单词 | 在别处 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在别处 adverb—elsewhere advExamples:(放)在别处 adv—away adv See also:别处—elsewhere 处在—find oneself at • be situated at
此外,在当今这个相互关联的世界上,某地因辩论而产生的紧张局势可 能即刻在别处造成冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | What is more, in an interconnected world, tensions around debates in one place [...] may today have instant conflict effects in another. daccess-ods.un.org |
Nassar 先生是否被美国关押在别处或者 是否知道他被关押在哪里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The FBI did not, however, address whether Mr. Nassar was in United States custody elsewhere or whether it knew where he was then held. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如斯里兰卡总统在联合国大 会上指出的一样,在这样长的时间里提供支 持 在别 处类似情况下也许是不可能实现的。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the President of Sri Lanka had stated in the General Assembly, such sustained commitment over such a prolonged period was perhaps unparalleled in similar situations elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多其他损失可以在别处 得到 重新利用,减少这些损失只具有局部利益,而且可能对别处产生不利影响。 wrdmap.org | Many of the other losses can be reused elsewhere, and thus reducing these losses has only a local benefit, and possibly has adverse impacts elsewhere. wrdmap.org |
然 而,全球化有时也扩大了贫富差距,而大众通讯系统令更多的人产生这种印象, 即在别处也许可以获得更好的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Equally, however, globalization has sometimes widened the disparities between the rich and [...] poor, and mass communication systems give many more people the impression that a [...] better life may be within reach elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一些人则认为,没有承认的 受抚养人的工作人员无需在别处维持一个家庭基地,因此,与在被指定为家属随 行艰苦地点的同事相比,处境没有什么不同。 daccess-ods.un.org | Others were of the view that staff with no recognized dependants were not obliged to maintain a home base elsewhere and therefore were no differently placed than colleagues in hardship locations which were designated as suitable for families. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论境内流离失所者和难民选择回到其来源地 或 在别处 重 新 安居,该权利 均对其适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | This right applies to IDPs and refugees [...] whether they choose to return to their place of origin or to resettle elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果我们只能在别处审判 泰勒,我们怎么解释自己在犯罪发生地实现和平 与正义的承诺? daccess-ods.un.org | What are we saying about our commitment to bringing peace and justice to the place where the crimes took place if we can only try Taylor elsewhere? daccess-ods.un.org |
和大使馆、石油财团总部和其他一些刚到南苏 丹发展的中国公司一样,中国石油集团的一些临时 总部都设在北京朱巴酒店,但最近它 在别处 购 买了 新的办公场所。 crisisgroup.org | Like the embassy, both oil consortium headquarters and several other Chinese outposts, CNPC’s [...] temporary headquarters was on the grounds of the Beijing Juba [...] Hotel, though it has recently acquired new space elsewhere. crisisgroup.org |
在进行专利申请的审核时,发展中国家应慎重考虑要求申请人公开该发 明 在别处 做 出 的其 他相应申请的相关信息。 iprcommission.org | When undertaking the examination of patent applications, developing countries should seriously consider requiring the applicant to disclose all relevant information concerning other corresponding applications filed elsewhere for the invention. iprcommission.org |
因被控内容非法而受到阻 挡和失去能力的网页,常常在几小时内就能 够 在别处 的 网上被重新激活。 daccess-ods.un.org | A site that is blocked or disabled for [...] allegedly illegal content can often be reactivated elsewhere on the Web within hours. daccess-ods.un.org |
仅]就[1990年1月1 日之前建立的] “种植生产林”而言,如果在别处 的非 林地建立了“等效林”,而且符合造林或再造林的资格,则林地转化为非林 地应被视为伐木,而不应被视为毁林。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the case of planted production forests [established before 1 January 1990 only], conversion of forest land to non-forest land shall be considered harvesting, and shall not be considered deforestation, where an equivalent forest is established elsewhere on non-forest land that would have qualified for afforestation or reforestation. daccess-ods.un.org |
