

单词 在逃

在逃 ()

be at large (of a criminal)

See also:


escape v
fled v
flee v
run away v

External sources (not reviewed)

我请所有会员国、特别是前南斯拉夫各国加强努力,将把这在 逃犯送交法庭作为当务之急。
I ask all States, especially those
of the former Yugoslavia, to intensify their efforts and
[...] deliver these fugitives to the Tribunal [...]
as a matter of urgency.
換言之,每年將有更在逃的非 法入境者, 以及更多被通緝者逍遙法外。
In other words, there would be more illegal immigrants at large and there would be more wanted persons at large each year.
此外,委员会注意到,申诉人提出他 在逃 往 哈 萨克 斯坦之前曾受到宗教迫害,在一些情况下包括被拘留和受酷刑。
In addition, it observes that the complainants argued that they were subjected to religious persecution, in some cases including detention and torture, before they fled to Kazakhstan.
许多儿童为避免强迫征募而背井离乡,然 在逃 难 中 发现其仍然处于被征募的风 险之中,特别当他们没有证件或者没有与其家庭一起逃离时更为如此。
Many abandon home to avoid forced recruitment, only to find that being in flight still places them at risk of recruitment, especially if they have no documentation and travel without their families.
许多申诉在逃离他 们的国家之前就曾被拘留和受到酷刑。
Many of the complainants were detained and
[...] tortured before fleeing their country.
合作形式如下:向国际法庭提供文件,解除人的保密义务,以使他们能够 在国际法庭的法律程序中作证,向在共和国塞尔维亚境内的人转交传票和其他拘 票,向证人和他们的家人提供保护,监控在塞尔维亚境内居住的临时被释放的被 告,与检察官办公室、国际法庭秘书处和庭长通信和直接联系,包括提供所有必 要的技术援助,在搜在逃被告 和将他们转送到至法庭上提供支持和合作,以及 其他形式的合作,譬如负责战争罪行的检察官办公室与前南问题国际法庭检察官 办公室通过交换这些机构的电子数据库所载数据和其他活动进行直接合作。
The forms of cooperation are as follows: submission of documentation to the Tribunal, release of persons from the obligation to keep secrets to be able to testify in the proceedings held before the Tribunal, submission of summons and other writs to persons in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, provision of protection to witnesses and members of their families, control over the defendants who are temporarily set free and are resident in the territory of Serbia, correspondence and direct contact with the Prosecutor’s Office, the Secretariat and the Chair of the Tribunal, including all required technical assistance, provision of support and cooperation in searching for defendants at large and their transfer to the Tribunal, other forms of cooperation, such as direct cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes and the ICTY Prosecutor’s Office through an exchange of data contained in the electronic databases of these institutions and other activities.
我完全支持剛才李永達議員所說,說這種話的㆟是㆝真的, 他在逃避現 時香港整個政制民主化的現實。
I totally support what Mr LEE Wing-tat has said.
People who said these things are ignorant;
[...] they are trying to escape from the reality [...]
that the constitutional system of Hong
Kong is undergoing a democratization process.
刚果民主共和国、肯 尼亚和国际社会其他各方对追踪和逮 在逃 犯 的支持,将大大有助于检察官实现 完成工作战略的目标。
The support of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya and the rest of the
international community towards the tracking and
[...] arrest of the fugitives would substantially [...]
assist the Prosecutor in meeting the completion strategy targets.
继续帮 助这在逃犯逃避国 际司法的国家不仅会破坏我们 打击有罪不罚现象的共同努力,而且也会破坏它们对 [...]
States that continue
[...] to help these fugitives escape international [...]
justice undermine not only our common fight against impunity,
but their own commitment to the rule of law.
[...] 利,而对地球则无利可言,因为它的目的是要创造 一个生态系统市场,一个能够使发达国 在逃 避其 承诺的同时又能得到收益的市场。
The so-called green economy model was good for capital but not for the planet, since it sought to
create a market of ecosystems that would enable the developed
[...] countries to receive payments while evading their commitments.
(c) 推动在逃犯边缘化,采取措施,防止将计划用于人道主义目的或和平 谈判的援助和资金转用于惠益受到逮捕令通缉的人 […… ]”(第 [...]
48 段)。
(c) Contribute to the
[...] marginalization of fugitives and take steps [...]
