单词 | 地垄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 地垄 —lines on ridges on ploughed fieldSee also:垄—grave mound • row of crops • ridge between fields
发展中国家因某些发达国家不公正 地垄 断 媒 体 而遭受痛苦,这些国家歪曲或捏造新闻,特别是针 [...] 对发展中国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Developing countries [...] suffered from an unjust monopoly over the media by [...]certain developed countries, which distorted or [...]fabricated news, especially in relation to developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
配额的可转让性(视作财产权)将不可避 免地导致垄断, 除非将可转让性限制在已亡故的持有人及其后代(如果他们也打 [...] 渔的话)之间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Transferability of quotas (conceived as property rights) will [...] inevitably lead to monopolization, unless limited [...]to transferability between the deceased [...]holder and his/her descendants (if they also fish). daccess-ods.un.org |
这可能是个 特别的危险,因为商业应用的网络效果往往会加强现有软件生产商 的 垄 断 地 位。 iprcommission.org | This may be a particular risk because the network effects of business applications tend to re-enforce the dominance of existing software producers. iprcommission.org |
颁布国还应通过主管部门确保对本国采购实体援用这一 理由使用单一来源采购的做法进行定期监测,因为这种理由的不当使用会有意 无意地助长垄断和腐败。 daccess-ods.un.org | The enacting State should in addition ensure, through appropriate authorities, the regular monitoring of the practice of its procurement entities with the use of single-source procurement [...] on this ground, since its improper [...] use may encourage monopolies and corruption, whether inadvertently or intentionally. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦努阿图电信有限公司在政府于 2007 年开放移动电话市场之前,一直在 占据着电信部门的垄断地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Telecom Vanuatu Limited (TVL) [...] previously had the monopoly in sector of telecommunication [...]until the Government opened [...]the mobile phone market in 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿布贾、波恩、巴林、布拉迪斯拉发、 [...] 开罗、伊斯兰堡、新德里、内罗毕、马拉维、马斯喀特、圣彼得堡、奥斯陆、拉巴特、 圣 地 亚 哥、 三宝垄、斯 德哥尔摩、多伦多和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿也组织了推出活动/新闻发布会/讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Launches/press [...] conferences/workshops were also organized in Abuja, Bonn, [...]Bahrain, Bratislava, Cairo, Islamabad, New Delhi, [...]Nairobi, Malawi, Muscat, St Petersburg, Oslo, Rabat, Santiago, Semarang, Stockholm, Toronto and Washington DC. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第四份联合材料报告称,2011 [...] 年宪法修正案本应限制君主政体的权力,但 国王仍然拥有对安全和军事机构的全部权力、解散议会的权力和对宗教领 导 地位 的垄断。 daccess-ods.un.org | Joint Submission 4 (JS4) reported that the 2011 constitutional amendments were supposed to limit the powers of the monarchy but the King still had full authority [...] over the security and military apparatuses, the power to dissolve [...] Parliament, and a monopoly on religious leadership.20 18. daccess-ods.un.org |
代表们 还指出,跨国公司有可能建立垄断性 地 位 ,将 当 地 的 生 产商挤出去,从而减少东 道国工业的国际竞争力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegates further pointed out that [...] TNCs could establish a monopolistic position by crowding [...]out local players and reducing the [...]international competitiveness of the host country industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于通讯和视听服务的新立法旨在鼓励私营和 公共部门以及民间社会平等地参与 媒体,避 免 垄 断,确保少数群体包括土著人民能够使用媒体并通过使 [...] 诽谤和造谣合法化扩大言论自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | New legislation on communication and audiovisual services was designed to encourage equal participation of the private and [...] public sectors and civil society [...] in the media; prevent monopolies; ensure that minority [...]groups, including indigenous peoples, [...]had access to the media; and expand freedom of expression by decriminalizing libel and slander. