单词 | 在台湾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在台湾 adverb —in Taiwan advSee also:台湾 n—Taiwanese n 湾 n—bay n
大部分争议岛屿都处于越南、 [...] 菲律宾和马来西亚的实际军事占领和管理中,然而最大 的岛屿:太平岛,则是在台湾政府 的控制下。 crisisgroup.org | Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia have de facto military occupation and administration of [...] most of the disputed islands, although the largest feature, Itu Aba Island, is under [...] the control of the Taiwan government. crisisgroup.org |
这种积极的沟通有助于在台湾与中华人民共和国之间建立信 任和信心,从而为亚洲与太平洋的和平、繁荣与稳定作出贡献。 mofa.gov.tw | This positive interaction will help build trust and [...] confidence between Taiwan and the People’s [...]Republic of China and thus contribute [...]to peace, prosperity and stability in Asia and the Pacific. mofa.gov.tw |
三个月后,Veeco 在台湾新竹市开办新的台湾技术中心 (TTC),为采用 Veeco MOCVD 技术的 LED 行业制造商提供流程支持。 veeco.com.cn | Three months [...] later, Veeco opened its new Taiwan Technology Center (TTC) in Hsinchu, Taiwan to provide [...]process support for [...]LED industry manufacturers using Veeco MOCVD technology. veeco.com |
在城镇边缘,很多由中国人建造的高大建筑物经常空无一 人,此时房屋的业主正在台湾和云 南购物。 crisisgroup.org | On the edge of town, many tall buildings built by Chinese are often empty while their owners [...] are buying things in Taiwan and Yunnan. crisisgroup.org |
就像在台湾和韩 国一样,这与不对化学和医 药产品进行专利保护是有联系的。 iprcommission.org | This was associated, as in Taiwan and Korea, with [...] an absence of patent protection for chemical and pharmaceutical products. iprcommission.org |
代理自动柜员机及金融机构安全系统行业中一家主要生产 商 在台湾 的 收购业务以及在中国的合营业务。 squiresanders.com | Representing a leading producer of automated [...] teller machines and security systems for financial institutions in an [...] acquisition in Taiwan and a joint venture [...]in China. squiresanders.com |
拍摄在台湾进行 ,展示了一系列Windows新产品如何在不同细节——从软件到硬件——融入并丰富用户的生活。 ba-repsasia.com | The shoot was held in Taiwan and featured a [...] range of ads detailing how the new Window’s products – from software to hardware [...]– integrate into and enrich the lives of its users. ba-repsasia.com |
作为在台湾在线营 销事业的开拓者,她还曾是台湾互联网广告媒体协会的理事。 tfmchina.com | As one of the online [...] marketing pioneers in Taiwan, Sophia is also [...]a charter member and served on the board of the Online [...]Media & Marketing Association Taiwan. tfmchina.com |
我们的台湾技术中心 (TTC) 设立在台湾新竹公园,此中心设备完善,随时可以进行过程演示、安排快速启动计划以传达最佳的已知方法、为评估系统升级提供早期访问并支持联合技术开发计划。 veeco.com.cn | Located in Hsinchu Park, Taiwan, our Taiwan Technology Center (TTC) is fully equipped and ready to conduct process demonstrations, arrange rapid start programs to transfer best known methods, provide early access to evaluate system upgrades and support joint technology development programs. veeco.com |
你们的单曲精选集在台湾发售 ,能形容一下作为台湾五大 排行榜第一位的感想是? nipponproject.com | You released a Taiwan Singles Collection, can you describe your feelings/thoughts when hearing that it made #1 on Taiwan charts? nipponproject.com |
代理一家财富500强公司在台湾和越 南的资产收购。 squiresanders.com | Representing a Fortune 500 company in an [...] asset acquisition in Taiwan and Vietnam. squiresanders.com |
日本地震若发生在台湾,您 的企业承受的了吗? deloitte.com | If the Japan [...] earthquake had hit Taiwan, would your company [...]have survived? deloitte.com |
