单词 | 在场 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在场 —be presentless common: be on the scene 在场 adjective —aboard adjExamples:(为在场同伴买的)一巡(饮料) n—round n (比赛)在客场 adv—away adv
在第一委员会工作期间,各国裁军大 使 在场 , 这不仅提供了讨论和解决组织 问题、而且讨论和解决实质问题的独特机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The presence of disarmament ambassadors during the work of the First Committee presents a unique opportunity to discuss and solve not only organizational but also substantive issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,对于一个被警察或宪兵剥夺自由的人而言,在没有警方人 员 在场 的 情 况下 接触医生是一个防范虐待的重要保障措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | For a person deprived of liberty by the police or the gendarmerie, access to a doctor without the presence of police staff is therefore an important safeguard against ill-treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于在工作组通 过其报告时塞浦路斯不在场,因 而造成了一种困难的局面;理事会今后应当避免 产生这种情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absence of Cyprus during the adoption of its report by the Working Group had led to a difficult situation that the Council should avoid in future. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是 这也有例外,比如房地产销售或公司股票的 出售,这些交易需要有公证员在场的 时 候公 开进行。 paiz.gov.pl | However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as real estate sales or the sale of shares in a company, which requires acting in front of the notary in public. paiz.gov.pl |
全民教育全球会议在可能时,将教育方面的重要全球活动一起举行,充分利用与会者 在场的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Whenever possible, upcoming GEM meetings will be held in conjunction with major education-related global events to take advantage of the presence of participants. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们了必须参加共同的职业安全活动,目的是不因为他们的活动而 危及他们自己的生命和健康或工作场所其 他 在场 人 员的生命和健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | They must also participate in common activities for occupational safety [...] with the aim not to endanger with their activities their own life and health or that [...] of others present at the workplace. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果违背女性囚犯的 意愿由一名男性医务人员进行检查,在检查过程中应有一名女性工作人 员 在场。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a male medical practitioner undertakes the examination contrary to the wishes of the woman prisoner, a woman staff member shall be present during the examination. daccess-ods.un.org |
登记册应当载有资料说 明被拘留者的身份、拘留的日期、时间和地点、拘留机关的名称、拘留的理由、 进入拘留所的日期和时间、被拘留者入所时的健康状况以及任何有关变化、审讯 的时间和地点与所有在场审讯 者的姓名、以及释放或转到另一拘留所的日期和时 间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Registration should contain information on the identity of the detainee, date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the authority that detained the person, grounds for the detention, date and time of admission to the detention facility, state of health of the detainee upon admission and any changes thereto, time and place of interrogations, with names of all interrogators present, as well as the date and time of release or transfer to another detention facility. daccess-ods.un.org |
在场地和时间许可的情况下,根据需要可举行各委员会 的联席会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Depending on the availability of space and time, joint meetings of the commissions may be held if necessary. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但在联科行动人员不在场时, 警察或海关人员都 不 在场 , 正 如专家组在 中期报告(见 S/2010/179,第 102 段)所述,有可疑航班抵达仍没有记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | When UNOCI personnel are not present, however, there is no police or customs presence and, as the Group indicated in its midterm report (see S/2010/179, para. 102), suspicious flights remain unrecorded. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,对于要做出的任何决定,则要求多数成 员在场。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the presence of a majority of the members would be required for any decision to be taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
