

单词 地方性斑疹伤寒

See also:

地方性 adj

local adj

External sources (not reviewed)

自此以后,我们已生产出众多疫苗,包括 寒 和 斑疹伤寒 疫 苗,为日本消灭传 性 疾 病 作出了贡献。
Since then, we have produced many vaccines including
[...] those for typhoid and typhus, and have contributed to the eradication of communicable diseases in Japan.
在中国使用治疗蛇中毒,疟疾 斑疹伤寒。
Used in China to treat snake
[...] poisoning, malaria, and typhus.
东北地区“地严寒,土 旷人稀”,明代关于 地 流 行 痘 疹 的 文字资料比较少见。
The Northeast "its cold, open, sparsely-" Ming dynasty on the epidemic pox rash of written materials [...]
here relatively rare.
(g) 通用方法可以有地得到合作努力和倡议的补充,如“防扩散安全倡 议”,“全球反对大规模伤性武器扩散合作伙伴关系”和“全球打击核恐怖主义 倡议”,以及履行不扩散义务的区域行动。
(g) Universal approaches can be usefully complemented by cooperative efforts and initiatives, such as the Proliferation Security Initiative, the Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, as well as regional lines for action, towards the implementation of non-proliferation obligations.
He is said
[...] to suffer from typhoid fever, backaches and chronic respiratory infections.
委员会还关切缔约国推动将残疾儿 童纳入教育系统乃至社会的努力不够,特别是在农村和边 地 区 , 并且只有特别 是生活在城市的在视力、听力和说 方 面 有 轻微 伤 的 儿童才被纳入包 性 教育 方案。
The Committee is also concerned that efforts made by the State party to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into the educational system and society at large are insufficient, especially in rural
and remote areas, and
[...] that only children with mild impairment in sight, hearing and speaking, particularly those living in cities, are included in inclusive education programmes.
尤其值得注意的是,國際間已成功控制回歸熱 斑疹 傷 寒 , 而 ㆝花亦已在世㆖消失,繼續 把這些疾病保留在「須隔離檢疫疾病」㆒詞的定義㆘,既無必要,亦不切實際。
In particular, with the success in international control of
[...] relapsing fever and typhus and the global eradication [...]
of smallpox, it is no longer
realistic or necessary to retain these diseases within the definition of quarantinable diseases.
典型皮肤损害(斑、血管可见、 疹 和 脓 疱)出现在20到50岁的人的面部中央(前额、鼻子和脸颊),但是通常在30岁以上的男女中最常见。
The characteristic
[...] skin lesions (erythema, visible blood vessels, papules and pustules) [...]
appear in the middle of the face
(forehead, nose, cheeks) between the ages of 20 and 50, but typically are most common in men and women after 30.
树底下潮湿的沙地或者荫凉的区域更容易隐藏虫子,孩子在这 地方 玩 耍 容易患上 性 皮 疹。
The damp sand under a tree or a shady area is
[...] more likely to harbor worms that cause creeping rash.
在过去 12 个月里,在教育和卫生方面提供的基本社会服务,包括向弱势 群体提供的社会援助/保护,已开始改善许多东帝汶人的生活条件:9 000 教师接 受了强化培训,包括葡萄牙文;在世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)的支助下,1 006 小学实施学校供方案, 并采用了爱幼学校模式;通过采取 疹 / 破 伤 风 疫 苗接 种和营养干预措施开展的多抗原运动,使得全国人口的 40%受益,包括年轻妇女 和儿童。
Over the past 12 months, basic social services in education and health, including social assistance/protection for vulnerable groups, have begun to improve living conditions for many Timorese: 9,000 teachers received intensive training, including in the Portuguese language; 1,006 primary schools implemented the school feeding programme with support from the World Food Programme (WFP) and a child-friendly school model was adopted; the multi-antigen campaign benefited 40 per cent of the country’s population, including young women and children, through measles/tetanus vaccination and nutrition interventions.
性红斑或“ 掌掴脸颊病”发病时有感冒症状,并伴有面部两侧的典型 疹 , 也可能会全身起 疹 ( 时 而发痒),孕妇(包括教师在内)也许会受到这种传染病的并发症的影响,因此,应该告知她们有接触病毒的可能性。
A full body rash (itchy sometimes) can develop and pregnant women, including teachers may be affected by complications of this infection so they should [...]
be informed of possible exposure.
(第5条) 销毁伤人员地雷的方案的 现况”。会议进一步指出,虽然许多缔约国在延期请求中详细介绍了剩余雷区的 大小、位置性质, 但是自提交延期请求以来,它们尚未就请求中所载基准信息 提供报告。