关于这一紧迫需要,图瓦卢愿衷心感谢中华民国 在台湾作为 图瓦卢最积极的发展合作伙伴在非传染 [...] 性疾病防控及卫生系统整体发展方面所给予的持续 贡献和援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In connection with this urgent need, Tuvalu wishes to acknowledge with sincere appreciation the continued [...] contributions of and assistance provided by the [...] Republic of China on Taiwan as one of its most [...]committed development partners in the [...]prevention and control of NCDs and the overall development of its health sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是在台湾记录 的唯一的Bupleurum 的种,但相当少被了解和只由少数采集而被记录。 flora.ac.cn | It is the only species of [...] Bupleurum reported from Taiwan, but is rather [...]poorly known and is recorded only from a few collections. flora.ac.cn |
在台湾和韩 国经济快速成长的关键阶段—— 1960 年至 1980 年的转型阶段,双方都强调效仿和翻版28 的重要性,视之为发展本土经济革新能力 [...] 的重要手段。 iprcommission.org | Throughout the critical phase of rapid growth in Taiwan and Korea between [...] 1960 and 1980, during which their economies were [...]transformed, both countries emphasised the importance of imitation and reverse engineering28 as an important element in developing their indigenous technological and innovative capacity. iprcommission.org |
Jakob Pöllath先生今年在台湾访问 期间,在报纸上看到了民进党暗讽执政党如当年的奸臣秦桧,继而引发了思考。 konfuzius-institute.de | During his visit in Taiwan this year, Mr. Jakob [...] Pöllath read a news that the Democratic Progressive Party innuendoed the [...]ruling party as that year's treacherous court official QIN Hui, and it excited him to deep thinking. konfuzius-institute.de |
为了能够对亚洲市场卧式镗铣加工中心的需求提供服务,我 们 在台湾 设 立 了具有生产,销售,和售后服务一体的销售公司和生产工厂。 cn.kuraki.co.jp | The sales office and [...] production plant in Taiwan were established [...]for the purpose of producing and selling CNC horizontal [...]boring machines, and providing customer service mainly for the Asian market. eng.kuraki.co.jp |
注意到中华人民共和国自 1949 年成立以来,从未对台湾行使过任何控制或 管辖,中华民国在台湾政府 也从未对中华人民共和国的领土行使过任何控制或管 辖,又注意到中华民国在结束了 40 年的威权统治后,已在台湾转变 成一个自由 mofa.gov.tw | Noting the fact that, since its establishment in 1949, the [...] People’s Republic [...] of China has never exercised any control or jurisdiction over Taiwan, nor has the Government of the Republic of China or Taiwan ever exercised any control or jurisdiction over the territory of the [...]People’s Republic of China mofa.gov.tw |
伯爵Gouverneur系列在台湾崭新发表 帅气王子吴尊演绎至尊王者风范。 piaget.com.cn | Prince Charmant Chun WU reveals kingliness at the Piaget Gouverneur collection launch event. en.piaget.com |
蔚华科技将负责Johnstech全线产品 在台湾 和 中 国内地的销售、市场推广和技术支持。 tipschina.gov.cn | Spirox will be responsible for expanding [...] the sales, marketing and technical support for the full line of Johnstech products in [...] the territories of Taiwan and China. tipschina.gov.cn |
In the groove: Kevin, 在台湾,大多数的客户来自维修市场。 tss.trelleborg.com | In the groove: Kevin, in Taiwan most of your customers [...] are MROs. tss.trelleborg.com |
在台湾、中 国、日本、捷克、墨西哥及美国均设 有营业网点的和硕,需要重新设计其ERP系统,困难 [...] 重重。 abeam.com | With operation sites in Taiwan, China, Japan, [...] Czech Republic, Mexico and the United States, reconsidering PEGATRON’s ERP [...]system looked to be a difficult task. abeam.com |
