

单词 坎昆

See also:




elder brother
(also used for transliteration)
a style of Chinese poetry

External sources (not reviewed)

作为气候变化教育方面旗舰行动的一部分,教科文组织开展了若干活动:在马尔代夫为 年轻人举办了一个关于气候变化适应教育的能力建设讲习班;通过一个国际谘商讲习班制定
了一个教育部门应对气候变化行动计划,该计划也旨在为越南农村社区制定一个非正规的气 候变化教育计划;以及在联合国气候变化问题首脑会议上组织了若干项与第 6 条(教育培训
[...] 和公共宣传)有关的会外活动坎昆西哥,2010 年 11 月 29 日-12 月 [...]
10 日)。
As part of its flagship initiative on climate change education, UNESCO has undertaken several activities: a capacity development workshop in the Maldives on climate change education for adaptation for young people; development of an Action Plan on Climate Change Responses in the Education Sector through an International Consultative Workshop, also aiming to develop a non-formal climate change education programme for rural communities in Viet Nam; and organization of several side events related to Article 6 (education
training and public awareness) at the United Nations
[...] Climate Change Summit(Cancun, Mexico, 29November-10 [...]
December 2010).
最后,我们同意在 2011 年召集第二次气候变化和地球母亲权利世界人民会 议,以作为建立地球母亲全球人民运动和对今年底在墨西坎昆的气候变化 大会的成果作出回应的进程的一部分。
Finally, we agree to hold a second Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in 2011 as part of this process of building a movement of the world’s peoples for Mother Earth and to respond to the outcomes of the climate change conference to be held late this year in Cancún, Mexico.
气候公约缔约方会议第十六次会议(墨西哥坎昆可了海观系统 在提供全球数据支持气候谈判和政府间气候变化专门委员会报告方面的作用。
GOOS was recognized by the
[...] UNFCCC COP 16 (Cancun, Mexico) for [...]
its role in providing global data underpinning the climate
negotiations and the IPCC reports.
坎昆国气候变化会议,《联合国气候变化框架公约》附属科技咨询机构(SBSTA)指 [...]
出,全球海洋观测系统的未来工作计划包括有关海洋化学和生态系统的新兴基本气候变量, 而且在跟踪气候变化和酸化对于海洋生态系统服务的影响方面,这些变量具有实用性。
In conjunction with theUnited Nations Climate
[...] Change Conferencein Cancun, the SBSTA of the [...]
UNFCCC noted that the future
work plan of GOOS includes emerging essential climate variables on ocean chemistry and ecosystems and noted the relevance of these variables in tracking the impacts of climate change and acidification on ocean ecosystem services.
她提议将该决定定为第1/CP.16 号决定,这是缔约方会议第十六届
[...] 会议的标志性成就之一,并将其定性为代表气候变化国际合作新时代的坎昆》的一部分。
She proposed that the decision be designated as decision 1/CP.16, one of the landmark outcomes of COP
16, and that the decision be characterized
[...] as partof the Cancun Agreements, representing [...]
a new era of international cooperation on climate change.
[...] 候变化可持续发展教育的能力建设工作(重点是越南和马尔代夫),出席并协助在墨西坎 昆的气候变化问题国际首脑会议(缔约方第十六届会议),将可持续发展教育纳入了这 [...]
UNESCO developed capacities on climate change education for sustainable development in several Member States (in particular Viet Nam and the Maldives), and participated and
contributed to the International Climate
[...] Change Summitin Cancun, Mexico (COP 16), [...]
thus bringing ESD to the agenda of this important event.
通过加强网络(如, 农场电台国际网络)和支持记者参与非洲大陆的关键活动以提高优质报道来实现 上述预期成果(如,参加 2010 年第二届世界新闻教育大会,坎昆国气候 变化会议上支持信息计划和服务(IPS)的同仁)。
This was achieved through the strengthening of networks (e.g. Farm Radio International Network), and through support for journalists to participate in key events on the continent to enhance quality reporting (e.g. attendance at the second World Journalism Education Congress 2010, support for IPS fellows during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun).
2010 年在墨西坎昆的联合国气 候变化框架公约(气候公约)缔约方会议第十六次会议通过了有关决定,从而在气 候公约框架下在这方面取得了进展。
Progress has been achieved in this regard under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) through the adoption of decisions at the sixteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention in Cancun, Mexico, in 2010.
因此,小岛屿国家联盟赞扬附件一缔约方在《京 都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组和公约 下长期合作行动特设工作组重新开展工作,我们希
[...] 望,这将导致在 2010 年 12 月在墨西坎昆一项 具有法律约束力的成果文件。
The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) therefore applauds the resumption of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol and the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term
Cooperative Action under the Convention, which we hope will lead to a legally
[...] binding outcomeinCancún,Mexico,in December 2010.
(h) 自在墨西坎昆的联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方第 16 次会议以 来,国以下各级政府(包括地方当局)就被承认为国际气候变化谈判中的特定利益 攸关方
