单词 | 在...旁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在旁 —alongsideless common: nearby 在...旁 preposition—beside prepExamples:在...旁边 prep—alongside prep See also:旁 adj—other adj • side adj 旁—beside • one side • the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic
在旁通管 被用来代替未安装储油柜的短短 2-4 周内,它已 经足以将变压器内油的高度降低 5 升左右。 highvolt.de | For short stand-by periods of 2 to 4 weeks without oil conservator, it is also sufficient to lower the oil level by approx. 5 liters. highvolt.de |
随 后,一个自称是中央政府( [...] 中央调查局) 雇员的人来到Kaur 博士在旁遮普区的 家,询问她在人权理事会的发言情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, an employee described as being from the central Government (the Central [...] Bureau of Investigation), visited Dr. Kaur’s [...] house in the Punjab region, to enquire [...]about her statement at the Human Rights Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
多人据称被关押在秘密拘留场所,如 在旁 遮 普。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many were alleged to be held in secret places of [...] detention, for instance in Punjab. daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织正在旁 遮普 省的 Pakpattan 地区开展艾滋病毒/艾滋病监测,这个项目得到加拿大和巴 [...] 基斯坦的艾滋病毒/艾滋病监测项目的资助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization is in the process [...] of conducting HIV/AIDS surveillance in [...] District Pakpattan, Punjab — a project [...]funded by the Canada-Pakistan HIV/AIDS surveillance project. daccess-ods.un.org |
当开关在“浮动(唯一)”位置时,APB 模式的控制部分处在旁通位置,充 电器浮充电池。 web.thomsontechnology.com | With this switch in the "FLOAT ONLY" [...] position, the control section of the [...] APB module is effectively bypassed and the charger [...]will only float charge the battery. web.thomsontechnology.com |
現在他們年老 了 , 如果有 子 女 在 旁 ,則或 可有所依 靠 , 但如 果沒有 , 或 子 女的經濟不 好 , 他們的 環境便會 很 困難, 而他們也 惟 有 靠 綜 援 金 或高齡 津貼幫 補 過活。 legco.gov.hk | If they have children, they might depend on them; if they do not have any, or their children are not well off, they will lead a hard life, and must rely on CSSA or old age allowance. legco.gov.hk |
的創始人,米爾扎·古拉姆·艾哈邁德·Ahmadiyyah教派,出生於領先的家庭 , 在旁 遮 普 邦,印度在大約1839年的小城鎮Qadiyan。 mb-soft.com | The founder of the Ahmadiyyah sect, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was born into the leading family of the small town of [...] Qadiyan in the Punjab, India in about 1839. mb-soft.com |
含硬件旁路接口的ORing以太网交换机 在旁 路 模 式下有2个指定的以太网口。 oring-networking.com.cn | An ORing Ethernet switch with Cooper Interface Bypass would have 2 of the Ethernet [...] ports designated as the bypass path. oring-networking.com |
在旁通模式,SD 和 USB 信号无需修改即可通过 MAX14502,就象类似设备不存在。 digikey.cn | In pass thru mode, the SD and USB signals pass through the MAX14502 without modification, appearing like the device is not present. digikey.be |
检查和清洗前盖 (12),放在旁边待用。 graco.com | Inspect and clean the cover (12), then set aside. graco.com |
關於有甚 麼可以捐贈的器官可以列出讓市民 在旁 邊 加 上剔號,如果要填寫人自行填 寫,便會減少他們的捐贈器官意欲。 legco.gov.hk | The type of organs which can be donated should be listed out to allow members of the public to put a tick against those they would like to donate and if they were asked to write down the organs themselves, they would have less incentive to do so. legco.gov.hk |
现在用户可以选择使用在旁边加 标注内容的高清晰图片,来替代两个单独的页面或弹出页面。 evget.com | Now users can selectively interact with hi-res images alongside related content instead of toggling between separate pages and pop-ups. evget.com |
最上面的一区域中,可以看到奥古斯都的浮雕,他戴着面纱和光彩夺目的皇冠,围 绕 在旁 边 是 骑在双翼飞马上的日耳曼尼库斯 (Germanicus) 以及提比略大帝的儿子德鲁苏斯·尤里乌斯·凯撒 (Drusus Julius Caesar)。 wdl.org | Emperor Augustus can be recognized in the upper register, with his head veiled and encircled by a radiant crown; he is surrounded by Germanicus, mounted on a winged horse, and the son of the Emperor Tiberius, Drusus Julius Caesar. wdl.org |
有好几次,苹果来不及包好而“爆果”,幸好 有 在旁 的 朋友互相帮忙,才舒缓了我的压力。 4tern.com | Luckily, friends from the other lanes, came to help. 4tern.com |
政府宣称, 这些人是伊斯兰恐怖组织成员。有意安排让安全部队杀死被羁押的恐怖主义嫌犯 [...] 的“对峙事件”也越来越多;根据巴基斯坦人权委员会提供的资料, 仅 在旁 遮普 省,就有 234 人在与警察的对峙事件中被杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Staged “encounters” in which detained terrorism suspects were killed by security forces, were on the rise, as well; [...] according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, 234 people were killed in police [...] encounters in Punjab province alone. daccess-ods.un.org |
