針對僭建物的執法政策已被修訂,並於 2011 年 4 月 1 日 [...] 起生效。在新政策下,「須優先取締」的僭建物涵蓋範圍已擴大 至包括所有在樓宇天台、平台、天井 及 後巷的僭建物(「新執法 項目」),而不論這些僭建物對公眾安全的風險程度,或是否屬於 [...]新建的僭建物。 legco.gov.hk | The UBWs enforcement policy has been revised with effect from 1 April 2011 whereby the scope of “actionable” UBWs will be extended [...] to include all unauthorised structures [...] on rooftops, flat roofs as well as those in [...]yards and lanes of buildings (the New [...]Commitments), irrespective of their level of risk to public safety or whether they are newly constructed. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 由 2011 年 4 月 1 日起,屋宇署會開展 3 [...] 類大規模行動:(i)拆除根據修訂和 [...] 較廣的定義所涵蓋須取締的僭建物,包括每年在選定的 500 幢目標樓宇的天 台和平台,以及天井/庭 院和巷里的僭建物(拆除僭建物大規模行動); (ii) [...] 每年巡查 500 幢目標樓宇,並在有需要時發出修葺令或勘測令,着令修葺或 [...] 糾正在這些樓宇發現的欠妥或失修之處(修葺令/勘測令大規模行動);及 (iii)每年巡查 150 幢目標樓宇,處理有關分間單位建築工程的可能違規之處 (分間單位大規模行動)。 devb.gov.hk | (a) From 1 April 2011 onwards, the Buildings Department (BD) will initiate three types of large-scale operations (LSOs) to: (i) remove actionable unauthorised building works (UBWs) covered under a revised and wider [...] definition, including unauthorised [...] structures on rooftops and flat roofs as well as those in [...]yards and lanes, in respect of 500 [...]target buildings to be selected each year (LSO on UBWs Removal); (ii) inspect and issue repair or investigation orders as necessary to 500 target buildings each year to require repair or remedy of defects or dilapidation found in these buildings (LSO on Repair/Investigation Orders); and (iii) inspect 150 target buildings each year to tackle potential irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats (LSO on Sub-divided Flats). devb.gov.hk |
这个美丽的地球,而我属于我自己,我给大部分的欢迎本国和外国游客谁是纯净的空气,请温暖,他们永恒的雪,教堂和百年公园的大山,用石块铺成的街道,多彩我们的本土市场之一,蒸汽火车和 在 天 花 板 坐 着 马 车之旅,他们的主要食物的气味和接触在街头魅力酒店,收集的特殊性质,我们的小母国,它给我的人它的嘉宾和朋友们的舒适性,安全性和注意力,让他们首选的住宿是他们完成随和。 instantworldbooking.com | Of this beautiful earth to which I belong myself I give most warm of the welcomes the national and foreign visitors who please of the pure air, the great mountains with their eternal snows, the churches and centennial parks, the streets paved with stones, the colorful one [...] of our indigenous markets, a steam [...] train and the trip seated in the ceiling of [...]wagons, the smell of their meals and mainly [...]the contact with my people in the streets GLAMOUR HOTEL, gathers that special nature of our small mother country, and it gives to its guests and friends them the comfort, security and preferred attention so that their stay is of their complete affability. instantworldbooking.com |
当地报社的记者记录下了当时观众, 坐 在 黑暗的房间 里观看移动影像时的激动心情:“短片呈现了海浪撞击在岸边破碎开来的景象。 motion.kodak.com | A reporter for a local newspaper wrote enthusiastically about the experience shared by the audience of strangers, sitting in a dark theater, watching moving images projected on a screen: "The second film represented the breaking of waves on the seashore. motion.kodak.com |
尤其是会议了解到,首脑会议通过其《北京宣言》已(a) 注意到《全球对地观测分布式系统(全球测地系统)数据分享实施指导方针和 行动计划》及实施所用的全球测地系统共同基础设施的建立极大地改进了对全 [...] 球地球观测数据和资源的获取情况;(b)核可了经改进的地球观测组织目标,使 之与 10 [...] 年期实施计划保持一致;(c)敦促各国政府和所有组织维持并加强原 地观 测系统和天基观测系 统;(d)吁请各国际组织和捐助机构对实施全球测地系统进 [...]一步捐款。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the Meeting was informed that the Summit, through its Beijing Declaration, had (a) noted that the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) data-sharing implementation guidelines and action plan and the establishment of the operational GEOSS common infrastructure significantly improved access to global Earth observation data and resources; (b) endorsed the refined GEO targets, aligned with the 10-year implementation plan; (c) urged all Governments and [...] organizations to sustain and enhance [...] both in situ and space-based observation systems; and (d) [...]called on international organizations [...]and donor agencies to further contribute to the implementation of GEOSS. daccess-ods.un.org |