to prevent that aid and funds meant for humanitarian purposes
or peace talks are diverted for the benefit of persons subject to an arrest warrant […]” (para. 48).
在该次事件中,越南称中国渔 船由两艘民兵执法船护航,而中国答复说,中国渔船遭 到越南武装船只的袭击在逃离时遭缆线拦截,中国执 法船才被迫救援。
On this occasion, the Vietnamese stated that the Chinese fishing ship was accompanied by two paramilitary enforcement vessels, although Beijing replied that the enforcement vessels were forced to come to the aid of the Chinese ship after it was attacked by armed Vietnamese vessels and then snagged by the cable as it tried to flee.
余留事项特别法庭的任务是审判仍 在逃 的 唯一被告强尼·保罗·科罗马, 除非这一案件须移交本国管辖,余留事项特别法庭将维护和保管档案,向证人和 受害者提供保护,对国家起诉机关提出的举证请求给予答复,监督刑罚的执行工 作,审查定罪量刑和无罪释放情况,提起藐视法庭诉讼程序,为在余留事项特别 法庭进行诉讼提供辩护律师和法律援助,对国家当局提出的赔偿要求给予答复, 并防止一罪二审。
The Residual Special Court will be mandated to try the only remaining indictee at large, Johnny Paul Koroma, if the case is not transferred to national jurisdiction, preserve and manage the archives, provide protection and support to witnesses and victims, respond to requests for access to evidence by national prosecution authorities, supervise enforcement of sentences, review convictions and acquittals; conduct contempt-of-court proceedings, provide defence counsels and legal aid for the conduct of proceedings before the Residual Special Court, respond to requests from national authorities with respect to claims for compensation, and prevent double jeopardy.
在这方面,我要高兴地报 告,按照在刚果共和国布拉柴维尔举行的大湖区部长 理事会国际会议的任务授权,最近我与其执行秘书穆 拉穆拉大使就合作开展卢旺达问题国际刑事法在 逃犯的追踪和捉拿归案工作进行了富有成果的讨论, 因为这在逃犯中 的大多数逃到了该组织成员国境 内。
I am happy to report in that respect that, pursuant to the mandate of the Council of Ministers of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, held in
Brazzaville, the
[...] Republic of the Congo, I have recently had very fruitful discussions with its Executive Secretary Ambassador Mulamula on cooperation in the tracking and arrest of ICTR fugitives, most of [...]
whom are located in the
territory of States members of that organization.
(4) 監 管 人 員 如 果 認 為 一 名 被 逮 捕 的 人 是 非在 逃 者 , 則 不 得 根 據 上 述 第 ( 2 ) 款 予 以 釋 放 。
(4) A person who appears to the custody officer to have been unlawfully at large when he was arrested is not to be released under subsection (2) above.
[...] 里所说为实,那每个人都可以松一口气,因为主 谋已经被关在牢里了,无论在逃跑 时 还曾想过 什么更大的计划现在都没有机会实施了。
If Fadly’s version is correct, then everyone should breathe easier:
the mastermind is already behind bars, and whatever larger plans he may
[...] have had after escaping have now been scuttled.
[...] 其他措施都必须由法官下令,且只能在满足以下要求的前提下加以适用:即被在逃避或 者有逃避的风险;被告有可能扰乱质询或指令,即损害证据;以及犯罪 [...]
All such measures, except the first, must be decreed by a judge and can only be applied if the following requirements are
met: that the defendant is evading or there
[...] is a risk of evasion; that there is [...]
the risk of him disturbing inquiry or instruction,
namely by compromising evidence; and that there is the risk of continuation of criminal activity or serious disruption of public order and tranquillity.
如果家中有幼童或老人,在计划逃 生 路 线时应当考虑到他 在逃 生 时 受到的限制。
If there are small children or seniors in the home, be aware of their limitations of escaping when planning your escape routes.
我们必须共同努力,建立一个有力、有效和高效 率的余留事项法庭,从而除其他外,鼓励确保前南问 题国际法庭和卢旺达问题国际法庭的剩 在逃 犯不 致逃脱法网。
We must work together to establish a strong, effective and efficient residual
tribunal that will encourage, among other things,
[...] ensuring that the remaining ICTY and ICTR fugitives do not escape justice.
一审尚未全部 完成:2012-2013 年期间,法庭的预计活动包括 3 项 藐视法庭审判、2 项灭绝种族审判(如果未能将案件移
[...] 交卢旺达的话)、40 项上诉、追踪 9 名在逃犯、记录 归档和其他正在进行的活动。
