

单词 均等







making uniform

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 视性别平等”的框注 3,一位代表希望具体提及性别均等总结和交流成功经验的必要性。
With regard to box 3 in the document on
[...] priority genderequality,one delegate wished [...]
that a specific reference be made
to gender disparities as well as to the need to capture and share good practices.
马来西亚称,种族歧视、种族貌相、宗教不容忍、收入日益均等应 得到更多关注。
Malaysia stated that several issues, such as
racial discrimination, racial profiling, religious intolerance and
[...] wideningincome equality, could begiven [...]
more attention.
一些代表团重申了他们对和平利用和探索外层空间的承诺,并强调了以下 原则:所有国家,无论其科学、技术和经济发展水平如何受歧 视地进入外层空间,对所有国家条均等通过主权要求、使用、占领或任 何其他手段,将外层空间包括月球和其他天体据为已有;不将外层空间军事 [...]
Some delegations reiterated the commitment of their countries to the peaceful use and exploration of outer space and
emphasized the following
[...] principles: equal and non-discriminatory access to outer space and equalconditions for all States, irrespective of their level [...]
of scientific, technical
and economic development; non-appropriation of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, by claim of sovereignty, use, occupation or any other means; non-militarization of outer space, and its exploitation strictly for the improvement of living conditions and peace on the planet; and regional cooperation to promote space activities as established by the General Assembly and other international forums.
[...] 评估的方式”、“与青年有关的政策和方案”、“进一步促进由残疾人、为残疾人、 同残疾人一起创均等并将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流”、“筹备和庆祝国际 [...]
The Commission adopted draft resolutions entitled “Modalities for the second review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002”, “Policies and
programmes involving youth”,
[...] “Further promotion of equalization of opportunities [...]
by, for and with persons with disabilities
and mainstreaming disability in the development agenda”, “Preparation for and observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family” and “Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development”.
如票均等会议的主席除其所有的任何其他票数外,须有权投第二票 或决定票。
In thecaseofanequality of votes, thechairman [...]
of such meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote in addition
to any other vote he may have.
他的抗争和光辉典范已经载入当代历史,并激励 各方人士矢志努力建设一个更加美好的世界;一个更
[...] 加平等和公正的世界;一个尊重人权、差异、人人平 等和机均等界;一个各民族和各国普遍相互理 解、精诚团结的世界;一个人人都应享有经济和社会 [...]
His fight and towering example are imbedded in contemporary history and constitute an inspiration for all those who strive for a better world, a more equal and just world, a world
respectful of human rights, of difference, of
[...] equalityand equal opportunities forall; [...]
a world where mutual understanding and active
solidarity among peoples and countries should be the rule; a world where everyone should have an equal right to economic and social development, without which stability, peace and democracy cannot thrive; a world free of discrimination.
世界纲领》 可予以修订,以便更充分地体现《公约》第 3 条提出的、生动体现残疾人权利现
[...] 选择,以及个人的自立;充分和切实地参与和融入社会;尊重差异,接受残疾人 是人的多样性的一部分和人类的一份子;机均等障碍;男女平等;尊重残 疾儿童逐渐发展的能力并尊重残疾儿童保持其身份特性的权利。
The World Programme could be updated in order to more fully reflect the core principles that animate the current international disability rights framework as reflected in article 3 of the Convention, including: respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy, freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons; full and effective participation and inclusion in society; respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as
part of human diversity and
[...] humanity; equality ofopportunity; accessibility; equality between men [...]
and women; and respect
for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.
孩子补贴金额对于所有孩子都均等统一补贴权 利已被取消。
The child allowance amount
[...] has been equalled forall children andthe uniform right to the [...]
allowance has been revoked.
[...] 体系,确保劳动力灵活性,处理和终身学习,开发人力资源,以增加公司的经济 竞争力,确保劳动力市场机均等强行政管理能力。
The development of human resources within the framework of the ESF includes the development of an education system which is available to everyone and ensures labour force flexibility, coping and lifelong learning, the development of human resources in order to
increase economic competitiveness of
[...] companies,ensuring equalopportunities on[...]
the labour market and increasing administrative capacity.
对于国内部门,假均等趋同,而对于能源密集型工业,设定效率改进 的速率。
For domestic sectors,
[...] convergence to equalpercapita emissions is [...]
assumed, while for energy-intensive industries, rates
of efficiency improvement are set.
