单词 | 在岸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在岸 adverb —onshore advSee also:岸 n—shore n • bank n • coast n • beach n
將來若有需要,可進一步研究須否對休閒漁業,包括在船隻上 或 在岸 上進 行的休閒捕魚活動,作更多規管。 legco.gov.hk | Further studies may be conducted on the need for imposing further regulations on recreational [...] fishing on vessels or ashore if necessary. legco.gov.hk |
来自家庭的固体垃圾也被倾倒在岸边 或 海洋,给沿海 和海洋生物造成破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Solid waste generated domestically is [...] also dumped onto the shore and into the sea, [...]causing damage to coastal and marine life. daccess-ods.un.org |
受到保护的 区域往往会在海图上标明,并用浮标来明示, 或 在岸 上 设 立警 示通告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Protected sites are often indicated on admiralty charts and marked by [...] buoys or warning notices on the shore. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国民卫队 [...] 军官抓住塞内加尔人,将他拖到岸边,立即开始做心肺按摩,此时塞内加尔 人仰面躺在岸上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Civil Guard officer took hold of the Senegalese and pulled him [...] to shore, where he immediately began to perform heart and chest massage, while the [...] Senegalese lay face up on the shore. daccess-ods.un.org |
就餐通常但不是一定包含在岸上游 项目中,因此请仔细阅读岸上游行程安排。 msccruises.com.cn | Meals are often – but not always included on our daily excursions, so please be sure to read the excursion programme carefully. msccruises.com.eg |
中國的在岸人民幣借貸不能低於基準借貸利率的90%,而存款則不得超過基準利率。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Onshore RMB lending in China cannot be conducted at less than 90% of the benchmark lending rate, while on the deposit side it is not permitted to exceed the benchmark rate. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
我们的SAP服务包括咨询、项目实施、技术服务、维护以及所有按照客户需求提供的现场 、 在岸 、 近 岸 或 离岸的支持服务。 softtek.com | Our SAP service offering includes Consulting, Project Implementation, Technical Services, Maintenance and all delivered onsite, onshore, nearshore or offshore, according to the client’s needs. softtek.com |
我們會繼續吸引更多外國企業和金融機構使用香港人 民幣金融結算平台;優化本港的人民幣融資平台,如鼓勵更多 香港、外國和內地機構及企業在港發行人民幣債券;鼓勵更多 人民幣創新產品的發展;擴大和深化香港離岸人民幣市場與內 地在岸人民 幣市場的連繫,促進人民幣資金的跨境使用和循 環,進一步鞏固香港作為離岸人民幣業務中心的地位。 legco.gov.hk | We will continue to attract more overseas corporations and financial institutions to use Hong Kong's RMB clearing platform; enhance Hong Kong's RMB capital formation platform by, for example, encouraging more Hong Kong, foreign and Mainland institutions and enterprises to issue RMB-denominated bonds in Hong Kong; promote the development of more innovative RMB-denominated products; and expand and deepen the connectivity between Hong Kong's offshore RMB market and the onshore markets in the Mainland to promote the cross-border use and circulation of RMB funds, thereby further reinforcing Hong Kong's position as an offshore RMB business centre. legco.gov.hk |
当地报社的记者记录下了当时观众,坐在黑暗的房间 [...] 里观看移动影像时的激动心情:“短片呈现了海浪撞 击 在岸 边 破碎开来的景象。 motion.kodak.com | A reporter for a local newspaper wrote enthusiastically about the experience shared by the audience of strangers, sitting in a dark [...] theater, watching moving images projected on a screen: "The second film represented the [...] breaking of waves on the seashore. motion.kodak.com |
这种双供货源(dual source)能力提供对军事市场至关重要的灵 活 在岸 ( o n -shore)制造途径,并根据客户需求为亚洲地区的测试及封装厂提供本地支援。 onsemi.cn | This dual source capability provides a flexible on-shore manufacturing path [...] critical to the military market as well as local [...]support for Asian test and packaging houses depending on customer needs. onsemi.com |
(c) 對於其他非隨身行李而言,則由承運人或其僱員或代理 人在 岸上或 船上接收這些行李起,直至交回這些行李為止之期間。 cotaijet.com.mo | (c) with regard to other luggage which is not Cabin Luggage, the period from the time of its taking over by the Carrier or its servant or agent onshore or on board until the time of its re-delivery by the Carrier or its servant or agent. cotaijet.com.mo |
照片中,绒鸭在日落时在岸边飞翔。 visitfinland.com | In the photo, [...] eiders are flying by the shore at sunset. visitfinland.com |
為了配合人民幣貿易結算計畫,中國人民銀行(PBOC)和香港金融管理局(HKMA)達成協議,對於合格的貿易結算交易,外滙要素將與香港的人民幣結算銀行相匹配,即中國銀行(香港)將進 入 在岸 人 民 幣市場。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | In order to accommodate the RMB trade settlement programme, the PBOC and Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) have agreed that for qualified trade settlement transactions the foreign exchange element can be squared [...] with the RMB clearing bank in Hong [...] Kong, which is Bank of China (Hong Kong), which in turn can tap the onshore RMB market. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
通过国际化的网络和可选的在岸、近 岸 、 离 岸解决方案 获得更高的灵活性。 boschcommunicationcenter.com | Flexibility through an international network and, optionally, onshore, nearshore and offshore solutions boschcommunicationcenter.com |
