

单词 地核



nuclear mine
nuclear land mine


underground nuclear explosion
nuclear underground burst


surface nuclear explosion

External sources (not reviewed)

目前正在进行采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负责地核证无 雷,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 [...]
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to
[...] undertake this land release and a Demining [...]
Programme Office to provide quality control
and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
根據此合作框 架,財匯局可透過財政部調查與香港上市公司的 地核 數 師有 關在審計方面潛在的不當行為。
Under the framework, the FRC could investigate,
through the Ministry of Finance,
[...] potential auditing irregularities in relation to Mainland auditors of [...]
Hong Kong listed companies.
而且,按目前的预算编制和财务程序,按开支项目进行分析需要进行彻底 的和耗时的核实工作,将各开支与预算进行准 地核 对。
Moreover, under the present budgeting and financial procedure, the analysis by
object-of-expenditure requires a
[...] thorough and time-consuming verification in order to relate the [...]
expenditures with the budgets in an accurate manner.
但 是,该部在对西部、北部和中部地区的森林开采区进行 地核 实 之后,将提供更 加全面完整的产量数据及相关税收数据。
However, the Ministry expects to have more comprehensive and complete data on
quantities and potential related
[...] taxation once field verifications of all forest exploitation [...]
areas of the western, northern
and central regions are possible.
2009 年,没有从美国采购有关卫生部门的产品,如耐用医疗设备和产品,因 为其销售仍需遵守一系列管制和“ 地 ” 核 查 要求,使得几乎无法进行任何谈判 和实际购买。
In 2009, no health-related products, such as medical equipment and supplies, were purchased in the United States, as their
sale is still strictly governed by a
[...] series of in situ verification requirements and [...]
controls that make it virtually impossible
to conduct any negotiations let alone make purchases.
地核 查工 作确认并认为,政府和企业已为永远停止氟氯化碳生产开展了适当活动。
The field verification confirmed and [...]
found adequate the activities undertaken by the Government and the enterprise for the
permanent cessation of CFC production.
另一名委員關注在 香港使用的會計及審計準則與內地使用的準則可能並不相同, 該名委員認為,鑒於來港上市的內地公司將會增加,在調查與 聘用地核數師 的上市內地公司有關的投訴時,純粹依賴財政 部的安排應作檢討。
Another member expressed concern that the accounting and auditing standards used in Hong Kong and the Mainland might not be consistent, and opined that given that there would be more Mainland companies listed in Hong Kong, the arrangement to solely rely on the Ministry of Finance to investigate complaints relating to listed Mainland companies using Mainland auditors should be reviewed.
成功承包该项目的机构将按照《国际排雷行动标准》使用 地核 证无 雷程序,确认存在雷区,并准确界定其范围,将其四面围起,然后确认指定区域 [...]
The successful contract
[...] would use land release processes in [...]
accordance with IMAS to confirm the presence of the minefields
and accurately define their extent, fence them on all sides and then confirm that the other land within the designated area is free from ERW and safe for release to public use.
采取措施更高地核证这 些区域安全,能够使遭受痛苦 的人口更快地打开通道,加快利用土地的步伐,从而减轻弹药污染对弱势人口造 [...]
Employing measures that result in the
[...] more efficient release of these areas [...]
will allow afflicted populations to be reached
more quickly and will expedite access to land, which will reduce the economic and social impact of contamination on vulnerable populations.
教科文组织科学计划的项目也涉及到一些重大科学问题,如对深海 地核 、 大 气层外围等方面的探索。
UNESCO’s projects also take on some of the big questions of science, elucidating aspects of the deep oceans, the Earth’s inaccessible interior, and the processes at the outer limits of our atmosphere.
內部審核包括覆核工程師 檢查報告所載資料是否足夠和進行 地核 證。
The internal audit involves reviewing the adequacy of information in the EI reports
[...] and conducting site verification.
在开发署,委员会注意到,在所审计的少数国家办事处,这些办事处没有按 照安全理事会所禁止的供应商名单,系 地核 对 可能的供应商,虽然开发署按照 安全理事会第 1267(1999)号决议明令禁止的供应商名单拟定了评估和监测潜在 的供应商的管制措施。
At UNDP, the Board noted that in the few country offices that it audited, the country offices were not systemically checking prospective vendors against the list of suppliers prohibited by the Security Council, even though UNDP had developed controls to assess and monitor prospective vendors against the list of suppliers prohibited by the Security Council under the terms of Council resolution 1267 (1999).
苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派同意按照 2007 年 6 月 11 日与联合国儿童基金 会(儿童基金会)签署的行动计划,让联合国不受阻 地核 查 其 军事营地和集结地 区,该运动承诺让部队中的儿童复员,以恢复正常生活并停止使用儿童兵。