教育组织法》倡导遵循以下原则:a)对所有学生提供同等质量的教育, 而不因为其条件或环境不同而有所不同;b)平等原则,以保障机均等纳入 教育体系且不受歧视,并且对消除个体、文化、经济及社会不平等起补充作用, 对由于残障而导致的不平等予以特别关注。
The principles on which the Organization of Education Act is based include: (a) the same quality of education for all pupils, regardless of their condition or circumstances; (b) equity, guaranteeingequality ofopportunities, educational inclusion and non-discrimination and serving as an element compensating for personal, cultural, economic and social inequalities, with special emphasis on inequalities arising from disability.
在小学和中学的两均等,年轻男孩的高辍学 率令人关切,而大多数小岛屿发展中国家女孩的学业越来越成功而且在学校受教 [...]
In terms of gender parity at the primary [...]
and secondary levels, the high dropout rate among young boys was of concern, whereas
girls were increasingly more successful and stayed in school longer in most small island developing States.
与此相对应,在 2007 年 10 月 29 日颁布的第 1393/2007 号皇家法令中规定为官
方高校教育所制定的学习计划中应考虑,任何一项职业活动都应符合“尊重及促 进人权且所有设计应遵照普遍无障碍性原则,该宗旨是基于 2003 年 12 月 2 日的 第 51/2003
[...] 号法律第十条――最终规定:应在教育计划中包含与残疾人机均 等歧视及普遍无障碍设置权利及原则相关的教学”。
The Royal Decree No. 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007 establishing the progression of official university syllabi, stipulates that study programmes should take into account the fact that all occupational activities must be conducted "on a basis of respect for and fostering of human rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the tenth final
provision of Act No. 51/2003 of 2
[...] December2003onequality of opportunities, non-discrimination [...]
and universal access for
persons with disabilities; these study programmes must where appropriate include teaching relating to those rights and principles.
我们认为,在其它条均等况下,解决该问题最好的办法将不确定性的 责任赋予能够以最少的努力,即最有效的方式解决它的一方。
We are of the opinion that,
[...] other things being equal, the preferable [...]
solution to such an issue is to place the responsibility
for the uncertainty on the party who can resolve it with the least effort, that is to say, most efficiently.
在实现 千年发展目标方面,该区域的进展参差不齐,总体而言实现了一些指标,如减少 了初等教育中的性别差距,遏制了艾滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病的传播,在生物多 样性方面取得进展,减少了臭氧消耗物质的消费,将无法获得安全饮用水的人口 比例减半,并正在如期将生活在贫困线以下的人口比例减半,确保儿童普遍获得 小学教育以及在中等教育中实现性均等
In relation to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, progress in the region is mixed, with success as a whole in achieving a number of indicators, such as reducing gender disparities in primary education, stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, achieving progress with regard to biodiversity, reducing the consumption of ozone-depleting substances, and halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water, as well as being on track to halving the proportion of people living below the poverty line, ensuring universal access of children to primary school and gender parityin secondary education.
[...] ,而更需要一个法律的框架体系监督治疗和药物等方面的事情,以及在全球范围内医院和医务人员分配均 等
This is to forget that it required centuries to set up a health system including not just medical and pharmaceutical
aspects but also a legal framework, the
[...] surveillanceof treatmentsandmedicines, [...]
the geographical distribution of health
professionals and hospital, and so on.
(c) 危地马拉的共同国家评估突出指出了与土着人民有关的以下优先问题: ㈠ 5 岁以下的儿童普遍都有长期营养不良的情况,粮食安全状况恶化;㈡ 获得 社会服务的机会均等且有排斥,经济机会不平衡;㈢ 缺乏充分参与政治 生活的机制和空间。
(c) The CCA for Guatemala highlighted the following priority problems relevant to indigenous peoples: (i) high prevalence of chronic malnutrition among those under 5 years of age and the
deterioration in food
[...] security;(ii) inequality and exclusion in access to social services, asymmetries in economic opportunities; [...]
(iii) lack of mechanisms
and spaces for full political participation.
听取了世界各地人民的心声,认识到他们企盼正义、人人机均等有包 括发展权在内的人权、在和平与自由中生活以及不受歧视地平等参与经济、社会、 [...]
Having listened to the peoples of the
world, and recognizing their
[...] aspirations to justice,toequality of opportunity for [...]
all, to the enjoyment of their human
rights, including the right to development, to live in peace and freedom and to equal participation without discrimination in economic, social, cultural, civil and political life
[...] 议员)、联邦实体的代表性(社区议会推选的参议员)均等(各社区委员会指定 的参议员数量相等)。
The configuration of the Senate aims to meet three requirements: the need for democratic legitimacy (directly elected senators); the need for the federate entities to be represented (senators from
the community councils); and the need for
[...] symbolic parity (equal numbersof senators [...]
appointed by the community councils).
