

单词 地籍

See also:

book or record
surname Ji
place of one's family or ancestral records

External sources (not reviewed)

本地图根据澳门特别行政区政府地图绘制 地籍 局 提供的资料制作。
All maps information provided by Macau Cartography & Cadastre Bureau.
[...] 在为欧洲地理协会及其成员、欧洲国家制图 地籍 局 协会提供了极佳的机会,以 国家和欧洲空间资料基础设施的参考资料提供者的身份,来满足今后的需要(例 [...]
如欧洲共同体空间信息基础设施 INSPIRE)。
Recognized as a very successful project by the European Commission and the project partners, EuroGeoNames now provides excellent opportunities for EuroGeographics and its
members, the European association of
[...] national mapping and cadastral agencies, to meet [...]
future requirements (e.g., INSPIRE) in
their role as reference information providers for national and European spatial data infrastructures.
这些项目与关于电子数据处理且为了下述目的的国家优先事项一致地 籍;预 测山崩;预报雹云的形成和移动;监测陆地;以及监测森林、河流、湖 [...]
These projects are in concordance with the
national priorities concerning electronic
[...] data-processing for cadastral use; for landslide [...]
forecasting; for predicting the formation
and movement of hail clouds; for monitoring land; and for the monitoring of forests, rivers, lakes, flood damage, hydrological services and others.
(e) 加强努力,按照有关法律和规章,加强执行2001 年《土地法》、《征 用法》、《关于解决城乡地区非法临时建筑的通告》和《国家住房政策》,提高
[...] 有关机构,如全国土地争议解决管理局以及国家、省和地区各级 地籍 委 员 会等 机构的能力和效率,以便以公正和公开的方式,迅速公平地解决土地所有权问 题
issues in a fair and open manner, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, by strengthening the implementation of the 2001 Land Law, the Law on Expropriation, the Circular on Settlement of Illegal Temporary Building in Cities and Urban Areas and the National Housing Policy, as well as by strengthening the capacity
and effectiveness of relevant institutions,
[...] such as the National Authority for [...]
Land Dispute Resolution and cadastral committees
at the national, provincial and district levels
除教育、科学和技术问题外,此方案还将使我国能够解决国民经济的一些 具体问题;监测国土以便测量土壤湿度;估算农业耕地;监测和评价作物成熟 程度;完成多地籍工作 ;监测道路、森林、河流和湖泊;确定河流的泛滥范 围;获得关于本国重要地区的照片和视频资料等。
Besides educational, scientific and technical problems, this programme will allow us to solve a number of concrete problems of the national economy; to monitor the territory in order to measure soil moisture; to estimate cultivated agricultural land; to monitor and evaluate the degree of crop maturation; to perform various cadastral works; to monitor roads, forests, rivers and lakes; to determine the extent of a river’s overflow; to obtain photo and video information on the country’s districts of interest; etc. The scientific, technical and instructive potential of the country is determined by the possibility of realizing advanced technology and science-intensive projects.
名,以便缴税通知在房屋交易后的来年以买 方的名字寄达,如在公证处已经出示了最近 的不动产税的缴纳收据,上面注明了不动产 的土地登记代码,就没有必要向土地局申报 关于这地籍的变 更,因为公证处会直接通 报这一情况。
If the last receipt of the IBI was shown at the Solicitor’s office, and it shows the property reference of the building, it will not be necessary to carry out the corresponding declaration of property alteration before the Registry Office, since the above mentioned communication is carried out directly from the solicitor’s office.
俄罗斯联邦国家登记地籍、 制图局(Rosreestr)被授权负责开发和维护国家地名目录(数据库)、对俄文地理 物体名称进行标准化以及审查关于命名和重新命名地理物体的提案以及提供地 [...]
The Federal Service of State
[...] Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) was charged with the responsibility [...]
to develop and
maintain the State Catalogue of Geographical Names (database), to standardize the names of geographical objects in Russian, to examine proposals on the naming and renaming of geographical objects and to provide international cooperation in the standardization of geographical names.
若干該等指控(包括指控行賄、洗黑錢及逃稅)在近期對蒙古礦產資源 局地質及開地籍部前 主席兼前董事及其它事宜審判及定罪之前及期間已成為公開聲明及蒙古媒體報導的 主題。
Certain of those allegations (including allegations of bribery, money laundering and tax evasion) have been the subject of public statements and Mongolian media reports, both prior to and in connection with the recent trial and conviction of the former Chairman and the former director of the Geology, Mining and Cadastral Department of the MRAM, and others.
