

单词 地盘

地盘 ()

foundation of a building
base of operations
crust of earth
territory under one's control

See also:

make over
transfer (property)
classifier for games of chess
classifier for coils of wire
classifier for food: dish, helping

External sources (not reviewed)

24 协调与合作取决于共同系统各实体是否愿意合作追求共同目标。即使各实体愿意 参与协作努力,竞相争取资金和“争 地盘 ” 也 可能造成重大障碍。
Even if entities are willing to engage in collaborative efforts, competition for funding and “turf battles” can present major obstacles.
我们甚至为青少年们专门准备了迪斯科狂欢,一片只属于他们 地盘。
There’s even a disco just for teens, a place they can call their own.
这部分显示出阿斯马拉当局与青年党领导层之间的摩擦日益严重, 也部分反映出青年党在战场上的时运日益欠佳:自 2011 年 8 月以来,这一好战
[...] 团体在非洲联盟、肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚部队连同其索马里同盟的军事攻势面前持 续失地盘。
This is in part a symptom of growing friction between the authorities in Asmara and Al-Shabaab’s leadership, and in part a reflection of Al-Shabaab’s declining fortunes on the battlefield: since August 2011, the militant group has steadily ceded
ground in the face of military offensives by African Union, Kenyan and Ethiopian
[...] forces, together with their Somali allies.
[...] 联合国各机构坚定地在国家一级开展进一步的协调与合作,不再相互竞争和“争 地盘 ”, 根据各国政府的需要而不是从本机构的利益考虑来制订和实施计划,同时承认驻地协调员的 [...]
greater United Nations coordination
[...] and cooperation at the country level, [...]
moving away from competition and “turf battles”,
and from agency-driven to government-driven programmes, as also to recognize in the Resident Coordinator a central role that is strong, neutral and serving and representing all.
除了废物管理计划之外, 地方当局还必须在自己地盘上订 立废物管理规则,管理条例“应进行有组织废 物运输的废物类型,运输地区,运输频率和时间,废物运输费用限额及确定费用 运输费用的程序”和“废物登记册持有者与保持登记的程序”。
In addition to the waste management plan local authorities must establish, on their territory, waste management rules, regulations “The Types of Waste Subject to Organised Waste Transport, the Transport Areas, the Frequency and Time of Transport, the Limits of Waste Transport Fees and the Procedure for Determining the Waste Transport Fees” and “The Register of Waste Holders and the Procedure for Maintaining the Register”.
多哥认 为,青年党在其失去地盘上的暴力行径是不能接受 的,政府军和非索特派团必须提高警惕,随时进行回 击,保障从该恐怖组织处收复地区的安全。
Togo believes that Al-Shabaab’s violent behaviour in areas they are losing is unacceptable and requires more vigilance and spontaneous reactions from Government forces and AMISOM in securing areas taken from the terrorist organization.
这种“根据目标进行管理”的方法有助 于让政府各部门和机构主动关注如何支助跨政府部门的目标;而部门预算则起到 相反的作用,即各部门努力保护本部门预算和 地盘 ” 不 受侵犯。
This kind of “management by objectives” can help to focus Government departments and agencies proactively on ways to support cross-governmental goals, whereas departmental budgets can encourage the opposite dynamic, with departments seeking to defend their budgets and “territory” from encroachment.
但是,诸如“赢 者通吃”的选举制度、可能出现的两党较量、双方都 有自己地盘、试 图利用区域和民族差异及从最近的 采矿合同中新发现的财富等其他因素,都会导致争斗 激烈和可能困难重重的选举。
But also other factors — such as a winner-take-all electoral system, a likely twoparty contest, both with their regional strongholds, temptations to exploit regional and ethnic differences as well as the newly found wealth from recent mining contracts — could all contribute to highly contested and potentially difficult elections.
其中,大汉皇族远亲刘秀雄心勃勃要恢复汉王朝的统治,而且占据了中原地区的广 地盘。
Among them, Li Xiu, a distant relative of the imperial family of Han Dynasty, was ambitious to resort Han's rule and controlled large area of central plains of China.
最舒适的地方需要 700 到 1 500 伦皮拉;住到马尔科 奥雷利奥索托监狱的“调查部”则需要 5 000 或 6
[...] 000 伦皮拉,而里面的 VIP 地盘 有时能达到 25 000 伦皮拉。
The price of a space ranges from 700 to 1,500 lempiras for the most modest spots; from 5,000 to 6,000 for a spot in
