

单词 在...背面签名

See also:


the back
the reverse side
the wrong side

签名 v

sign v


sign (one's name with a pen etc)


name tag

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 协助正在由欧盟委员会信息社会和媒体总局主导 在 未 来 欧洲联盟电 子身份、认证签名政策方面的进 程(“欧洲数字化日程”行动 8)。
(c) Contributing to the ongoing process led by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Information Society and Media, on a
future European Union
[...] electronic identification, authentication and signature policy (Action 8 of the “Digital Agenda [...]
for Europe”).
(b) 另外 2 張與在方格表上相同的照片背面 貼 上候 選人名的標籤。
(b) 2 additional copies of his photograph
[...] identical to the one affixed to the grid paper with his name label affixed on the back.
请务在涂刷前参考上光保养剂包 背面 标 签 上 的 说明,并观看我们的指导视频——我想要给地板上光,了解更多信息。
Always refer to the Polish back label instructions before application and watch our instructional video, I Want To Polish My Floors, for more information.
每位代表在将信 封投入投票箱之前,应将自己的姓名登记在本届会议有表决权 的会员国名单上在上面签名。
Before placing the envelope in the ballot box, each
delegate will be required to write his or her
[...] name on the list of Member States entitled to vote at the session and sign it.
背景下,在名古屋 取得的生物多样性 面 的 进 展令人鼓舞。
Against this backdrop, progress made on biodiversity in Nagoya is encouraging.
在这些情况中,受害者遭受残忍或有辱人格的待遇,甚至酷刑,而且 只在签名宣布他们得到良好待遇之后才得以获释。
In some of these cases, victims suffered cruel or degrading
treatment, even torture, and were released only after
[...] they were forced to sign a declaration that [...]
they had been well treated.
上部传感器和和下部传感器一同用于检 在 白 色 或透明衬垫上具有黑色或暗背景的模切签之间的衬垫间隙。
The upper sensor and lower sensor are used together to
[...] detect liner gaps between die cut labels that have a black or dark background on white or clear liner.
候選人的名和其 他宣傳口號,包括相片,應置於 函件背面或函 件正面左半部,地址則置於函件正面的右半 部。
The name of the candidate and other propaganda slogans, including photographs, should appear on the back of the item or on the left-hand half of [...]
the address side reserving
the right-hand half of the front exclusively for the address.
第二个端在阀的背面,并 且只能从控制箱的内部接近。
The second port is on the back of the valve and must be reached from inside the control box.
在这方面,防 止酷刑小组委员会注意到在 Ary Franco 监狱的囚犯个人 档案中,包括一份由囚签名的声 明,表示自己同意被分配到由某个具体帮派控 制的某间牢房,并为此对自身安全负责。
In this regard, the SPT observed that the inmates’ personal files in Ary Franco included a statement signed by the inmate providing that he had [...]
agreed to be assigned
to a particular cellblock under the control of a particular faction, assuming responsibility for his own safety in that regard.
热敏打印机可以打印卷筒或折叠形式的连续纸张 背面 附 着 粘合剂 的签或非粘合标签。
Your thermal printer can print on continuous paper, adhesive backed labels, or non-adhesive tags packaged in roll or fanfold form.
[...] Aurangzeb 医生填写了布托女士的死亡证明在 上 面签 名,他 记录的死亡原因是“待尸体解剖后确定”。
Ms. Bhutto’s death certificate
[...] was completed and signed by the senior registrar, [...]
Dr. Aurangzeb, who recorded the cause of
death as “To be determined on autopsy”.
特别是设在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的监察和检查委员会的数 量非常多(其中有些是新兴的捐助国和/或经合组织成员),教科文组织和联合国各机构在面临自我重新定位的挑战,以确定它们在未来数年发展日益复杂 背 景 下,将为各成员国 实际提供哪些附加值。
In particular, in the LAC region, with a high number of MICs (some of which are emerging donor countries and/or OECD members), UNESCO and United Nations agencies are being challenged to reposition themselves by defining what will be the actual added value that they provide to Member States in a more sophisticated development context in the years to come.
