

单词 圣路易斯

See also:


Louis or Lewis (name)


Louis or Lewis (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

圣路易斯华盛 顿大学教务长 Edward Macias:“苏世民学者项目为来自全世界的学生提供了在全球顶级大学之一的清华大学学习和共同进步的绝佳机会。
Edward Macias, Provost, Washington [...]
University at St. Louis: “The Schwarzman Scholars program offers a magnificent opportunity
for students from around the globe to study and learn together at Tsinghua University, one of the world's great universities.
在九十年代中期,华盛顿大 圣路易斯 分 校 发现他们的人 文专业的研究生的毕业率只有 34%。
In the mid-1990s Washington University in St. Louis found that the graduate school completion rate in the humanities was only about 34%.
Poon拥有美国西北大学生物学学士学位、美 圣路易斯 大 学 生物学/生物化学硕士学位以及美国波士顿大学金融专业工商管理硕士学位。
Poon received a BA in biology from Northwestern University, an MA in biology/biochemistry from St. Louis University and an MBA in finance from Boston University.
总部位于美圣路易斯市的 Emerson (纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)是一家全球领先的公司,该公司将技术与工程相结合,通过网络能源、过程管理、工业自动化、环境优化技术及工具和储存业务为工业、商业及消费者市场客户提供创新性的解决方案。
Emerson (NYSE: EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions to customers in industrial, commercial, and consumer markets through its network power, process management, industrial automation, climate technologies, and tools and storage businesses.
该项目编制了若干关于财产所有权的法律研究报告,并在所有五个个案研究遗址进行 了当地人口的社会经济抽样调查,这五个进行个案研究的遗址是 圣路易斯 ( 塞 内加尔)、 波多诺伏(贝宁)、长江下游六个运河城市中的同济大学和西塘(中国)、琅勃拉邦(老 挝)和乔治敦(圭亚那)。
The project produced reports of the legal study on property ownership and the socio-economic sample surveys of the local population conducted in all five case study sites – St Louis (Senegal); Porto Novo (Benin); Tongi and Xitang of the six Canal Towns of the Lower Yangzte River (China), Luang Prabang (Laos) and Georgetown (Guyana).
考虑到项目周期短,并需要补充资金,所以选择了下列目前正受益于其他相关保护项 目的遗址开展试点活动:波多诺伏(贝宁) 圣路易斯 (塞 内加尔);乔治敦(圭亚 那);琅勃拉邦(老挝)和长江下游六个运河城市(中国)。
In view of the short period of the project duration and the need for supplementary funding, the following sites which benefit from ongoing conservation
projects were selected: Porto
[...] Novo (Benin); St Louis (Senegal); Georgetown (Guyana); Luang Prabang (Lao [...]
People’s Democratic Republic)
and the Six Canal Towns of the Lower Yangtze River (China).
总部位于美国密苏里圣路易斯,舒 莱在 2011 年获得了美国道德村协会颁发的商业道德内部认证及“全球最具商业道德的公司”称号。
Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Solae is a recipient of 2011 Ethisphere's Ethics Inside Certification and was recognized as one of 100 "World's Most Ethical Companies" in 2011.
MOCAP于1982年在美国密苏里圣路易斯 市 建立 首家工厂,专业生产制造各种滴注成型及注塑成型的塑料盖,塑料塞,网套,把手套,胶带等产品。
MOCAP began manufacturing dip molded vinyl caps, grips and plugs in 1982 at its first factory located in St. Louis, Missouri USA.
Fu和赵(在Fl.Intramongol。 2: 57. 1978) 以前出版过这新名;不过,根据Art.33 .3 条 圣路易斯 法 规它是无效出版,因为他们没给出被替换的异名的充分和直接的参考文献的出处。
Fu and Zhao (in Fl. Intramongol. 2: 57. 1978) previously published this nomen novum; however, it was invalid under Art. 33.3 of the St. Louis Code because they did not give a full and direct reference to the place of publication of the replaced synonym.
弗赖堡溴圣路易斯,19 08年);小作品,没有足够的高年级学生,但对于普通的目的出色,主要有:施密德,Grundlinien明镜Patrologie(1879年,第4版。
