单词 | 在我看 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在我看—in my opinionin my viewSee also:看看v—seev
在我看来,美国总统对我们的关系一直非常乐观。 embassyusa.cn | It seemsto me the President [...] of the U.S. has always been very optimistic about our relations. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在我 看来,尤其重要的是,国家当局要与反对派及国际社 [...] 会开展并保持密切对话,以确保营造一个有利于和 平、自由和公平选举进程的环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | Itseems to me that it is [...] particularly important that the national authorities hold and keep up an enhanced dialogue with [...]the opposition and the international community in order to ensure an environment that is conducive to a peaceful, free and fair electoral process. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些是一部分理由,但在我看来,这些公司所面临的一个更大的共同因素是它们没能预测中国电子商务的迅速崛起。 youngchinabiz.com | Those reasons may be partly to blame, but from my perspective the bigger common factor uniting all of these companies was their inability to predict the rapid rise of e-commerce in China. youngchinabiz.com |
我提交大会、载于文件 A/64/L.66 的题为“在巴 基斯坦发生严重洪灾后加强紧急救济、恢复、重建和 预防工作”的决议草案,在我看来是本大会对目前局 势的重要及时回应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution that I have presented to the Assembly in document A/64/L.66, entitled “Strengthening emergency relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and prevention in the wake of devastating floods in Pakistan”, is in my view an important and timely response by this Assembly to the situation at hand. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如您能想象的那样,有大量的用户创建了 数据,同时,在我看来,CompactLogix 是市场上最有 能力处理此类信息的 PAC 之一。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | As you can imagine, there was a huge amount of user created data and, in my opinion, CompactLogix is one of the most capable PACs on the market for handling this type of information. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
在我看来,决议的确有这样的禁止规定,至少在两点上是 如此:宣言超越了根据决议给予科索沃特派团的授权订立的《宪法框架》;宣言 [...] 是单方面的,而科索沃的最终地位必须获得安全理事会的核准。 daccess-ods.un.org | In my view, it does establish such a bar,on at leasttwo [...] counts: because the declaration is not within the Constitutional [...]Framework established pursuant to the mandate given to UNMIK in the resolution; and because the declaration is unilateral, whereas Kosovo’s final status must be approved by the Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我看来,房地产和艺术之间的同盟关系是一种天然的婚姻。 luxe-immo.com | In my opinion, the alliance between real estate and art is a natural marriage. luxe-immo.com |
在我看来,政治问题并非一些人优先关注的问 题,这些人的目的在于火上浇油,制造危机,公然企 [...] 图转移国际社会对以下情况的注意力,那就是,国 际和区域上广泛反对国际刑事法院(国际刑院)对苏 丹国家、政府和人民采取的在法律上和政治上都存 在问题的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Itseems to me thatthe political [...] track isnot a priority for some people who are seeking to fan the flames and invent crises [...]in an open attempt to divert the international community’s attention from the broad international and regional rejection of the legally and politically flawed approach adopted by the so-called International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Sudanese State, Government and people. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我看来,这是依照联合国大会决议和 8 国集团与 20 国集团的承诺,确保充足资金及 时可预见地流入教育的必要条件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This for me isasine qua non in order to ensure the predictable and timely flow of adequate resources to education in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions and the promises made in the context of the G8 and G20. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在我看来,该诉讼案件对乔丹体育公司唯一转机在于其是否能从某种程度上平息与迈克尔·乔丹的商标纠纷,同时让这位国际巨星公开予以公司祝福。 servcorp.com.cn | The only bright [...] outcomeI can see for Qiaodan Sports [...]is if it can somehow manage to not only settle the trademark dispute [...]with MJ, but actually get the superstar to publicly give the company his blessing. servcorp.com.cn |
1963 年,美国国防部 总法律顾问谈到战争时期核试验条约的适用时表示如下:“在我看来,国务院的 法律顾问也认为,条约是不能以这样的方式予以正确解释的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1963 the General Counsel of the United States Department of Defense, referring to the application of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in time of war, stated the following: “It is my opinion, shared by the Legal Adviser of the Department of State, that the treaty cannot properly be so construed. daccess-ods.un.org |
利物浦现在有罗杰斯执教,在我看来他们需要良好的开端,因为接下来他们的前三个主场将会迎战曼城,阿森纳和曼联。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Liverpool now managed under Brendan Rodgers need to get off to a good start in my opinion as their first three home League games are Man City, Arsenal and Man Utd. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
我们今天从事的工作是为未来而努力,因此,在我看来没有任何投入比致力于增进我们两国人民之间的关系更为重要。 embassyusa.cn | Thework we do today is the work for [...] the future, and so I cannot imagine a better investment than in furthering the relationship between our two people. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在我看来外圈也十分稳定,不过我们不必在修改时缩手缩脚(除非这会对多个项目产生影响,因此还是需要一些必要的警告)。 infoq.com | The outerring is also pretty solid [...] as well, as far as I know, but it's not a concern since it can be changed at will (except [...]that multiple projects depend on it, so some caution would still be needed). infoq.com |
