

单词 地台

台地 ()



基地台 n

base station n


Taizhou prefecture, Zhejiang



External sources (not reviewed)

因此,適當的地台網路 設計能夠達到最大的涵蓋範圍和容量,卻把運作的 功率降低,同時保持良好的通話品質。
Therefore a properly designed network will optimize coverage and capacity and therefore operate at only the lowest power levels necessary to provide good communications.
本公 司經營加工商轄下位於中國東莞之製造設施及位於中國 地 、 台 灣 、 香港及新加坡 之多間零售店。
The Company operates manufacturing facilities in Dongguan,
the PRC under the Subcontractor and various retail outlets in the
[...] mainland of the PRC, Taiwan and Hong Kong and [...]
除座位數目與Military版不同外,Professional版載貨廂 地台 用 上 高質木板,而尾門則是以雙門設計。
More differentiations of the Professional to the Military are its double-wing tailgate and wood paneled flooring.
各間巴 士公司亦在其轄下大部份巴士上裝設其他設施,方便殘疾 乘客,如附設靠背及安全帶的輪椅停放處、降低車身功能, 並設有闊門、車廂內設有顏色分明及有紋理的扶手、特地台並鋪 有防滑地板、伸手可及的按鈴、殘疾乘客優先座 位、車頭設有大字體終點站及路線編號的電子顯示、車身 側面及後面設有大字體路線編號的電子顯示、巴士出口設 有車門關閉蜂鳴器及提示燈及車廂內設有顯示車牌號碼及 顧客服務專線的點字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
当Lync终端通过USB接线连到地台式机时, 6725ip的指示按钮显示出用户呈现,呈现状态可以被其他同事看到。
When connected to a local desktop PC via a USB cable, the 6725ip’s presence indication button shows, at a glance, the user’s presence status that is being presented to their colleagues.
根據屋宇署的執法經驗,分間樓宇單位內的常見違規事 項包括:(一 )消防安全問題(因安裝扇門不當以致在開門時阻礙 其他扇門並阻塞逃生通道、因不當改動逃生樓梯的耐火結構而 令樓梯出現無防護開口等);(二 )負荷過重(主要因大幅加地台 以埋置加裝的水管及排水渠,以及加建間隔牆所致);及(三 )滲 水問題(因內部水管或排水渠,以及浴室的加 地台 的 施 工質素 差劣所致)。
Based on the enforcement experience of BD, the usual irregularities found in sub-divided flat units include: (a) fire safety issues (obstruction to means of escape caused by improper installation of doors that obstruct one another when opened, improper alteration to the fire safety construction of escape staircases caused by unprotected openings to such staircases, etc.); (b) overloading (mainly
due to the extensive
[...] additional floor screeding used for embedding additional water pipes and drains, as well as the installation of additional partition walls); and (c) water seepage (due to poor workmanship of internal water pipes and drains, as well as floor screeding of bathroom [...]
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车
[...] 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特 地台 并 铺 有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 [...]
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast
and textured handrail system inside
[...] compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery [...]
floor material, easily reached
bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
然 而 , 根 據 屋 宇 署 的 執 法 經 驗 , 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規
定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行
[...] 不 合 標 準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
Nevertheless, based on the experience of BD’s enforcement action, the most common irregularities found in the sub-divided flats in these 116 target buildings include formation of unauthorised door openings that contravene the fire-resisting construction requirements of the means of escape, installation of partition walls that block the fire escape routes, sub-standard drainage works that result in water seepage and excessive
installation of partition walls and/or
[...] thickening of floor screeding that result in overloading of the floor screeding.
(2) 目前正在進行滲水測試的個案中,採用不同測試方法(例如色粉測試、水錶 流量測試、反喉管水壓測試地台或 天 台蓄水測試、螢光色水及紅外線溫度 測試等)的比例、原因及成效?
