

单词 在市

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作為提供優質服務的市場領導者,我們享有強大優勢在市場情 況改善及高清電視(HDTV)等新服務需求上升時蒙受其利。
As a market leader offering premium services, we stand in good stead to benefit from improving market conditions [...]
and growing demand
for new services such as High Definition Television (HDTV).
事實上 ,我們維在市場上的領導地位 ,公司繼續毫無負債 ,對亞太 地區未來之衛星通訊作出承擔 。
Indeed, we
[...] have maintained our market leadership; remain [...]
debt-free and are committed to the future of satellite communication in the Asia-Pacific region.
此外,這些獨特的 硬碟機和硬體組在市場上 屬於新產品,有時容易發生不穩定,因為它們的 產業生態系統仍在發展中。
Also, being relatively new to the marketplace, these unique drives and hardware combinations are sometimes prone to instabilities, as their ecosystems are still evolving.
(c) 條例草案不應該不公平地以中小企為打擊 對象,因為現行法例已能夠打擊中小企或 會採用的不當營商手法,例如與新建租住 公屋裝修工程有關的不良營商手法或競投
[...] 舊樓修葺工程時所採用的圍標手法,而中 小在市場上 亦非處於可讓他們從事掠奪 式定價行為的優勢。
(c) SMEs should not be unfairly targeted by the Bill because illegal trade practices which they might commit, such as those related to decoration works at new public rental housing (PRH), or bid-rigging for repair works for old buildings, could already be tackled
by existing laws, and SMEs were not in a dominant
[...] position in the market to enable them to [...]
engage in predatory pricing.
h) 有業界代表建議包括營養資料標籤制度實施之前和之後市場上附有營養聲稱 的產品數目,以找出可能因營養標籤規例生效 在市 場 上消失的產品數目。
market before and after the implementation of the NL
scheme, to find out the number of products that might be
[...] eliminated from the market after the NL regulation [...]
taking effect.
[...] Touch"服务,将其工艺和服务结合到您的产品中,您会发现您的产品更具吸引力,并且巩 在市 场 中的竞争优势地位。
Start to use “Leo Touch” services and incorporate its processes and services into your products,
and you’ll discover that your products’ appeal increases and your
[...] competitive position in the market place is solidified.
(d) 香港有必要打擊最近報章所報道的反競爭
[...] 行為,特別是由世界經濟論壇進行的一項 調查顯示,香在"市場支配程度"及 "反壟 斷政策的效力"範疇的表現甚差。
(d) there was a need to tackle such anti-competitive acts as those recently reported in the press, especially as a survey conducted by World Economic Forum showed
that Hong Kong was faring badly in the
[...] areas of "extent of market dominance" and "effectiveness [...]
of anti-monopoly policy".
由于文化活动和演员不停在市 场和 非市场活动之间游离不定,我们必须承认,市场和非市场的因素都在发挥作用,而且很 难对它们进行测量。
Since cultural activities, and actors, move continuously between market and non-market activities, one must acknowledge the part played by both as well as the difficulties in measuring them.
一名業界代表提出多個問題,關思禮醫生回應說,如食品專為運動員配製和以此目在市場上 作宣傳,以及其成分組合有別於類似的其他食物,聲稱為“運動員食用的食 品”可能會屬於“特殊膳食用食品”,但最終會考慮食品的包裝和食物是否以這類羣組作 銷售對象。
In reply to enquiries of a trade representative, Dr. Janet KWAN advised that declaration of “food for athlete” might be classified as “food for special dietary use” when it was designed specifically for athlete and advertised in the market with this intention as well as its composition was different from other foods of comparable nature but it would eventually judge from its package and the targets of marketing for the food were for such persons.
未来持续和 普遍的繁荣,将要求对全球经济管理进行重大改革,并要求对全球经济发展进行 新的思维;必须强调可持续发展,在改善物质财富与保护自然环境之间实现平衡,
[...] 并确保社会公平和正义,而不是单方面强调经济增长 在市 场 刺激的基础上实现 个人财富。
Sustained and widespread future prosperity will require major reforms in global economic governance and new thinking about global economic development with the need for a focus on sustainable development — entailing an approach that would balance material wealth improvements with protection of the natural environment and ensure social equity and justice
— rather than a focus narrowly concentrated on economic growth and private wealth
[...] generation based on market incentives.