审判分庭继续采取有力措施,通过以下方式,确保诉 讼程序的迅速进行:限制辩方的举证时间;与会议和语文支助事务科联络,确保 及时翻译文件;与当事方接触,有效安排证人,防止在审判时间的安排上出现空 档;获得生病被告的弃权书,使审判能够在他们 不 在场 的 情 况下也可继续进行; 鼓励辩方以书面方式举证;严格限制询问证人的时间;劝阻使用重复证据;考虑 辩方关于接受律师桌上的文件而不要求每份文件都通过证人席上作证的证人提 交这一请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Trial Chamber has continued to take rigorous measures to ensure the expeditiousness of the proceedings by, inter alia, limiting the time within which the Defence teams may present their evidence; liaising with the Conference and Language Services Section to ensure the timely translation of documents; engaging with the parties to efficiently schedule witnesses to prevent breaks in the trial schedule; obtaining waivers from ill accused so that the trial can continue in their absence; encouraging the Defence to present evidence in written form; strictly enforcing time limits on examination of witnesses; discouraging duplicative evidence; and entertaining Defence motions for the admission of documents from the bar table rather than requiring each document to be tendered through a witness on the stand. daccess-ods.un.org |
一成员表 示,全环基金秘书处的一名代表在场 , 在 本 次 会议期间,两秘书处根据各自的职权就双方 合作的问题进行了讨论。 multilateralfund.org | One member indicated that a representative of the GEF Secretariat was present and that discussions on cooperation between the two Secretariats within their respective mandates could occur at the present meeting. multilateralfund.org |
这些调查行动是在律 师不在场的情况下进行的。 daccess-ods.un.org | These investigative actions were conducted in the absence of a lawyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
检查时只有一名被起诉的官员即警察局长 在场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only one of the indicted officials took part – the chief of the police [...] station where the inspection took place. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,它认为,由于在理事会通过审议结果时塞浦路 斯 在场 , 人们希望 这将为塞浦路斯的社会和政治对话增添新的动力,以便在基本自由的基础上建立 真正的法治。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, it considered that the presence of the delegation during the adoption of the outcome in the Council gave rise to hope for fresh dynamics in the social and political dialogue in Cyprus, in order to build true rule of law based upon fundamental freedoms. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据《家庭法律法》,婚姻根据男女的共同意愿,在男女之间缔结,双方 同时在场,并在生命统计办公室登记。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the Family Law Act, a marriage is contracted between a man and a woman upon their mutual wish and with both being present at the same time, and it is registered at a vital statistics office. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,第 1(a)和第 2 款均没有解决 有关的人或其代理人在场但拒 绝接受通知的递送的 情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, neither paragraph 1 (a) nor paragraph 2 covered the situation where a person or his or her representative was present but refused to take delivery of the notice. daccess-ods.un.org |
梅南先生(多哥)(以法语发言):我也要 感谢和赞扬今天在场的各 个维和特派团的部队指挥 官,不仅感谢他们作出非常有用的通报,也感谢他 们在条件时常困难的实地所作的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Menan (Togo) ( spoke in French ): I too would like to thank and commend the Force Commanders from the various peacekeeping missions who are here, not only for their very useful briefings but also for the work they are doing on the ground, often in difficult circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 轮到发言时不在场的发言者将自动被移至其类别中下一个可使用的发 言时段。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Speakers who are not present when their speaking turn comes will be automatically moved to the next available speaking slot within their category. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在体检过程中需要有非医务职能监狱工作人 员 在场 , 这类工作人员 应是女性,并且进行体检时应保护隐私,保障尊严和保密。 daccess-ods.un.org | If it is necessary for non-medical prison staff to be present during medical examinations, such staff should be women and examinations shall be carried out in a manner that safeguards privacy, dignity and confidentiality. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,在418,一会背诵的迦太基在一个教皇使 节 在场 的 前 非洲次全体会议,会议的所有大炮,安理会的chalcedon所有的行为体现了劫匪的以弗所第一届理事会,以及行为的该届会议上载有两名君士坦丁堡主教的行为。 mb-soft.com | For example, in 418, a Council of Carthage recited all the canons of former African plenary council in the presence of a papal legate; the Council of Chalcedon embodies all the Acts of the first session of the Robber Council of Ephesus, and the Acts of that session contained the Acts of two synods of Constantinople. mb-soft.com |