It was further noted that while many States Parties in their extension requests had provided a detailed accounting of the size, location and nature of remaining mined areas, they had [...]
not since submitting their
extension requests reported relative to the benchmark information contained in their requests.
将于五月启动的新一轮巡演将在更多城市推广清洁柴油技术;而贯穿巡演全程的"体验之旅"将穿越沙漠、山地以及 寒地 区 等 更具挑 性 的 路况,进一步展现柴油乘用车的 方 面 优 势。
To emphasize on these benefits, the tour will continue from May, covering even more regions and will invite additional interested parties to visit and participate in the events. During the Experience Tour, the fleet will demonstrate the abilities of diesel technology under even more challenging conditions such as desert, mountains and extreme cold areas.
雖然“貝伐珠單抗(安維汀)”的註冊用途 並非治療性老年黃斑病變 ,但在註冊適應症外的情況下 方 這 種藥 物 (亦稱非適應症用藥)用於治療性老 年 黃 斑 病 變,在國際間頗為普 遍。
Although Bevacizumab (Avastin) is not licensed for the treatment of wet AMD, prescription of the drug beyond its licensed indication (or off-label use) for treating wet AMD is a common worldwide practice.
鴯鶓油的滲透性很強,可以滲透到真皮以下,具有較強消炎、皮膚再生、除皺、 斑 、 促 進血液循環的功能,對風 性 關 節 炎、 疹 、 皮 炎、燒傷、創傷等疾病均有良好的作用。
Emu Oil could help reduce inflammation, rejuvenate skin, smooth wrinkle, reduce pigment and boost blood circulation.
這些綜合數據顯示,過去 10 年,香港 嬰兒幼童接受白喉、百日咳及破傷風混合疫苗、小兒麻痺疫苗, 以及疹、流行性腮腺炎及德國疹 混 合 疫苗接種的覆蓋率平均 超過 96%,是國際上最高疫苗接種覆蓋率 地方 之 一
In addition, as an established practice, the School Immunization Teams of the DH also collect routine statistics on immunization received by primary school children. These figures reveal that in the past 10 years, the immunization of the babies and infants in Hong Kong with the
diphtheria, pertussis
[...] and tetanus vaccine, poliomyelitis vaccine and measles, mumps and rubella vaccine has reached an average coverage rate of over 96%, which is one of the places with [...]
the highest
immunization coverage rate in the world.
在急性暴发期过后,患者往往会迁延不愈、转化成长期的 性 湿 疹 , 慢 性 期 皮 肤干燥并出 斑 丘 疹。
After an acute flare-up subsides, patients usually
[...] experience a long chronic period during which the skin looks dry and patchy.
此 外,缔约国还回顾,受害者援助应成为公共健康、康复、社会服务和人权框架的
[...] 组成部分,应把各项努力纳入与残障、健康、教育、就业、发展和减贫相关的更 广泛的国家政策、计划和法律框架,并再次指出受害者援助工作不应排斥其他方 式伤或残障的人士,确保在需要 地方 提 供 相关服务。
In addition, they recalled that victim assistance should be part of public health, rehabilitation, social services and human rights frameworks and that efforts should be integrated into broader national policies, plans and legal frameworks related to disability, health, education, employment, development and poverty reduction, noting again that victim assistance
[...] should not exclude any person injured or disabled in another manner while ensuring [...]
that services are provided where they are needed.
[...] 维护和整修、经费不足的寄宿学校会危害健康 , 因为儿童会因种种原因而受伤害 : 如寒冷、 潮湿或是煤烟 , 食品不足 , 教师不够精心 [...]
, 以 及低质量的教学环境和不良的社会环境所导致 的糟糕的教育状况。
Under-funded boarding schools that are not maintained
and repaired can compromise health as
[...] children suffer from cold, dampness or coal smoke [...]
fumes; insufficient or inadequate
food; poor attendance of teachers; and low quality teaching/a poor social environment that leads to a poor education.
印度科学和工业研究理事会认为,姜黄被用作治 伤 口 和 皮 疹 已 经有数千年之久,因 此它的药用用途没有新性。
CSIR argued that turmeric has
[...] been used for thousands of years for healing wounds and rashes and therefore its medicinal use was not novel.
食源性疾病”所涉及的疾病范围十分广泛,从简单的食物中毒和旅行者腹泻到包 伤寒 症 在 内的造成身体衰弱的 性 疾 病,以及肉毒杆菌中毒和格林巴利综合征等危及生命的并发症在内。
Food-borne illnesses involve a wide spectrum of conditions, ranging from simple food poisoning and
traveler's diarrhea, to chronic
[...] debilitating diseases, including Typhoid, and life-threatening complications, [...]