(h) Subnational governments (including local authorities) are recognized as specific stakeholders in international climate change negotiations since the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Cancun, Mexico.
虽然加强气候变化合作国际谈判进程的政治前提,由于 2009 年
12 月在哥本哈根举行 的联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方第十五届会议(UNFCCC COP--15)的结果已经改变,而
[...] 且该谈判进程被推迟到了 2010 年 12 月坎昆的公约缔约方第十六届会议,但是联合国 [...]
While the political context of international negotiation processes to enhance climate change cooperation has been modified by the outcomes of UNFCCC COP-15 in
Copenhagen in December 2009 and deferred to the
[...] UNFCCC COP-16,in Cancunin December 2010, [...]
the basic framework for United Nations
system coordination has been maintained.
因此,厄瓜多尔认为,将在墨西坎昆的联 合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议第十六次会议将 为我们提供一个独一无二的机会,以便商定一项具有 法律约束力的公约。
As a result, Ecuador believes that the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is to take place in Cancún, Mexico, will provide us with a unique opportunity to agree on a legally binding convention.
有理由担坎昆上恢复的脆弱信任正在因为缺少政治意愿以便取 得能够确保所有国家都能生存下来的成果而受到损 害。
There was reason to fear that the fragile
[...] trust restored in Cancun was being endangered [...]
by lack of political will to reach
an outcome that would ensure the survival of all nations.
[...] 和《京都议定书》的第二承诺期应成为即将坎昆的第十六届缔约方会议的主要目标。
New funding mechanisms and a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol should be major goals for the
[...] upcoming sixteenth session in Cancún.
另 外,德班会议还应该落实包括关于计量、报告、核 查的协定在内的各坎昆,为“绿色气候基 金”提供一个有效设计,并且解决余下的关键性问 题。
In addition, the Conference should
[...] operationalize the Cancun Agreements, including [...]
those on measurement, reporting and verification
(MRV), provide an effective design for the Green Climate Fund and address remaining key issues.
为突出非洲坎昆国气候变化会议上的声音,教 科文组织与非洲国际新闻社(IPS)合作,遴选了 [...]
2 名国际新闻社工作人员制作平面报道和 广播报道,将非洲的需要与立场置于非洲各新闻编辑室分配考量的中心位置。
In order to highlight Africa’s
voice at the United Nations Climate Change
[...] Conference in Cancun, UNESCO cooperated [...]
with Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa
selecting two IPS fellows to produce print and radio stories that placed Africa's needs and positions at the centre of deliberations for distribution to newsrooms across the continent.
政府间海洋学委员会代表全球海洋观测系统坎 昆提交了一份声明,科学和技术咨询附属机构随后注意到全球海洋观测系统未来工作计 [...]
划列出了海洋化学和生态系统出现的重要气候变化,并注意到这些变化对于跟踪气候变化和 海洋酸化对海洋生态系统服务影响的意义。
IOC provided
[...] a statement in Cancunonbehalfof GOOS [...]
and the SBSTA subsequently noted that the future workplan of GOOS includes
emerging essential climate variables on ocean chemistry and ecosystems and noted the relevance of these variables in tracking the impacts of climate change and acidification on ocean ecosystem services.
联合国气候变化框架公约第十六次缔约方会议(墨西哥坎昆可了教科 文组织-海委会管理下的全球海洋观测系统(GOOS),并赞赏其在提供全球数据支持气候变 [...]
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) managed by
UNESCO-IOC was recognized and honoured by the
[...] UNFCCC COP 16 (Cancun,Mexico) for [...]
its major role in providing global data underpinning
the climate change negotiations and the IPCC reports.
[...] 种活动和进程的协同作用,在所有各级,包括在坎昆框架》下,以连贯 一致和综合的方式开展和支持强化适应行动。
With particular regard to adaptation, relevant multilateral, international, regional and national organizations have been invited to undertake and support enhanced
action on adaptation at all levels,
[...] including under the CancunAdaptation Framework, [...]
in a coherent and integrated manner
and building on synergies among activities and processes.
厄瓜多尔认为,联合国会员国必须了解这项在巴厘行动计划坎昆框架 下提出的倡议。
Ecuador considers it vitally important that the States Members of the United Nations
should be aware of this initiative, which comes within the framework of the Bali
[...] Action Plan and theCancun Agreements.
在本报告所述期间,议会为许多联合国进程作出了贡献,例如 2011 年联大 艾滋病问题高级别会议(纽约)、第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议(伊斯坦布
[...] 尔)、气候变化框架公约缔约方大会第十六届和第十七届会议(墨西坎昆非 德班)、以及妇女地位委员会第五十六届会议期间的年度议会活动(纽约)等。
During the reporting period, parliaments contributed to a number of United Nations processes, such as the 2011 High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on AIDS (New York), the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (Istanbul), the sixteenth and seventeenth sessions of the Conference of the Parties to
the United Nations Framework Convention on
[...] Climate Change(Cancun, Mexico, and [...]
Durban, South Africa) and the annual parliamentary