the assessment wing of the Marco Aurelio Soto prison, and sometimes as much as 25,000
[...] lempiras for VIP spots in that wing.
与工艺转让活动给以创造有利条件, 特别是鼓励转交 工艺和在被鼓励工艺转交地区, 地盘。
To create favorable conditions for the transfer of technologies, especially those encouraged for transfer, and the transfer of technologies to regions and geographical areas where technology transfer is encouraged
孟加拉国和尼泊尔守住了自己地盘 ,但 其他所有国家尽管最近有所上升却普遍丧失 地盘 ; 这 并非因为它们减少了生产 能力,而是因为它们的进展速度比其他国家要慢。
Bangladesh and Nepal have held their positions, while all the other countries, despite recent rises, have generally lost ground, not because they have reduced productive capacity but because they have progressed more slowly than others.
宁波赛作为全国飞盘联赛中的一站,以其轻松愉快却又不乏精彩的特点给 地盘 友 们 留下了深刻的印象。
Dear fellow athletes:Ningbo, as an important city in the sport of Ultimate
Frisbee in China, has already been the host of
[...] three Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournaments, [...]
leaving a deep impression on the...
在本报告所述期间,过渡联邦政府及其盟友在非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非 索特派团)的支持下,在摩加迪沙和索马里中南部地区发起了一场大规模攻势,并 成功占领了青年党的一地盘。
During the reporting period, the Transitional Federal Government and its allies, with the support of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), launched a major offensive in Mogadishu and areas of southern central Somalia and successfully gained ground against Al-Shabaab.
过去,Pinterest一直是某种准新娘和艺术爱好者的专 地盘 ; 但 现在,它已经得到了主流用户的关注,包括那些急着在想在这个平台上分一杯羹的品牌们。
For long the quasi-exclusive domain was for brides-to-be and artistic types, but now, Pinterest is gaining mainstream appeal amongst brands who are rushing to the platform in the hope of getting a piece of the action.
我也承认巴萨现在并不在最佳状态,而且这次巴萨是在皇马 地盘。
I will also admit that Barca have not been in their top form, and it will seem as if they are set to walk into Real territory as the hosts’ next victims.
尤其在中美洲和加勒比地区,杀人犯罪率急剧上 升,这是由于有组织犯罪集团的暴力活动所致,尤其同争夺贩毒路线控制权的 冲突以及不同犯罪集团之间为争 地盘 大 打 出手有关。
The surge of homicide levels, especially in Central America and the Caribbean, is a result of the violent activities of organized criminal groups, especially in relation to conflicts over the control of drug trafficking routes and turf wars among different groups.
已故经济学家、欧洲央行行长夏欧帕(Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa)曾说,撒切尔“移走了分割市场和政府的界线,扩大了前者 地盘 , 缩 小了后者 地盘。
As the late economist and European central banker Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa once put it, Thatcher “shifted the line dividing markets from government, enlarging the territory of the former at the expense of the latter.
这些法规禁止竞争者在价 格地盘、市场份额及客户方面达成正式或非正式的串通、协议、计划、协定或同谋行 动。
The rules and laws of fair competition forbid any written or unwritten understandings, agreements, plans, arrangements, or schemes among competitors involving price, territory, market share, and/or customers.
利用PT系列红外热像仪,您可以在全黑环境和恶劣天气下清楚地侦测到擅闯您 地盘 ” 的 入侵者和其它安全威胁。
Network-Ready Pan-Tilt, Multi-Sensor Thermal Security Cameras PT-Series thermal security cameras let you see intruders and other threats to your facility’s security clearly in total darkness and in bad weather.
总的来说,这些房间的设施条件明显要强于监 狱内的其他牢房,犯人拥有自己 地盘 , 还有大量的电子设备,伙食也不错。
The material conditions of these cells are generally speaking conspicuously better than in the rest of the facility in terms of the amount of individual space, the plentiful electronic equipment, and the quality of the food.
随着占主导地位的犯罪团伙或犯罪结构的变化 以及新的收入来源的开辟,由于犯罪集团争夺新近出现的 地盘 ” 和 贩运路线 控制权而发生了暴力行为。
As dominant gang or criminal structures change and develop new income sources, violence erupts as a result of criminal groups fighting over control of newly available “turf” and trafficking routes.