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有一种特定的对话场合或项目可以 始终拥有垄断地位, 因此,必须始终让宗教间沟通项目的其他形式、主题、场合、 [...] 目标和项目能够并存。 daccess-ods.un.org | As no specific dialogue setting or project [...] may ever claim a monopoly, there must always [...]be room for other forms, themes, settings, [...]goals and projects of interreligious communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这种模式中,当地政府层面应成立一个新的公共 事业监管机构,对所有的公共事业企业的绩效进行监督,比如,自来水公司、污水处 [...] 理公司、供热公司、燃气公司、公交公司等等。该监管机构的主要职能应当是确保公 共事业公司有效的管理,确保其不会妄用在行业中 的 垄 断 地 位。 wrdmap.org | In this model a new Agency is created at local government level to act as a Utility Regulator to oversee the performance of all public utilities, i.e. water, wastewater, heating, gas, bus transport, etc. The principal function of the [...] Regulator will be to ensure efficient management of the [...] utilities so that the monopoly status of the utilities [...]is not abused. wrdmap.org |
与会者指出,由于这个地区缺乏科学技术,而且其 它 地 区 日 趋通过专利体系和其它多 边协议(如世贸组织)对科技知识进行 “ 垄 断 ” ,他们建议教科文组织应该制定措施促进知 识的转让和共享,特别是以各种语言提供的科研成果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Pointing to a lack of scientific expertise in the region and a movement towards “monopolization” of scientific knowledge by other regions through patent systems and other multilateral agreements (such as WTO), participants suggested that UNESCO should put in place measures to facilitate transfer and sharing of knowledge, particularly the results of scientific research in various languages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
长期以来,UMEHL 控制着大米交易以及香烟和酒的生产和分配,在汽 车进口方面也享有近乎垄断的地位。 crisisgroup.org | UMEHL long dominated the rice trade, as well as cigarette and alcohol production and distribution, [...] and had a virtual monopoly on car imports. crisisgroup.org |
该征税制度由许多新任命的“区指挥官”实施,这些“区 指挥官”在武器方面处于垄断地位, 因为警察或宪兵单位尚未获得武器,其执法 [...] 和(或)打击武装犯罪活动的能力很有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | The system is operated by a number of newly appointed “zone [...] commanders” that have the monopoly over arms, owing to [...]the fact that weapons have not been given [...]to police or gendarmerie authorities, therefore limiting the latter’s ability to enforce the law and/or confront armed criminal activity. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,他们,而不是垄断伏地魔的蛇纳吉尼,已经拥有的尸体巴沙特。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, they are instead cornered by Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, who has been possessing the corpse of Bagshot. seekcartoon.com |
该监管机构的主要职能 也是确保水务公司的有效管理,使该公司不能妄用 其 垄 断 地 位。 wrdmap.org | The principal function of the Regulator would [...] be to ensure efficient management of the water companies [...] so that the monopolistic status of the utilities is not abused. wrdmap.org |
一再企图评判和诋毁南方国家的人 民,处心积虑地过度 强调公民权利和政治权利,只会 巩固强国的经济统治以及文化和意识形态的同质化, 大众媒体的垄断统治、对于国际机构的操纵和帝国主 义侵略战争在一旁推波助澜。 daccess-ods.un.org | The repeated desire to judge and stigmatize [...] Southern peoples, with a disproportionate and contrived emphasis on civil and political rights only sought to consolidate the powerful countries’ economic domination and cultural and ideological homogenization, facilitated by the monopolistic domination of [...]the mass media, the manipulation [...]of international agencies and the imperialist wars of occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