对 于各执行机构来说,最常见的还是与有关的供资机构进行政策方面的谈判,往往会受供资机 构可能在别处获得 的管理费比率的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For the implementing agencies, it will most often be a policy [...] negotiation with the funding source in question, frequently influenced by the rate that the [...] funding source can obtain elsewhere. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但在一项技术还不受当地的知识产权保护的国家,任何人都可以自由地使用它,不管是 出于生计还是商业目的,也不管该项技 术 在别处 是 否 受知识产权的保护。 iprcommission.org | Discussions on the further harmonisation of substantive patent law are currently in progress within WIPO and we have already had a foretaste of what might be the outcome of these discussions. iprcommission.org |
答:如果您是在别处而非 Microsoft Store 网站联机购买的Microsoft Office版本,您有可能需要在下列位置获取您的产品密钥信息。 microsoftstore.com | A: If you purchased your version of [...] Microsoft Office online from another source other than the Microsoft [...]Store site, there is a chance [...]you may need to obtain your product key information at the following location. microsoftstore.com |
特别委员会忆及其在别处提出 的关于辩论业经委员会审议项目 (见上文第 50 段)及关于唱名表决(见上文第 84 段)的建议,认为对议事 规则中各有关规定不宜作任何更改[第 [...] 287 段]。 unachina.org | The Special Committee, recalling the recommendations which it has made elsewhere [...] concerning debate on items already considered [...]in Committee (see para. 50 above) and roll-call votes (see para. 84 above), feels that it is inadvisable to make any changes in the relevant provisions of the rules of procedure [ 104. unachina.org |
在别处,耶雷米奇先生率领塞尔维亚代表团出席非洲联盟、美洲国家组织和不结盟运动的高级别会议。 un.org | Elsewhere, Mr. Jeremić led his country’s delegation at high-level meetings [...] of the African Union, the Organization of American [...]States and the Non-Aligned Movement. un.org |
田野,路旁,废弃地方,长满草的地区; [...] 近海平面到海拔1000米安徽, 福建, [不丹,印度,日本,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯; 原产于的北美洲; 在别处引进栽培 ]. flora.ac.cn | Fields, roadsides, waste places, grassy areas; near sea level to 1000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, [...] Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, India, Japan, Pakistan, [...] Russia; native to North America; introduced elsewhere]. flora.ac.cn |
秘书长代表强调,为国内流离失所者找到持久的解决办法,包括返回、当地 融合或在别处定居 ,以及为不能返回的人划拨土地的措施,都是伊拉克和平建设 不可或缺的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Representative underlined that finding durable solutions to internal displacement including return, local integration or settlement in a different location, and measures for the allocation of land for those who cannot return is an essential part of peacebuilding in Iraq. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 应该有一个统一的办法来处理被指派到不带家属工作地点的工作人员 的补偿、津贴和福利,以取代各基金、方案和专门机构使用的特别行动方法, 承认在此类地区任职而家人在别处意 味 着额外的经济和心理困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) That there should be a harmonized approach to compensation, allowances and benefits for staff assigned to non-family duty stations that would replace the special operations approach used by the funds and programmes and specialized agencies, recognizing that serving in such areas with their family elsewhere represents an additional level of financial and psychological hardship. daccess-ods.un.org |
石质地区,废弃庭园,院子; 海平面到海拔2000米在中国中大多数人内培养, [原产于的W地中海地区; 在别处的归化 ]. flora.ac.cn | Stony areas, waste grounds, yards; sea level to 2000 m. Cultivated in most of China, naturalized in Gansu, Hebei, [...] Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Taiwan, Xinjiang, [...] Zhejiang [native to W Mediterranean region; naturalized elsewhere]. flora.ac.cn |