总部,努力敲定一项青年就业和增强青年权能的综合战略,并敦促青年参与政治 进程;(i) 审查了若干采矿合同,建立矿地籍 数 据 库,政府表示将完全遵守采掘
(h) The establishment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the appointment of the first National Youth Commissioner, the inauguration of the headquarters of the National Youth Commission, and efforts to finalize a comprehensive strategy for youth employment and empowerment, as well as the urging of youth involvement in the political process
(k) 对于无国籍的移民实施确定无籍地 位 的 程序,并且向已经被确认为 无国籍者提供合法移民身份。
(k) Applying stateless status determination procedures to stateless migrants, and provide persons recognized as being stateless with a lawful immigration status.
(d) 落实政府2008年3 月关于确定无籍地位的 新程序的声明,并考虑对 已被承认为无国籍的人
(d) Implement the governmental declaration of March 2008 on the
new procedure for
[...] determination of stateless status and consider issuing residence permits to recognized stateless persons – [...]
including children
– and acceding to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
移民委还说,阿 富汗境内申诉人籍地的治 安未并构成诸如武装冲突之类的情况。
It added that the security situation in the part of Afghanistan where the author originates was not such that would constitute an armed conflict.
[...] 以解决受影响人民的困境,特别是它要求所有参与日 内瓦讨论的各方加强努力,以便建立持久的和平和创 造有利的安全条件,促成所有境内流离失所者和难民 能够自愿、安全、有尊严和无阻碍地回返他们的籍 地。
Lithuania sees this resolution as an important means for solving the plight of the affected population, in particular as it calls on all participants in the Geneva discussions to intensify their efforts to establish a durable peace and to create favourable security conditions for the
voluntary, safe, dignified and unhindered
[...] return of all internally displaced persons and refugees to their places of origin.
假如婚姻雙方根據其婚前籍地的法 律具有 締結婚姻的行為能力,則就締結婚姻的法律行為能力而 言,該宗婚姻便屬有效。
A marriage is valid in respect of legal capacity if each of the parties has capacity to marry under the law of his or her antenuptial domicile.
(2)用戶提交之個人資料,例如個人的識別碼(如身 分證字號)、姓名及地址等(如籍地 址 ), 應與該 資料主管機關的登記資料(如戶籍資料)進行比 對。
(2) Subscriber submitted personal information such as personal identification code (such as ID card number), name and address etc. (such as residence address) should be compared with the registered data of the competent authority (such as residence information).
呼吁日内瓦讨论的所有参与者加紧努力,建立持久和平,致力于加强建 立信任的措施,并立即采取步骤确保尊重人权和创造安全有保障的条件,以便所
[...] 有境内流离失所者和难民自愿、安全、有尊严和无阻碍地返回 籍地
Calls upon all participants in the Geneva discussions to intensify their efforts to establish a durable peace, to commit to enhanced confidence-building measures and to take immediate steps to ensure respect for human rights and create favourable security conditions conducive to the
voluntary, safe, dignified and unhindered return of all internally displaced persons and refugees
[...] to their places of origin
迄今为止,监测工作没有查出任何特别令人关注的事项,不过,境内流离失所者 在其籍地面临巨大的重返社会挑战。
Thus far, the monitoring exercise has not revealed any specific concerns, although such persons do face enormous reintegration challenges in their places of origin.
(2)用戶提交之個人資料,例如個人的識別碼(如身 分證字號)、姓名及地址(如籍地址 )等,應與該 資料主管機關的登記資料(如戶籍資料)或其它 [...]
經主管機關認可之可信賴第三者的登記資料進 行比對。
(2)Subscriber submitted individual information, for instance personal identification code
(such as the ID card number), name and
[...] address (such as residence address) etc. [...]
shall be compared with the registered data
of the competent authority (such as residence data) or other registered data of a relying third party accredited by the competent Assurance level Individual Identity Authentication Procedures
难 民事务管理委员会的任务是处理与下述有关的事务:确定难民地位,安置难民,
[...] 及时地分发这种援助进行监督,在难民永久安置之前在领土单位地区为难民提供 住宿,为难民返回籍地区或 由难民事务管理委员会决定的其他地区提供条件, 以及法律规定的职权范围内的其他任务。
The Commissariat for Refugees is mandated to perform affairs related to the establishment of refugee status, the placement of refugees, records keeping as prescribed by the law, the coordination of assistance to refugees provided by other bodies and organizations in the country and abroad and overseeing that such assistance is rendered uniformly and timely, the accommodation of refugees in the areas of territorial units, the provision of conditions for refugees
to return to the
