

单词 在未来

See also:

在未 adv

before adv



未来 n

tomorrow n

External sources (not reviewed)

为了实现研究生教育和产业界的接轨,重要的是我们应该了解雇 主对研究生学位获得者有什么期望以及劳动力市 在未来 会 有哪 些新的要求。
In order to realize this connection it is important to understand what employers expect from graduate degree recipients as well as what the workforce will likely require in the future.
强大的合作精神和所有与会者对成功的愿望维持并 加强了国际动力,以在未来某天 使人类不再遭受 核武器之苦。
The potent spirit of cooperation and the desire of all participants for success had sustained and increased the global momentum towards one day freeing humanity from the scourge of nuclear weapons.
[...] 重要的是在2009年,波兰仍致力于GDP的 增长,预在未来几年 还会有一个乐观的前 景。
There are multiple reasons for this, the most
important of which is that Poland is still targeting a GDP growth for 2009 with a
[...] positive outlook for the upcoming years.
除了相关的人 员配置需求外,辩护方办公室已经具备 在未来 管 理法律援助的能力。
In addition to meeting staffing requirements, the Defence Office is capable of administering legal aid in the future.
特别是设在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的监察和检查委员会的数 量非常多(其中有些是新兴的捐助国和/或经合组织成员),教科文组织和联合国各机构正
[...] 在面临自我重新定位的挑战,以确定它 在未来 数 年 发展日益复杂的背景下,将为各成员国 [...]
In particular, in the LAC region, with a high number of MICs (some of which are emerging donor countries and/or OECD members), UNESCO and United Nations agencies are being challenged to reposition themselves by defining what will be the
actual added value that they provide to Member States in a more sophisticated
[...] development context in the years to come.
她说,执行委员会不妨注意到在议程项目 7(a)综合业务计划下已就 氟氯化碳计量吸入器项目作出决定,因此这些申请只 在未来 该 决 定规定的条件(见第 51/34 号决定)得到满足之后举行的会议才能审议。
She said that the Executive Committee might wish to note that a decision had been taken under agenda item 7(a), Consolidated business plan, with reference to CFC-MDI projects, and that those requests could only be considered at a future meeting after the conditions set out in that decision had been met (see decision 51/34).
(c) 协助正在由欧盟委员会信息社会和媒体总局主导 在未来 欧 洲联盟电 子身份、认证和签名政策方面的进程(“欧洲数字化日程”行动 8)。
(c) Contributing to the ongoing process led by the European Commission,
Directorate-General for Information Society
[...] and Media, on a future European Union [...]
electronic identification, authentication
and signature policy (Action 8 of the “Digital Agenda for Europe”).
[...] 如何处理粮食及相关金融和商品市场价格过度波动问题,此外请秘书 在未来涉 及相关议程项目的报告中直到此次专题辩论的成果(第 [...]
66/188 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly requested the President of the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session to convene a high-level thematic debate on excessive price volatility in food
and related financial and commodity
[...] markets, which was held on 11 April 2012, and [...]
requested the Secretary-General to consider
the outcomes of that debate in future reports to be submitted under the relevant agenda items (resolution 66/188).
进口多元醇的主要用户是中小型企业,虽然进口多元配中所含的 HCFC-141b 问题 将在未来阶段 的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划中予以解决,但印度政府正计划从 2013 年 1 月 1 日禁止进口这些产品。
Although the HCFC-141b contained in imported polyols, mainly used by SMEs, will be addressed in future stages of the HPMP, the Government of India is proposing to ban these imports from 1 January 2013.
许多代表团认为,促进全民共享信息和言论自由是一项正在执行的重要任务,因此与全民共享 信息和言论自由相关的两个问题应继 在未来的 C5 文件中担当重要角色。
Many delegations proposed that the promotion of universal access to information and freedom of expression was an ongoing important task and that hence the two interrelated issues of access to information and freedom of expression should continue to play a major role in the future C/5 document.
印度尼西亚代表团希望, 可以协商一致方式通过决议草案 A/C.4/64/L.9,该 草 案仍载有需在未来讨论 中确认的问题;他相信, 随后的几届会议将改进该草案,特别是在会员国和 联合国系统如何推进地雷行动措施方面。
Draft resolution A/C.4/64/L.9, which his delegation hoped would be adopted by consensus, still contained issues that needed to be identified in future discussions; he trusted that it would be improved at subsequent sessions, particularly on how Member States and the United Nations system could advance mine action measures.
他还表示:“中国的经济增长率是西方的三倍,如果增势继续保持下去,那 在未来 几 十 年内,中国将成为世界上最大的经济体。
He continued, “China’s economy is growing at three times the rate of the West, and if that growth continues, China will become the largest economy in the world within the next couple of decades.
