单词 | 在本年 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在本年 noun —current session nSee also:本年 n—this year n
再 者 ,局長剛 才 承 諾 了 會 在本年年底 或 明年年初 提 高透明 度 , 所以我 不同意 何俊仁議員動 議的修 正 案。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, as the Secretary has just undertaken to enhance transparency at the end of this year or early next year, I, therefore, do not agree with the amendment moved by Mr Albert HO. legco.gov.hk |
在 本 年 度 及 以 前 年 度,本 減 值 賬 戶 沒 有 變 化。 zte.com.cn | There was no change in the impairment account during the current and prior years. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
在本年度, 管理层主要人员及直系家属没有其他财务交易产生。 daccess-ods.un.org | There were no other financial transactions with key management personnel and their close family members during the year. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过采取这些步骤,我们东盟各国相信,我们将 能够为在本 10 年内降低全球非传染性疾病死亡率作 出重大贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | By taking these steps, we in ASEAN are confident that we will be able to contribute significantly to the global reduction of the NCD death rate in this decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前正在北高加索地区开展大量工作 ,在 2009 年底和在本年度,制止了这 一地区十多个追随极端激进的瓦哈比教派团体的活动,一些国际极端组织和恐怖 组织团体领导人和使者不再开展极端主义和恐怖主义活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | A significant amount of work is being carried out in the North Caucasus region, where at the end of 2009 and in the current year the activities of over a dozen groups of adherents to extreme radical Wahhabism were halted and a number of leaders of groups and emissaries of international extremist and terrorist organizations were neutralized. daccess-ods.un.org |
關黃陳方會計師行已在本年報第 48頁至49頁的獨立核數師報告中就彼於本集團財務報告 的申報責任作出聲明。 gdc-world.com | Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, about its reporting responsibilities on the financial statements of the Group is set out in the Independent Auditor’s Report on pages 48 to 49 of this annual report. gdc-world.com |
就此,即使身體在接受防疫注射 後,需時兩至四星期製造抗體來對抗流感病毒感 染,但現在接種疫苗,仍能在本年剩 餘 的時間內提 供保護,對抗流感和其併發症。 legco.gov.hk | In this regard, even if it took two to four weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against influenza virus infection, getting vaccinated then could still provide protection against influenza and its complications for the remaining of the year. legco.gov.hk |
瓦克在本年度伊 斯坦布尔涂料展会推出的另一新产品是可使水平表面极为完美的VINNAPAS®威耐实LL 5111 L。 wacker.com | Another innovation at this year’s paintistanbul is VINNAPAS® LL 5111 L for perfectly level surfaces. wacker.com |
几位专家就下列事项提出了一些问题:特别账户关闭时需要通报、秘书 处 在本年 度国 际语言年和教科文组织作为文化多样性等公约监护人的背景下,为常驻团及其工作人员举办 免费语言培训班的可能性、“其它资金”的含义和适用于每种特别账户的计划支助费用数 额。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several experts raised questions on the need to be informed when a Special Account is closed, the possibility by the Secretariat to organize free language courses both for Permanent Delegations and its own staff in the context of this year being the International Year of Languages and UNESCO being custodian of conventions such as cultural diversity, the meaning of “other resources” and the amount of programme support costs applicable to each of the Special Accounts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2011 年初,颁布了一项新的《塞舌尔广播公司法》法案,国民议会 将 在本 年第一届会议上就该法案进行辩论。 daccess-ods.un.org | A new Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) Act has been gazetted in early 2011 and will be debated in the National Assembly in the first session of the year. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行委员会决定,如果双边机构在年初及时提交工作计划,以便秘书处将其转发执行 委员会,供委员会在本年度第 一次会议讨论业务计划期间对其进行审议,就允许在双边项 目获得贷款的年份灵活采取行动(25/13 号决定(a)段)。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee decided to allow flexibility in the year for which bilateral projects would be credited provided that bilateral agencies submit their work plans in time at the beginning of the year, so that the Secretariat could transmit them to the Executive Committee for consideration during discussions of the business plans at the Committee’s first meeting of the year (Decision 25/13(a)). multilateralfund.org |