针对美国海军陆战队已经装备的LAV系列进行的改进,包括LAV车族共 地盘 的 的 人员输送车,反坦克导弹发射车,指挥车,物资运输车和迫击炮车。
In terms of basic LAV chassis there had been developed and delivered to the Marine Corps several modifications/series of LAV, such as armored personnel, anti-tank, command and control, logistics and mortar variants.
在教练的所有标准功能配备 2008 宣传资料加以下可选功能: 全尺寸堆叠洗衣机和烘干机, 外部娱乐中心,LED电视和索尼的AM / FM / CD收音机, 顶级的线KVH在运动的卫星天线与DIRECTV接收器,在客厅和卧室, 后视图显示的旅程 - Tec的电子旅游信息中心,
左侧和右侧的侧视摄像头, CB收音机天线, 沿海樱桃硬木厨柜, Ultraleather沙发,
[...] 能源管理系统, 从任何一方推出的大型地下存盘, 地下室Norcold冰箱/冰柜组合, 电源行李门锁, [...]
远程输入面板与遥控钥匙, 瓷质抛光砖地砖浴, 厨房和整个主要居住区,
向下折叠淋浴座椅, 110 暂养池的伏热垫, 吉拉德21' 电源侧风传感器和远程控制遮阳篷.
This coach is equipped with all standard features as indicated in the 2008 brochure plus the following Optional Features: Full size stacked washer and dryer, external entertainment center with LED TV and Sony AM/FM/CD radio, top-of-the-line KVH In-Motion Satellite Antenna with Directv receivers in living room and bedroom, Trip-Tec Electronic Travel Information Center in Rear View Display, left and right Sideview cameras, CB Radio with antenna, Coastal Cherry Hardwood Cabinetry,
Ultraleather Sofas, Energy Management System,
[...] Large Basement Storage Tray with rollout from either [...]
side, Basement Norcold Refrigerator/Freezer
Combination, Power Baggage Door Locks, Remote Entry Panel with Remote Key Fob, Polished Porcelain Floor Tile in Bath, Kitchen and throughout Main Living Area, Fold Down Shower Seat, 110 volt Heat Pads for Holding Tanks, Girard 21' Power Side Awning with Wind Sensor and Remote Control.
chkdsk是用来检查盘地位,确 定了一些磁盘错误 况报告,并展示了在档案中发现的任何错误显示配置表(发)目录结构.纪要还展示了chkdsk磁盘使用率.如果发现有错误的磁盘,chkdsk示警的讯息.
CHKDSK is used to check the
[...] status of a disk, fix some disk errors, [...]
and display a status report showing any errors found
in the file allocation table (FAT) and directory structure.
特派团战略管理举措旨在扩大(以仪 盘 、 谷 歌 地 图 和 文字说明为基础的) 现有战略管理系统的功能,以涵盖以下领域:民政;法治和安全机构;解除武装、 复员和重返社会;军事事务;被处置的资产;医务信息;更多的后勤信息和来自 外地行动合作伙伴(人权、人道主义应对措施和政治事务)的信息。
Mission strategic management initiatives aim to extend the functionality of the existing strategic management system (based on dashboards, Google maps and narrative text) to cover the following areas: civil affairs; rule of law and security institutions; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; military affairs; disposed assets; medical information; and increased logistics information and information from partners in field operations (human rights, humanitarian response and political affairs).
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广地发放 了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读盘和网站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术高级培训班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 (SUST)和比勒陀利亚大学为教育学硕士开展的利用教育信息传播技术的联合计划。
Modalities of action have included: a
[...] series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced [...]
courses in IT
training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University joint programme for the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
[...] 济共同体参与区域协调机制及其分组系统的工作和活动,使区域经济共 同体的需求和优先事项在区域协调机制框架内得到 盘地 反 映
The Secretary-General and the executive heads of the other United Nations system organizations should closely involve the regional economic communities (RECs) in Africa in the work and activities of the RCM
and its cluster system so as to have the needs and priorities
[...] of the RECs coherently reflected within [...]
the RCM framework.




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