注意到联合国总部最近进行的临时翻修工程使 得一些建筑物变得难于让残疾人进入,发言人建在未来的残疾人权利委员会所在地日内瓦要做的准 备工作中包含下述内容:对工作人员进行适当的培 训,重审会议组织并注意提供给残疾人的信息要简 单易懂,以便满足残疾人的特殊需要并使他们能全 面投入委员会的工作。
Since the recent temporary renovations at United Nations Headquarters had made access to the premises difficult for persons with disabilities, the Geneva Office, where the future Committee would be headquartered, should take a number of steps to accommodate the special needs of handicapped persons and allow them to participate fully in the Committee’s work, by training the staff adequately in appropriate attitudes, giving thought to how meetings should be organized and ensuring that information was always provided in an accessible format.
帮助当地的医生不断提升他们的水平能够确保海地的营养项 在未来 持 续有效地运营下去。
Helping local doctors refine their abilities will ensure Haiti’s nutrition programmes continue to operate efficiently in the future.
可以避免能源冲突。交通工具使用者不必遭受燃料价 格冲击;(b) 减少交通阻塞、空气污染和噪音将对环境和人类健康产生积极影 响;(c) 通过防止城市无序扩张以及优先发展半密集混合使用居民区,减少土 地需求;(d) 提高了在建立可持续现代低碳交通系统方面引导潮流的城市能见 度和认可度,因为此种现代交通系统会提高城市竞争力和吸引力,可吸引顶级企 业公司,高素质工人和雇员到本国来;以及 ( e) 在未来气候 变化协定达成之前, 减缓幅度超过基线假想的城市和国家将能够获得排放量证书并利用碳相关融资 办法。
Resource conflicts can be avoided and transport users will not have to suffer from fuel price shocks; (b) reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and noise will have a positive impact on the environment and human health; (c) reduced land demand by preventing urban sprawl and giving preference to semi-dense mixed-use neighbourhoods; (d) enhanced visibility and acknowledgement of cities that demonstrate leadership in establishing sustainable and modern low-carbon transportation systems that increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and attract top business corporations, highly qualified workers and employees to the country; and (e) cities and countries that achieve mitigation beyond baseline scenarios will be able to gain access to emission certificates and carbon-related funding schemes, pending future climate change agreements.
在未来版权的发展进程中发展中国家和最不发达国家的参与,也是战略取得成功 [...]
Ensuring the full participation [...]
of developing countries and LDCs in the future development of copyright is a critical factor for the strategy to succeed.
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文也显示,尽 在未来 十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油可获得性不是主要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要 [...]
同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(例如大豆、玉米 和动物副产品提取物)。
FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the
availability of fishmeal and probably fish oil
[...] over the next ten years may not be a major [...]
constraining factor, other feed ingredient
and input supplies will need to expand at a similar rate if this growth is to be sustained, and these inputs will have to come from other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and rendered animal by-products).
扩大后的小组委员会负责研究现有文件,包括 2010 年编写并在巴马科会议上提交各国国防总参谋 长的文件和西非经共体安全司起草的所有其他文件,
[...] 并进一步研究尚未讨论的其他海事安保领域,以 便在 未来两个 月内向国防总参谋长委员会提出知情和务 [...]
The expanded sub-committee was tasked with studying the existing documents, including that which was developed and presented to the Chiefs of Defence Staff in Bamako in 2010, and all other documents drafted by the ECOWAS Security Division, and with
looking further into other maritime security
[...] areas that had not yet been considered in [...]
order to make informed and pragmatic recommendations
to the Chiefs of Defence Staff Committee within the next two months.
代表团 也期待在措施方面取得更强有力的成果,以加强原
[...] 子能机构的保障监督制度,因此将继续努力以 便在 未来几年就这一问题达成更大的共识。
It had also expected a stronger outcome on measures to strengthen the
IAEA safeguards system and would therefore continue to work to build greater
[...] consensus on that issue in the coming years.
印度政府在会上宣布增强向最不发达国家提供的支助措施,其中包括: (a) 每个最不发达国家每年增加 5 个奖学金名额;(b) 在未来五年中为《伊斯坦 布尔行动纲领》后续行动提供 500 万美元的特别基金;(c) 在未来五年中为最不 发达国家设立 5 亿美元信贷额度的融资机制。
At the meeting, the Government of India announced additional support measures to least developed countries, including (a) an additional five scholarships every year for each least developed country; (b) a special fund
of $5 million over the
