

单词 地方性



murine typhus fever

See also:




regional (away from the central administration)


natural disposition
innate quality

External sources (not reviewed)

国家缔约方各自采用了本国的地 方性法,但这些方法不一定可以相互比较。
National and subnational level methodologies are being employed by the country Parties, but these are not necessarily comparable.
一个会员国指出,在国家层面也应开 展跨学科合作,各国与教科文组织有联系的机构(教科文组织全国委员会、政府间科学计划 全国委员会、以及其地方性)应该学习如何更好地作为一个团队开展工作,这样做既 可提升教科文组织的形象,也符合联合国改革的大方向。
One Member State stated that interdisciplinarity should also be implemented at the country level and that the various bodies associated with UNESCO at the country level (National Commissions, National Committees of the Intergovernmental Science Programmes (ISP), and other local authorities) would need to learn to perform better as a team, also in order to raise the profile of the Organization, within the general context of United Nations reform.
从覆盖的地域上看,该专题组 74 个伙伴关系中,41 个为全球性,14 个为区
[...] 域性,14 个为次区域性,3 个为国家性,2 个为次国地方性
In terms of geographical coverage, 41 partnerships of the 74 within the thematic
cluster are global in scope, while 14 are regional, 14 are subregional, 3 are
[...] national,and 2 are subnational orlocal.
该国需要面对一些传染性疾病,这些疾病通常是流地方性,比如 疟疾、霍乱、寄生虫和细菌性腹泻、病毒性肝炎、艾滋病毒/艾滋病/性传播疾病 (2006 年血清阳性反应率为 2.9%)、结核病(1000/100 000, 世界最高患病率地区之 一),以及非传染性疾病,比如心血管病、糖尿病、肾脏疾病、癌症、慢性阻塞 性肺病以及营养不良。
The country has to cope with communicable diseases that are often epidemic orendemic,such as malaria, cholera, parasitic and bacterial diarrhoea, viral hepatitis, HIV/AIDS/sexually transmitted infections (seroprevalence of 2.9 per cent in 2006) and tuberculosis (1,000/100,000, one of the highest rates in the world), as well as noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, renal ailments, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and malnutrition.
(c) 应不准全地方性 当局或公共机关提倡或煽动种族歧视。
(c) Shall not permit public authorities or public institutions, national or local, to promote or incite racial discrimination.
该活动为的是确保生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间 科学政策平台(IPBES)临时秘书处的设立(最后的决定将在预定于 2013 年初召开的该平 台第一次全会上做出);在“科技与创新促进青年就业、人力资源开发包容性增长”的非洲 论坛(肯尼亚内罗毕,2012 年 4
[...] 长们通过了关于科技与创新的内罗毕宣言;国际水文计划的政府间理事会通过了题为“水安 全:应地方性、全球性挑战”的国际水文计划第八阶段(2014--2021 [...]
年)战略规 划;欧洲原子能研究机构发现了被认为是希格斯玻色子的一种新的基本粒子,人们预期这将
Other major achievements include: the Organization was accepted in a process which involves also UNEP, FAO and UNDP, for ensuring the interim secretariat of IPBES (a final decision in this regard will be taken by the Platform’s first plenary foreseen for early 2013); the adoption by African Ministers in charge of STI, Finance and Planning, and Education, of the Nairobi Declaration on STI at the African Forum on “STI for Youth Employment, Human Capital Development and Inclusive Growth” (Nairobi, Kenya, April 2012); the adoption by the IHP Intergovernmental Council of the Strategic Plan for Phase
VIII (2014-2021) of IHP on “Water
[...] Security: Responses to Local, Regional, andGlobal [...]
Challenges”; the discovery by CERN of
a new elementary particle, thought to be the Higgs boson, that is expected to explain the existence of mass in the universe.
使用遥感技术大大提高了世卫组织跟踪和直观观地方性爆发和流 行的实时演变情况,并绘制危害公共健康和重要公共健康基础设施的各因素的 地理分布图。
The use of remote sensing has significantly advanced the ability of WHO to track and visualize the real-time evolution of local outbreaks and epidemics and map the geographic distribution of hazards to public health and critical public health infrastructure.
联苏特派团在有其人员派驻的各州为作出协调一致的反应提供支助,应对 那些不断出现的破坏《全面和平协议》地方性 主义危机;支助民族团结 政府、苏丹南方政府以及联合国和民间社会合作伙伴规划和推动向复原和发展 的过渡。