在信用債方面,基金主要投資於在岸 市 場當中評級較高的 公司債。 htisec.com | On credit side, the fund has invested into corporate names that carry a relatively high rating in the onshore market. htisec.com |
您可以乘着水势从滑道上急流而下或是在水中随波逐流,也可以 躺 在岸 边 的 椅子上品尝清凉饮品。 sunislandclub.com | Or you can simply chill out on the deck chairs with a refreshing drink at the beach. sunislandclub.com |
在任何情况下, [...] 承运人毋须对船舶旅客区或船舶本身以外地区产生的任何事故负责,包括但不限 于 在岸 上 、 非船舶所拥有之补 给船或非属本船部分之设备,或船坞或码头上所发生之事故。 starcruises.com | In no event shall Carrier be liable for any incident arising outside the Guest areas of the Vessel or the [...] Vessel itself including, but not limited to, [...] those occurring ashore, on tenders not [...]owned by the Vessel, on or resulting from [...]equipment not a part of the Vessel, or upon docks or piers. starcruises.com |
观看南露脊鲸是个不错的选择,行程便于安排,有时 您 在岸 上 就 能看到它们。 msccruises.com.cn | Spotting the southern right whales is a favourite pastime here: trips can easily be arranged, or the whales can [...] sometimes be spotted from the shore. msccruises.com.au |
一天晚上,伯牙弹琴在船上弹琴,他看到一个樵夫 站 在岸 上 ,似乎在听他演奏。 chinesestoryonline.com | One night, while playing Qin on a boat, Yu Bo Ya saw a woodcutter quietly [...] standing on the bank as if he was listening to his playing. chinesestoryonline.com |
通过离岸模式和在岸模式的最佳平衡,可以实现成本的大量节约以及质量的明显提升。 pactera.com | Both substantial cost savings and high quality are realized through an [...] optimal balance of offshore and onsite delivery models. pactera.com |
这座一流的水族馆位于一座建在岸边 的 醒目的现代化建筑内,其中巨大的水箱内有超过3500条鱼和40条鲨鱼,将海洋的故事娓娓道来。 visitbritain.com | This state-of-the-art aquarium housed in a striking modern building on the waterfront tells the story of the world's oceans through enormous tanks filled with over 3,500 fish and 40 sharks. visitbritain.com |
希望乘坐轮渡的人需要在岸边摇铃。 swissworld.org | Passengers wishing to summon the Ellikon ferry from the Canton Zurich side of the Rhine [...] must ring the bell loudly and simultaneously press the red button. swissworld.org |
基金成立之初,在岸市場的收益率曲線的短端明顯高於離岸市場人民幣收益率曲線。 htisec.com | When the fund was established, the onshore yield curve was significantly [...] higher than the offshore RMB yield curve [...]at the short end. htisec.com |
提供的这些 贷款中,约 34%在西岸,10%在加沙 ,33%在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,23%在约旦。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some 34 per cent of those loans were [...] financed in the West Bank, 10 per cent in Gaza, [...]33 per cent in the Syrian Arab Republic and 23 per cent in Jordan. daccess-ods.un.org |
梭子鱼这种肉食鱼喜欢居住在岸边芦 苇丛中,它们的体长可达1.5米,寿命可达30岁。 wacker.com | The pike like to “hang [...] out” in the reeds at the riverbank. wacker.com |
此外,安森美半导体还提供全套在岸 ( on -shore)流程,包括设计、产生掩膜、硅、封装及测试,全都符合国际武器贸易规章(ITAR)及不可向国外发布(NOFORN)流程,配合政府及军事项目。 onsemi.cn | In addition ON Semiconductor [...] offers a complete on-shore flow including design, [...]mask generation, silicon, packaging, and [...]test complete with ITAR and NOFORN processing to support government and military programs. onsemi.com |
在兩岸進行 的調查方面,值得關注的是:儘管 兩 岸在 美 國如何對待其它國家以及對奧巴馬的信任上有比較一致的看法,然而對美國的整體印象與認知卻存在明顯的差距。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the surveys conducted in Mainland China and Taiwan, it should be noted that: although the two societies shared similar views on how America treats other countries and their trust towards Barack Obama, there are obvious discrepancies in their overall impression and knowledge of America. hkupop.hku.hk |
沙的海岸,在海岸附近的空旷地带; 0-100米福建,海南,台湾,浙江[柬埔寨,印度尼西亚,包括琉球群岛,马来西亚,缅甸,新几内亚,巴基斯坦,菲律宾,斯里兰卡,泰国,越南的日本; 非洲,亚洲西南部,澳大利亚,北美洲,太平洋群岛,南美洲; 泛热带的海滨的种类 flora.ac.cn | Sandy seashores, open fields near seashores; 0-100 m. Fujian, Hainan, Taiwan, Zhejiang [Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan including Ryukyu Islands, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Guinea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Africa, SW Asia, Australia, North America, Pacific Islands, South America; pantropical littoral species flora.ac.cn |
在受到致命一击后,该机转向叙利亚 海 岸 , 在 离 拉 塔基亚海岸 8 海里处坠海,精 确座标是 35 48.26N-35 37.59E。 daccess-ods.un.org | After receiving a deadly blow, the aircraft diverted towards the Syrian coast and crashed into the sea at 8 nautical miles off the coast of Latakia, precisely at the coordinates 35 48.26N - 35 37.59E. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚洲开发银行和联合国贸发会在数个阿富汗边境口岸对司机开展了调查,调查的数据不包 括司机可能会花 1 到 3 天看望自己的亲戚并且休息,然后才进入边境 口 岸 , 在 海 关 注册, 并且开始入境手续办理。 carecinstitute.org | ADB and UNCTAD carried out driver surveys at several Afghan border-crossing points but the figures do not include drivers perhaps spending one to three days visiting relatives and resting before entering a border crossing point and registering with Customs and starting entry procedures. carecinstitute.org |