with the bibliography brought up to date, by SHAHAN (Freiburg im Br. and St. Louis, 1908); smaller works, insufficient for advanced students, but excellent for ordinary purposes, are: SCHMID, Grundlinien der Patrologie (1879; 4th ed., Freiburg im Br., 1895); an Engl.
公司总部位于美国密苏里圣路易斯 , 并 在美国、中国、捷克、德国、中国香港、印度、日本、韩国、马来西亚、墨西哥、新加坡、瑞典、中国台湾及英国设有制造工厂、销售、工程和研发机构。
Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., the company has manufacturing plants, sales, and engineering and R&D in the United States, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.
相反,有的州的得分远远低于全国平均水平:瓦哈卡州(395 分)、 圣路易斯波托西州(399 分)、塔巴斯科州(391 [...]
分)、格雷罗州(374 分)和恰帕斯州 (364 分)。
In contrast, there are entities far below the national
[...] average: Oaxaca (395), San Luis Potosí (399), [...]
Tabasco (391), Guerrero (374) and Chiapas (364).
Massman Traylor Alberici 合资公司目前正在建造一座新的 457 米长斜拉桥,这座桥横跨密西西比河,处 圣路易斯 、 密 苏里州和伊利诺斯州的 Metro East 地区之间。
The Massman Traylor Alberici JV is currently building a new 457 metre long cable-stayed bridge across the Mississippi between St. Louis, Missouri and the Metro East region of Illinois.
凭借公司产品的高质量以及全世界对 Jagenberg 发明产品的广泛认可,机械加工厂的代表们得以出席 1903 年在St Louis (圣路易斯)举办的世界博览会。
Thanks to the high quality of the company's products and the world-wide recognition of Jagenberg's inventions, representatives of the machine works are able to attend the 1903 World's Fair in St Louis.
公司由 Bunge Limited (NYSE: BG)及
[...] DuPont(NYSE: DD)合資創立,總部位于美國密蘇里 圣路易斯 , 年 收入超過 10 億美元。
Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, with annual revenue
exceeding $1 billion, the company was formed through a joint venture between Bunge
[...] Limited (NYSE: BG) and DuPont (NYSE: DD).
这是世界上最大的航空航天博物馆,您可以看到莱特兄弟最初的飞行器 圣路易斯 之 神 ,阿波罗11号的指挥舱,太空一号,甚至可以触摸到来自月亮的岩石。
The largest collection of its kind in the world, the museum features the original Wright Brother’s flyer, the Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 Command Module, Space Ship One, and even a lunar rock that visitors can touch.
她访问了 联邦区以及恰帕斯、墨西哥城、新莱昂 圣路易斯 波 托 西和尤卡坦等州,使她能 够对该国各地区的司法情况作出评估。
Her visits to the Federal District and the
[...] states of Chiapas, México, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí and Yucatán [...]
enabled her to assess the
status of the judiciary in various regions of the country.
圣路易斯联储 行长詹姆士•布拉德(James Bullard)最近表示:“承担单一使命就行了,”而且美联储应该专注于“提供稳定价格以尽可能实现最佳的就业结果”。
St. Louis the fed governor James [...]
brad (James Bullard) recently said: "take a single mission went," and the fed should focus
on "provide stable price as far as possible to achieve the best employment result".
公司总部设圣路易斯,在 全世界享有盛誉,其 Energizer® 和 Eveready® 品牌产品被推广和销往全球 150 多个国家。
With global headquarters in St. Louis and widely recognized the world over, Energizer® and Eveready® branded products are marketed and sold in more than 150 countries around the globe.
在美国具有许多文化多样、深刻多层和最突出的城市会帮助这一节目,如:檀香山,洛杉矶,旧金山,西雅图,丹佛,芝加哥 圣路易斯 , 亚 特兰大,奥斯汀,新奥尔良,迈阿密,华盛顿,纽约,费城和波士顿等。
Cities in America with the necessary artistic and cultural depth and diversity to support such a
program include
[...] Honolulu, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, [...]
Denver, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, Austin, New Orleans,
Atlanta, Miami, Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia and Boston.