其他影响人权的新情况包括国家安全部的严重违法行为;目前政府和最高法 院之间的紧张态势,包括在选择总检察长方面的僵局;继哥伦比亚革命武装力量 人民军在本年度上半年释放多名被绑架警察和政治家等之后难以再释放更多人 员;游击队组织继续无视国际人道主义法并袭击平民;以及因不确定是否举行公 投允许总统乌里韦竞选第三个任期而加剧的政治分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other developments which affected human rights were serious irregularities involving the Department of National Security (DAS); on-going tension between the Government and the Supreme Court, including the impasse in the selection of the Attorney General; difficulties in achieving more releases after the release of, inter alia, various kidnapped policemen and politicians by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of ColombiaPeople’s Army (FARC-EP) in the first half of the year; continued disregard for international humanitarian law by guerrilla groups and their attacks on the civilian population; and the political polarization fuelled by the uncertainty around a possible referendum that could allow President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种补贴以投资者和经贸部之间的协议为基础, 只有在本年度中创造了新的就业岗位或者在指定 的投资明细中进行投资的企业才可以享受本不 贴。 paiz.gov.pl | This subsidy is granted on the basis of an agreement between the investor and the Minister of Economy. paiz.gov.pl |
南聯物業管 理有限公司就該項聘任在本年度內 提供之服務構成 持續關連交易,但符合最低豁免水平,根據上市規則 第 14A.33 條可獲得豁免申報。 wingtaiproperties.com | Services provided by WEML during the year under such appointment constituted continuing connected transactions and are exempted under rule 14A.33 of the Listing Rules for being de minimis transactions. wingtaiproperties.com |
军警和文职人员在本年度牺 牲性命的人数特别 多。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their numbers had [...] been especially high in the current year [...]among both uniformed and civilian personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
該試驗廠預計在本年年中 投產,並在本年年底會有初步結果。 devb.gov.hk | It is expected that the pilot plant would be in operation by middle of this year and preliminary results would be available by the end of this year. devb.gov.hk |
但是,由於個別項目更改了製作時間,製作亦有所調整,以致相應成本增 加,基於這些不確定因素,本集團 在本年 度 預 提了部分撥備,故該分部業績較二零零八年 年度減少,但整體上仍能保持溢利。 gdc-world.com | However, due to change in production schedule of and some adjustments to an individual project, production costs increase accordingly, to deal with this uncertainty, the Group makes some allowance during this year, thus the profit efficiency of this division is lower than that for the year 2008, even though overall it is still profitable. gdc-world.com |
(i) 向 關 聯 方 銷 售 商 品: 本 集 團 在 本 年 度 以 市 場 價 向 關 聯 方 銷 售 貨 物。 zte.com.cn | (i) Sales of goods to related parties: Goods were sold to connected parties by the group at market price during the year. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
在本年度内, 我们预计将拥有 750 台 IGEL 设备。 igel.com | Within the year, we will have about 750 IGEL devices. igel.com |
為了加強民研計劃的公民教育工作,我 們 在本年 開 始,在定期新聞公報中附加一個關於民研常識的小欄目,內容不少是取材自各界人士以前向我們提出的問題或意見。 hkupop.hku.hk | Starting this year, we have included a small educational section in our regular press release for the purpose of general civic education, the content of which was based on previous questions and comments we have received from the public. hkupop.hku.hk |
在本年度訊 息無障礙中心共獲得「香港資訊及通訊科技獎2007」之五項數碼共融獎,包括有最佳公共服務應用之金及銀獎及最佳數碼共融之金及銀獎。 hksb.org.hk | The Information Accessibility [...] Centre won five Hong Kong ICT awards in 2007, including gold and silver awards for Best Public [...]Service Application and Gold and Silver Awards for Best Digital Inclusion. hksb.org.hk |