该公司的“帕拉丁”是一个电子媒体的领先供应商(空白CD-R,CD-RW光碟的DVD-R,DVD + R,DVD-RW的,双层,蓝光,微型CD及DVD,BUSSINESS卡的CD及DVD [...] USB,HDD硬盘,蓝光驱动器,造纸印刷,内存模块和报警系统 , 在台湾 市 场 ),是来自东南亚的电子元件供应商。 chinatrader.ru | The company "Paladin" is one of the leading suppliers of electronic media (Blank CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD + R, DVD-RW, Dual layer, Blu-ray, Mini CD & DVD, Bussiness Card CD & DVD , USB, HDD HDD, Blu-ray drives, [...] paper printing, memory modules and alarm [...] systems) in the Taiwan market, and is [...]a supplier of electronic components from Southeast Asia. chinatrader.ru |
2006年,晶睿通讯(TAIEX:3454)在台湾 证 券 交易所上市。 plustek.com.cn | In 2006, VIVOTEK (TAIEX: 3454) [...] was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. plustek.com |
2009年11月25日~27日、在台湾台北市我公司与台湾经销店JuneSun Digicom公司以及台湾ITS运输系统协会、国立台湾大学土木IT模拟管理研究中心共同举办了2009国际VR研讨会以及UC-win/Road培训 会。 forum8.co.jp | ITS Taiwan, Civlil Engineering IT Simulation Research Center of National Taiwan University, [...] Forum 8 and Junesun Digital [...]Information Service Corporation, which has joined FORUM 8 distributor network, jointly organized a series of marketing events for 3 days from November 25-27 2009, including a hands-on experience seminar for UC-win/Road on the last day. forum8.co.jp |
最初ASM在台湾开办 ,然后在新加坡举办一年之后,移到泰国的一处新基地。 amccsm.org | I followed with [...] interest as ASM first started in Taiwan and then after [...]a year in Singapore moved to a new base in Thailand. amccsm.org |
文绮华表示,台湾一直是澳门第三大客源市场,去年入境澳门的台湾旅客总人数达107万多人次,相较往年下降,然而令人欣喜的是 , 台湾在 澳 门 过夜的旅客数每年都呈现持续的成长,2012年在澳门过夜的台湾旅客增长了百分之2.6,且过夜旅客占台湾整体入境旅客的比例也较2011年增加了5个百分点,说明澳 门 在台湾 旅 客 心中已经逐渐转型为旅游地点,而非过境转运站,这也是澳门特区政府旅游局长期以来努力的目标。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The proportion of Taiwanese visitors to overall overnight-stay visitors increased year-on-year by 5% in 2012, suggesting that Macau has gradually transformed from a transit station into a tourist destination in the Taiwanese's perspective, a goal MGTO has long strived [...] to reach. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
为了更好地立足于亚洲市场,艾伯纳公司在 中国上海开设了一个代表处,并 在台湾 高 雄 成立 了一个服务中心。 ebner.cc | In order to gain a better foothold in the Asian market, EBNER opens a representative office in Shanghai, China and a [...] service center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ebner.cc |
将澳门建设成为世界旅游休闲中心是澳门发展的策略定位,旅游局延续「感受澳门 动容时刻」的宣传主轴,强调一年365天,天天都适合游澳门,且每个消费者在澳门都可以拥有属于自己的难忘时刻 , 在台湾 市 场将加强与航空公司与旅行社等业者合作,针对「亲子旅客」、「上班族」、「粉领族」、「新婚族」、「银发族」,发展包括文化旅游、节庆旅游及购物旅游…等各种套装行程与建议玩法,让不同族群随时都能恣意游澳门。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | With the strategic positioning of Macau's development as a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure, MGTO will continue its promotional theme "Touching Moments・Experience Macau". industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
新成立的子公司与雷尼绍在台湾长期 合作的经销商MTC和Usync共同对雷尼绍的所有创新计量产品支持,包括坐标测量机用测头系统、机床用触发式测头和激光对刀测头、用于位置反馈的直线光栅和圆光栅以及用于机床性能分析的校准系统。 renishaw.com.cn | Together with [...] Renishaw’s long-term Taiwanese distributors, MTC [...]and Usync, the new subsidiary supports Renishaw’s full range [...]of innovative metrology products, including CMM probe systems, touch probes and laser tool setters for CNC machine tools, linear and rotary encoders for position feedback, and calibration systems for machine performance analysis. renishaw.com |