

单词 在...上喷涂料

See also:

喷涂 adj

spraying adj

涂料 pl

coatings pl

涂料 n

paints pl

涂上 v

plaster v

External sources (not reviewed)

喷枪的前端浸在溶剂 中,以让已固 化涂料软化并使锁环松动。
Soak front of gun in solvent to soften cured material and free lock ring.
喷涂涂料含有异氰酸酯,会产生在 的 有 害气雾、蒸 汽和雾化颗粒。
Spraying materials containing isocyanates creates potentially [...]
harmful mists, vapors, and atomized particulates.
涂料 保存在喷枪中,使用时无需绝缘系统。
Fluid remains
[...] grounded in the gun, no isolation system is needed for [...]
用新螺丝更换在螺纹上涂上中 等强度 (蓝色)的 Loctite 或类似料。
Replace screws with new ones or apply medium-strength (blue) Loctite or equivalent to the threads.
按下料阀 B 电磁上的手动 超控按钮并朝接地金属桶内扣喷枪 扳 机,直喷枪中流出清洁的溶剂。
Press the manual override on the Dose Valve B solenoid valve and trigger the gun into a grounded metal pail until clean solvent [...]
flows from the gun.
除魔鬼山外, 修复还包括清除一些破坏提法里提(Rekeiz)山洞绘画的涂鸦,以 在 比 尔 拉洛 (Sluguilla)附近石上喷涂的数字。
In addition to Devil Mountain, it included a clean-up of some of the graffiti
damaging the Tifariti (Rekeiz) cave paintings
[...] and the numbers painted on the rock engravings near Bir Lahlou (Sluguilla).
冲洗或释放压力时要保持接地的连续性: 将喷枪 / 分配 阀的金属部分紧紧在接地 的金属桶的 上 , 然 后扣喷枪的扳机。
To maintain grounding continuity when flushing or relieving pressure: hold metal part of the spray gun/dispense valve firmly to the side of a grounded metal pail, then trigger the gun/valve.
在ECS 2013上, 总 部位于慕尼黑的瓦克集团在总面积230平方米的展区展示了 在涂料、 建筑、 包装、 胶粘剂及印刷油墨等行业的专业技术。
On a floor space totaling 230 square meters, the Munich-based WACKER Group is showcasing its expertise in the paints and coatings, construction, [...]
packaging, adhesives and printing inks industries at the ECS 2013.
2 月 7 日以色列定居者破坏东耶路撒冷 Beit Safafa 居民区的一所学校在学校墙壁上喷涂“阿拉伯人去死吧”等种族主义和暴力的口号,他们 还在耶路撒冷城一座十一世纪的希腊东正教修道院的墙上喷涂“基督教 徒去死吧”的口号。
On 7 February, Israeli settlers
[...] vandalized a school in the Beit Safafa neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, spraying racist and violent slogans such as “Death to Arabs” on [...]
the school walls and
“Death to Christians” on the walls of an eleventh century Greek Orthodox monastery in the City.
Only the red paint that in this way creates a plain background for the bar crowd.
当启动 AFS 后,显示模上的 喷枪图标将显喷涂。
The gun icon on the Display Module shows spray when the AFS [...]
is activated.
无论何时维喷涂机 ,都应当清除掉空气通道内和外壳开孔处的 任何喷和残留涂料。
Remove any overspray and residue from air passages and openings in the enclosures whenever you service sprayer.
在这种表面上时, 监控片会呈现其对比特征,借以观 喷涂 过 程 中的遮盖情况,从而便于控制涂层的厚度。
When placed on such a surface the Monitor
presents a
[...] contrasting feature by which to observe how well the coating hides the surface, thereby facilitating film [...]
thickness control.
定居在被烧毁 的汽上喷涂了“ 价签”和“复仇”字样。
The settlers spray painted “price-tag” and “revenge” on [...]
the burnt cars.
书仓指示系统的设计我们尝试邀请专业的平面设计师来共同完成,采取条形码的概念,将指示系统 喷涂 的 方 式布 在 地 面 和墙 上 , 既有效又非常节制,避免了当下商业空间中过度设计的普遍现象。
Finally, we invited a professional graphic designer to design a logo and simple sign system using barcodes: a kind of ironic statement about over design in the commercial environment.
不进喷涂时,为了将流体循环回到 料 桶 , 打开 回流管阀并上喷枪扳机的安全销。
To circulate fluid back to supply container while you are not spraying, open return line valve and lock gun trigger safety.
在一叛 军单反第一次,新的反叛T3i配备了大型多角度三英寸液晶克利尔维尤1,040,000网点/ VGA分辨率上防反 光及防污性的光明,从任何角度清晰地收 涂料。
For the first time in a
[...] Rebel DSLR, the new Rebel T3i features a large Vari-Angle three-inch Clear View LCD screen with 1,040,000 dot/VGA resolution plus anti-reflective and smudge-resistant coatings for bright clear viewing from any angle.
作为一种单官能单体,它可以改 涂料在 塑 料 、陶 瓷、金属和其他难粘基上的附着性。
As a monofunctional monomer, it improves the adhesion of coatings on plastic, ceramic, metal and other difficult [...]
铝锰镁合金彩涂铝板是用合金状态为3004的铝锰镁合金铝为基材,经过脱酯、清洗、钝化层处理, 在 此 基 础 上涂 装 目前国际最先进水平的KANAR500和HYLAR5000系列氟碳(PVDF)树脂生产的 料 , 墙煌牌铝锰镁合金彩涂板采用国际知名企业美国PPG公司、瑞典贝科公司和美国威仕伯公司涂料,其产品经美国佛罗里达州自然光曝晒检测,具有耐候性20年以上的质量保证。
