

单词 圣经

圣经 ()

Holy Bible
the Confucian classics



biblical classic


lit. holy scripture and biography of sage (idiom); refers Confucian canonical texts


Bible passage

See also:


saint n
sage n


External sources (not reviewed)

如果我们要顺服神的诫命,我们就需要知道神的话语,因此,我们计划的另一部分将是做更好的门徒,让大 家一起来铭圣经经节。
If we are going to obey God’s commands we need to know what
His word says, so another part of our strategy will be to be better disciples will
[...] be to memorise Bible verses together.
尽管如此,允许非穆斯林的外国 居民私下奉行其他宗教,并允许进口 圣经 》 等 宗教材料供个人使用。
Notwithstanding, non-Muslim foreign residents are allowed to
practice other religions privately, and the import of religious
[...] literature such as Bibles, is permitted [...]
for personal use.
获得今天! 到网圣经提供流通的最彻底的翻译一今天是你有超过60,000翻译'笔记完成。
The Net Bible provides you with one [...]
of the most thorough translations in circulation today and is complete with over 60,000 translators' not...
The story recounts a series of miracles modeled on those of biblical prophets and heroic figures testifying to Benedict's holiness and powers.
带领他们去发现本课所讨论圣经模 式 ,并且将这 些模式付诸实践。
Guide them in
[...] discovering the biblical patterns discussed [...]
in this lesson and the practical outworking of these patterns.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异教迷信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新 圣经 “ , 三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria, and had already become infected by heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that
it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version
[...] of the New Testament in the Southern [...]
Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
有三种主要类型的例证是我们可以在讲道中使用的 圣经 中 的 例证、 圣经 中 的 例证和实物教 学。
There are three main types of illustrations for use in
[...] preaching: biblical illustrations, non-biblical illustrations, [...]
and object lessons.
有,同样,许多元素tannaitic传统,特别 圣经 m i d ra shic注释,以及众多halakic解释,辞书和材料,这是在较受限制的米示拿的意思解释为进入犹太法典纳入准备一,当米示拿犹大成为标准halakic工作,作为对宗教法律问题的决定都源,而且,更特别是,作为一个在院校研究的课题,对犹太法典的mishnaic文本的解释,无论在理论上并在实践中,自然就成了最重要的研究分支,包括传统科学的其他分支,被来自的halakah和midrash(halakic训诂学)派生,也包括haggadic材料,但向未成年人的程度。
There were, likewise, many elements of
tannaitic tradition, especially the
[...] midrashic exegesis of the Bible, as well as numerous [...]
halakic interpretations, lexicographical
and material, which were ready for incorporation into the Talmud in its more restricted meaning of the interpretation of the Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the standard halakic work, both as a source for decisions of questions of religious law, and, even more especially, as a subject of study in the academies, the Talmud interpretation of the mishnaic text, both in theory and in practise, naturally became the most important branch of study, and included the other branches of traditional science, being derived from the Halakah and the Midrash (halakic exegesis), and also including haggadic material, though to a minor degree.
现代的青少 年人圣经理有 很好的主意关键,有时会自发地引用一首诗!一对的青少年特别 [...]
The youths have a good idea of some of the key
[...] promises of the bible now and sometimes [...]
spontaneously quote a verse!
[...] 国的某地,都市的信徒在租来的办公室建筑内聚会,数以百计的非官 圣经 学 校 提供课程,儿童上主日学和少年聚会,内含各种基督教内容的书籍在全国各地的书店 [...]
Without discounting either the reality of incidences of Christian persecution or their seriousness, it is remarkable how much Christian activity takes place on a daily basis that is technically not allowed yet goes unchecked... In any given week, somewhere in China, urban believers hold
