单词 | 地势 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 地势 —terrainless common: topography relief 地势 noun —topography nExamples:(地势)平坦的 adj—flat adj See also:势 n—situation n • trend n • power n 势—conditions • influence • momentum • potential • gesture • tendency • outward appearance • male genitals
单车——墨尔本是单车出行的理想城市,因为 其 地势 平 坦 ,且市区单车路线设施完善。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Bicycle – Melbourne's a great city for cycling, as it's reasonably flat and there are good routes throughout the metropolitan area. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
多样化的地貌包括位于该州最北端的金伯利,这里保留着原始的蛮荒 , 地势 崎 岖不平,海岸线逶迤绵长,内陆峡谷令人叹为观止。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Interesting variations in landscape include the Kimberley, in the extreme north of the state, which is a wild and rugged area with a convoluted coastline and stunning inland gorges. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
陆地地势总体呈现由东向西低微倾斜。 shanghaibiennale.org | Chinese land surface is a bit like a staircase descending from West to East. shanghaibiennale.org |
认识到地势低洼 国家和其他小岛屿国家、具有低洼沿海地区、干旱和半干旱 地区或具有易受水灾、旱灾和荒漠化影响地区的国家以及具有脆弱山区生态系统 的发展中国家特别容易遭受气候变化的不利影响 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that low-lying and other small island countries, countries with low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas or areas liable to floods, drought and desertification and developing countries with fragile mountainous ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change daccess-ods.un.org |
本《行动纲领》需充分考虑到每个最不发达国家具体的地 [...] 域限制和脆弱性,包括小岛屿和内陆最不发达国家、位于山区和生态脆弱的最不 发达国家、地势低洼 的沿海最不发达国家、极端依赖初级产品出口、低农业生产 力和粮食不安全、容易受到气候和环境影响、能源不安全的最不发达国家以及刚 [...] [...]摆脱冲突的最不发达国家 daccess-ods.un.org | This Programme of Action needs to fully take into account the specific geographical constraints and vulnerabilities of each least developed country, including small island and landlocked least developed countries, least developed [...] countries with mountains [...] and fragile ecology, low-lying coastal least developed countries, those with extreme [...]dependency on primary [...]commodity exports, low agricultural productivity and food insecurity, climate and environmental vulnerability, energy insecurity and least developed countries emerging from conflict daccess-ods.un.org |
凭着顺利的地势,此 度假胜地还是在越南新加坡工业区、第9郡高工艺区、Quang Trung 软件区以及附近区域工作的专家们所留住的一个顺利地方。 silvercreekresort.vnnavi.com.vn | With a convenient location, this resort is also a convenient accommodation for professionals working in VSIP Industrial Park, Hi-Tech Park in District 9, Quang Trung Software City and surrounding areas. silvercreekresort.vnnavi.com.vn |
哈勃图商业大厦地势便利,完全适合您的业务需求,驱车仅几分钟即可到达迪拜媒体和互联网城、杰贝阿里自由区,步行即到地铁站。 servcorp.com.cn | Perfectly situated for your business needs, Al Habtoor Business Tower is just a short drive away from Dubai Media and Internet Cities, Jebel Ali Free Zone, and within walking distance from the metro station. servcorp.bh |
由于贫困、不公 正、不平等、非正义、失业、缺少机会和青年人的 弱 势地 位 , 和平受到威胁,特别是在城市地区。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Peace is under threat owing to poverty, inequity and inequalities, injustice, unemployment, lack of opportunities, and young people’s vulnerability, especially in urban settings. unesdoc.unesco.org |
出现这种局面的主要原因是,在当地 占 优 势地 位 的 部落利用 了受人尊重的传统领导人以促进和解者的身分所拥有的影响力,在南部和中部地 区,一些军阀则利用部族长老作为他们继续掌权的手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was mainly due to locally dominant clans using the influence of respected traditional leaders as facilitators of reconciliation while in the south and central regions warlords have used clan elders as a means to stay in power. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿拉伯国家联盟、非洲联盟、伊斯兰合作组织和海湾 合作委员会处于优势地位,它们有着与主要行为体进 行接触的独特渠道,对该地区局势有 独 特了解和经 验,因此,它们作为战略伙伴进行参与对于制订适于 该地区每个国家具体国情和特殊需要的行动而言,至 [...] 