(m) 制定立法措施和其他适当措施,包括 跨部门办法,确保残疾儿童能在机均等障碍和包容基础上充分落实受教育的权利,包括为此提供可获得的免 费义务初等教育,以期发展残疾儿童的个性、才智和身心潜能,包括从幼儿期照 料和成长到职业培训和准备就业等各个阶段
(m) To adopt legislative and other appropriate measures, including crosssectoral approaches, to ensure the full realization of the right to education of children with disabilities, including by providing accessible, free and compulsory primary education on the basis of equal opportunity, accessibility and inclusiveness, directed at the development of their personality, talents and mental and physical abilities, from early childhood care and development to vocational training and preparation for work
(1) 根据细则交付或邮寄或留置於股东登记地址的任何通知或其他文件,尽 管该股东当时已身故或破产或已发生任何其他事件,亦不论本公司是否
获悉其身故或破产或其他事件,均视为已就以该股东作为唯一或联名持 有人名义登记的股份妥为送达或交付(除非在送达或交付通知或文件之
[...] 时其姓名已从股东名册剔除,不再为股份持有人),在各方均等向所有拥有股份权益(不论共同或透过有关股东拥有)的人士送达或交 [...]
(1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred, and whether or not the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of the service or delivery of the Notice or document, have been removed from the Register as the holder of the
share, and such service or delivery shall for
[...] all purposes be deemed a sufficient [...]
service or delivery of such Notice or document
on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.
(k) 采取适当措施,确保每个儿童都能在机均等上充分落实受教育的 权利,包括为此提供可获得的免费义务初等教育,以期最充分地发展儿童的个性、 [...]
才智和身心潜能,并改善初等教育、幼儿期照料和教育服务之间的协调,以确保 幼儿更好地过渡进入小学
(k) To take appropriate measures to ensure the
full realization of the right to education
[...] on the basisofequal opportunity for [...]
every child, including by providing accessible,
free and compulsory primary education directed to the development of the personality, talents and mental and physical abilities of the child to his or her fullest potential, and to improve coordination between primary education, early childhood care and education services to ensure a better transition to primary school
细则中关於股东大会的所有规定作出必要修订,亦适用於各个另行召开的股东大 会,惟所需的法定人数为不少於两名人士或由受委代表(或倘股东为法团,则作为有 关法团的正式授权代表)持有该类别已发行股份面值至少三分之一,及於续会上,不 少於两名人士或由受委代表(或倘股东为法团,则作为有关法团的正式授权代表)持 有该类别股份及该类别股份的任何持有人亲身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股东为法 团,则作为有关法团的正式授权代表要求投票表决。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less
than two
[...] persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
在同一问题上,为 达到联发援框架的目标效果,教科文组织已组织其财务和技术合作伙伴召开圆桌会议,讨论 专业培训问题,联合国系统的所有分支机构、其他技术合作伙伴(地区、学校和投资机构代 表团、共和国机关、政府、驻尼日尔的外交团体和国际组织代表、尼日尔私营部门和民间社 会代表等均了会议。
Pursuant to that UNDAF effect, UNESCO held a vocational education round table for technical and financial partners, which was attended by all agencies of the United Nations system and other technical partners (countries’ delegations, institutions, funding agencies, State institutions, the government, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations accredited to Niger, Niger’s private sector and civil society representatives).
就监狱的具体情况而言,各种文化因素,如犯人是“社会之外”,或他们 是“危险”人物的看法和媒体对公共不安全的反等均对服刑人或遭审前拘 留者的疏忽和脆弱性。
In the specific case of prisons, various cultural factors such as ideas that inmates are ―outside society‖ or that they are ―dangerous‖ people and the reactions of the media to public insecurity, contribute to the neglect and vulnerability of persons serving prison sentences or held in pre-trial detention.
任 何就项目或项目协议所作的任何修正、修订或增补,包括但不 限於改变项目推行时间、项目范围、财政预算或现金流预算或 更换项目统筹人/副统筹先获得工贸署署长的书 面批准。
Any modification, amendment or addition to the project or the project agreement, including but not limited to change of project duration, project scope, budget or cashflow projection, or replacement of the project coordinator or deputy project coordinator, shall require prior written approval by DGTI.




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