services in rented office buildings,
[...] hundreds of unofficial Bible schools offer classes, [...]
children attend Sunday schools and
youth meetings, books containing all kinds of Christian content are sold openly in bookstores across the country, businesses conduct chapel services for their employees, students meet for campus Bible studies, local Christian-run NGOs offer a host of services to individuals and families with various needs - and those involved in these activities suffer no repercussions at the hands of authorities.
我们在雅各书1:27中找到这项事工 圣经 基 础 ,而当我们以此为起点开始事奉时,我们的热诚是要带领孩子们清楚地知道,他们是被爱的,是特别的,因为在他们成长的过程中,这种认知往往与现实大相迳庭。
We find a scriptural basis for this in James 1:27 and as we serve from this point our passion is to let the children clearly know that they are loved and special, because as they grow up this is often so far from their reality.
正义 这个词在《犹经传》、《圣经》和《古兰经》中都有, 而对于没有任何信仰的人来说,我相信他们国家的宪 [...]
This word, justice,
[...] is in the Talmud, the Bible and the Koran, and, for [...]
those who do not believe in anything, I am sure
it is in their country’s constitution.
但是我们祷圣经,重 复经上的话来向神祷告,意思并不是说,我们忽略了 平常的读经,以及仔细研读神的话。
However, the fact that we
[...] pray-read the Bible, repeating the words of Scripture in prayer [...]
to God, does not mean that we
neglect the ordinary reading of the Scriptures or the careful study of the Word of God.
It provided the most complete
[...] available summary of biblical geography and [...]
described the geography of the Holy Land by tracing
the travels of major figures from the Old and New testaments.
然后,法官迫使他们圣经​​ 发誓,当他们这样做时,法官声称,“脏话酷”。
Then, the judge forces
[...] them to swear on bibles, and when they [...]
do, the judge claims that “swearing is cool”.
他印制了:第一份印刷版本的教会斯拉夫语 圣经 ( “ 奥斯特圣 经”, 1580--1581 年),第一本俄文(或其他东斯拉夫语)的教科书(Bukvar,1574 年)以及第一份印刷版的俄文字母主题索引、日历和诗歌。
He produced the first printed Church Slavonic Bible (the “Ostroh Bible” of 1580-1581), the first Russian (or other East Slavic) textbook (Bukvar, 1574), and the first printed Russian alphabetical subject index, calendar and poem.
故事设定在公元八世纪,并给出了一个虚构的凯尔斯书的创作,照明手稿 圣经 已 经 成 为 爱尔兰国宝。
The story is set in the eighth century and gives a fictionalized account of the
creation of the Book of Kells, an illuminated
[...] manuscript of the bible which has since become [...]
an Irish national treasure.
得着未得之民的一个主要挑战,就是要肯放下本民族或基督教文化的包袱,努力朝这样一个标准努力,就是在分享福音并寻求在未得之民中造就门徒时,只传 圣经 中 的必不可少的真理。
One of the main challenges in reaching the unreached is being willing to let go of our ethnic and Christian
cultural baggage as we struggle for a
[...] standard of only biblically necessary truth [...]
in sharing the gospel and seeking to make disciples of the unreached.
圣经的缺 乏:一方面,教会一直在集中力量影响与自己同类的主流人群,另一方面,许多族群却亟待听到以自己的母语所传讲的耶稣基督的福音。
Bible poverty: While the [...]
Church continues to focus on reaching majority populations that are similar to them, many people
groups have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in their own language.
圣经软件提供免费使用30多 圣经 从 ht tp://Bible.Logos.com,其中包括诸如为证,生态系统服务价值,NL叭,1:5-11流行的英文版本,KJV .阅读,搜索,请相互参照,比较的版本,甚至高达阅读计划,让您每天阅 圣经 如 期 成立。
Logos Bible Software provides free access to more than 30 Bibles from http://Bible.Logos.com, including popular English versions like the NKJV, ESV, NLT, NASB, and KJV*.
我们也期望团体内的每个成员,都有个人祈祷的理想地方,在生活中阅 圣经 , 並 要从福音开始阅读。
Each member of the community is also expected
to find a significant space for personal prayer and for
[...] reading the Scripture in his/her life, [...]
