

单词 在华

External sources (not reviewed)

波兰最大的机在华沙: 华沙弗雷德里克肖邦国际机场。
The biggest Polish airport is the one at Warsaw: the Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport.
此外在华盛顿 共识推动的市 场迅速自由化时期,拉丁美洲在世贸组织多 边谈判中没有什么影响力可以使谈判更着 眼于社会和环境。
Additionally, during the period of rapid market liberalization promoted by the Washington Consensus, [...]
Latin America had little
leverage in the multilateral negotiations of the WTO to make them more socially and environmentally oriented.
例如在华盛顿 州西雅图,税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 [...]
他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代理商、收税人的国籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。
In Seattle, Washington, for example, [...]
taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques
they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors.
此外,摩洛哥积极推动 2010 年 4 月 12 日和 13 日在华盛顿举行的核安 全峰会的工作,该会议涉及不扩散和保障核武器和核材料安全,以及 2010 年 5 月 3 日至 28 日在纽约举行的《不扩散条约》2010 年审议大会 的工作。
Morocco was an active participant in the proceedings of the Nuclear Security Summit, held on 12 and 13 April 2010 in Washington, which dealt with the non-proliferation and “securitization” of nuclear weapons and material, and of the eighth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, convened from 3 to 28 May 2010 in New York.
本《协定在华盛顿 签订,正本一份,保存于国际复兴开发银行档案库内;银行在协议下方 [...]
签字表明愿意承担保存本《协定》的责任并负责将本《协定》根据第九条第一款开始生效的 日期通知附录 A 中所列的各国政府。
DONE at Washington, in a single copy [...]
which shall remain deposited in the archives of the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development, which has indicated by its signature below its agreement to act as depository of this Agreement and to notify all governments whose names are set forth in Schedule A of the date when this Agreement shall enter into force under Article IX, Section 1 hereof.
(a) 2004 年 4 月,美国国土安全部官员违反《维也纳外交特权及豁免公约》 的基本原则,突击搜查了在华盛顿 特区的厄立特里亚文化中心,粗暴对待厄立 特里亚外交人员,并没收了存放在保险箱中的近 100 万美元现金和大使馆文件。
(a) In April 2004, United States officials in the Department of Homeland Security raided the Eritrean cultural centre in Washington, manhandled Eritrea’s diplomatic agent and confiscated close to $1 million in cash from the safe box as well as Embassy documents in contravention of the basic tenets of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
That’s why we’re recognizing in the Patent Office back in Washington, D.C., in America, the mind, developing a process that then became a product and a company that is now transforming the lives of people throughout China, and you all are part of that.
在这一时 期,几乎全球主要的大公司、咨询公司和大 型银行为了树立形象和开拓全国市场 在华 沙建立了总部。
During this process almost all global players, consulting companies and banks installed their head offices in Warsaw to communicate the necessary presence in the market and in order to start business activities within the whole country.
位 于核心商业区的Softtek中国公司是那 在华 以 外 商独资企业身份经营的全球性和区域性私营IT企业和政府客户的首选中国外包服务供应商。
Located in the Central Business District, Softtek China is the Leading China-based outsourcing provider to global and regional IT companies and government clients, which is privately held, operating in China as a wholly-owned foreign enterprise (WOFE).
阿尔法卡巴阿尔法女大学生联谊会有限公司(AKA)是一 在华 盛 顿 特区霍华 德大学校园内成立的国际服务机构,始建于 1908 年。
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (AKA) is an international service organization that was founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1908.
赛诺龙医疗公司首席执行官Louis P. Scafuri表示:“中国国家食品药品监督管理局近日批准了我们的五类产品,这是赛诺 在华 业 务 发展的一个重要的里程碑。
Louis P. Scafuri, Chief Executive Officer of Syneron Medical, said, "The recent SFDA approval of these five products is a significant milestone for Syneron's business in China.
欣见 1993 年 10 月 1 日在华盛顿 特区召开的支持中东和平会议所取得的成果、 协调对巴勒斯坦人提供国际援助特设联络委员会的设立和担任该委员会秘书处 的世界银行正在开展的工作、协商小组的设立、各次后续会议和为向巴勒斯坦人 [...]
Welcoming the results of the Conference to Support Middle East Peace, convened in Washington, D.C., on [...]
