

单词 在朝



lit. Train an army for a thousand days use it for one morning. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off

See also:


government n
dynasty n


morning adj


make a pilgrimage to v
court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor v

External sources (not reviewed)

遗憾的是在朝鲜的情况下,人权方面的技术合作成 了施加压力的手段。
Regrettably, in the case of the country, technical cooperation in human rights was being imposed as a means of pressure.
政府通过政策,实行初等 义务教育,国家在朝着实现普及中等教育方向前进。
By policy, the Government enforces compulsory primary education and the country is moving towards achieving universal access to secondary education.
一个联合国联合计划”仍在朝着最佳做法执行模式迈进,包括在清楚的机构任 务、政府参与水平以及捐赠者有限的承诺及其对“一个计划”监管结构效率的担忧之间进行 调和。
The One United Nations Joint Programme is still a work in progress towards the [...]
best practical implementation modalities,
including reconciliation between strong agency mandates, the level of government engagement, and the still limited commitment of the donors and their concerns regarding the efficiency of the governing structures of the One Programme.
关于冻结资金和经济资源的限制性措施(第 1874(2009)号决议第 18 至 20 段),希腊充分实施了欧洲联盟理事会第 1283/2009 号条例,该条例适用于冻结 资金和经济措施以及为金融机构制定的措施,要求金融机构在与 在朝 鲜 民 主主 义人民共和国的银行以及其境外的附属银行、支行和其他金融实体交易时保持警 惕。
With regard to the restrictive measures concerning the freezing of funds and economic resources (articles 18 to 20 of resolution 1874 (2009)), Council Regulation (EU) No. 1283/2009 is fully implemented in Greece and applies to the freezing of funds and economic measures, as well as measures for financial institutions to exercise vigilance when transactions are executed with banks domiciled in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and their subsidiaries, branches and other financial entities outside the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
(h) 关于环境规划署关于执行委员会第 66/15 号决在朝鲜民 主主义人民共和国 执行情况的进展报告,注意到环境规划署提交的关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国体制建设项目的执行委员会第 66/15 号决定执行情况的进展报告。
(h) With respect to UNEP’s progress report on the implementation of Executive Committee decision 66/15 in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, to note the progress report submitted by UNEP on the implementation of Executive Committee decision 66/15 on the institutional strengthening project for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
科洛姆·卡瓦列罗斯总统(以西班牙语发言):我 们认为,2000 年发表《千年宣言》和随后将《千年宣 言》编成“千年发展目标”,是联合 在朝 着 促进各 国人民经济和社会进步这一伟大目标方向迈进时所 取得的最大成就之一。
President Colom Caballeros( spoke in Spanish): For us, the Millennium Declaration of 2000 and its subsequent codification into the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was one of the greatest achievements of the United Nations in terms of moving towards the great objective of promoting the economic and social progress of all peoples.
[...] 面取得很大成果,而且一些国家 在朝 消 除 疟疾的方向迈进,但许多国家的疟疾 [...]
负担仍然很高,令人无法接受,为了实现国际商定的发展目标,包括与卫生有关 的千年发展目标,必须迅速加强预防和控制疟疾的努力,这些努力严重依赖药物
和杀虫剂,但由于人类对抗疟药剂产生抗药性以及蚊子对杀虫剂产生抗药性,药 物和杀虫剂的效用不断受到威胁
Recognizing that, despite the fact that increased global and national investments in malaria control have yielded significant results in decreasing the burden of
malaria in many countries, and that some
[...] countries are moving towards elimination of [...]
malaria, many countries continue to have
unacceptably high burdens of malaria and in order to reach internationally agreed development goals, including the health-related Millennium Development Goals, must rapidly increase malaria prevention and control efforts, which rely heavily on medicines and insecticides whose utility is continuously threatened by the development of resistance in humans to antimalarial agents, as well as resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides
仅有很少几个联合国机在朝鲜民 主主义人民共和国和蒙古设有办事处,这些机构的 驻地办事处已开始更多地重视各个活动领域的机构间合作与协作,而这也有助于提高教科文 [...]
In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Mongolia [...]
where a very limited number of United Nations agencies have offices,