但是在我看来, 华为的这种行动至少表明其终于意识到全球市场是一个艰难而充满竞争的地方,生存和成功的唯一道路就是与全球主要公司采用同样的规则。 youngchinabiz.com | But from my [...] perspective, this kind ofaction by Huaweiat least shows [...]it finally realizes the global market is a tough and [...]competitive place, and the only way it will be able to survive and succeed there is to play by the same rules as other major global companies. youngchinabiz.com |
如果不是富勒姆的汉格兰德30分钟的时候被罚下场,我上周的预测就不会输,我输在了裁判的手里,在我看来, 他甚至都没有碰到卡特莫尔。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Well I put last week’s losing [...] bet down to the [...] referee sending Fulham’s Brede Hangeland off after 30minutes [...]for a challenge that would be deemed recklessat worst, in my opinion he never touched Cattermole. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
但是,不要跟风行动,行动操作的历史低流动性,而不是有纪律,申请停止,在我看来,检测到的最大的错误,投资者在这危机时刻。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | However, do not follow the trend of action, actions operate with a history of low liquidity, and not have the discipline to apply the stop is, in my opinion, the biggest mistakes investors detected together in this time of crisis. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
这是一种比较常见的书,直到最后几页,然后胡伯曼行写入,在我看来, 简单的做一个有远见的天才。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | It isarelatively common book until its final pages, when then Huberman writes lines that, in my view, simply make a visionary genius. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
委员会通常将“保证……的义务”置于《公约》第二条第3 款之下;在我看来,有关规定只是指义务的一个方面,即确保对所发生的侵权给予补救。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee commonly places the “duty to guarantee” in the context of article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant; in my view, however, the provision concerned refers to only one aspect of that duty, namely the duty to ensure a remedy in respect of the violations committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我看来,⼥孩和妇⼥是解决⽅案的 重要组成部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For me, girls and women are a large part of the solution. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在我看来,治疗的最终目的是自主排便。这也就是为什么我常常告诫患者避免产生对药物和医学治疗的依赖,防止产生其他的问题。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In my opinion, autonomy shouldbe the target: I always encourage my patients to avoid further issues with constipation without relying on drugs or medical intervention. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我不对我流动的创造力给以任何限制;类似地,我没有给艺术创造的方式设立边界,在我看来 ,这些在相同的作品里是可以和谐共存的:那么,如果我需要一个Mondrian 风格的几何组成,我只是插入它;如果我需要Caravaggio或 Giotto,广义上讲,我只是用它们……等等。 luxe-immo.com | I don’t pose any limits to the flow of my creativity; similarly, I establish no boundaries among the various ways of making art, which, in my opinion, can happily coexist within the same work: so, if I need a Mondrian style geometric composition, I just insert it; if I need Caravaggio or Giotto, in a broad sense, I just use them ... and so on. luxe-immo.com |
政 府 [1912] A.C. 305 一 案 第 3 1 1 页 内 指 出:‚ 要 修 改 已 实 行 多 个 世 纪 的 法 律 , 并 说 要 以 推 论 的 方 式 来 处 理 , 要 采 用 新 的 法 律 制 度 而 不 加 以 明 文 规 定,在 我 看来都是 荒 诞 绝 伦 的 , 因 为 这 条 法 律 几 乎 已 在 英 国 宪 法 中 根 深 蒂 固 , 以 致 任 何 人 都 会 说 : ‘ 传 召 妻 子 指 证 丈 夫 的 事 情 岂 容 发 生 。 hkreform.gov.hk | As Lord Halsbury observed in Leach v R [1912] A.C. 305 at P. 311: - "If you want to alter the law which has lasted for centuries and which is almost ingrained in the English Constitution, in the sense that every would say, 'To call a wife against her husband is a thing that cannot be heard of’ - to suggest that that is to be dealt with by inference, and that you should introduce a new system of law without any specific enactment of it, seems to me to be perfectly monstrous. hkreform.gov.hk |
在 我看来, Softtek是拉丁美洲少数几家能让雇员在各种不同IT领域中成长的企业之一,让人能够在当今充满挑战的全球市场中充分利用自身的经验。 softtek.com | In my opinion, Softtek isone of the few companies in Latin America that allows people to grow in so many different IT areas, allowing you to use your experience in today’s challenging global market. softtek.com |
子解说员,“阿卜杜拉(斌欧麦尔)说:”艾莎“必须有听到安拉的使者在我看来,安拉的使者没有他的手放置在天房克尔白两种相反的铝Hijr角落,不仅是因为天房克尔白是由亚伯拉罕奠定了其原有的基础上重建。 mb-soft.com | The sub-narrator, 'Abdullah (bin 'Umar ) stated: 'Aisha [...] 'must have heard this from Allah's Apostle [...]for in my opinion Allah's Apostle had [...]not placed his hand over the two corners of the Ka'ba opposite Al-Hijr only because the Ka'ba was not rebuilt on its original foundations laid by Abraham. mb-soft.com |
你的意思是急於在我看来,他们呼吁进行更多的研究,而这封信的重力大挑战,敦促什麽是已知的,在这一方面采取行动 [...] - 後者可以立即启动,而前者的构建研究的帝国,但不一定解决方案)。 zh-tw.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | It seems to methey are calling for more [...] research whereas this letter is urging to take stock of what is already known and [...]take action on that front – the latter can be initiated immediately whereas the former builds research empires but not necessarily solutions). mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
这对于统一第一/第三方数据集的集成商/供应商来说,是一个有趣的地方;但是,在我看来,同质化的第三方数据集成商需对其产品进行演化升级。 china.blackstone.com | There will be an interesting place for aggregators/suppliers of unified first/third party data sets; however, undifferentiated third party data aggregators will need to evolve their offerings in my view. blackstone.com |
在我看来,空气滤净器是一项明智的投资,因为它对大于0.3微米的颗粒过滤效率能够达到99%,还能同时过滤病毒、细菌和其他有害化学物。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | These HEPA filters are rated tofilter out more than 99% of all particles larger than 0.3 microns, which covers not only the most dangerous particles but also viruses, bacteria and many dangerous indoor chemicals. beijing.ufh.com.cn |