Not all first-instance trials had been completed: during 2012-2013 the Tribunal’s anticipated activities included three contempt of court trials, two genocide trials — if referral to
Rwanda was unsuccessful, 40 appeals, the
[...] tracking of nine fugitives, archiving of [...]
records, and other ongoing activities.
如 有 合 理 理 由 相 信 被 告 會 採 取 步
[...] 驟,製 造 辯 護 偽 證 或 使 在 逃 者 能 安 然 逃 脫,則 尌 [...]
考 慮 是 否 有 妨 礙 司 法 公 正 的 風 險 而 言,這 可 能 是 一 個 有 關 連 的 因 素 。
If there is a reasonable fear that the defendant will take steps
to ensure the fabrication of a false
[...] defence or the safe escape of those still [...]
at large, this may be a relevant factor in
considering the risk of interference with the course of justice.
我在一個朋友的冰箱面上看到一個「卡通」圖片, 描繪一只美麗的加拿大潛鳥,安閒的在水上游來游去,但 其實牠在水的下面作急忙的快踏,好 在逃 命 一 樣。
I once noticed a cartoon which depicted a Canadian Loon (an aquatic bird) with its beautiful shining feather swimming leisurely, confidently above the water, but beneath the water, the bird was paddling vigorously as if it was running for its life.
关于扣留,第 15
[...] 条规定,“成为遣返对象”的外国人有以下情况才可被扣留: (a)“在逃跑风 险”;或(b)“逃避或阻碍进行遣返或驱离的准备工作”。
With respect to detention, article 15 provides that an alien who is “the subject of return procedures” may
only be kept in detention when (a)
[...] “there is a risk of absconding”, or (b) the [...]
alien concerned “avoids or hampers the preparation
of return or the removal process”.
因此,这一报告为提交人所在逃离 之 前在亚美尼亚发生的创伤事 件提供了依据。
The report therefore supports the author’s allegation related to the occurrence of traumatic events in Armenia before his flight.
[...] 明,如果有证据表明某人涉嫌犯罪,警察可以以“被怀疑实施了某种行为而正在 遭到调查的人在逃跑或 破坏的风险”为由,实施羁押。
A combined reading of both precepts makes it clear that where there is evidence that a person has been involved in the commission of an offence, the police can justify
detention with reference to “the existence
[...] of a risk of escape or obstruction [...]
on the part of a person suspected of a specific act under investigation”.
管理部门可能知道、也可能不知道 在逃 避第 13 条第 4 款规定的不当 企图,尤其是有控股权益的股东的此类企图,因为公司可借贷短期流动资本 [...]
以使“不动产”价值在相关时期少于 50%。
(v) Tax administrations may know or may not know of
[...] abusive attempts to evade the operation [...]
of paragraph 4 of article 13, particularly
by shareholders with controlling interests, as the company can borrow short term to make the value of “immovable property” at the relevant time less than 50 per cent.
尽管联合国难民事务高级专员 (UNHCR)报告说,每年都有2,000多名西藏人越过边境进入尼泊尔,政府仍力图继续阻止西藏人离开西藏,并拘留了许 在逃 亡 过 程中被逮捕的藏族人。
While the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that more than 2,000 Tibetans each year crossed into Nepal, the government continued to try to prevent many Tibetans from leaving and detained many who were apprehended in flight (see Tibet Addendum).
智能追逃猎手系统(EHL Smart HEC)与公安部CCIC数据保持同步,同时根据各省发布本省 在逃 人 员数据,每日同步到各地公安局或交警支队信息中心,采用多线程技术和防病毒及防木马原理,实时过滤捕捉用户键盘录入的身份证敏感信息,经后台发送WEB SERVICE进行即时比对,支持异步操作,有效解决了追逃与日常业务的矛盾。
WEB:http://www.ehualu.com(EHL Smart HEC) are kept synchronized with CCIC data of  the Ministry of Public Security, in the meantime it is synchronized to all the public security bureaus or information centers of traffic police detachments every day according to data about escapers of every province released by officials of the province. It filters and captures sensitive information of ID cards in real time input in by users with keyboards with multi-distance technologies, anti-virus and anti-Trojans theories, have a comparison immediately after back stages have sent WEB SERVICE, and supports asynchronous operations to effectively solve the contradiction between pursuits and daily operations.




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