Color coated aluminum magnesium alloy Al-Mn alloy is used for the 3004 state of the Al-Mn-Mg aluminum alloy substrate, after de-ester, cleaning, passivation layer processing, and then painting on this basis, the international most advanced level of KANAR500 and HYLAR5000 Series Fluorocarbon (PVDF) resin coating, the wall card Huang color coated aluminum manganese alloy known international companies use the U.S. PPG, Sweden and the United States Weishi Bo Beca companies paint company, its products by the natural light exposure, Florida testing, with more than 20 years of weathering quality assurance.
形成对照的是,在逐步消除铅基涂料用铅方面所采取的国际协调行动较少, 许多发展中国家在生产铅基涂料, 用 于 喷涂 居 室 或学校内部和外部,以及玩 具、家具、游乐场设备和儿童接触的其他用品。
In contrast, there has been less concerted international action to phase out lead in lead-based paints, which are still manufactured in many developing countries and used to paint the interiors and exteriors of homes or schools, as well as toys, furniture, playground equipment and other articles with which children come in contact.
两位路博润高性涂料专家将在2013年 ECS展 上 发 表 论文。
Two Lubrizol Performance Coatings experts will deliver papers at ECS 2013.
To test these key features, Graco uses multi-dimensional imaging
[...] to measure material spray density and material distribution.
Before running any
[...] paint through the spray gun, flush it [...]
with a compatible solvent.
拆卸喷嘴时举起喷枪的前端并扳住喷枪,以帮助喷 枪排放并防喷枪内的涂料或溶 剂进入空气通道。
Hold the front end of the gun up and trigger the gun while
removing the nozzle to help drain the gun and
[...] prevent any paint or solvent left in the gun from entering [...]
the air passages.
所有型号: 在机座的长度方上用法 兰固定机体,固定孔来绷紧V型皮带轮和固定发动机,通过V型皮带来带动发动机,通风器散热叶片有 料涂 层 , 装有吸附式望远镜支架发动机外侧也有 料涂 层。
All Compressor Versions: L-shaped
frame with special base
[...] plate for the compressor block and motor allowing fast and simple belt tensioning, V-belt drive (SPZ belt), Plastic fan shroud with integrated holders for the telescopic intake tube, Steel carrying handle fixed to the base plate allows easy transport by two people (rails on both sides of the unit), Rubber anti-vibration feet, Integrated fill adapter brackets for two hoses with DIN and ISO connections.
虽然气流在下行到右边在喷涂发动机罩(引擎罩)的喷漆口时非常均匀,但是经过 涂 车 顶 的 上 方 喷漆口时,均匀的气流被破坏了。
Although the air flows quite uniformly down around the right hand bell spraying the hood (bonnet), the airflow pattern is heavily disrupted around the overhead bell spraying the roof.
本 公 佈( 中 國基建 港 口 有 限 公 司(「 本 公 司 」)董 事(「 董 事 」)願 共 同 及 個 別 對 此 負 全 責 )乃 遵 照 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 創 業 板 證上 市 規 則(「 創 業上 市 規 則 」)之 規 定 而 提 供 有 關 本 公 司 之 資 料 。 經 作 出 一 切 合 理 查 詢 後 確 認 , 就 彼 等 所 深 知 及 確 信 : (i) 本 公 佈 所 載料 在 各 重 大 方 面 均 屬 準 確 及 完 整 , 且 無 誤 導 成 分 ; (ii) 本 公 佈 並 無 遺 漏 任 何 其 他事宜 致 使 當 中 所 載 任 何 聲 明 有 所 誤 導 ; 及 (iii) 本 公 佈 內 表 達 之一切 意 見 乃 經 審 慎 周 詳 考 慮 方 始 作 出 , 並以公 平 合 理 之 基 準 和 假 設 為 依 據 。
This report, for which the directors (the “Directors”) of CIG Yangtze Ports PLC (the “Company”) collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock Exchange of the Hong Kong Limited (the “GEM Listing Rules”) for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief: (i) the information contained in this report is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading; (ii) there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement in this report misleading; and (iii) all opinions expressed in this report have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and are founded on bases and assumptions that are fair and reasonable.
有些非政府组织敦请教科文组织推动各地区、各国和在国 上 优 先事项的确定,并推 动将最先进的科学知识应用于保存和保护包括数字 料在 内 的 智力遗产。
Some NGOs urged UNESCO to promote the establishment of regional, national and international priorities
and the application of the
[...] best scientific knowledge in the fulfilment of the preservation and conservation of the intellectual heritage, including digital materials.




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