beginning with the Gospel.
凡是真正得救的人都圣经 所说 “共同的信仰”,包括我们得救所必须相信的要项 圣经 是 完 整的神圣启示,完全由神所默示; 只有一位独一的三一神—父、子、灵;耶稣基督是神的儿子,道成肉身成为人;基督为我们的罪死在 十字架上,流出血来救赎我们;第三天他的身体从死人中复活;他已被高举在神的右边,被立为万有 的主;将来他为着属他的人还要再来,并要在地上建立他的国度。
Every genuinely saved
[...] one has what the Bible calls the "common faith" (Titus 1:4), which includes what we must believe in order to be saved: we must believe that the Bible is the complete [...]
divine revelation wholly
inspired by God; that there is a unique Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnated to be a man; that Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption; that on the third day He was bodily raised from the dead; that He has been exalted to the right hand of God and made the Lord of all; and that He is coming again for His own and to set up His kingdom on earth.
例如:虽然预言标示 出耶稣第一次降临的日期和方式,但是人们
[...] 直到基督降临时才明白;然后,它又帮助那 些认真研究圣经》的 人们认识到耶稣就是 救世主,是上帝根据约定和预言派遣来的。
For instance: Although prophecy marked the time and manner of the first advent, it was not understood until Christ had
come; and then it helped those who carefully
[...] studied the Scriptures to recognize [...]
the man Jesus as the Christ, sent of God
according to appointment and prophecy.
弟兄们”都有明灯,彼得提到的确切 的预言像一盏黑暗中的明灯;当他们保持特 有的兄弟之情,如同忠实、顺从和谦卑的圣经》的 学生,他们就绝不会处在黑 暗中;他们将永远持有真理,如同在所定的 时节提供的粮。
The “brethren” all have the lamp, the sure word of prophecy mentioned by Peter, as a light in a dark place; and while they keep the proper attitude of brethren, as faithful, meek and humble students of the Word, they will at no time be in darkness: they will always have the truth supplied as meat in due season.
如今,在摩洛哥、拥圣经景观 的达德斯河谷以及法国南部的格拉斯都可见到。
Today it can be found in
[...] Morocco, in the biblical landscape of [...]
the Dadès valley and in Grasse in the south of France.
星之子 (Tiernapojat) 的传统,是来圣经东方 三王(又名三位贤士)朝拜圣婴耶稣,和后来希律王为了消灭耶稣,下令把伯利恒一带两岁以内的男孩全部杀光的故事。
The Tiernapojat (literally, ‘star boys’) tradition, which draws on the legend of the Three Kings and the slaughter of young males, is enacted in Helsinki streets by groups of lads hoping for a coin or two.
[...] 会正义工作的人分享信息和交流他们的关切, 圣经 和 神学角度看和平与社会正 义问题,促进各教会在和平与正义领域进行合作。
The Canadian Council of Churches provides a forum for the sharing of information and concerns among people involved in ecumenical work on peace
and social justice in Canada and the
[...] world, reflecting biblically and theologically [...]
on peace and social justice, and facilitating
cooperation between churches in the areas of peace and justice.
在 FRBR 模型基础上,考虑到波斯语作品体系中两个典型的例 子(叙事史诗《王书》和伊斯兰 圣经 《 古 兰经》),似乎衍生模式将导致作品-内容表达的关 系,而描述模式将导致作品-作品的关系。
Based on the FRBR model and taking two typical examples of these families in the Persian language (Shahnama [the Epic of Kings] and the "Koran") into account, it seems that derivative pattern leads to Work–Expression and Descriptive pattern leads to Work– Work Relations.
堂区应定期为教友举办再慕道培育,可以邀请合适的讲者,如堂区牧职人员、圣神修院神哲学院各学部(哲学部、神学部及宗教学部) 圣经 学 院 毕业的堂区教友、堂区慕道班导师或教区有关培育机构的干事,让教友有系统地重 圣经 、 礼仪、伦理、要理和生活的关系。
Appropriate speakers can be invited, e.g. pastoral team members, parishioners graduate from the Institute of Theology, Philosophy
and Religious Sciences of the Holy Spirit
[...] Seminary College or Biblical Institute, catechists of the parish or staff members of formation institute of the Diocese, so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life and the bible, liturgy, morals [...]
and catechism.




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