In states where UNMIS is present, it supports a coordinated response to recurring localized humanitarian crises that undermine the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; and it supports the Government of National Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan, as well as United Nations and civil society partners, in planning and facilitating the transition to recovery and development.
最新的澳洲教育和训练系统的消息,研究和生活,申请和注册程序和的澳洲生活方式,花费,可从世界各地的参考位置,及在附近地方性 构和图书馆中找到有关讯息。
The latest information on the Australian education and training system, costs of study and living, application and enrolment procedures and the Australian way of life is also available from reference sites set up in local institutions and libraries around the world.
关于妇女、和平与安全的研究将以以下各方面现有的研究和资料为基础:联 合国、联合国各方案、基金机构和专门机构、会员国、学者以地方性际性 非政府组织。
The study on women, peace and security builds on existing research and inputs of the United Nations, its programmes, funds and specialized agencies, Member States, scholars and local and international non-governmental organizations.
[...] 解决粮食无保障问题,无论其原因出自内部还是外部因素地方性周期性情 况,而且还必须通过以人为本的对策支持社区的应变能力,这些对策要能推动可 [...]
持续农业实践、促进创收机会、改善市场准入和粮食分配网络、加强早期预警和 社会保障制度。
In this regard, the international community and Governments must continue not only to address the root causes of food
insecurity, whether due to internal or
[...] external factors, endemic or cyclical conditions, [...]
but also to support community resilience
through people-centred responses that foster sustainable agricultural practices; promote income opportunities; improve market access and food distribution networks; and strengthen early warning and social protection systems.
最近,安全理事会在今年 1 月中国担任主席期间 通过的主席声明(S/PRST/2010)中,重申了区域和次 区域组织对于和平解地方性和预防性外交的 重要贡献。
The Security Council recently reaffirmed the important contribution of regional and subregional organizations to the peaceful settlement of local disputes and to preventive diplomacy, in its presidential statement adopted in January under the Chinese presidency (S/PRST/2010/1).
国家的资 金分配对适应可能适合,因为适应的需求 地方性是可持续发展不可分割的一部分。
A country allocation might be appropriate for adaptation since adaptation needs are local and an integral part of sustainable development.
在有些法域,这些法律是政策框架的一个关键部 分,例如金融机构向存款人提供保护、便利征收税务、述及让某些种类的债权 人享有高于其他人(例如雇员)的优先权问题以及相关地方性、企业和 文化框架等政策框架。
In some jurisdictions, they form a key part of policy frameworks, such as those protecting depositors in financial institutions, facilitating revenue collection, addressing priorities for certain categories of creditors over others (such as employees), as well as relevant legal, business and cultural frameworks in the local context.
政府的战略着重于保障全国范围的可持续发展,这中间包括制定立法和专 门 条例以涵盖有
[...] 特殊需要的人员及其他弱势群体;与其地方性和 私营机构 合作加强康复和 培训课程;提供免费住房或 [...]
补贴住房;对依靠社会福利的人员进 行 就业培训; 向贫困人员提供
经 济援助; 制 定立法鼓励地方 机构、个人以 及 私营 部门提供社会服务。
The Government’s strategy focuses on ensuring country-wide sustainable development, which includes enacting legislation and special regulations for the assimilation of people with special needs and other vulnerable
groups; increasing rehabilitation and training
[...] programmes in partnershipwithother local [...]
and private institutions; providing free
or subsidized housing; training social welfare dependents for the job market; providing financial assistance to those in need; and enacting legislation to encourage local institutions, individuals and the private sector to provide social services.
董事会可在任何地方就管理本公司任何事务而成立任何地地方性事 会或代理处,并可委任任何人士出任该地方性会的成员或任何经理或代理,并可 厘定其酬金(形式可以是薪金或佣金或赋予参与本公司利润的权利或两个或以上此等模 式的组合)以及支付该等人士因本公司业务而雇用的任何职员的工作开支。