你可以通过以下方式之一打开该对话框:1) 通过点签名面板中的“创签名” 按钮(查 签名 ) ;或 2)通在安装菜单中选择签 名选项。
You can bring up the dialog in one of two ways: 1) by clicking the “Create Signature” button within the Signing Panel (Signature view); or 2) by choosing Signature option in the Setup menu.
内部监督事务部指出,该部考察的五个外地办事处存在以下不足之处:未 能及时审查和更新各类指示和程序;没有证据表明社会工作者按照指示在分发物 品的现场;仓库缺乏适当的卫生和安全工作措施 在 向 受益者发放口粮和补贴之 前缺乏审查口粮卡和移交表的程序,亦缺乏适当的记录控制措施;分发清单上缺 少接受口粮者签名或指 纹,作为受益者的收据证据;有关部门之间缺乏协调, 无法确保有足够的财政资源来征聘更多的人员,以尽量争取为最高限数的有资格 受益人/家庭提供优质服务。
The Department of Internal Oversight Services noted the following weaknesses in the five field offices visited: lack of timely review and update of instructions and procedures, lack of evidence that social workers were present during the distribution as required by instructions, inappropriateness of
health and safety working measures at the warehouses, lack of procedures of reviewing ration cards and referral forms before
[...] releasing rations and subsidies to beneficiaries and proper documented control measures, lack of signatures or fingerprints for receiving the food rations on the distribution lists as proof for the beneficiaries’ [...]
receipts, and lack of coordination between the concerned departments to ensure that sufficient financial resources were available to enable the recruitment of additional personnel to accommodate the ceilings for eligible beneficiaries/families and deliver quality services.
在“签名的设置”页面最上方显示的签名,将显示在“E-mail 的创建”面的“签名”中。
The first signature listed on the Signature settings screen is displayed at the Signature entry on the Compose E-mail screen.
使用随附的 M5 六角沉头螺栓将支承轨道固在背面 上 部 的两个孔内。
Screw the cap rail clip into the two
[...] top holes on the rear with the M5 countersunk [...]
head screws provided.
在GLC背面的标签或版 本标贴上找到版本代码。
The revision code can be easily found
[...] using the GLC unit's rear face identification label or revision [...]
故事大綱:六個美麗的高中朋在剛 進 入大學的第一個春假,她們與其他友人一起去一個村莊玩耍,來到佛羅里達沿海的小鎮度假,然而她們與友人續一被 名面 具 殺 手用中世紀武器戰錘和戰斧攻擊,最後卻發現殺手似乎把目標對準了她們……究竟殺 背 後 的 目的是報復還是什麼?
However, they are soon to find that their vacation may be anything but... Just down the road, in Daytona Beach; "Crazy Girls Unlimited" - a company famous for it's drunken topless DVD releases - had been throwing a event for their latest video series.
在四十多年的“摩納哥”之際,豪雅補發了傳說中的藍色錶盤,限量發行1000件,由傑克·豪雅表,並鐫刻在紀念他的大使史蒂夫·麥奎 在背面 簽 名。
On the occasion of the forty years of the "Monaco", TAG Heuer reissued the legendary blue dial in
a limited series of 1000 pieces, signed
[...] on the back by Jack Heuer and engraved in honor of his ambassador Steve McQueen.
全国妇女事务办公室的提案(1990 年)和总统夫人社会工作秘书处进行的工作带来的贡献,全 国妇女事务办公室和协商理事会(1997-1998 年)、全国妇女论坛在妇女经济、社会、法律、公 民-政治参与目标面的提案,以 在签 订 和 平协定后全国妇女论坛在全国的数 名 妇 女 和其 他妇女组织的咨询进程。
The proposal by the National Office for Women’s Affairs (ONAM) (1990) and inputs from the work done by the First Lady’s Social Work Secretariat (SOSEP), ONAM and an Advisory Council (1997-1998), proposals by
the National Women’s
[...] Forum in the areas of economic and social development, legal affairs, civil and political participation by women, the consultation of thousands of women throughout [...]
the country by the
National Women’s Forum and other women’s organizations following the signing of the Peace Agreements.
(e) 除非有主计长的面批准 ,所有支票和提款凭单都需有两(2 )人 签名。
(e) Unless
[...] otherwise authorized in writing by the Comptroller, two (2) signatures shall be required [...]
on all cheques and on all withdrawal instructions.
评估的因素包括 国家名称、世界地区;并具有以下功能:在线出版物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母