such as Botulism or Guillain-Barré syndrome.
此外,还有根据您计划前往的区域选 性 接 种 的特定旅行疫苗,比如黄热病疫苗 伤寒 症 疫 苗或狂犬病疫苗(如果您是容易遭受动伤咬伤的高危人群)。
Moreover, there are also the travel
specific vaccines depending on the
[...] area you are going such as for yellow fever, typhoid, or rabies (if you are at risk of animal bites).
的不同呈现出显著差异 例如 俄罗斯 的拉普人对方极地的严寒与黑 暗具有良 好的适应能力 他们懂得如何防御数月之 久-40 的严寒 因为北极圈的植物生长 周期太短而无法种植作物 拉普人几乎完 全以鱼类和肉类为生 与此相反 中国海 南省的黎族人对这种寒冷一无所知因为 他们生活在炎热的热带地区 他们需要懂 得如何预防诸如疟疾等疾病及其病原体 或者被蛇伤以后 应该采取何种措施 黎 族人大量食用野生蔬菜 这些野生蔬菜遍 布村庄周围 并且味道鲜美 营养丰富 与北极地区的狩猎民族不同 热带地区 的人们通常都是农民 他们栽培蔬菜 谷物 香料植物以及咖啡树和茶树 但 是 同是热带地区 例如 亚马逊河流 域 也有很多以打猎和采集为生的土著 群体在热带和极地这两类极端地区之间有
So that traditional knowledge does not get lost, the agrobiodiversity project staff speak with people on the ground – they document, for example, what traditional clothing is still available ...
至於臨 時 避 寒 中 心 的運作,當香港天 文 台 預 測 夜 間市區 溫 度 會 降 至 攝氏 12 度或以下,又
或當香港天 文 台 發 出 寒冷天氣警告後,民 政事 務 總署會 把 轄 下若干社區中心 用作臨 時 避 寒 中 心 , 以 提 供 緊 急 服 務
[...] ; 主 要目的是在 天氣寒 冷 時,為 露宿者 及 其他有需要的人士提供 臨 時寒 的地方。
As regards the operation of TCSs, the HAD will open a number of its community centres as TCSs to provide emergency service when the Hong Kong Observatory
forecasts the overnight temperature to drop to 12 degrees Celsius or below in
[...] the urban area or issues a cold weather warning.
除非中央政府本來就希望2012年方案被否決,讓政制原地踏步;除 非中央政府立心只想爭取泛民主派的4票, 方 案 “ 寒 酸 地 ” 通 過;除非 中央政府不介意香港的內耗,讓憤怒繼續燃燒;除非中央政府視2017 [...]
Only if it is the original intention of the Central Government that the 2012 proposal should be voted down and the constitutional system remain unchanged; only if the Central Government is determined to win the four votes
from the democratic
[...] camp and have the proposal passed in an embarrassing manner; only if the Central [...]
Government does not care
about the internal attrition in Hong Kong and let the anger continue to boil; and only if the Central Government considers that the promise on universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020 is wrong, that it regrets having made such a promise and intends to renege on it, otherwise, the authorities should have defended the solemn promise made by the NPC and confirmed that the promise of the NPC is genuine universal suffrage.
小组委员会注意到地球观测组织在实施全球对地观测分布式系统(全球测 地系统)和其他举方面取 得的进展,如森林碳跟踪、气候和农业监测 寒冷 地区观 测网络的建设和集成以及为促进发展中国家接触和使用地球观测而开展 的能力建设活动。
The Subcommittee noted the progress made by GEO in the implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of
Systems (GEOSS) and other
[...] initiatives, such as those on forest carbon tracking, climate and agriculture monitoring, development and integration of observation networks in cold regions and capacity-building [...]
efforts towards
expansion of access to and use of Earth observation in developing countries.
此外, 肺结核、甲型和乙型病性肝炎、梅毒、疟疾和南 斑疹 热 的 发病率正在减少, 同时,沙门氏菌感染的发病率似乎在增加(图 28)。
Furthermore, the incidence of tuberculosis, viral hepatitis A and B, syphilis, malaria and Boutonneuse fever is decreasing, while the incidence of other salmonella infections seems to be increasing (Chart 28).
今天,3,000平方尺的现代化中心已扩大到提供广泛的眼科服务,包括屈光手术,治疗老花眼,白内障手术,角膜移植,青光眼和糖尿病反眼的筛查和治疗,年龄相 性 黄 斑 变 性 的 治疗,眼部管理炎症和葡萄膜炎,视网膜服务,oculoplastics手术,近视儿童和更多的控制程序。
Today, the
[...] 3,000 sq ft modern centre has expanded to provide a wide range of eye services, including refractive surgery, presbyopia treatment, cataract surgery, corneal transplants, glaucoma and diabete eye screening and treatments, age-related macular degeneration [...]
treatments, management
of ocular inflammations and uveitis, retinal services, oculoplastics surgery, myopia control programmes for children and more.




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