the United Nations agencies resident in these countries have come to give more emphasis to inter-agency cooperation and collaboration in various fields of activity, which in turn has helped to enhance the impact and efficiency of UNESCO’s programme activities (mostly in education) as a whole in the two countries.
在朝着这 些目 标努力的过程中,妇女署将支持针对妇女的培训和专业教育机会,以便她们发挥 领导作用和努力实现变革。
In working towards these goals, UN-Women will provide support for training and professional education opportunities for women to continue to take on leadership roles and to work for change.
在朝欧洲 -大西洋一体化迈进出现积极态势的同时,不幸的是民族主义的政 治态势也继续存在并且一些方面已准备挑战《和平协定》,特别是挑战国家的主 权和领土完整。
Unfortunately, in parallel with the positive dynamic of movement towards Euro-Atlantic [...]
integration, there also continues
to be a dynamic of nationalist politics and a readiness by some to challenge the Peace Agreement and, in particular, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
Pressure must be applied only in the direction of the flow arrow.
(d) 訂明在某些情況下禁止在朝鮮註 冊的船舶提供若 干服務;及 (e) 賦權裁判官或法官作出命令,沒收及處置被獲授權人 員根據主體規例檢取的任何文件、貨物或物件,以及 訂明被檢取物項的擁有人( 或擁有人的代理人) 反對 物項被沒收的程序。
officer under the principal Regulation, and providing for procedures for the owner (or authorized agent of the owner) of the seized items to object to the proposed forfeiture.
然 而,我们相信 WRDMAP 项目的培训设备在朝阳市 水务局使用。
However, it is believed that use is being made of the WRDMAP Training Facilities
[...] established in the Chaoyang Water Affairs Bureau.
The representative of UNEP said that the UNDP project office was expected to be back in operation shortly and that, in the meantime, other United Nations organizations with offices in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea could be used to distribute the funds.
东亚国家联盟似乎也相信缅甸在朝 着 正 确的方向迈进,并有可能让缅甸于2014年接管该组织的领导位置。
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) seems convinced that Myanmar is heading in the right direction and may soon confer upon it the leadership of the organisation for 2014.
在朝鲜早 日 采取不可逆的措施重新遵守《条约》并采取行动建 立其作为磋商伙伴的公信力时,六方会谈才能成为 一项有效的机制。
The Six-Party Talks could be an effective mechanism only if North Korea took early and irreversible steps to return to compliance with the Treaty and took action to establish its credibility as a negotiating partner.
[...] 言之凿凿的言辞,依据现有的北南协议、《停战协定》和国际公认的法律的要求, 处理好西部海域的冲突,直在朝鲜 西 海确定新的军事分界线,建立和平水域以 及共同捕鱼区。
They included landmark proposals calling on both sides to give up all their assertions with a broad mind, handle the West Sea conflict on the basis of the already existing north-south agreements, the Armistice Agreement and the demands of internationally accepted
laws, until a new military
[...] demarcation line is set in the West Sea of Korea, and fix [...]
the peace waters and joint fishing zone.
(e) 从防止侵权行为、保护人民权益并提供补救办法的角度,强 在朝鲜 民 主主义人民共和国境内实施人权,并与联合国系统循序渐进的措施连系起来, 确保当局承担起责任并推动建设性交流。
(e) Implementation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should be highlighted from the angle of prevention of abuses, protection of people’s rights and provision of remedies, interlinked with graduated measures from the United Nations system to ensure responsibility on the part of the authorities and to propel constructive changes.
目前在朝这一 方向努力,正是本着这一精神, 独立调查委员会的报告将重点放在侵犯人权的行为上,以公平和公正的方式表明 委员会致力于在巴勒斯坦实行法治。
Present efforts are in this direction, and it is in this spirit that the report of the Palestinian Independent Commission has focused on human rights violations, demonstrating in a fair and impartial manner its commitment to the rule of law in Palestine.
澳大利亚还对津巴布韦、 斐济和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的现状表示关切, 在津巴布韦,人们的言论自由遭到禁止,斐济非民 主政府阻碍个人自由,在朝鲜民 主主义人民共和 国,人民的最基本权利经常遭到侵犯。
His country was also concerned by the situation in Zimbabwe, where speech continued to be suppressed, in Fiji, where a non-democratic government continued to curtail individual liberties, and in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, where the population suffered from a range of violations of their most basic rights.
