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External sources (not reviewed)

它敦在主要立 法中规定替代拘留的措施,并向寻求庇护 者和所有其他移民提供有效的程序性保障。
It urged for measures alternative to detention to be
[...] provided for in primary legislation, [...]
and that procedural safeguards be effectively
guaranteed to asylum-seekers and all other migrants.
如果没有指定任何一次电流,则显 在主 屏 幕 上的一次电流单位始终为“A”,即 [...]
“0 A”。
The primary current is always displayed
[...] in "A" on the main screen or as "0" [...]
if no primary current is specified.
封闭式气流控制 器组在主气源处于 “ 关闭 ” 位置时不会运行。
The Enclosed Air Controls will not
[...] operate when the main air supply is in [...]
the Off position.
安装可启动应急媒体生成器可让您随 在主 程 序 窗口创建可启动媒体或其 ISO 映像,或自动 [...]
Installing the Bootable Rescue Media Builder will allow you to
create bootable media or its ISO image at
[...] any time from the main program window [...]
or by running Bootable Rescue Media Builder on its own.
在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近 世界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
迄今为止在主要能 源中,核能不仅具有对环境友 善和符合成本效益的特点,而且也是一种安全能源—— [...]
As of today, among the major sources of energy, [...]
nuclear energy is not only environmentally friendly and cost-effective,
it is also a safe source of energy — if one treats it responsibly, of course.
作为维和部 2007 年结构调整的一部分在主管维 持和平行动副秘书长办公 室中设立了一个高级方案干事职能,以协助办公室主任的方案管理和改革/变革 管理活动,包括:领导制定维和部方案计划并协调其执行,为改革举措制定计划; 协调制定所有次级方案计划,包括维和部战略框架的成果预算部分、支助账户预 算、经常预算、副秘书长和助理秘书长的业绩契约;监测、评价和报告所取得的 结果,或协调这些活动。
As part of the DPKO restructuring in 2007, the function of a Senior Programme Officer was created in the Office of the Under-Secretary-General, for Peacekeeping Operations, to assist the Chief of Staff in programme management and reform/change management activities, including: leading the development of the DPKO programme plan and coordinating its implementation as well as developing plans for reform initiatives; coordinating the development of all subprogramme plans, including the results-based-budget elements of the DPKO strategic framework, support account budget and regular budget, as well as the performance compacts of the Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General; and monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the results achieved, or coordinating such activities.
14.5 在主席宣 布投票开始后,除了有与正在进行的表决程序有关的动议 外,不得打断投票的进行。
14.5 After the chairperson has announced the [...]
beginning of voting, no one shall interrupt the voting except on a point of
order in connection with the actual conduct of the voting.
政府应努力推动对话、真相与和解委员会的成功和持续 在 , 主 要 通 过如 下方面:(a) 加强其职责,包括真相、正义与和解;(b) 帮助委员会与不同调查 机构和机制建立联系(如国家调查委员会和特殊调查科);(c) 通过明确严重侵犯 人权行为、查明侵权责任人及找出其根源,充分考虑到查明真相面临的重大挑 战。
The Government should work to ensure the success and sustainability of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including by: (a) strengthening its mandate, including truth, justice and reconciliation; (b) coordinating the work of the various investigative bodies and mechanisms (National Commission of Inquiry and Special Investigative Unit) with that of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission; and (c) acknowledging the major challenge of uncovering truth by identifying serious human rights violations, their perpetrators and their root causes.
但是,国际性刑事法院更需要、也更迫切地需要这种合作, 因为它们的行动直接影响在主权国 家领土上居住并受其管辖的个人的人权。
International criminal courts, however, are much more in need of such support, and need it more urgently, because their
action has a direct
[...] impact on the human rights of individuals residing on the territory of sovereign States and [...]
subject to their jurisdiction.
执行委员会尤其注 意到委内瑞拉在维持 2005 年取得的减少 50%氟氯化碳消费量方面所取得的进展,在 2007 年实现了氟氯化碳消费减少 85%的目标,在主要消 费和生产消耗臭氧层物质的行业执行 淘汰项目,包括国家氟氯化碳淘汰计划和氟氯化碳生产设施关闭项目。
In particular the Executive Committee notes the progress made by Venezuela towards maintaining the 50 per cent reduction in CFC consumption achieved in 2005, achieving the 85 per cent reduction in CFC consumption in 2007 and the implementation of phase-out projects in key ODS-consuming and producing sectors, including the National CFC Phase-out Plan and the CFC production facility closure project.