Marshlands,牧场,湖和池塘,溪边,灌木丛,牧场的牧场,路旁,岸; 近海平面到海拔4000米安徽, [...] 甘肃, 广西, 贵州, 河北, 黑龙江, 河南, 湖北, 湖南, [...] [阿富汗,不丹,印度,日本,哈萨克斯坦,朝鲜,蒙古,东北部的朋友,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,锡金,塔吉克斯坦,土库曼,乌兹别克; 欧洲,北美洲;被引进澳大利亚,南美洲, 和 在别处 ]. flora.ac.cn | Marshlands, pastures, meadows, roadsides, shores of lakes and ponds, streamsides, thickets, grasslands; near sea level to 4000 m. Anhui, Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Ne-pal, Pakistan, Russia, [...] Sikkim, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; Europe, North America; [...] introduced in Australia, South America, and elsewhere]. flora.ac.cn |
山地的草甸,林缘,河流域; 1500-2500米黑龙江,内蒙古,新疆 [哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,蒙古,俄罗斯,塔吉克斯坦,乌兹别克; 亚洲西南部,欧洲; 在别处引进栽培 ]. flora.ac.cn | Montane meadows, forest margins, river valleys; 1500–2500 m. Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan; SW Asia, Europe; introduced elsewhere]. flora.ac.cn |
正如某人在别处说的,关于公交车,有一个奇怪的现象:你等了很久一辆不来,最后却一下来了三辆!JAX-RS实现貌似也碰到了类似的问题。 infoq.com | As someone remarked elsewhere, there's a strange phenomenon regarding buses: you wait ages for one, then three come along at once! infoq.com |
果狭圆锥状,至少基部强烈近念珠状,果实狭隔, 裂爿膜质,对0.3毫米的疏生微柔毛的具乳突,很少近无毛,清楚脉; 假隔膜广泛地扩大在基部,在别处勉 强 使变平; 隔膜完全的或很少具孔和退化至一凸缘,膜质; 花柱纤细,(0.5-)0.7-1.2(-1.5)毫米种子棕色,长圆形,肥厚, 1.4-1.8 * 0.8-1.2 毫米; 子叶现任的或偏斜。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit narrowly conical, strongly torulose, angustiseptate at least basally, (4-)7-10(-12) mm, base cordate or truncate and (1.8-)2-2.5(-3) mm wide, apex acuminate; valves membranous, sparsely puberulent with papillae to 0.3 mm, rarely subglabrous, distinctly veined; replum widely expanded at base, narrowly flattened elsewhere; septum complete or rarely perforate and reduced to a rim, membranous; style slender, (0.5-)0.7-1.2(-1.5) mm. flora.ac.cn |
而且当时也不知道那是原子弹,没有吃的, 就 在别处 的 田里拿红薯或埋在土里的大米什么的 毫无顾忌地用它来充饥。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | Since we had no idea what the A-bomb was or had anything to eat in those days, without hesitation we ate food exposed to radiation, such as potatoes grown in other people‘s fields and rice buried Life after the A-bombing hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
田野,扰乱地区,路旁,沙漠; 700-3300米安徽,甘肃,河北,河南,江苏,宁夏,青海,陕西,山西,四川,西藏,新疆 [阿富汗,印度,克什米尔,哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,蒙古,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,塔吉克斯坦,土库曼,乌兹别克; 非洲北部,亚洲西南部,欧洲; 在别处的归化 ]. flora.ac.cn | Fields, disturbed areas, roadsides, deserts; 700-3300 m. Anhui, Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang [Afghanistan, India, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; N Africa, SW Asia, Europe; naturalized elsewhere]. flora.ac.cn |
增加那些能够起诉海盗行径的国家数量的关 键,不管是在区域中还是在别处,在 于 各 国执行这一 法律制度并且拥有进行起诉的意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The key to increasing the number of States that are able to prosecute acts of piracy, whether they be in the region or elsewhere, lies in national implementation of this international legal regime and in the will to take on prosecutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们的身体虽在这里,思维却在别处 。 当 他们去僻远地区度假时,如果找不到因特网联接,就会感觉心神不安和焦虑,这意味着休闲时光变成了痛苦折磨,因为他们害怕在失去联系的这段时间里可能会有坏事发生。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | When they go on vacation to a remote area, if they find out there is no internet connection, they feel uneasy, restless and what was meant to be leisure time turns into a tortured fear that something bad might happen while they are out of touch. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
路旁,废弃地方,田野; 300-3500米新疆 [阿富汗,印度,克什米尔,哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,塔吉克斯坦,土库曼,乌兹别克; 亚洲西南部,欧洲; 在别处的归化 ]. flora.ac.cn | Roadsides, waste places, fields; 300-3500 m. Xinjiang [Afghanistan, India, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; SW Asia, Europe; naturalized elsewhere]. flora.ac.cn |