(2) among those cases conducting water seepage tests, what is the ratio of different testing methods employed (for example, coloured water test, flow meter test, reversible pressure test, water ponding test for floor/roof slab, fluorescent water test and infrared temperature test, etc.)?
我们相信,全面的流行病学研究的长期行动电话 地台 曝 光 的迫切需要更明确地了解其对健康的影响。
We believe that comprehensive epidemiological studies of longterm
[...] mobile phone base station exposure are [...]
urgently required to more definitively understand its health impact.
申請人必須於其先人撿掘遺骸日期前 7 個工作天 繳付清拆墓碑及重鋪三合地台之費 用及通知辦 事處撿掘日期,以便辦事處安排清拆墓碑 (通知日期及撿掘日期不計算在內)。
The applicant shall pay the grave demolition and cement paving fees 7 days prior to exhumation of the human remains of the first interred and notify the Cemetery Office the date of exhumation (the date of notification and exhumation are not included)
一般意見認為,中華白 海豚會否利地台底的 空間,既難以確定,亦不大可能。
Chinese White Dolphin utilisation of the sea
[...] area underneath the platform is considered uncertain [...]
and unlikely.
全球領先的矽產品知識產權(SIP)平台解決方案和數碼訊號處理器(DSP)內核授權廠商CEVA公司發布一系列先進處理器和多內核技術,進一步提升針對包括無線終端、室外小型 地台 ( s m all cell)、存取點、地鐵和大型地台(macro base-station)等高性能無線應用的CEVA-XC DSP架構框架。
(NASDAQ: CEVA), the leading licensor of silicon intellectual property (SIP) platform solutions and DSP cores, has announced a suite of advanced processor and multi-core
technologies to
[...] further enhance the CEVA-XC DSP architecture framework for high performance wireless applications including wireless terminals, small cells, access points, metro and macro base-stations.
负责较多数量展示台的管理员可从他们的 地台式 P C 使用局域网接口来控制、支持和更新所有展示台。
Administrators of a
[...] larger number of Visualizers can use the [...]
LAN port to control, support and update all of their units from their local desktop PC.
将编列经费,用于购买供偏远区域使用的 160 个
太阳能系统、再购买 3 个甚小口径终端和 760 个集群手提式无线电台,以便进行 扩张和系统升级,以满足数据/语音传输要求;更换过时的通信设备,包括 11 个 电话交换台、300
[...] 个数字电话和已超过正常使用期限的 65 个地台以及 2 个视频 会议终端。
Provision will be made for the acquisition of 160 solar power systems for remote areas, the acquisition of 3 additional VSAT and 760 trunking handheld radios for the expansion and system upgrade to meet data/voice transfer requirements; and the replacement of obsolete communications equipment, including
11 telephone exchanges, 300 digital
[...] phones, and 65 base stations that have exceeded [...]
their normal lifespan, and two videoconference terminals.
無線互聯網連線需要使用有無線功能的電腦或裝置、 地台 或 其 他存取點,以及互聯網連線 (可能需要付費)。
Wireless Internet access requires a wireless-enabled computer or device, a base station or other access point, and Internet access (fees may apply).
通訊 – 客戶可以利用數據分析,對消費者行為、網絡、電話 地台 和 手機性能進行評估;依照法律規定保留若干年的歷史交易記錄;並且能夠取得極富價值的洞察力。
Telecommunications ¡V Data analysis will enable customers to perform an assessment of consumer behavior, network, cell tower, and handset performance; fulfill legal compliance for retention of several years of history; while gaining valuable insights.
貴集團主要從事女性行政人員服裝之設計、製造、宣傳推廣及零售,製 造設施設於中國東莞,並於中國地 、 台 灣 、香港及新加坡經營多間零售店。
The Group is principally engaged in designing, manufacturing, marketing and retailing of ladies’ executive apparel, with manufacturing
facilities in Dongguan, the PRC and various retail outlets in the
[...] mainland of the PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong and [...]
太古公司是太古集團在香港、中國 地 、 台 灣 、 新加坡及其他地區各主要業務的控股公司,業務分屬五個部門:地產、航空、飲料、海洋服務與貿易及實業,也是另外三家香港上市公司的主要股東,這些公司包括太古地產、國泰航空及香港飛機工程 (「港機工程」),其中國泰航空及港機工程是太古航空部門其他業務的控股公司。