1993年在科尔达举行的会议,制定了塞内加尔非正规教育行动计划,由 此确立了执行青年和成人,特别是妇女识字计划议定框架; - 1995 年圣路易斯举行 的会议,确定了有关下列领域的政策,制定了有 关战略:更多地提供教育机会,对教育部门进行合作管理,协调教育部 门的项目,进一步发展替代性基础教育模式等。
A 1993 meeting in Kolda, which produced an action plan for non-formal education in Senegal and led to the establishment of an agreed framework for the implementation of literacy programmes targeting young people, adults and, especially, women
牵引车由奥什科什卡车公司生产,而牵引车 圣路易斯 的 系 统&电子设备有限公司制造。
The tractor is produced by Oshkosh Truck, and the trailer is manufactured by Systems & Electronics, Inc. in St. Louis.
目前该教育文凭分布于国家的 18 家师范学院,分别设在瓦哈卡州、格雷罗州、
[...] 恰帕斯州、米却肯州、坎佩切州、依达尔戈州、南下加利福尼亚州、韦拉克鲁斯 州、普埃布拉州、金塔纳罗奥州 圣路易斯 波 托西州、尤卡坦州、锡那罗亚州和 索诺拉州,一共包括 [...]
31 种国家土著语言。
The programme, which covers 31 indigenous languages, is currently offered at 18 teacher training colleges located at Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas,
Michoacán, Campeche, Hidalgo, Baja California Sur, Veracruz,
[...] Puebla, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Yucatán, [...]
Sinaloa and Sonora.
2011 年 12 月 19 日圣路易斯/奥尔 胡斯 — 全球大豆原料的领先企业舒莱公司,正在进行一项为期四年、耗资 [...]
1,100 万欧元的研究项目 MagPro2Life,该项目由欧盟 (EU) 委员会第七框架计划提供资助,研究人员来自丹麦、德国、爱尔兰、罗马尼亚、西班牙、瑞士和英国。
LOUIS/AARHUS, Dec 19, 2011 – Solae, the [...]
world leader in soy-based ingredients, is leading a four-year €11 million research
project – MagPro2Life - funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union (EU) Commission that includes researchers from Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and the U.K. The main aim of the project is to use smart magnetic particles to extract beneficial components during the processing of food, pharma and feed.
在阿根圣路易斯(Sa n Luis)最后一站的比赛中,驾驶Vitaphone车队玛莎拉蒂MC12赛车的这对卫冕冠军第四次(连续三次)斩获车手总冠军的称号。
The reigning champions, driving Vitaphone Racing Team's Maserati MC12, have just won the drivers title for the fourth time (and third consecutive time) at the conclusion of the last round in San Luis, Argentina.
维特拉斯基还是世界著名建筑师艾里·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)儿时的家乡,他因设计了诸如密苏里 圣路易斯 大拱门(Gateway Arch)在内的建筑和纪念碑而在美国享 誉盛名。
Hvitträsk is also the boyhood home for world famous architect Eero Saarinen, who made his reputation primarily in the United States designing buildings and monuments such as the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri.
1927年,TRW研发并生产了第一代发动机气门,装配在一代传奇 圣路易 精 神 号”上,查 斯 林 德伯格正是驾驶该飞机,单人飞越大西洋的第一人。
In 1927, TRW developed and produced the engine valves for the legendary "Spirit of St. Louis" airplane flown by Charles Lindbergh in the first solo flight across the Atlantic.
特别委员会了解到以色列为消除巴勒斯坦遗产的痕迹而持续不断地作出努 力,例如将街道和圣地的阿拉伯文名称改为希伯来文名称,将西 路 撒 冷 的一个斯林墓 地改换成宗教间对话中心,并将希伯伦 易 卜 拉 欣 圣 地 (始祖墓)和伯利 恒的比拉勒·伊本·拉巴赫清真寺(雷切尔之墓)列入以色列国家遗产目录。
The Committee learned of Israel’s ongoing efforts to remove traces of Palestinian heritage, such as changing the names of streets and holy places from
Arabic to Hebrew
[...] names, transforming a Muslim graveyard in West Jerusalem into an interfaith dialogue centre, and placing the Haram Al-Ibrahimi (Tomb [...]
of the Patriarchs) in
Hebron and Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque (Rachel’s Tomb) in Bethlehem on the Israeli national heritage list.




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