[...] 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素 在 线服 务、服务的项目、数签名、信 用卡支付、电子邮件地址、评论表格、自动电子邮件更新、网站 个性化定制、掌上电脑(PDA)访问和网站的英语版本。
Features assessed included the name of the nation, region of the world and having the following features: online publications, online database, audio clips, video clips, non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy
policy, security
[...] features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card [...]
payments, email address,
comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.
憑購貨收據副本,在背面寫上 中英文 名 、 聯 絡電話及身份證號碼英文字母及頭3個數字,連同產品附有「信興電工工程有限公司」發出之保修證正本,於2011年9月23日前*郵寄至香港九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道98號東海商業中心6樓601室「信興電工工程有限公司」,信封面註明「照亮"睛"彩大獎賞」,即可參加抽獎。
Simply mail the copy of Invoice, with personal details (Chinese and English name, contact number, [...]
HKID card no. (first 4
letter and digits) ) on the back of the copy, and the original Guarantee Card to "Shun Hing Electric Works & Engineering Co.
[...] 年 9 月,由来自不同地理/文化区域以及国际组织和研究机 构的 15 名具有专业背景的 国际专家组成的专家 在 教 科 文组织总部举行会议,开始评估编 写建议书修订本的程序,明确各项活动的方向。
In particular, an Expert Group of 15 international
specialists from
[...] different geo-cultural regions, professional backgrounds, and international organizations and [...]
research institutions
met at UNESCO Headquarters, in September 2006, to start an evaluation process and orient the activities aimed at preparing a revised Recommendation.
首先會根在 「進 階內容 - 旋 轉」螢幕上選擇的選項進行旋轉,如果選擇了 VRS 「面 / 背面旋轉」, 然後即會根據影像內容,將產生的旋轉套用至影像。
Rotation is first done based on the options selected on the Advanced Properties - Rotation screen, then if VRS Front/Back Rotation is selected, [...]
the resulting
rotation, based on image content, will be applied to the image.
如果您想要将外接 USB 硬盘驱动器用于台式机,使用一条短电缆将该驱动器连接 背面 的连 接器通常会确保最可靠的运行,降低 在 备 份 /恢复期间出现数据传输错误的机会。
If you plan
[...] to use an external USB hard drive with your desktop PC, connecting the drive to a rear connector [...]
using a short cable will usually
provide the most reliable operation, reducing the chance of data transfer errors during backup/recovery.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数面积,并在设施管理签订的 长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 [...]
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a
table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual
[...] rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by [...]
the Facilities Management
Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
[...] Plus(编辑器)能够对PDF文件进行高级控制,有如下主要特色:首屈一指的PDF文档汇编功能、轻松地为文档添加注释、可靠的文档安全性、创建PDF格式的表单、强大的全文搜索功能、自如地编辑P DF 页 面 内 容 、标准的数 签名 和 验证和扩展性极佳的架构式设计。
DocuCom PDF Plus (Editor) to high-level control over PDF documents, has the following main features: a leading compilation features PDF documents to easily add comments to documents and reliable document security, create a PDF format of the form, a strong The full text search function, the freedom to
edit the PDF page content, standards
[...] and verification of digital signatures and scalable framework for [...]
excellent design.
例如,在乌阿兹-CI 公司,卡皮 罗被列为公司股东(占有公司 10%股份),但乌阿兹-CI 公司
[...] 90%的资本属于另一家 公司,Atlantis 公司(设在拉脱维亚),这是蒙托在 公 司 章程 签名 代 表 的公司。
For instance, in the company UAZ-CI, Mr. Kapylou is listed as a shareholder (10 per cent of the company), but 90 per cent of the capital of UAZ-CI
belongs to another company, Atlantis Corporation, which
[...] was represented at the signature of the statutes by Mr. [...]




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