Swire Pacific's interests are grouped under five divisions: Property, Aviation, Beverages, Marine Services and Trading & Industrial, and the company is the major shareholder in three other Hong Kong public companies: Swire Properties, Cathay Pacific Airways and Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company (HAECO).
2011 年初,後地台重鋪 三合土及重修排水系統。
Beginning of the year, we re-surfaced the [...]
backyard of concrete & built the drainage.
HAUTE CULTURE系列包括圖中所見的Chlorophylle容器外,另有不同尺寸的選擇,設計生產的法國公司RACINE CARRÉ更可以為顧客們訂造特別尺碼的容器,甚至將草坪發展成一個大型畫框、又或是一 地台。
Apart from ‘Chlorophylle’, there are many choices of containers in the Haute Culture series. The manufacturer Racine Carré also
provides made-to-measure
[...] service, be it a specific measurement for the container, turning the piece into a frame, or even a platform.
Wi-Fi 接入點可安裝於山頂的小食亭,該處鄰近兒童 遊樂場及澳門電訊的衛地台,網 絡連接及電源的安排比較容易。
The concession stand is near the children’s play area and CTM’s satellite earth station, making core network connections and power considerations easier to arrange.
宝莫戈斯城堡在尼姆区法定产区的 地 和 台地 上 共 有65公顷葡萄园,其出产的葡萄酒由肯欧葡萄酒进口公司(公司前身为Fortune [...]
The Chateau Mourgues du Gres estate extends over 65
[...] hectares on slopes and terraces of the AOC "Costieres [...]
de Nimes ", the wine it produced
is imported in China by Eurowill (formerly Fortune Tree).
(b) 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有 關 逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
As regards the existing UBWs which constitute less serious contravention of the law and pose lower potential risks, the BD will analyse information collected from the Reporting Scheme, conduct objective risk assessment and then formulate follow-up plans for progressive enforcement after dealing with the first round targets.
若要節省資料傳輸費用,您可以將手機定位設定中的 A-GPS、Wi-Fi 和網路 (基地台 識別 碼) 架構的定位方法關閉,不過計算您的位置可能就需要更長的時間,位置可能 會比較不準確,而且 GPS 接收器可能會較常找不到位置。
To save on data costs, you can deactivate A-GPS, Wi-Fi, and network (cell ID) based positioning in your phone positioning settings, but calculating your location may take much longer, the location can be more inaccurate, and the GPS receiver can lose location more frequently.
這個過程叫做「交遞」(handover)—顧名思義,是網路把通話訊息傳 遞給新的地台,而交遞的過程用戶是察覺不到的。
This process is called a ‘handover’ – literally where the network hands over the call from one base station to another, and it is undertaken seamlessly and without the caller being aware of the change.
很遺憾的是此作法需要全方位運作的系統軟體,尤其在開發早期,由各種軟硬體所構成的成套系統未必能完全兼容,也連帶造成標準無線 地台 的 連 線問題。
Particularly in the early stages of development, a complete system comprised of both hardware and software is not always fully compliant, which can lead to connection problems with standard access points.
屋顶平台地状的 景观形态以台阶的形式延续到三层的各功能区室内,形成了形式灵活的开放式创意办公区、展示区、教育区和综合服务区等。
The terrace roof also extends into [...]
the interior space of the third floor, creating spaces for public exhibition, education, service and commercial.
西游记中心的地方:被激怒的干旱和,穆里尔的使用烹调茄子,茄子绘制一个人性化的剧团她 台地 下 深 处。
Journey to the Center of Nowhere: Angered both by
a drought and Muriel's use of eggplants in cooking, a humanized troupe of
[...] eggplants plot her downfall deep underground.
[...] 相比,除京津和海外地区之外,该板块市场份额均呈现不同程度的提升,其 中港台地区油 画及当代艺术总成交额为3.34亿美元,占该板块总成交额的 [...]
Compared to last year, apart from Beijing, Tianjin and overseas sales, this segment’s market share showed
varying degrees of improvement, of which
[...] Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan oil painting and [...]
Contemporary art total sales of $334 million,
which as the highest market share accounted for 44.72% of total segment sales.




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