1 October 1993, the establishment
of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for the Coordination of the International Assistance to Palestinians and the work being done by the World Bank as its secretariat and the establishment of the Consultative Group, as well as all follow-up meetings and international mechanisms established to provide assistance to the Palestinian people
同时,本指引也将帮在华投资 的荷兰公 司更好地了解中国不同的企业社会责任环境。
It will also help Dutch companies investing in China to understand the different CSR environment in China.
该项目由一小批来自在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的全球法律事务所的资深律师 成立于 2000 年春天,并在华盛顿 和其他国家及城市(包括纽约、波士顿、奥地 利、匈牙利、波兰、南非和西班牙)的同行组成了一个工作组,之后,他们得到 了可行性研究的经费。
ISLP was founded in the spring of 2000 by a small group of senior lawyers from global law firms based in Washington, D.C. After establishing a working group consisting of colleagues in Washington and other cities and countries, including New York, Boston, Austria, Hungary, Poland, South Africa and Spain, they secured funding for a feasibility study.
Linfox已在华南地 区经营了20多年,2009年,为更好地服务于杂货链企业乐购(Tesco),该公司在上海成立了新的办公点;此外Linfox还在新疆自治区中国最大的铁矿负责运输加工用的铁珠。
Linfox has
[...] been operating in southern China [...]
for more than 20 years and in 2009 it opened a new site in Shanghai to help
servicing grocery chain Tesco, in addition to an operation in Xinjang province, where Linfox works in the country’s largest iron ore mine transporting iron pellets for processing.
危机组织全球总部位于布鲁塞尔, 在华 盛 顿(作 为法人实体)、纽约、伦敦和莫斯科设有顾问办公 室。
Crisis Group’s international headquarters are in Brussels, with advocacy offices in Washington DC (where it is based as a legal entity), New York, London and Moscow.
在华盛顿特区举行的核安全首脑会议上,美国 竭力维护其在核武器问题讨论上的垄断,维护其对 其他国家的优势,但在德黑兰举行的核裁军和不扩 散会议却是所有参与方为创建一个无核武器世界提 [...]
出共同倡议,其主题“核能为大家,禁止核武器” 证明了这一点。
While the Nuclear Security Summit, held in Washington, D.C., was an effort [...]
by the United States to preserve its monopoly
over discussions on nuclear weapons and its superiority over other countries, the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation conference, held in Tehran, was a joint initiative by all participants to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons, as demonstrated by the motto, “Nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for no one”.
越南认识到在有关 和平利用核能方面安全和安保的惠益和要求,并支 持努力促进它们的推广工作,其中包 在华 盛 顿特 区举行的核安全首脑会议提出的措施,同时重视在 和平利用核能方面向发展中国家提供援助。
His country recognized both the benefits and requirements of safety and security in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and supported efforts for their promotion, including the measures put forward at the Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, D.C., while at the same time attaching great importance to the expansion of assistance to developing countries in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
教科文组织在 2002 年当选为地球观测卫星委员会(CEOS)的准会员,因而进一步加强了与各个空间机构
[...] 的合作,它正在参加 2003 年 7 月在华盛顿 举行的首次地球观测首脑会议。
UNESCO further strengthened its cooperation with space agencies through its election in 2002 as associate member of CEOS (Committee on Earth
Observation Satellites) and is participating in the first Summit on Earth Observation, taking
[...] place in July 2003 in Washington.
在华盛顿 举行的首次地球观测首脑会议(GEO) (2003 [...]
年 7 月)再次提出了这一观点。
This message was again taken [...]
up by the first Earth Observation Summit (GEO) in Washington, DC (July 2003).
2010 年就裁军与不扩散问题召开了几次重要的国
[...] 际会议并作出承诺,例如:美国同俄罗斯联邦之间的 新的裁武协定在华盛顿 特区举行的核安全首脑会 议;以及 [...]
2010 年不扩散核武器条约(不扩散条约)缔 约国审议大会。
The year 2010 witnessed some important international conferences and commitments on disarmament and non-proliferation, such as the New START agreement between the United States and
the Russian Federation; the Nuclear Security
[...] Summit, in Washington D.C.; and the [...]