266条(b) 款向法院提交有关案件方面具有垄断 地 位。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the author, there are no other administrative [...] remedies available as the public [...] prosecuting authority has a monopoly to bring cases to [...]the courts in relation to section 266 (b) of the Criminal Code. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿塞拜疆的法 律走得更远,尽管是以更加有限的形式,但它适用于将适用范围扩大到在不同领域中执行公 [...] 共合同的一切机构——包括教育,医疗和文化——以及具有主导 或 垄 断 市 场 地 位 的 法人实 体。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Azeri law goes even further, applying, albeit in more limited form, to all bodies operating under a public contract in various spheres – [...] including education, healthcare and culture – as well as legal entities [...] enjoying a dominant or monopoly market position. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果改革进展顺 利,将惠及大多数的缅甸人民,但是,那些从旧体 [...] 制的限制和特权中获益最多的人将丧失获取意外之 财的机会以及有保障的垄断地位。 crisisgroup.org | If the reforms are done well, many across the country stand to benefit, but those who [...] profited most from the old regime’s restrictions and privileges will lose access to windfall [...] profits and guaranteed monopolies. crisisgroup.org |
严格的《反卡特尔法》增强了竞争的自由性和 公平性,这项法案没有将卡特尔视为非法组织,但滥 用 垄 断 地位 的卡特尔将受到指控。 gza.ch | Free and fair competition is strengthened by a strict Cartel Act, in which cartels are not illegal but abuses are prosecuted. gza.ch |
一个与会者感到,教科文组织应该帮助保证人们对科学研究成果和出版物 有公正的和开放的使用权,以防止知 识 垄 断 的 出现。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One participant felt that UNESCO should help ensure [...] equitable and open access to scientific research and publications so as to counter the [...] emergence of knowledge monopolies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这包括商家与同业者同意统一、维持或变更商品价格,串通招投标,市场份额等协定和行为以及商家滥用市 场 垄 断 地 位。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Examples include price fixing, bid-rigging, market-sharing and abusing market power. english.sccci.org.sg |
我们目前面临国际社会内的许多挑战,但大多数 挑战本质上都反映同一种基本原因:即大国在其权力 的合法基础早已消失之后仍然企图维持 其 垄 断 的地 位。 daccess-ods.un.org | We face many challenges within our international community, but at their most basic, the majority are symptomatic of a single underlying issue: a struggle by the powerful to cling to their dominion long after the legitimate bases of their power have faded. daccess-ods.un.org |
在面对迅速崛起的外国竞争的同时,我们这个曾经一度处 于 垄断 地位的研究生教育体系效率的低下也值得我们关注。 fgereport.org | Against this backdrop of rapidly rising [...] foreign competition are concerns about inefficiencies in a graduate education system [...] that once enjoyed a virtual monopoly. fgereport.org |
失去税收减免的优惠造 成了这些企业集团新的负债,而垄断 地 位 被 打破意 味着它们的收入不再有保障。 crisisgroup.org | It may prefer that the institution get as much of its resources as possible from the regular budget, since this is a more predictable source – even if the military por crisisgroup.org |
市场供应 垄断地 位的 削弱及贸易的自由化有助于促进开放创新。 daccess-ods.un.org | The erosion of oligopolistic market positions [...] and trade liberalization contributed to promoting open innovation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个度假村是从海平面沿着陡峭的花岗岩斜坡修建的,最顶端是位于 高 垄 的 旅游 胜 地 建 筑 物。 tipschina.gov.cn | The resort rises from sea level up a steep granite incline, [...] peaking at the Spa building, which is located on a high ridge. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些案子的 主要问题,在于可否以一个市场上的垄断力 量,通过对接口软件的控制来撬动另一个市 场。因此,在 2004 年 3 月 24 日,在经过为 期 5 年的调查之后,欧盟委员会做出决定, 微软公司利用其在个人电脑操作系统市场 上接近垄断的地位, 试图占领服务器以及播 放器操作系统的市场,而这种行为违反了欧 盟竞争法。 cgfwatch.org | Thus, on 24 March 2004, the European Commission concluded, after a five-year investigation, that Microsoft Corporation broke European Union competition law by using its near monopoly in the market for operating systems (OS) for personal computers (PCs) to take over the markets for operating systems for work group servers and for media players. cgfwatch.org |