為配合將來 可能在避風塘為沙中線項目而進行的工程,我們 在主幹 道 項目的施工合約訂明更改條文,並在項目預算中已預留 保護工程的費用。
To accommodate the possible works for the SCL at the CBTS in future, we have made provisions in the construction contracts for variation of works and for the costs for protection works under the Trunk Road project.
在主要空气管路 (W)上安装一个放气型空气阀 (L),关闭流向喷枪 (H)的空气。
Install a bleed-type air
[...] valve (L) on the main air line (W) to shut [...]
off all air to the gun (H).
发言者认为有必要将计划的重点 在主 要 和 其他优先项目上,这将覆盖全民教育的全部目 标。
The speakers agreed on the need for a concentration of the
[...] programme around the principal and other priorities, [...]
which should cover the entire range of EFA goals.
印度代表团在答复时指 出,印度政府将在其相关规章制度允许的情况下,加快向所有参与者颁
[...] 发签证的效率,正如对许多设在印度的联合国机 在主 办 所 有其他与联 合国相关的会议时所采取的做法一样。
In response, the delegation of India stated that the Government of India would facilitate the issuance of visas to all participants, subject to its rules and regulations, as was
the practice for all other United
[...] Nations-related meetings hosted by the large [...]
number of United Nations agencies based in India.
由於這些實體衝突的在, 主幹道內陸走線亦不可行。
Due to these physical conflicts, Trunk Road inland alignments are also found to be not feasible.
在同次会议上,经主席提议,并根据会议议事规则第 48 条的规定,委员会
[...] 成立了一个工作组,以便最后确定会议结果文件草案(A/CONF.212/3/Rev.1),并 决定只在主要委员会闭会期间工作组才举行会议。
At the same meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee, in accordance with rule 48 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, established a Working Group to finalize the draft outcome document of the
Conference (A/CONF.212/3/Rev.1) and decided that the Working Group should
[...] meet only when the Main Committee was not [...]
in session.
对此,阿根廷在 2011 年 1 月 4
日的信(A/65/683)中完全反对联合国的信 (A/65/617),除其他外指称,联合王国“要求分发所谓的殖民领土当局的信,违
[...] 反了联合国关于马尔维纳斯问题的原则;因为该领土 在主 权 争 端,其居民是外 来移民,争端只应由争端的双方,即阿根廷与联合王国来解决。
In that connection, by a letter of 4 January 2011 (A/65/683), Argentina rejected in its entirety the communication from the United Kingdom (A/65/617), stating, inter alia, that the United Kingdom was “violating United Nations doctrine on the Malvinas issue by requesting the circulation of a letter from the so-called authorities of a colonial territory
with a transplanted population that is the
[...] object of a sovereignty dispute, the [...]
solution of which involves only the two parties
to the dispute: Argentina and the United Kingdom”.
它不需要任何数据库支持,但实现了高级CMS的所有功能如:模块化,模板,户管理,高级权限系统和包 在主 要 模 块中的文章,新闻,书签, 聊天和文件归档等等。
It does not require any database support , but the realization of all the advanced features , such as CMS : modularity , templates, users
management , advanced permissions system,
[...] and included in the main module of the articles [...]
, news , bookmarks ,Chat and file archiving , and so on .
高级别政策制定者经在主旨发 言以及世界投资政策分析中引用 这两份监测。
Both monitors have also been extensively
[...] cited in the keynote speeches of senior [...]
policymakers and in investment policy analysis worldwide.
最后还需要强调 的是,索菲亚王后博物馆在主持开 展一个名为“统一档案”的项目:该项目由来 自西班牙、欧洲和拉丁美洲的合作者共同参与,旨在通过共同的文件和材料系 统,让更多人共享这些资料,从而打破目前对各机构的限制。
Finally, it should be noted that the MNCARS is spearheading a project entitled “Universal Archive”, which incorporates partners from Spain, Europe and Latin America, aimed at creating mechanisms for shared access to a documentary corpus and material previously restricted to each institution.
在主要概念上和对待参与者的方法上存在差异外,破产程序的 有些效力也不能跨国界有效适用,例如在对债务人或其资产提起诉讼的情况下对 其适用中止或暂停,而这一点被视为许多法律的一个关键要素。
In addition to differences between key concepts and treatment of participants, some of the effects of insolvency proceedings, such as the application of a stay or suspension of actions against the debtor or its assets, regarded as a key element of many laws, cannot be applied effectively across borders.
该代表忆及在主题为 “为子孙后代保 护大气层”的研讨会上已经强调控制氢氟碳化合物的重要性,因此也表示强烈 支持将该项目留在议程中,并召开一次非正式联络小组会议予以讨论。
Recalling that the importance of control of HFCs had been underscored during the seminar on protecting our atmosphere for generations to come, the representative also expressed strong support for maintaining the proposed amendments on the agenda and discussing them in a formal contact group.
在主管机关或机构的监督下,酌情在有关国家政策的框架内使人们有 机会获得已显示在降低注射吸毒者和其他吸毒者中感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病、肝炎 和其他经血液传染疾病的风险方面具有效力的医药、疫苗和符合国际药物管制 条约的其他措施。
(d) To provide access, as appropriate and in the framework of the pertinent national policies, to medications, vaccines and other measures that were consistent with international drug control treaties and had been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among injecting drug users, under the supervision of competent authorities or institutions.
当一缔约国的任何代表获准与会遭到另一缔约国反对时,应安排该代表暂时就 座在主席团 报告此事并且缔约方会议作出决定之前,该代表应享有与其他缔 约国代表相同的权利。
Any representative of a State party to whose admission another State party has made objection shall be seated provisionally with the same rights as other representatives of States parties until the bureau has reported and the Conference has given its decision.
在主持人发言之后,下列国家代表发了言:克罗地亚、挪威、土耳其、喀麦 隆、奥地利、泰国、赞比亚、菲律宾、秘鲁、加纳、中国、塞内加尔、蒙古、安 [...]
哥拉、罗马尼亚、美国、摩洛哥、匈牙利、牙买加、莱索托、中非共和国、印度、 波兰、俄罗斯联邦、捷克共和国、以色列、毛里塔尼亚、乌克兰、加蓬、印度尼
Following the
[...] statement by the moderator, the representatives [...]
of Croatia, Norway, Turkey, Cameroon, Austria, Thailand, Zambia,
the Philippines, Peru, Ghana, China, Senegal, Mongolia, Angola, Romania, the United States, Morocco, Hungary, Jamaica, Lesotho, the Central African Republic, India, Poland, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, Israel, Mauritania, Ukraine, Gabon, Indonesia, Botswana, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Eritrea and Afghanistan made statements.
在主持人 发言之后,下列国家代表发了言:刚果、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、芬兰、大 韩民国、马来西亚、加拿大、德国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、爱沙尼亚、瑞士、 [...]
瑞典、加蓬、多哥、埃及、列支敦士登、智利、哥斯达黎加、哈萨克斯坦、波兰、斯洛 伐克、阿尔及利亚、日本、越南、尼加拉瓜、肯尼亚、塞内加尔、中国和圭亚那。
Following the
[...] statement by the moderator, the representatives [...]
of the Congo, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Finland, the Republic
of Korea, Malaysia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Estonia, Switzerland, Sweden, Gabon, Togo, Egypt, Liechtenstein, Chile, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Poland, Slovakia, Algeria, Japan, Viet Nam, Nicaragua, Kenya, Senegal, China and Guyana made statements.
VRS 多頁進紙例外:傳回錯誤:除在主 機 電 腦上會顯示多頁進紙錯 誤訊息以外,將會發生與上面相同的掃瞄機動作,並且掃瞄應用程式 將結束掃瞄狀態。
VRS Multifeed Exception: Return Error: the same scanner actions will occur as above except a multifeed error message will be displayed on the host PC and the scanning application will exit the scanning state.
日誌還可以看在主要業務中心、 酒店、 城市莫斯科和索契、 機場貴賓廳 «伏努科沃,(domodedovo),謝列梅捷沃在汽油站盧克石油和英國石油,以及專門的展覽 [...]
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Logs can
[...] also be seen in major business centers, [...]
hotels, cities of Moscow and Sochi, VIP-Hall airport «Vnukovo, Domodedovo,
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