[...] next five years for the follow-up to the Istanbul Programme of Action; and (c) a $500 million credit line facility over the next five years for least developed [...]
在未来予以 着重强调的信 通技术能力建设的一些领域包括:电子政务、互联网银行业务、远程进修、 以及信息安全。
Some of the areas highlighted for ICT capacity-building in the future were e-Government, Internet banking, distance learning and information security.
只有符合下面两个条件时,社 会保险金才会如数退还:劳动局委派的人在 过去12个月内进行全日制工作,并 在未来 12个月雇员仍被雇佣。
The amount can be reimbursed only after the fulfilment of two conditions: that the person delegated by the Labour Office is employed in a full-time position within the next 12 months and that the employee is still employed after this time.
在这一时期捕到的鱼的财政利益被他们在 未来捕捞更多鱼的权力极大放大。
The financial benefits of catching fish during this period are greatly multiplied by the right they may confer to catch more fish in the future.
履行机构鼓励缔约在未来的修 订工作中考虑到这些建议。
It encouraged Parties to take into account these recommendations in such a future revision.
[...] 工作人员和主管/管理员在业绩管理方面的具体支 在未来 3 期 内很可能会大幅 增加,其直接原因是因为实施了强化系统:15 [...]
000 至 20 000 名工作人员将接受 业绩管理培训;约
7 000 名管理员/主管预计将接受硬性规定的业绩管理培训; 其他业绩管理研讨会/培训需求预期将增加。
Based on historic data and current trends, it is anticipated that Office of Human Resources Management/Learning, Development and Human Resources Services Division support specific to performance management for staff and
supervisors/managers is likely to increase
[...] significantly over the next three periods, directly [...]
attributed to the introduction of the enhanced
system: 15,000 to 20,000 staff members will receive training on performance management; approximately 7,000 managers/supervisors are expected to undertake the mandatory performance management training; and increased demand for other performance management workshops/training is expected.
一个值得以任一方式加以保护 的行星”,由开放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案和现行行 星保护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;“外行星卫星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上生命”,由美国国家航空航天局(美国航天局) 喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活中世界以外的行星保护:空间研委在未来开展 的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会 和乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund 介绍;以及“我们丧失了冥王星?
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection measures”, by Gerhard Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: the role of COSPAR in future exploration missions and in preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of COSPAR and George Washington University; and “We lost Pluto?
他的挽救工作构成了神对世界的拯救工作功率决定性或末世论的体现,对进一步的“最后的事 在未来 后 浓 度betokened到犹太大卫教派,它降低到仅仅是“初步”的角色,那些复发要素的福音,是耶稣的信息特色。
His redeeming work constituted the decisive or eschatological manifestation of the power of God operating for the world's salvation; the later concentration on
a further "last thing" in the future
[...] betokened a relapse into Jewish apocalypticism, [...]
which relegated to a merely "preliminary"
role those elements of the gospel which were distinctive of Jesus' message.
我在 2011 年 3 月 4
[...] 日的报告(S/2011/112)中已向 安理会通报,我打在未来几个 月对联合国在塞浦路斯的存在进行更广泛的评 [...]
估,以期就为适应目前进展而作进一步调整的方式提出建议,对此已开始进行初 步内部讨论。
As I informed the Council in my report dated 4 March 2011
[...] (S/2011/112), preliminary internal discussions have [...]
begun with regard to my stated intention
to conduct a broader assessment of the United Nations presence in Cyprus, with a view to recommending ways to further adjust to ongoing developments.
在索马里,在 2 月份举行的第二届全国制宪会议 期间,政治部工作人员建议采取措施,以确保妇在 未来的临时独立选举委员会、全国制宪大会和新的联 邦议会成员中至少占 30%。
In Somalia, during the Second National Constitutional Conference, held in February, DPA staff advised the adoption of measures to ensure that women represent at least 30 per cent of the members of the future Interim Independent Electoral Commission, the National Constituent Assembly and the new Federal Parliament.
在未来十年,欧洲经委会区域在世界产出中 的占额预计将继续每年下降约半个百分点,因为其人口和人均收入的增长都低于 世界平均。
The share of the ECE region in world output is expected to continue to decline by about half a percentage point each year in the coming decade since its growth in population and per capita income is below world averages.




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