[...] territories of their origin or to other territories as determined by the Commissariat [...]
for Refugees prior
to their permanent placement and other tasks within its competence prescribed by law.
如果不能满足 这些基本要求,许多境内流离失所者就不愿意离开境内流离失所者营地,因为他
[...] 们在那里接受了多年的援助,而且享受到的基础服务比在其 籍地 可 望 获得的要 好得多。
Without these basic requirements, many internally displaced persons will be unwilling to leave the sites where they have received assistance for
several years and enjoyed far better access to basic services than they can expect to
[...] receive in their places of origin.
該 等準則視乎適用的籍地法律 ,可包括該人的身體或精神 的狀況,或該人的年齡或婚姻狀況。
Those criteria, according to which domiciliary law applies, may include his physical or mental state, or his age or marital status.
非政府组织和 其他私人行为者有时统称为“公民社会”行为者,他们的活动也包括在条款草案 的范围,但处于次要地位,或作为国家义务(例如第 5
[...] 条所规定的各国合作的义 务)的直接受益人,或根据受灾国、第三国或实体或私人行为者 籍 国 国 内法 律,间地实施条款草案。
The activities of nongovernmental organizations and other private actors, sometimes collectively referred to as “civil society” actors, are included within the scope of the draft articles only in a secondary manner, either as direct beneficiaries of duties placed on States (for example, of the duty of States to cooperate, in article 5) or indirectly, as being subject to the domestic laws, implementing the
draft articles, of either the affected State, a
[...] third State or the State of nationality of the entity or private actor.
他们进一步声称,他们的籍地是一 个危险的地区,恐怖 分子、军队和其他武装团体正在交战。
They further claim that they originate from a dangerous region where terrorists, military and other armed groups are waging war.
委员会建议缔约国落实措施,以促使国内流离失所者返回 籍地 , 包 括为此采取 措施,以提高农村地区的生活水平,特别着重于获得安全的饮用水、一般基础设 施和获得优质保健服务。
The Committee recommends that the State party implement measures to facilitate the return of internally displaced persons to their areas of origin, including by taking steps to increase the standard of living in rural areas, focusing in particular on access to safe drinking water, general infrastructure and access to quality health-care services.
在此方面,阿塞拜疆共和国相信,国际社会采取的解决方法是建立在严格遵循《联 合国宪章》和国际法基础之上的,永远不会与亚美尼亚的方法一致,除非亚美尼 亚停止吞并和种族清洗这一破坏性政策,放弃破坏和平进程的企图,确保结束对
[...] 阿塞拜疆领土的占领,并确保承认和执行阿塞拜疆境内流离失所者不可剥夺的返 回其籍地的权利。
In this context, the Republic of Azerbaijan is confident that the approaches of the international community, which are based on strict compliance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, will never be in line with the approaches of Armenia unless the latter ceases its destructive policy of annexation and ethnic cleansing, renounces attempts to undermine the peace process and ensures that the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan is ended and that the
inalienable right of Azerbaijani internally displaced persons to return to
[...] their places of origin is recognized and [...]
实际上,解决冲突,导致结束对阿塞 拜疆领土的占领以及确保被迫流离失所者返回其籍地,是互利合作和执行发展议程的必不可少的先决 条件。
Indeed, the resolution of the conflict, resulting in putting an end to the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan and ensuring the return of the forcibly displaced population to its places of origin, is an essential precondition to mutually beneficial cooperation and the implementation of development agendas.
访问 的目的是同这些国家协调安排其境内流离失所的伊 拉克人的返回,并同叙利亚、黎巴嫩和埃及的移民部
[...] 长探讨伊拉克公民返回方面的问题和限制,以便建立 有效机制,克服这些问题并促进所有伊拉克人返回其籍地。
The goal of the trip was to coordinate with these countries in organizing the return of Iraqis displaced onto their territory, and to explore with the immigration ministers of Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt the problems and constraints involved in the return of Iraqi citizens in order to develop
effective mechanisms to overcome such problems and to contribute to the
[...] return of all Iraqis to their places of origin.
又回顾安全理事会关于格鲁吉亚所有各方必须努力实现全面和平让境内流离 失所者和难民返回籍地的所 有相关决议,并强调必须充分及时执行这些决议
the need for all parties to work towards a comprehensive peace and the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their places of origin, and stressing the importance of their full and timely implementation




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