[...] Glencore無法在到期時履行其付款責任的風險,或無法持 在市 場 上 以無抵押或有抵押的 形式按可接受的價格借取資金為實際或建議中的承擔提供資金的風險。
Liquidity risk is the risk that Glencore is unable to meet its payment obligations when due, or that
it is unable, on an ongoing basis, to
[...] borrow funds in the market on an unsecured [...]
or secured basis at an acceptable price
to fund actual or proposed commitments.
因此,吾等認為10%的緩衝屬合理,並 允許 貴集在市場環 境發生變化時具有更多的靈活性。
Accordingly, we are of the view that a buffer of 10% is reasonable and will allow more flexibility
[...] to the Group when market conditions change.
(c) 在市场开发司内设立 1 个高级市场分析师,负责带头生成和进 一步开发国贸中心的市场准入分析工具,其中包括扩大关于服务和非关 [...]
税措施的工作;与其他国际组织密切合作,开发基于网络的工具以及相 关增值服务;带领一组分析师,进一步开发对企业和贸易谈判人员均属
( ) A Senior Market Analyst in the Division of Market Development, [...]
responsible for spearheading the generation and further
development of ITC’s market access analysis tools, including expanding work on services and non-tariff measures; developing web-based tools as well as related value added services in close cooperation with other international organizations; and leading a team of analysts in further developing other trade intelligence tools of critical importance to both businesses and trade negotiators.
该宾馆位于机场之间,北部居民区和市中心,靠近Malecòn DEL萨拉多在城市的两 个主要海旁一带,旁边的红树林环绕瓜亚基尔的运河之一),从那里你可以达到9 Octubre(在市中心 的主要途径),您可以按照其他海滨,Malecón西蒙玻利瓦尔(10分钟车程或步行30分钟)。
The guest house is located between the airport, northern residential neighborhoods and downtown; close to the Malecòn del Salado (one
of the two main
[...] waterfronts in the city, a promenade area alongside one of the mangrove canals that surround Guayaquil), from where you can reach 9 de Octubre (the main avenue in downtown), [...]
which you can follow to the other waterfront,
the Malecón Simon Bolivar (10 minutes by taxi or 30 minutes walking).
在政治权利方面,具有希腊血统的外国公 民和在希腊长期合法居留的第三国国民 在市 政 选举中投票和参选。
With regard to political rights, foreign citizens of Greek
descent and long-term legally residing third country nationals may vote and stand as
[...] candidates in municipal elections.
開 發 階 段 的 支 出,只 有 在 同 時 滿 足 下 列 條 件 時,才 能 予 以 資 本 化,即:完 成 該 無 形 資 產 以 使 其 能 夠 使 用 或 出 售 在 技 術 上 具 有 可 行 性;具 有 完 成 該 無 形 資 產 並 使 用 或 出 售 的 意 圖;無 形 資 產 產 生 經 濟
利 益 的 方 式,包 括 能 夠 證
[...] 明 運 用 該 無 形 資 產 生 產 的 產 品在 市 場 或 無 形 資 產 自 身在 市 場,無 形 資 產 將 在 內 部 使 用 的,能 [...]
夠 證 明 其 有 用 性;有 足 夠
的 技 術、財 務 資 源 和 其 他 資 源 支 持, 以 完 成 該 無 形 資 產 的 開 發,並 有 能 力 使 用 或 出 售 該 無 形 資 產;歸 屬 於 該 無 形 資 產 開 發 階 段 的 支 出 能 夠 可 靠 地 計 量。
Expenditure incurred on projects to develop new products is capitalised and deferred only when the Group can demonstrate the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale, its intention to complete and its ability to use or sell the asset, how the asset will generate future economic benefits (including demonstration that the product derived from the
intangible asset or
[...] the intangible asset itself will be marketable or, in the case of internal use, the [...]
usefulness of the
intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset, and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure during the development.
由此, 即便是数十年后它们也在市场上 占有强势地位。
Our business partners are thus able to maintain a strong
[...] position on the market even after decades.
[...] 继续拓展业务范围,作为一个国际工作平台 在市场 宣传推广、技术发展、产品路标等领域给予产业和市场发展的极大推 [...]