继上一年在附录 2-A中规定了最高允许消费总量之后, 在本年 底 将完成氟氯化碳和 氟氯烃淘汰管理计划及相关协定。如果届时按照第 5(d)款和第 7 款的规定计划及随后 几次修订中预期的活动仍未完成,则将在执行剩余活动后推迟到年底完成。 multilateralfund.org | The completion of the CFCs and HCFCs phase-out management plan and the associated Agreement will take place at the end of the year following the last year for which a maximum allowable total consumption has been specified in Appendix 2-A. Should at that time activities be still outstanding which were foreseen in the Plan and its subsequent revisions as per sub-paragraph 5(d) and paragraph 7, the completion will be delayed until the end of the year following the implementation of the remaining activities. multilateralfund.org |
核數師已根據上市規則第14A.38條發出無保留意見函件,而該函件載有核數師對有關本集 團 在本年報 第 29至32頁披露的持續關連交易的發現及結論。 wingtaiproperties.com | The auditor has issued his unqualified letter containing his findings and conclusions in respect of the continuing connected transactions disclosed by the Group on pages 29 to 32 of this annual report in accordance with paragraph 14A.38 of the Listing Rules. wingtaiproperties.com |
美聯儲頒佈新一輪 量化寬鬆政策(即QE3),歐元區國家對陷入困境的成員國提供支持,以及中國貨幣政策的 轉向等動作,對世界經濟提供了急需的穩定因素,導致全球經 濟 在本年 第 四 季度顯示了理 想的增長。 parksongroup.com.cn | Actions such as the further quantitative easing or better known as QE3 was announced by the Federal Reserve, the EU nations rallying behind its troubled member nations and the reversal of PRC’s monetary policy have provided the much needed stabilization to the world economy which has shown stronger growth in the last quarter of the year. parksongroup.com.cn |
在本年度, 英国政府宣布,打算着手购买圣赫 勒拿修建机场的项目,条件是满足 4 项严格的先决条件(见下文第 24 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the current year, the British Government has announced its intention to proceed with procurement of the Saint Helena airport project, subject to four strict preconditions being met (see para. 24). daccess-ods.un.org |
执行主任公布的授权支付费用和承付款项的预算应构成获得预算的项 目在 本年度支 出和未来各年度承付款项的最高数额。 daccess-ods.un.org | Budgets issued by the Executive Director, which authorize the incurring of expenses and the entering into of commitments, shall constitute a ceiling on expenses for the current year and on commitments for future years to the project for which the budget was given. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此方面,委员会赞扬日本在 2009-2011 年期间提供的共计 120 亿美元的慷慨贸易援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context, it noted with appreciation the generous support provided by Japan on aid for trade, totalling $12 billion in the period 2009-2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个项目是 2003 年在本基金设在菲律宾的总部创办,目的是颁发奖 学金给失学青年,帮助他们得到免费学习电脑课程的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project was started in 2003 at the FSUN Headquarters in the Philippines with the goal of helping out-of-school youth gain access to free computer courses by granting them scholarships. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我支持財政司在處理本年度財 政盈餘時所採取的審慎 態度,原因不單是我們須為未來數年進行的基本建設工程,例如興建新機場、發展港口 設施等工程預留款項,更因為有需要防止本港經濟過熱的現象進㆒步惡化。 legco.gov.hk | I therefore support the Financial Secretary's cautious approach in dealing with the surplus of this year, not only because we need to save up for the development of some major infrastructural projects in the years ahead, such as the new airport, port development and so on, but also because of the need to prevent further overheating of our economy. legco.gov.hk |
由於部分尚未解鎖的本公司第一期股權激勵計劃標的股票額度分 別 在本 報 告 期和 2 0 1 0 年 同 期 形成稀 釋性潛在普通股61,864,408股和69,737,523股,所以稀釋每股收益在基本每股收益基礎上考慮該因 素進行計算,並對2010年同期稀釋每股收益進行了重述。 zte.com.cn | As certain Subject Share quotas under the Phase I Share Incentive Scheme of the Company remaining in lockup gave rise to potentially dilutive ordinary shares of 61,864,408 shares and 69,737,523 shares for the reporting period and the same period of 2010, respectively, diluted earnings per share has been calculated on the basis of basic earnings per share taking into account the said factors, and diluted earnings per share for the same period of 2010 has been restated. wwwen.zte.com.cn |