The Board may
[...] establish any regionalor local boardsor agencies formanaging any of the affairs of the Company in any place, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents, and may fix their remuneration (either by way of salary [...]
or by commission or
by conferring the right to participation in the profits of the Company or by a combination of two or more of these modes) and pay the working expenses of any staff employed by them upon the business of the Company.
如果对法律和秩序的威胁地方性较 为孤立的,则不能援引国家安全为理由来施加限制措施防止此类威胁,也不得以 国家安全为借口进行驱逐。
National security cannot be invoked as a reason for imposing limitations to prevent merely local or relatively isolated threats to law and order”, or used as a pretext for expulsion.
工发组织和环境署的清洁生产方案 2007/2008 年的一项评估40 证实在建立 和加地方性 以提供各种服务方面,获得持续的成功,这些服务使各企业、 政府机构和其他组织都懂得采用清洁生产方法。
A 2007/2008 evaluation of the UNIDO-UNEP Cleaner Production Programme40 confirmed sustained success in the building up of and strengtheningof local institutions to provide services that have achieved uptake of Cleaner Production by enterprises, government institutions and other organizations.
确保对性别问题有敏感认识的援助分配和交付的重大因素包括:㈠ 确
保对援助分配和交付的各个阶段采取参与性方法;㈡ 支持机构建立地方能力和 地方体制;㈢
[...] 买当地货及支持地方和地区经济发展;㈣ 强地方性,特别 是农业的生存力;㈤ 与妇女协商及加强妇女的能力;㈥ [...]
重建政府机构,加强公 共活动,而不是要求削减。
Key elements in ensuring gender-sensitive aid allocation and delivery include: (i) ensuring participatory approaches to all phases of aid allocation and delivery; (ii) supporting agencies that build local capacities and institutions; (iii) buying locally and supporting local
and regional economic development; (iv)
[...] emphasizing the viability of local production, [...]
especially agriculture; (v) consulting
with and building on the capacities of women; and (vi) rebuilding Government institutions and strengthening public activity rather than requesting cuts
因此,在讨论对布托女士的威胁以及那 些感受到她重返巴基斯坦政坛的可能性所带来的威胁的势力时,必须包括以下方 面:基地组织、塔利班地方性战组织以及实权派分子。
Therefore, a discussion of the threats to Ms. Bhutto and of the forces that felt threatened by her potential return to power in Pakistan must include the following: Al-Qaida, Taliban and local jihadi groups and elements of the Establishment.
土地退化和干旱不仅仅地方性题,它们还与生物多样性、 气候变化、粮食安全、饥饿和贫穷等等相关系。
DLDD are not just local problems; they are linked to other issues such as biodiversity, climate change, food security, hunger, poverty, etc.
我们并不怀疑基督徒受逼迫事件的真实性或 其严重性,然而值得注意的是每天有多少基督徒活动在进行,而这些活动在技术上来说应该是不被允许的,但是却没有受到检查......在每一个礼拜里,在中
[...] 公开贩售,企业为员工举行教堂敬拜,学生参加校园里的研经班,基督徒经营地方性府组织为具有多样化需要的个人和家庭提供大量的服务──参与这些活动 [...]
Without discounting either the reality of incidences of Christian persecution or their seriousness, it is remarkable how much Christian activity takes place on a daily basis that is technically not allowed yet goes unchecked... In any given week, somewhere in China, urban believers hold services in rented office buildings, hundreds of unofficial Bible schools offer classes, children attend Sunday schools and youth meetings, books containing all kinds of Christian content are sold openly in bookstores across the country, businesses conduct chapel services for their
employees, students meet for campus Bible studies,
[...] local Christian-runNGOs offer a host [...]
of services to individuals and families
with various needs - and those involved in these activities suffer no repercussions at the hands of authorities.
[...] 团体、公开听证会、大会、研讨会、会议和记者招待会以及新闻发布会中开展建 立两性平等政策共识的活动;开 地方性国性和国际性运动、收集签名和文 [...]
化活动;为妇女运动积极分子组织性别培训活动并实施能力建设方案;以及支持 当地基层妇女组织。