关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The League of Arab States, the African Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Gulf Cooperation Council have a privileged position, [...] with unique access [...] to key players and with knowledge and experience of the situation in the region that are exceptional, and their participation [...]as strategic partners [...]is, therefore, key for developing actions that are appropriate for the particular circumstances and needs of each country of the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 缔约国没有作出积极努力,以便减少在对儿童进行性剥削和强迫劳动 方面的需求,也没有在处于弱势地位 的 儿童之中确认遭到贩卖的儿童受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) The lack of proactive efforts by the State party to reduce the demand for [...] sexual exploitation and forced labour of children or to identify trafficking victims among [...] children in vulnerable situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
此前,他曾在 Equinix 香港担任常务董事,在那里,他成功地领导 Equinix 香港团队建立起 Equinix 在香港金融服务行业的强势地位。 equinix.cn | Previously, he served as the Managing Director of Equinix Hong Kong, where he successfully led the Equinix Hong Kong team in building a strong position for Equinix in the financial services industry in Hong Kong. equinix.ch |
委员会关切的是,《南部边境方案》只适用于危地马拉和伯利兹的移徙工 人,而不适用于其他国籍的人;季节农业工人仍然处于 弱 势地 位 , 工资低、迟发 工资和长工时。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is concerned that the Southern Border Programme applies only to Guatemalan and Belizean migrant workers and not to those of other nationalities, and that the working conditions of seasonal agricultural workers remain disadvantageous, with low wages, late payment of wages and long working hours. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告认识到弱势群体处于社会弱 势地 位 且受经济危机的影响最为严重,审 查了弱势群体的社会发展状况,他们包括:老年人、孤儿和弱势儿童、青年、艾 滋病毒/艾滋病感染者、难民、境内流离失所者、移民和穷人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing the fact that they are socially disadvantaged and most severely impacted by the economic crisis, this report reviews the social development status of the vulnerable groups, namely, older persons; orphans and vulnerable children; young people; people living with HIV and AIDS; refugees; the internally displaced; migrants; and the poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是 弱 势 群 体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家 庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line. daccess-ods.un.org |
仍须把特殊和差别待遇列为多边贸易体制的一 个组成部分,以便使得发展中国家,尤其是经济上 处于最弱势地位的 国家能够履行其承诺,并方便其 融入世界贸易。 daccess-ods.un.org | Special and differential treatment must remain an integral part of the multilateral trading system in order to enable developing countries, in particular the most economically vulnerable, to fulfil their commitments and facilitate their integration in world trade. daccess-ods.un.org |
由此, 即便是数十年后它们也能在市场上占有 强 势地 位。 sms-meer.com | Our business partners are thus able to maintain a strong position on the market even after decades. sms-meer.com |
缺乏这类制 度例如会放任一个新手可能任意操纵各项规章和程序,不仅导致计划管理人员和负责人的权 势地盘迅速增加,而且尤其会使一些骚扰案件复发。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the absence of such a system, every neophyte may, for example, manipulate the rules and procedures at will, which leads not only to a proliferation of fiefdoms for the programme managers and officials but also and above all to an upsurge of harassment cases. unesdoc.unesco.org |
考虑到残疾儿童的双重弱势地位, 该计划将他们列为重点关注对象,并阐述 了通过全面的考虑、以专门的方式来保护残疾儿童各项权利的必要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan requires care and treatment for minors to be provided in a pluridisciplinary manner; there are also a number of references in it to the need to guarantee their rights in a specific manner on account of their dual vulnerability - as minors and as persons with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会感到关注的是:许多儿童被安置在机 构之中,而不是在家庭式的照料场所之中;处于 弱 势地 位 的儿童尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it is concerned that many children are placed [...] in institutions rather than in family-type care settings, in [...] particular children in situations of greater vulnerability. daccess-ods.un.org |
政策应该 按照人权标准优先处理最易受伤害和处于最 弱 势地 位 的 人,但此种政策还必须成 为确保逐步普及方案涵盖面的长期战略的组成成分。 daccess-ods.un.org | While policies should prioritize the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, in accordance with human rights standards, they must also form part of longer-term strategies to progressively ensure universal coverage. daccess-ods.un.org |