SLA-Minni Minnawi agreed to unhindered verification by the United Nations of its military camps and areas of concentration in compliance with an action plan signed on 11 June 2007 with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) committing it to release children from its ranks for rehabilitation and to end the use of child soldiers.
检查系统所有部件的地,核实所有接地导线都被牢固而且正确地接 地。
Confirm that all the system components are ground connected tightly and correctly.
还决定,根据其 1955 年 12 月 15
日第 973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第 7
[...] 段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内 2 188 376 美元中各自应 分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入 1 681 517 美 元、支助账户核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额 431 492 美元 以及联合国后勤地核定工 作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额 75 367 美元;9.
Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 2,188,376 dollars, representing the staff assessment income of 1,681,517 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 431,492 dollars of the
estimated staff
[...] assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 75,367 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United [...]
Nations Logistics Base
经评注中如此改动之 后,工作组原封不地核准了建议 11 的实质内容。
Subject to those changes in the commentary, the
[...] Working Group approved the substance [...]
of recommendation 11 unchanged.
因此,安全理事会在其第 1809(2008)号决议中正地核可了秘书长的以下建议:设立一个高级别专家 [...]
小组,负责探讨为区域组织开展的维持和平行动提供 支助的方式,特别是在区域组织开展获得联合国授权 的和平行动时为它们提供可预见、可持续和灵活的资 助问题。
In its resolution 1809 (2008), the Security Council was
[...] thus correct to endorse the SecretaryGeneral’s [...]
proposal that a high-level panel
of experts be established to consider modalities for support to peacekeeping operations undertaken by regional organizations, in particular the predictability, sustainability and flexibility of financing for regional organizations when they undertake United Nationsmandated peace operations.
您不得向 Hospira 以外的任何人揭露
[...] 任何內線資訊,包括家人或是朋友,除非 Hospira 與第三方已經適地核准和簽署 CDA。
You must not disclose any inside information to anyone outside of Hospira,
including family members or friends, unless a CDA has been
[...] appropriately approved and signed by [...]
Hospira and the third party.
[...] 值的替代品,那些替代品可能在克罗地亚使用并对克罗地亚有好处,现在不宜在还没有穷 尽那些替代品之前就匆地核准 POLY-MIX 公司的项目。
Another Member said that he would be holding discussions with the representative of UNIDO concerning other low-GWP alternatives that were becoming available and
which might be of use in Croatia, and it would be
[...] inappropriately hasty 36 to approve the Poly-Mix [...]
project without exhausting those alternatives.
委员会注意到以色列政府有限地核 准 联合国项目所用建筑材料进入加沙, [...]
The Committee notes
[...] the limited approval by the Government [...]
of Israel of the entry into Gaza of construction materials for
United Nations projects, though it is grossly inadequate compared to the reconstruction needs.
( 包括社区参与) 的高品质国家政策和标准进行,就不是执行第5.1条的 捷径,而是更加迅速和可地核证曾 被视为“雷区”的地区无雷的一种手段。
The States Parties have noted that land released through non-technical means, when undertaken in accordance with high quality national policies and standards that incorporate various key principles (including community involvement), is not a short-cut to implementing Article 5.1 but rather is a means to more expediently release, with confidence, areas at one time deemed to be “mined areas”.
除用于禁止试验调查外,这些数据亦会用于其他应用中,例如海啸警报(通过即时数据证明) 地核 研 究 、 地 震 和 火山爆发监测、海洋研究、气候变化研究和其他许多应用。
They are used also for applications other than test-ban verification, such as for
tsunami-warning (by proving timely data),
[...] research on the Earth’s core, monitoring of earthquakes [...]
and volcanoes; research on the oceans,
climate change research and many other applications.
鉴于小组委员会声称未能切实执行国民警察署第176 号决定(
[...] 附件六)的情 况,内务部人权局进行了地核查, 并向该署和国民警察人权署通报了未设立被 [...]
In light of what was said by the Subcommittee regarding the failure to effectively enforce Decision No. 176 of the Office of the National Police Commander (annex VI), the Human Rights
Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior
[...] has conducted spot checks and informed [...]
both that office and the Human Rights
Department of the National Police about the cases in which the obligatory detainee registers had not been established.
(f) 报告部队和警察派遣国及外勤业务在履行谅解备忘录义务方面的情况;
[...] 员国提供咨询意见;与常驻代表团联络,答复询问;制定和颁布政策、程序和导 则,以帮助建立有效机制管理谅解备忘录,包括一如既 地核 查 主 要设备和自我 维持能力;并提供关于特遣队所属装备方案的培训