event on the occasion of the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (New York).
例如,根据 2002 年分别在哈瓦那(古巴)和墨西哥城(墨西哥)举行的地区会议提出的建议,与联合
[...] 国大学、墨西哥国家生物伦理委员会和拉丁美洲人类基因网合作,2003 年 5 月在(墨西哥坎昆了拉丁美洲及加勒比地区生物伦理网。
As a result, on the basis of recommendations of the regional meetings held respectively in Havana (Cuba) in 2000, and Mexico City (Mexico) in 2002, the
Latin American Network of Bioethics was set
[...] up by UNESCO in Cancun (Mexico)in May [...]
2003, in cooperation with the United Nations
University, the National Commission of Bioethics of Mexico and the Latin American Network of Genetics.
背景:在第十六届会议上,缔约方会议通过了第1/CP.16 号决定,其中的第 二章述及加强适应行动,确立了坎昆框架”。
Background: At its sixteenth session, the COP adopted
decision 1/CP.16, which addresses enhanced action on adaptation in chapter II,
[...] establishing theCancun AdaptationFramework.
最近坎昆的 2010 年气候变化框架公约缔约方会议最近一次会议一 致认为,迫切需要在适应方面加强国际合作和行动,以支持发展中国家,使其有 能力采取适应措施,减少脆弱性和建设恢复力,其中除其他外应特别考虑到脆弱 的生态系统。
At itsmost recent meeting, the 2010 Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention in Cancun agreed that enhanced international cooperation and enhanced action on adaptation were urgently required to support and enable adaptation implementation to reduce vulnerability and build resilience in developing countries, taking into consideration, inter alia, vulnerable ecosystems.
各国政府坎昆建立一个“绿色气候基金”;作出关于减缓气候变化影响的正式承诺;采取具体 行动防止砍伐森林,这方面占全球碳排放量近五分之一;加强技术合作;并提高 弱势人群抵御气候变化的能力。
There, Governments agreed to establish a “green climate fund”; formalize their mitigation pledges; take concrete action to prevent deforestation, which accounts for nearly one fifth of global carbon emissions; bolster technology cooperation; and enhance the ability of vulnerable populations to adapt to climate impacts.
关于题为坎昆”的 CP.16 号决定第 81 段的意见坎昆是《公约》 之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组的工作成果,第 81 段涉及“多种办法,包 括通过利用市场提高成本效益和促进减排措施,其间考虑到发达国家和发展中国 [...]
Views in connection with
[...] paragraph 81 of Decision 1/CP.16 entitled “The CancunAgreements: Outcome of the work of the Ad [...]
Hoc Working Group
on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention” on “Various approaches, including opportunities for using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing in mind different circumstances of developed and developing countries
此外,在应对气候变化的斗争中取得重大进展和 作出具有约束力的承诺的紧迫需要,已经成为我们各 国人民的优先事项,以便为将在墨西坎昆的联 合国气候变化框架公约缔约国会议第十六次会议作 好准备。
Furthermore, the urgent need to achieve significant progress and binding commitments in the fight against climate change has become a priority for all our peoples with a view to the preparations for the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be held in Cancún, Mexico.
在这方面,一些代表团 促请联合国气候变化系统的活动不应仅限于参加 2010 年在墨西坎昆的联 合国气候变化框架公约缔约国第十六届会议,因为他们认为联合国系统应在解决 气候变化问题方面发挥核心作用。
In that connection, it was urged that the activities of the United Nations system with respect to climate change should go beyond participation in the sixteenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to be held in Cancún, Mexico, in 2010, as it was perceived that the United Nations system had a central role to play in addressing climate change.
2010 年 2 月 22 日和 23 日,坎昆的团结首脑会议上,拉丁美洲和加勒 [...]
比国家元首和政府首脑重申,支持阿根廷共和国在与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王 国关于马尔维纳斯群岛问题的主权争端中的合法权利,回顾该区域希望两国政府 按照联合国和美洲国家组织的有关决议和声明恢复谈判。
At the Unity
[...] Summit,held in Cancún on22 and 23 February [...]
2010, the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the
Caribbean reaffirmed their support for the Argentine Republic’s legitimate rights in the sovereignty dispute with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the question of the Malvinas Islands, recalling that it was in the region’s interest for the two Governments to resume negotiations in accordance with the relevant resolutions and declarations of the United Nations and the Organization of American States.
维护《京都议定书》及其第二承诺期的架构、尽早发 放坎昆的“快速启动融资”和正式启动“绿色 [...]
气候基金”、技术机制和适应工作委员会都至关重要, 可为气候公约进程注入新的势头。
Preserving the structure of the Kyoto Protocol and its second commitment period,
the early disbursement of the Fast Start
[...] Finance agreed at Cancún and the operationalization [...]
of the Green Climate Fund, the
Technology Mechanism and the Adaptation Committee are vital to imparting a renewed momentum to the UNFCCC process.




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