The main courses of action are advocacy and lobbying for gender-responsive law and policymaking, including gender policy consensus-building activities among diverse women’s groups, public hearings, conferences, workshops, meetings and press conferences and releases; local, national and international campaigns,
signature collection and cultural events;
[...] organizationof gender training events, [...]
and capacity-building programmes for women’s
movement activists; and support for local grass-roots women’s organizations.
使用遥感技术大大提高了世卫组织跟踪和直观监地方性暴发和 流行的实时演变情况,为世卫组织战略卫生业务中心的日常活动提供支助。
The use of remote sensing has significantly advanced the ability of WHO to track andvisualize the real-time evolution of local outbreaks and epidemics, providing support to the daily activities of the WHO Centre for Strategic Health Operations.
自上一份报告以来,罗马尼亚共举行了 4 次国家全民公决(一次是关于 2003 年《宪法》修订,一次是 2007 年 5 月罢免总统,这两次全民公决均有着决 定性价值,一次是 2007 年举行的关于在议会选举中推行实名制投票的咨询性全 民公决,一次是关于减少议员人数、将议会改为单院制的咨询性全民公决),此 外亦举行了多地方性公决。
Since the last report, four national referenda were held in Romania (a referendum on the revision of the Constitution in 2003 and a referendum on the dismissal of the President in May 2007, both having decisional value, a consultative referendum on the introduction of the uninominal voting at the parliamentary elections, which was held in 2007, and a consultative referendum on the reduction of the number of parliamentarians and on transforming the Parliament into a unicameral one), plus countless local referenda.
据今日出席哈佛医学院全球健康与社会医学系(DGHSM)主持的“全球健康公平的长尾理论:解决世界最贫穷地区的十多亿人口地方性 染性疾病问题”(Long Tail of Global Health Equity:Tackling the Endemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom Billion)大会的专家们称,由于对风湿性心脏病(RHD)缺乏足够的认识、倡导和政治支持,全球最贫穷国家的数十万儿童和青少年患上了风湿性心脏病。
A severe lack of awareness, advocacy and political will means hundreds of thousands of children and young adults are victims of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in the world's poorest countries, according to experts presenting today at the "The Long Tail of Global Health Equity: Tackling theEndemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom Billion" conference hosted by the Harvard Medical School Department of Global Health and Social Medicine (DGHSM)The conference was organized by Partners In Health (PIH) in collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), The Global Taskforce on Expanding Access to Cancer Care & Control in Developing Countries, and the NCDAlliance
Related industry healthy development cannot leave the finalize the mature technology and product standard, the LED lighting industry technology rapid development, its testing technology and standards common difficult problem; At present, with LED lighting, LED display, LED back light products such as the application of semiconductor lighting industry is still
not a complete
[...] standard system, LED lighting products are many localstandards; LED lighting products "national standard" [...]
was already a cliche topic.
[...] (NMSDC)、美国全国妇女商业企业协会 (WBENC) 及其众地方性委员会的成员,其中包括芝加哥少数族裔供应商发展委员会 [...]
(CMSDC)、休斯顿少数族裔供应商发展委员会 (HMSDC)、妇女商业企业联盟
(WBEA) 和妇女企业发展中心 (WBDC)。
United is a member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
and Women’s Business Enterprise National
[...] Council(WBENC) and manyof their local [...]
affiliate councils such as the Chicago
Minority Supplier Development Council (CMSDC), the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC), the Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance (WBEA) and the Women's Business Development Center (WBDC).




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