(f) Reporting on the performance of troop- and police-contributing countries and field operations in meeting obligations of memorandums of understanding; providing advice to other United Nations partners and Member States with regard to the logistics aspects of the contingent-owned equipment/memorandum of understanding management system; liaising with permanent missions to address queries; developing and promulgating policies, procedures and guidelines to facilitate the establishment of effective and efficient mechanisms to
manage memorandums of
[...] understanding, including the consistent verification of major equipment [...]
and self-sustainment capabilities;
and providing training on the contingent-owned equipment programme
[...] 停止强迫迁离,尤其要加强落实2001 年土地 法,确保更准地核实土地权, 加强对土地征用所涉人口的保护措 施,意味着特别要进行事前磋商,寻找替代土地征用的办法,重新提 [...]
(a) Fully implement the 2001 land law and institute a moratorium on evictions until safeguards such as full compensation and access to basic services in resettlement areas can be guaranteed (Sweden); (b) adopt a moratorium on eviction until measures are taken to guarantee
effective implementation of the 2001
[...] law on land property and to deal with this problem [...]
in a more humane and dignified manner
(Switzerland); (c) put an end to forced evictions, notably by improving the application of the land law of 2001, ensuring a better verification of land titles and guaranteeing strengthened protection of the population affected by the expropriations, which implies in particular prior consultations, a search for alternative solutions to expropriations, offers of re-housing and appropriate compensation of evicted persons (France)
[...] 个国家实行紧急情况时,应立即委托一名或多名特别程序任务负责人进行紧急调 查访问,以地核查紧 急状态是否符合非常情况的标准、合法性、期限、严重 [...]
The Working Group recommends that, as soon as it is informed of a declaration of a state of emergency or a State invokes an emergency situation, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights should entrust one or more special
procedures mandate holders to conduct an
[...] emergency mission to verify on the ground [...]
whether the state of emergency meets the criteria
of exceptional circumstances, legality, duration, seriousness, necessity, publicity (or declaration), non-derogability, non-discriminatory application and compatibility with all the State’s other international obligations.
俄罗斯联邦高度赞赏《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约》(《特拉特洛 尔科条约》)作为确立这一面积辽阔而且人口稠 地 区 无 核地 位 的第一份国际法 律文件有效运作 40 年的经验,及其对在全世界进一步建立无核武器区进程的贡 献。
The Russian Federation welcomes the 40 years of effective functioning of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco), the first
international legal
[...] instrument establishing the nuclear-free status of an extensive and densely populated region, as [...]
well as its contribution
to the process of further establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones in the world.
尽管建立无核武器区的各项条约包括了旨在确 保尊重核地位、反对使用或威胁使用核武器的附加 [...]
议定书,但只要未实现全面和彻底核裁军,核武器国 家这一类别仍继续存在,裁军谈判会议在有关该问题 的协议谈判工作中取得真正实质性进展就十分迫切 而有必要。
While the treaties establishing nuclear-weaponfree zones include
additional protocols aimed at ensuring
[...] respect for non-nuclear status and against [...]
the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons,
so long as general and complete nuclear disarmament is not achieved and the category of nuclear-weapon State continues to exist, it will continue to be urgent and necessary for the Conference on Disarmament to make genuine substantive progress on negotiating an agreement on this issue.
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国否定将非《条约》缔约国 核地 位 合 法化的任何企图, 并告诫切勿企图将这些国家作为核武器国家列入不扩散制度,同时认为这种做法 会破坏《条约》的公信力,不但会导致整个不扩散制度的瓦解,还会导致中东和 [...]
The Syrian Arab
[...] Republic rejects all attempts to legitimize the nuclear status of States [...]
non-parties to the Treaty and cautions
against any endeavours to include them in the non-proliferation regime as nuclear States, believing that such an approach would detract from the credibility of the Treaty and lead not only to the collapse of the whole non-proliferation regime but to a nuclear arms race in the region and the whole world.
这次实验证实了地幔底部存在超高密度岩浆以 核-地 幔 境界的正上方存在岩浆和地幔岩石的密度逆转界限。
This study revealed the existence of ultra-high-density magma at the bottom of the mantle and the existence of density reverse boundary of magma and mantle rocks located just above the core-mantle boundary.




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