动,有效实现了运营商产品需求和技术研发的结合,大力拉动了产业 和市场的发展。
At present, GTI continues to expand its business scope, and as an international working
platform, it gives big boost to the
[...] industry in terms of market promotion, technology [...]
development, product roadmap and other
fields, effectively realizes the combination of product demand of operators with technology research, and greatly drives the development of the industry and the market.
本智庫認為市區更新,尤其在市區 重 建方面,應符合可持續發展的原 則,近年社會價值觀出現明顯轉變,市民冀望有優質的生活環境,相信訂立較低 的地積比率,有助滿足公眾期望。
A comparatively lower plot ratio can meet public aspiration better due to value changes and the pursuit for a better living environment.
滙豐經營業務在市場的 整體經濟環境產生 變化,例如經濟衰退持續或惡化及就業市場波 動超出一致預測者;匯率及利率變動;股市波 動;批發融資市場流通性不足;國家的房地產 市場流通性不足及出現價格下調壓力;各國央 行為金融市場提供流動資金支持的政策出現 不利變動;市場對過度借貸的國家 / 地區的主 權信譽憂慮加劇;私人或公營機構的界定福利 退休金的資金狀況出現不利變動;及消費者如 何理解持續可用信貸以及滙豐提供服務在 市場的價格競爭情況。
changes in general
[...] economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus forecasts; changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates; volatility in equity markets; lack of liquidity in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity and downward price pressure in national real estate markets; adverse changes in central banks’ policies with respect to the provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve
本次12315平台改造将呼叫中心平台更换为基于IP技术的网络呼叫中心架构,分 在市 局 中 心和19个区县分局增至30个人工座席和30个远程人工座席,所有区县分局均部署IP远程座席,实现工商12315、消协96315和分布在各区县尾数为12315电话号码的统一呼叫接入,对所有呼叫提供语音播报、排队等待、电话移转、电话录音、数据统计、实时监控等多项功能,从而实现了统一规划、统一运营、统一录音、统一监控、统一数据管理。
The call center platform is changed to network call center architecture with IP-based technology, with manual working seats and 30 remote manual working seats added respectively in Beijing headquarter and sub-centers in 19 district or county branches and all IP Remote seats are deployed to achieve unified calling access with 12315 of Industry and Commerce Administration, 96315 of Consumers' Association and telephone number ending in 12315 in district and county level centers with functions like audio broadcasting, queuing, call transfer, call recording, data statistics, real-time monitoring and many other functions, realizing unified planning, unified operation, unified recording, unified monitoring and unified data management.
此外,该房产可能包含一个潜在 的租金上涨可能,即当前租金低于市场租金,买方就需要向卖方提出签订一 个有时间期限的租赁保证书,以便在期限内达到提高房 在市 场 上 的租赁价 值的目的。
The buyer may
[...] request from the seller a rent guarantee for a reasonable length of time to raise the rents to market value.
除 (i) 收 購在 市 場 上 收 購 合 共 40,888,000 股股份( 約 [...]
佔 於 本 聯 合 公 佈 日 期本公 司 全 部 已 發 行 股 本 之 3.47 % ); (ii) 收 購 人 根 據 買賣協 議 收 購 銷
售 股 份 ; 及 (iii) 接 獲 根 據 股 份 收 購 建 議 431,092,480 股 收 購 股 份( 約 佔 於 本 聯 合 公 佈 日 期本公 司 全 部 已 發 行 股 本 之 36.62 % )之 有 效 接 納 ; 及 (iv) 悉 數 接 納 購 股 權 要 約 之 外 , 收 購 人 、 閻 先 生( 收 購 人之唯 一 董 事 )及 其 一 致 行 動 人 士 於 要 約 期 並 無 於 股 份 、 或 股 份之權 利 或 附 有 投 票 權 之 本 公 司 其 他 證 券 、 或 本 公 司可換 股 證 券 、 認 股 權 證 、 購 股 權 或 衍 生 工 具 之 其 他 買賣, 亦並無 收 購 或 同 意 收 購 本 公 司 任 何 股 份 或 股 份之權 利 。
Save for (i) the Offeror’s purchase of a total of
[...] 40,888,000 Shares in the market, representing approximately [...]