于是 他打给市警察局长的接线员,而接线 员 在旁 遮 普 省另一个镇 Multan 的警察局(这 [...] 是 Imtiaz 少校的上一个工作地点)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Instead he called CPO Saud Aziz’s operator and [...] the operator at the police station in Multan, [...] another town in Punjab Province (where [...]Major Imtiaz had recently served). daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,下述 AC53b [...] 代码描述了这样一种软启动 器:在旁通状态下,可以提供 145 A 的运行电流; [...]启动电流为 4.5 x FLC,持续时间为 30 秒;启动 结束到下一次启动开始时的最小间隔为 570 秒。 mchotline.com | For example, the following AC53b code describes a soft starter [...] which, when bypassed, is capable [...]of supplying 145 A run current and a start [...]current of 4.5 x FLC for 30 seconds with a minimum of 570 seconds between the end of one start and the commencement of the next. mchotline.com |
這項程序應該由每個接受過安全警覺訓練的專案團隊進行,但如果有 更多的專業安全員工在旁協助 ,將非常有助於設計決策的制定。 opensamm.org | While this process should be conducted by each project team after being trained with security awareness, it is helpful to incorporate more security-savvy staff to aide in making design decisions. opensamm.org |
椅子之間放置了Fredy Hadorn的倒轉人像作品,跟站立在旁的 人 相映成趣。 think-silly.com | Among the chairs placed the upside down sculpture by Fredy Hadorn, making an interesting [...] composition with the people next to it. think-silly.com |
下村(Dolnja VAS),其中码头周围jugna(露天舞池),乱堆的房屋包含两个突出的建筑:摩天大楼(neboticnik), 站 在旁 边 的道路科佩尔Buje,和巴洛克式的房子,可以追溯到1738。 instantworldbooking.com | The Lower Village (Dolnja vas), where the houses on the pier huddle around the jugna (an open air dancing area), contains two prominent buildings: the skyscraper (neboticnik), which stands next to the road Koper-Buje, and the baroque house that dates back to 1738. instantworldbooking.com |
顺势疗法最初在旁遮普 和孟加拉兴起,然后才传到英属印度的其它地区。 wdl.org | Homeopathy first [...] flourished in Punjab and Bengal, before [...]spreading to other parts of British India. wdl.org |
後排乘客可享受DVD娛樂系統、車箱有五個分區的溫度調節系統、底部的羊皮地毯厚重而舒適、座椅可作冷暖調節 且 在旁 邊 配 有茶水位置、座椅可往16個方向調整、而Rolls Royce專用傘則藏在後方的車門中。 macaucloser.com | There is a rear-seat DVD entertainment system, five-zone climate control, lambs wool carpet deep enough to get stuck in, heated and cooled seats and cup holders, 16-way powered seats, and of course Rolls Royce umbrellas discretely concealed inside those magnificent rear-hinged coach doors. macaucloser.com |
而相對地在《At Mount Zoomer》,Dan的聲音卻隱隱然帶著Spencer所失去的顫抖,似是 被 在旁 邊 忘我地彈著琴鍵的Spencer附著身,利用他的身體釋放出自身所抑壓的慾望。 think-silly.com | In comparison to ‘At Mount Zoomer’, Dan’s voice carries the shaky quality of Spencer, the voice of someone under a spell like a voodoo doll. think-silly.com |
今年已是骏龙连续第四年与Altera 一起参加是次展览会,现场有我们骏龙专业的工程 师 在旁 讲 解 Altera最新的产品技术,吸引了不少的客户前来做现场交流,使他们能取得最新技术与前瞻思想。 cytech.com | Our Senior Engineers in the booth explained Altera's latest product technology, which attracted a lot of customers come to interchange and obtain the latest technology and forward-looking idea. cytech.com |
如果没有污染报警器,滤网损坏就 无法发现,也可能是系统在“旁通阀 ”开启的条件下工作了很长时间(在滤网损坏 后)。直到静液压元件过热时才被发现,这个代价远远大于增加旁通阀和污染报警 器的花费。 sauer-danfoss.com | If there is no contamination indicator either, this damage is not noticed and it may be that the system is operated for a long time with this unintentional„bypass“ (after the element has been destroyed!) until overheating caused by reduced efficiency of the hydrostatic units is recognized. sauer-danfoss.com |
这引起了在旁边纺织的奶奶和姑姑的幽默性回答,游戏升级了,这样游戏经由大声说 [...] 话、笑声和更荒诞的呼叫和回应进一步推翻了语言和“理性”习惯。 ipaworld.org | This provokes a humorous response [...] from the grandmother and aunts who are weaving nearby, and the play escalates, further [...]subverting linguistic and ‘rational’ conventions with louder voices, laughter and more absurd call and responses. ipaworld.org |
此 人 的 另 一 選 擇,便 是 陎 對 警 方 的 各 項 很 可 能 是 毫 無 根 據 且 未 有 道 明 的 指 稱 而 力 求 自 保 々 在 大 多 數 的 個 案 中 , 作 此 選 擇 者 都 是 沒 有 律 師 在 旁 相 助 的 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The alternative is for him to strive to defend himself against police allegations which may be unsubstantiated and unspecified, in most cases without the aid of a lawyer. hkreform.gov.hk |
有30条:搬家了,抑制、听觉、试探,刺眼,照明,显示通过、接球、扭曲、移到一旁,冲向前,支持,附加、耦合,放手,投掷、跳跃、呻吟,模仿,哭泣,下降,指向,转动,旋转,周围,扔出窗外的东西,超车,重复三次,攀岩 , 站 在旁 边。 luxe-immo.com | There are 30 of them: moving away, restraining, hearing, sounding out, dazzling, illuminating, showing through, catching, twisting, moving aside, dashing forward, supporting, attaching, coupling, letting go, throwing, jumping, moaning, imitating, crying, falling, pointing, turning, whirling, surrounding, throwing something out of the window, overtaking, repeating three times, climbing, and standing by. luxe-immo.com |