2010 Review Conference of the Parties to
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
英文报道)美国汽车巨头通用汽车(NYSE: GM)刚宣布类似计划称在华生产其豪华车品牌凯迪拉克之后仅仅一周尼桑就宣布了它的这一计划。
(English article) Nissan’s plan comes just a week
after US auto giant General Motors (NYSE: GM) announced a similar plan to
[...] produce its own luxury Cadillac brand [...]
in China.
2008 年至今:联合国组织管理咨询人,工作内容包括:(a) 就纽约联合 国人口基金内部监督厅的现代化提供咨询,具体做法是采用最先进的审 计和评价方法,统一审计职能,以进行质量评估审查; ( b) 在华盛顿特 区泛美卫生组织担任审计长临时职务,任务是重组内部监督和评价办公 室,以符合行业标准和最佳做法;着手建立包括外部成员的审计委员会; 制定基于风险的年度审计和评价计划;提出发现和防止欺诈的政策。
Work included: consultancy to modernize the Division for Oversight Services of the United Nations Population Fund in New York by introducing state-of-the-art audit and evaluation methodologies, and alignment of the audit function to undertake a quality assessment review; interim position as Auditor General, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C., with mission to restructure the Office of Internal Oversight and Evaluation to comply with industry standards and best practices; initiated the creation of an Audit Committee with external membership; developed the annual audit and evaluation plan based on risk; and introduced fraud detection and prevention policies.
[...] before Robert Walters can place you, [...]
we will need to carry out detailed reference checks for your most recent five
years of employment history, so it is useful to have these at the ready.
同样在 2007 年, 圣约社的一名代表出席了在维也纳举行的全球打击贩卖人口活动倡议会议,负责 方案发展的资深副总裁担任了推动美国批准《儿童权利公约》运动的主席,并分在 6 月在华盛顿 市乔治敦大学举办的《全国儿童权利公约》专题讨论会和在 11 月举行的《儿童权利公约》座谈会上发言。
Also in 2007, a Covenant House representative attended meetings of the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) in Vienna, and the Senior Vice President for Program Development served as Chair of the Campaign for United States Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and spoke at the Georgetown University National Symposium on the Convention on the Rights of the Child in June in Washington, D.C. and at the Colloquium on the Convention on the Rights of the Child in November.
由于主要与会者退出,会议延 期举行,这是非常遗憾的,因为巴勒斯坦的统一非 常迫切,巴勒斯坦需要在内部做好准备,以迎接美 国新政在华盛顿 举行的活动以及以色列 2 月份大 选之后举行的活动。
The meeting had been postponed owing to the withdrawal of key participants, which was very unfortunate as the reunification of Palestine was urgent, since the country needed to be ready internally for unfolding events in Washington with the new Administration and in Israel after the February elections.
最近更新时间: 2011/11/18 // 在挪威王国驻上海总领事馆与挪 在华 商 会 (NBA) 共同主办的第三届上海挪威海鲜盛宴上,从挪威运抵上海的鲜活海产成为了此次活动的亮点之一。
Last updated: 18/11/2011 // Excellent seafood delivered alive from Norway was one of the highlights as the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai and Norwegian Business Association (NBA) co hosted the Third Annual Norwegian Seafood Dinner.
以北京,上海,深圳,哈尔滨及香港为五大人才集聚地,通过德勤中国的丰富服务网络,为整个大中华区的大中型国有企业 在华 跨 国 公司,高科技高成长的民营企业提供覆盖企业全价值链的高质量行业专精化的战略与运营管理咨询,人力资本咨询和信息技术服务。
Our talents from the Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Harbin and Hong Kong offices provide industry-oriented and high-quality strategy, human capital and IT consulting services covering the whole value chain of corporates to clients all over the Greater China region through Deloitte China's extensive service network.
旅游局代表出席了是届博览会于17日举行的开幕典礼及欢迎晚宴,及于19日出席了「2013年TTG中国旅游大奖颁奖典礼」,澳门特区政府旅游局于当晚的颁奖典礼上获颁 在华 最 佳 旅游机构”。
The MGTO representatives attended the inaugural ceremony and welcome dinner of the expo on April 17 as well as the "TTG China Travel Awards 2013 Ceremony" on April 19, an evening occasion when MGTO was awarded the Best Tourism Organization in China.




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