缔约国应采取必要措施,确保少年司法系统按照国际标准很好地发挥职能, 并保证总是在有法律代表在场的情 况下听取未成年人的陈述。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should take the necessary measures to ensure the proper functioning of the juvenile justice system in compliance with international standards and to guarantee that minors are always heard in the presence of a legal representative. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我在场的情 况下,Converse先生在Buffalo向他的董事长口述了一封信,他在信中建议接受该报价。 voith.com | In my presence, Mr. Converse dictates a letter to his presidents in Buffalo, in which he recommends to accept the offer. voith.com |
通过将值较大的 隔直电容添加到射频输入和输出中,就可 以 在场 效 应晶 体管 (FET) 的门极上直接使用正电压偏置,这也是不需要 复杂偏置的单位或低位数衰减器的上佳选择。 skyworksinc.com | Adding large value DC blocking capacitors to the RF input and output allows the gates of the FETs to be biased directly with positive voltage and is a good option for single bit or low bit count attenuators that do not require complicated biasing. skyworksinc.com |
这些保障包括,每个被拘押者有权获知被捕原因, 包括对其提出的任何指控;有权获知与其羁押相关的权利;有权迅速与律师联 系,或者,如有必要,有权获得法律援助,并且能够与其进行私下咨询;有权获 得独立的医疗检查,最好是由自己选择的医生进行检查;有权通知亲属自己被羁 押;有权在警方的任何讯问期间有律 师 在场 ; 如有必要,得到翻译协助;有权迅 速面见法官并由法庭审查拘押合法性。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include the rights of each detainee to be informed of the reasons for his/her arrest, including any charges against him/her; to be informed of his/her rights in connection with his/her detention; to have prompt access to a lawyer or, if necessary, to legal aid, and to be able to consult privately therewith; to have access to an independent medical examination, preferably by a doctor of his/her choice; to notify a relative of his/her detention; to have a lawyer present during any interrogation by the police; to be assisted by an interpreter, if necessary; to be brought promptly before a judge and to have the lawfulness of his/her detention reviewed by a court. daccess-ods.un.org |
海上50日》是一个关于在场地里 和在网络上做艺术的双重传统的案例研究,将展出许多作品,同时展示在它们之中及它们之间的变化不拘的联合,但却拒绝显白的说教。 shanghaibiennale.org | 50 Days at Sea is a case study about the double tradition of making art between territory and network, presenting a number of works and the varying alliances within and amongst them, but refusing to become overtly didactic. shanghaibiennale.org |
莫桑比克要求在海上转运时必须有观察 员在 场,预 计明年转用“无海上转运”计划,并通过执行包括船只检查在内的港口国 措施加强这一计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mozambique required observers to be present during at-sea trans-shipments and expected to move to a “no at-sea trans-shipment” scheme in the next year, augmented by the implementation of port State measures, including vessel inspections. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 如果不存在任何令人信服的情况,禁止警察在没有律 师 在场 的 情况下 与一人进行任何面谈,除非该人在知情前提下自愿同意放弃由律 师 在场 , 并 且 应当建立核实该人所作同意是否自愿的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To prohibit, in the absence of any compelling circumstances, any interviewing of a person by the police in the absence of a lawyer, unless the person gives his or her informed and voluntary consent to waive the lawyer’s presence and to establish mechanisms for verifying the voluntary nature of the person’s consent. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 为了儿童的根本利益务使被拘留、被逮捕、涉嫌或被控告或被指控刑 事犯罪的儿童能够立即与其父母或监护人取得联系,禁止在其律师或其他法律 [...] 援助提供人缺席的情况下以及禁止在父母或监护人本 可 在场 但 却 缺席的情况下 与儿童进行任何面谈 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Enabling children who are detained, arrested, suspected or accused of, or charged with a criminal offence to contact their parents or guardians at once and prohibiting any interviewing of a child in the absence of his or her lawyer [...] or other legal aid provider, and parent or [...] guardian when available, in the best [...]interests of the child;(c) Ensuring the right [...]of the child to have the matter determined in the daccess-ods.un.org |