粮食与燃料价格上涨,大大削弱了本就处于 弱 势地 位 的家庭的购买力。 unicef.org | Rising prices in food and fuel have drastically diminished the spending power of already vulnerable households. unicef.org |
但这并不意味着非正常移徙是“不可避免的恶行”,这是由于相关成本大 多由移徙者本人承担,他们的非正常处境及其相关 弱 势地 位 也阻碍他们为发展做 出贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, this should not mean that irregular migration is a “necessary evil”, since the costs fall disproportionately on the [...] migrants themselves, and their contribution to development is hampered [...] by their irregular situation and related vulnerability. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,正如阿莫斯女士先前强调的,鉴于 军火贸易管理不善以及特别是冲突局 势地 区 军火走 私和相关活动带来的人员代价,保护平民需要加强 国际裁军努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, as Ms. Amos underscored earlier, the protection of civilians requires enhancing international disarmament efforts, given the human cost of a poorly regulated arms trade, as well as arms smuggling and related activities, in particular in areas in conflict situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
开始采用"Leo Touch"服务,将其工艺和服务结合到您的产品中,您会发现您的产品更具吸引力,并且巩固在市场中的竞争 优 势地 位。 leo.com.hk | Start to use “Leo Touch” services and incorporate its processes and services into your products, and you’ll discover that your products’ appeal increases and your competitive position in the market place is solidified. leo.com.hk |
虽然这可能让一些人(尤其 是中型和大型农户)受益,但爱尔兰政府担心发展中 国家贫困的小规模农户和最边缘化的小农由于可能 是文盲或在谈判中处于弱势地位, 缺乏必要的技能捍 卫自己的权利,并没有从目前形式的承包合同中受 益,因为此类合同更偏向和有利于买方。 daccess-ods.un.org | While that might benefit some, particularly medium- and large-scale farmers, her Government was concerned that poor small-scale farmers and the most marginalized smallholders in developing countries, who might be illiterate or in a weak bargaining position, lacked the requisite skills to defend their rights and did not benefit from such contracts in their current form, as they were heavily biased in favour of the buyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 适当优先注意使处境最为不利和处于 弱 势地 位 的 人实现其适足住房 权,包括重建房屋和提供替代住所,尤其要尊重不歧视和性别平等的原则,并将 性别观念纳入减少灾害风险和防灾备灾的政策、战略与方案及应对灾害和恢复的 所有阶段 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) To give due priority to the realization of the right to adequate housing for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable persons through housing reconstruction and the provision of alternative housing, especially by respecting the principles of nondiscrimination and gender equality, and by integrating a gender perspective into policies, strategies and programmes for disaster risk reduction, prevention and preparedness, as well as into all phases of disaster response and recovery daccess-ods.un.org |
与微软的合作关系使我们拥有创建SSRS 2005自定义报表项目(Dundas 图表以及仪表)的优势地位, 因而我们拥有无人能及的核心技术处理经验。 evget.com | This relationship has enabled us to have the upper hand in creating Custom Report items for SSRS 2005 (Dundas Chart and Gauge), as we have unparalleled experience with working with the core technology. evget.com |
(b) 其宗旨:是要在各成员国促成更有支持性的政策环境,改 善劣势地区农 村贫困人口、特别是那些依赖次级作物农业为生的人们的生 [...] 活条件,促进亚太区域的可持续次级作物的开发与研究,减少贫困 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Its objective: to promote both a supportive policy environment in member countries [...] to enhance the living conditions of the [...] rural poor in disadvantaged areas, particularly [...]those who rely on secondary crops [...]for their livelihoods, and research and development on sustainable secondary crop development to alleviate poverty in the Asia-Pacific region daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国制定办法,尊重欲入籍的非日本国民的身份,入籍过程中 的官员、申请表格及出版物避免使用鼓励申请人担忧自己的 弱 势地 位 或 歧视 而使用日本名字和文字的语言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party develop an approach where the identity of non-Japanese nationals seeking naturalization is respected and that officials, application forms and publications dealing with the naturalization process refrain from using language that persuades applicants to adopt Japanese names and characters for fear of disadvantages or discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |