

单词 在...下画线

See also:

在下 adj

next adj


myself (humble)

画画 n

paint n

External sources (not reviewed)

然后在 smartpen 笔尖不提离 纸面的情下,画一条水平线或垂 直线。
Then, without lifting your smartpen tip off the paper, draw a horizontal or vertical line.
固定 作品的方法有许多,可以写在纸上 画在画 布 上 ,录 下 来 ( 声音或 图像)等等。比如,在要求作品固定的国家,舞蹈设计要受到保护, [...]
必 须把动作写成舞谱,制成录像,或者以其他形式固定下来。
A work can be fixed in many different ways, it
[...] can be written on paper, painted on canvas, recorded (sound [...]
and/or video), etc. For example,
in countries that require fixation of a work, a dance choreography is only protected once its movements are written down in dance notation, recorded on video, or fixed in any other form.
评估的因素包括 国家名称、世界地区;并具有下功 能 : 在线 出 版 物、 线 数 据 库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服 [...]
Features assessed included the name of the
nation, region of
[...] the world and having the following features: online publications, [...]
online database, audio clips, video clips,
non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.
这些用画装饰 过的谷轮涡旋™压缩机将被运至机械系统周,墨西哥国际空调、暖通及制冷展,德国纽伦堡制冷空调通风及热泵技术展,艾默生经销商大会,美国国际空调、供暖及制冷展和中国制冷展展出,以庆祝第 1 亿台涡旋压缩下线和谷 轮涡旋™压缩机生产 25 周年。
The painted Copeland Scroll compressors will be travelling to Mechanical Systems Week, AHR Mexico, Chillventa, Emerson’s Wholesaler Conference, AHR Expo and China Refrigeration Expo in a display recognizing the 100 millionth scroll compressor milestone and the 25th anniversary of scroll production.
[...] 方案是为特困户提供粮食/现金补贴的季度安全网支助计划,还在一些外地分发 现金,以消除生在赤贫线下家庭 的贫穷缺口(即粮食无保障),其资源来自各捐 [...]
The food aid subprogramme, the quarterly safetynet support package of food/cash subsidies for special hardship case families, in addition to extra cash which was
distributed in some fields to cover the poverty gap
[...] for families living below the abject poverty [...]
line (i.e., the food insecure),
was covered by cash and in kind donations from various donors with benefits distributed according to set criteria and procedures.
应农村发展部和拉吉乡议会的要求,联合 国驻地协调在与国 家工作队协商后,原则上同意联合国驻印度机构可向印度政府发起的拟 议贫线下调查提供技术支持。
At the request of the Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, the UNRC, in consultation with the
UNCT, has agreed in principle that
[...] the United Nations in India would provide technical support to the proposed Below Poverty Line Census to be undertaken by the Government of India.
在线贴纸 lino服务为用户提供可以粘贴在线画 布 上以供完全自由地查看、移动和 下 的 贴 纸。lino ′09提供反映出使用趋势和用户反馈的新界面和功能,使服务对于个人使用和学校或办公场所使用都更为简单、方便。
Online Stickies lino is a service that provides
[...] users with stickies that can be posted on online canvases to be viewed, moved and peeled off [...]
with total freedom.
lino ′09 comes with a new interface and features that reflect usage trends and user feedback, and make the service even easier and more convenient not only for personal use, but also for use at schools or workplaces.
当上方白色LED灯走画线线段内 的时间 下 方 对 应区段的蓝色LED也会点亮,并随着时间流逝,白色LED灯走到画线段外而熄灭。
If needed, you just draw a line within the
fillister that matches the time
[...] scale you planned, the LED below will light up accordingly; [...]
as time passing by, once the white
LED, which indicates the time, goes out of the line, the blue LED will then be off.
它还提供用户利用电子笔记加亮下 划 线 、 画 圈 和删除线等编辑常用的功能;它还可让用户把实时Web页转化成保留了该页面的图形、字体、颜色和动态超级链接的Adobe [...]
It also provides users highlighting the use of electronic
[...] notes, underline, circle, and delete lines commonly used [...]
editing functions; It can also
allow users to real-time Web page into the reservation page graphics, fonts, colors, and dynamic hyperlink The Adobe PDF documents.
对这 些团体的支持还涉及厄立特里在肯 尼 亚、乌干达、阿拉伯联合酋长国和其他 地方的外交、情报和人民民主和正义 线下 属 机 构网络。
Support for
[...] these groups also involves Eritrean diplomatic, intelligence and PFDJ-affiliated networks in Kenya, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere.
随着HWTV,用户不需要来启动电脑看电视,你可以轻松地切换计算机与电视传播模式的按钮 下 A 或 画 中 画 功 能 甚至享 在 都 在 同 一 时间与图片。
With HWTV, users don’t need to start up the PC to watch television, and you can easily switch between computer and TV modes at the press of a button, or even enjoy both at the same time with the picture-in-picture function.
As soon as the first goods come off the production lines, our inspectors [...]
may be there to check for any defects or deviation
from quality parameters and follow up that these are rectified further in the product process.
因此,向五个外勤地点的特困户提供了共计 1 910 万美元的额外现金,以消除生在赤 贫 线下 家 庭 的贫穷差距。
Accordingly, special hardship case families in the five field locations were provided
with extra cash totalling $19.1 million to cover the poverty gap for those
[...] families living below the abject poverty line.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,在 特派团军事部门减员的情下开展 工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府在地点 和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其 他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
要产生有说服力的立体感,主体和每层背景要 分得清清楚楚,这效果可以由打灯及色彩运用达成,用 线 的 反 差将浅色的放在深色前, 或深色放在浅色前,以及有计划地把光和色彩元素布 在画 面 中
This is accomplished with light or color, creating contrasts of light against dark or dark against light, and by strategic placement of lights and color elements.
此颁奖典礼吸引了包括设计精英、业内专家、教授以 在 校 学 生 在 内 的 约600名来宾的参加,为扩大版图后的艾默生杯大 画下 了 成 功的句点。
The event attracted close to 600 representatives, including design professionals, industry experts, professors, and students.
拟加载环境下,采用 20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统、2:2 的下行与上行 时隙比例和 10:2:2
[...] 的特殊时隙配比,每个小区可支持 200 个终端 同在线,且下行吞吐量均保持在 100kbps 以上,上行吞吐量均保持 [...]
在 50kbps 以上。
Concurrent user capacity is mainly limited by scheduling signaling and traffic channel resources, in multi-cell simulation loading environment, by adopting TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/UL time slot allocation and special time slot allocation of 10:2:2, each cell
can support 200 terminals to be on-line at
[...] the same time, with downlink throughput being kept [...]
above 100kbps and uplink throughput above 50kps.
这种教育不可或缺,能确保使用者具备行事并对内容做出清醒、明 智选择的知识和技能,这样他们就不 在线下 而 且 在 线 上都能成为合格、负 责的利益攸关方了。
This education is essential to ensure that users have the knowledge and skills to act and make informed
and clear consent-based choices so that they can be full and responsible
[...] stakeholders not only offline but also online.
菲赛普可满在一个 制造单元内完成所有钢板高附加值加工的需要,如铣削 画线 、 开 槽、钻孔、攻牙、沉孔、标识、氧气与等离子切割等。
FICEP addresses all the needs of high added value operations on steel plates like milling, scribing, slotting, drilling, tapping, [...]
marking, oxy and plasma cutting etc. in one single fabrication cell.
部分委員和團體建議,若採用"相當程度的市場權勢"作為門 檻,政府當局在法例中訂明某個最低的市場佔有率百分比,指明 市場佔有率低於這個水平的業務實體不大可能會具有第二行為守則 所指的相當程度的市場權勢,以提高確切性。
Some members and deputations have suggested that if the threshold of "substantial degree of market power" is to be adopted, the Administration should consider spelling out in law a minimum market share percentage below which an undertaking would unlikely possess a substantial degree of market power in order to provide more certainty.
1978年,Alf 在悉尼 MLC 中心的一个角头办公室拿着粉笔 画下 了 他 的宏图大计。
In a corner office space
[...] in the MLC Centre Sydney in 1978 he started with a piece of chalk to mark out the furniture.
带有大量金色锦缎边饰的绿色锦缎壁衣上,挂着 下画作 : 《阿波罗和女祭司》和《阿波罗和亚森特》,作者为路易德布洛涅(Louis de Boulogne);《阿波在特提 斯》, 作者为让儒弗内(Jean Jouvenet);《得到胜利女神加冕的阿波罗和阿波罗的休憩》,作者为诺埃尔科瓦贝尔(Noël Coypel)。
The green damask wall
[...] coverings enriched with a gold brocade border form the backdrop for the following paintings: Apollo and the Sibyl and Apollo and Hyacinth by Louis de Boulogne; Apollo [...]
and Thetis by Jean Jouvenet;
Apollo Crowned by Victory and Apollo At Rest by Noël Coypel.
它具有在线绘制功能,您可以通过绘制控件来轻松创 在线画 板。
Drawing online, Easily createonline [...]
drawing board with drawing control.
通过组织线上线下的活动,CIC市场营销团队不仅引领着中国网络口碑行业的发展,还帮助CIC巩 在 行 业 内作为研究和咨询公司的领先地位。
Through a combination of both online and offline promotional activities, CIC's marketing team has not only pioneered the growth of China's [...]
Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM)
industry, but has also helped CIC to retain its position as a leading strategy and research consulting firm.
在其它情况下,一些违法企业的软件盗版行为更为猖 獗,他在线上或线下以低 价出售假冒软件。
In other cases, software piracy
involves more overt criminal enterprises selling counterfeit copies of
[...] software programs at cut-rate prices, online or offline.
部分委員關注到上述"有合理理由懷疑"的門檻過低,並認為 應採用"有合理理由相信"此一較高的門檻,原因是有關手令是為了
[...] 進入及搜查該處所以檢取證據;因此,有關法 在 簽 發 有關手令時 應加倍審慎。
Some members have expressed concern that the above threshold of "reasonable grounds to suspect" is too low, and opine that a higher threshold of "reasonable grounds to believe" should be adopted instead
considering that greater care should be exercised for issuing warrant for entering and
[...] searching premises to seize evidence.
其它工具包括一个图像编辑器,综合性 画 面 捕 捉,一个独特的用户界面截图工具,一个为Visual Basic弹出帮助设计器和帮助下文ID 映射附加项,综合性任务管理,可定制的内容助手库(自动化创造通用帮助内容)所有这些都是你将拥有的帮助创建工具集。
Additional tools include an
[...] image editor, integrated screen capture, a unique user interface screenshot markup tool, a popup help designer and help context id mapping Add-in [...]
for Visual Basic, integrated
task management, a customizable content helper library (for automating the creation of common help content) all add up to the only Help Authoring toolset you will ever need.
这个品牌在钟表方面有许多引人注目的成就,包括世界上最薄的 LCD 手表,世界首只语音识别手表,环保的 Eco-Drive 系列手表,以及在使用寿命期限内, 在 任 何 光 线下 工 作 的无电池光能手表。
Several of the brand’s most noteworthy horological achievements include the world’s slimmest LCD watch, the world’s first voice-recognition watch and the eco-friendly Eco-Drive series, a collection of battery-free, light-powered watches that run continuously in any type of light for a lifetime.
[...] 我们将石油天然气的例子更深入一步分析,假定在这个折现现金流收 线下 不 存 在 其 它 的市 场风险,计算此时的收益波动率仍就是正当的,因为这个公司可能拥有国际业务,其税率水 [...]
Finally, taking the oil and gas example a step further, computing the
volatility of revenues assuming no other
[...] market risks exist below this revenue line [...]
in the DCF, is justified because this firm
may have global operations with different tax conditions and financial leverages (different ways of funding projects).




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