在朝鲜民 主主义人民共和国当局未朝国际社会的要求迈出有意义一步之前, 法国将维护这些措施。
France will continue to apply these measures until the authorities of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea take a significant step towards addressing the demands of the international community.
四十年后令人十分烦恼的是许多和武器仍然在;朝鲜已经研制了核武器;并且尽管原子能机构和 [...]
联合国联合国提出了要求,伊朗仍然不能或者不愿意 放弃其核野心。
Forty years later, it was deeply disturbing that
so many nuclear weapons were still in
[...] existence; that North Korea had developed [...]
nuclear arms; and that, in spite of requests
by IAEA and the United Nations, Iran was still not able or willing to dispel concerns about its nuclear ambitions.
我们也想对瑞典政府作为我在朝鲜 的 保护国代表美国政府不懈的领事服务和努力表达我们的感谢。
We also want to express our gratitude to the Swedish Government for its tireless consular services on the U.S. Government’s behalf in its role as our Protecting Power in North Korea.
所 有这些措施都在朝能够 把我们的所有责任——我 再次强调是第 1701(2006)号决议授权的责任——移 交给黎巴嫩武装部队的目标迈进。
All of that is geared to making headway towards being able to transfer all our responsibilities — and I underline again that this is mandated by resolution 1701 (2006) — to the Lebanese Armed Forces.
有些国家已经宣布有兴趣加入该《公约》, 并且在朝着这 个方向采取立法步骤,尤其是为此编拟和采纳了必要的实施法 规。
Some States have already declared their interest in becoming a party to the Convention and are making legislative steps in that direction, in particular, by preparing and adopting the necessary implementing legislation.
表示注意到朝鲜民主主义人民共和国已加入的四项条约下设条约监测机构 的结论意见,最近的结论意见是儿童权利委员会于 2009 年 1 月提出的,4 表示赞赏地注意到朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政府与联合国儿童基金会和世界 卫生组织协作改善该国卫生状况,并与联合国儿童基金会协作提高儿童教育质量, 注意到关于小规模恢复联合国开发计划 在朝 鲜 民 主主义人民共和国境内 活动的决定,并鼓励该国政府与国际社会接触,以确保各方案有益于需要援助 的人,回顾其 2005 年 12 月 16 日第 60/173 号、2006 年 12 月 19 日第 61/174 号
Taking note of the concluding observations of the treaty-monitoring bodies under the four treaties to which the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a party, the most recent of which were given by the Committee on the Rights of the Child in January 2009,4 Noting with appreciation the collaboration established between the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization in order to improve the health situation in the country, and the collaboration established with the United Nations Children’s Fund in order to improve the quality of education for children, Noting the decision on the resumption, on a modest scale, of the activities of the United Nations Development Programme in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and encouraging the engagement of the Government with the international community to ensure that the programmes benefit the persons in need of assistance
尽管国际社会根据 《代顿和平协定》估计该国在朝着 在 其 国际公认的 边界内整合为一个有效、稳定和有生存能力的国家方 面迈出更稳健和雄心勃勃的一步,但我们面临的却是 一个陷入僵局的政治制度,民族主义和分裂言论不断 增加,令人感到不安,其中包括要求建立第三个实体 的呼吁。
While the international community anticipates ever more steadfast and ambitious steps towards the consolidation of an effective, stable and viable State within its internationally recognized borders, as foreseen in the Dayton Peace Accords, we are faced with a political system that is deadlocked, with a disturbing increase in nationalist and divisive rhetoric, including calls for the establishment of a third entity.
回過頭來,如果沒有那場金融風暴和 SARS 瘟疫所帶來的副作用,冷卻 了港人熱昏的頭腦,令我們變得謙卑一些,踏實一些,兩地的合作關係是否 能像在朝正確 的方向前進,也是很大的疑問。
Without this, it remains most doubtful that the co-operative relationship between the two places will be steered in the right direction as it takes now.
可持续发展是突 尼斯政府的一个主要国家政策选择,早在 1992 年地 球问题首脑会议之前就一在朝着这 个方向努力; 环境是该政策的主要关注点,这一点在环境保护投 资加大,努力防治荒漠化和合理消费能源的努力中 已经有所反映。
Sustainable development was a major national policy choice of his Government, which had long been moving in that direction, even before the 1992 Earth Summit; the environment was a key concern in that policy, as reflected in increased investments in environmental protection, efforts to combat desertification and rationalization of energy consumption.




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