3.47% of the entire issued share
capital of the Company as at the date of this joint announcement; (ii) the acquisition of the Sale Shares by the Offeror pursuant to the S&P Agreement; and (iii) the valid acceptances in respect of 431,092,480 Offer Shares received under the Share Offer, representing approximately 36.62% of the entire issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this joint announcement; and (iv) full acceptance of the Option Offer, the Offeror, Mr. Yan (being the sole director of the Offeror) and parties acting in concert with it had no other dealings in the Shares, or rights over the Shares or other securities of the Company carrying voting rights, or convertible securities, warrants, options or derivatives of the Company and have not acquired or agreed to acquire any Shares or rights over Shares of the Company during the Offer Period.
对于本企业开发的技术或一在市场 上无法得到的技术 可以要求执行机构在符合第 [...]
10 段所规定普遍义务的情况下寻求当地顾问提供一份意见书 以确保对所涉技术的使用不 会侵犯任何已知的知识产权 如果使用所涉技术的产品是用于出口 除了上述意见书之外
执行机构还应该请出口商保证 该技术不侵犯任何将进口该产品的国家的任何知识产权 出口商将采取所有必要的措施 以保证在所有将进口该产品的国家获得任何必要的知识产 权使用许可
For technology that is developed either in-house or is not generally
[...] available on the market, the Implementing [...]
Agency may be required, in conformity
with the general obligation set out in paragraph 10, to seek a letter from local counsel opining as to the non-infringement of any known intellectual property right caused by the use of that technology. Where the technology is being used in products being exported, the Implementing Agency should, in addition to this letter, seek the assurance of the exporter that the technology does not infringe on any intellectual property rights in any country to which the product will be exported and that the exporter will take all measures necessary to ensure that it has a license to any needed intellectual property right in all countries to which the product will be exported.
为防止这种做法,防止招募儿童 兵政府间委员会向 100 个城市的主管当局和社区提供了技术支持 在市 长 和 市监 察员付出巨大努力之后,至少有 61 个市现在实施 了防止招募儿童兵的政策。
To prevent this practice, the Inter-institutional Committee for the Prevention of Recruitment has provided technical support to
authorities and communities in
[...] over 100 municipalities and, as a result of significant efforts by mayors and municipal ombudsmen, at least 61 municipalities now have a [...]
policy to prevent recruitment.
在 市 場 佔 有 率 而 言 , 二 零 一一年 武 漢 陽 邏 港 之 市 場 佔 有 率 由 41 % 增 加 至 43 % , 而 二 零 一一 年 內 [...]
整 個 武 漢 市 場 合 共 處 理 715,026 TEU 。
In terms of market share during the year of 2011, WIT Port’s market share increased [...]
from 41% to 43% against an aggregate
of 715,026 TEUs handled in 2011 for the whole of Wuhan.
幾個隸屬發展局的政策議題被分割處理,以致一些更高層次的政策方針被剔在市民公 眾審視範圍以外,更影響新政策框架的整全性,及尋求優化政策可供 考慮的選項。
These  policy  agendas  lie  mostly  under  the  portfolio  of  the  Development  Bureau  but  the  segregation  arrangement  wards  some  of  the  higher  level  policy  agendas  off  from  public scrutiny on regular basis. It would also w eaken the comprehensiveness of the  new policy framework and the availability of poli cy options for consideration of the  optimization of policies.
巴西代表团支持委员会提出的修正案,指出取消“相关产品”一词可能限制委员 会就目前已经或今后可能出在市场 上 的产品开展的工作,例如热带水果的提取物, 以果肉/汁为主成分的饮料等等。
The Delegation of Brazil supported the amendment as proposed by the Committee and indicated that the removal of the term “related products” might limit the work of the Committee on products that were currently or might be available in future on the market e.g. extracts of tropical fruits, pulpy/juice-based beverages, etc.
在市一级收集反对种族主义和歧视的良好做法,与欧洲反对种族歧视城市联盟的各个城市 协商选定了“打击就业领域种族主义和歧视”这一主题——劳工组织有可能参加。
With a view to collecting good practices to combat racism and discrimination at municipal level, in consultation [...]
with cities of
the European Coalition of Cities against Racism, the theme “Combating racism and discrimination in the area of employment” with the possible involvement of ILO was chosen.




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